Going to slowly work on a Bulma site, which will end up being the main site. Currently under the /BETA/ folder so Alpha site will still be main site.
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This page contains links to some examples of existing binding.gyp
files that other node modules are using. Take a look at them for inspiration.
To add to this page, just add the link to the project's binding.gyp
file below:
- ons
- thmclrx
- libxmljs
- node-buffertools
- node-canvas
- node-ffi + libffi
- node-time
- node-sass + libsass
- node-serialport
- node-weak
- pty.js
- ref
- appjs
- nwm
- bcrypt
- nk-mysql
- nk-xrm-installer + includable.gypi + unpack.py + disburse.py
.py files above provide complete reference for examples of fetching source via http, extracting, and moving files. - node-memwatch
- node-ip2location
- node-midi
- node-sqlite3 + libsqlite3
- node-zipfile
- node-mapnik
- node-inotify
- v8-profiler
- airtunes
- node-fann
- node-talib
- node-leveldown + leveldb.gyp + snappy.gyp
- node-expat + libexpat
- node-openvg-canvas + node-openvg
- node-cryptopp
- topcube
- node-osmium
- node-osrm
- node-oracle
- node-process-list
- node-nanomsg
- Ghostscript4JS
- nodecv
- magick-cli
- sharp
- krb5