2023-08-10 10:40:32 -06:00

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Fork of MatMoul's Archfi

Just a simple bash script wizard to install Ourobor.OS after you have booted on the official Ourobor.OS install media.

With this script, you can install Ourobor.OS with two simple terminal commands.

This wizard is made to install minimum packages (Base, bootloader and optionally obosdi).

At the end of this wizard, you can install or launch obosdi (Ourobor.OS Desktop Install) to install and configure desktop packages.

You can watch MatMoul's videos to see how to use it here.

How to use

First, boot with the last Ourobor.OS image: Releases | Downloads with a bootable device.

Then make sure you have Internet connection on the Ourobor.OS ISO. If you have a wireless connection the iwctl command might be useful to you. You can also read the Network configuration from the Arch Linux guide for more detailed instructions.

Then download the script with from the command line:

curl -LO git.ouroboros.group/Ouroboros/obos-fi/raw/branch/master/obosdi

Finally, launch the script:

sh obosfi

Then follow the on-screen instructions to completion.

If you require extra help, visit the provided video playlist and follow my example.

More custom install

sh obosfi -cpl {URL of your custom package list}

You can find a sample custom package list file in the samples folder.

For developers

You can test your script with this command :

sh obosfi -t {githubusername} {branchname}

Example :

sh obosfi -t matmoul master