# Arch Linux Fast Install (archfi) # -------------------------------- # project : https://github.com/MatMoul/archfi # language : English # translator : matmoul (pseudo, name or e-mail.) # notes : misc text... locale=en_US.UTF-8 #font= txtexit="Exit" txtback="Back" txtignore="Ignore" txtselectserver="Select source server :" txtmainmenu="Main Menu" txtlanguage="Language" txtsetkeymap="Set Keyboard Layout" txteditor="Editor" txtdiskpartmenu="Disk Partitions" txtselectpartsmenu="Select Partitions and Install" txthelp="Help" txtchangelog="Changelog" txtreboot="Reboot" txtautoparts="Auto Partitions" txteditparts="Edit Partitions" txtautopartsconfirm="Selected device : %1\n\nAll data will be erased ! \n\nContinue ?" txtautopartclear="Clear all partition data" txtautopartcreate="Create %1 partition" txthybridpartcreate="Set hybrid MBR" txtautopartsettype="Set %1 partition type" txtselectdevice="Select %1 device :" txtselecteddevices="Selected devices :" txtformatmountmenu="Format and Mount" txtformatdevices="Format Devices" txtformatdevice="Format Device" txtmount="Mount" txtunmount="Unmount" txtmountdesc="Install or Config" txtformatdeviceconfirm="Warning, all data on selected devices will be erased ! \nFormat devices ?" txtselectpartformat="Select partition format for %1 :" txtformatingpart="Formatting partition %1 as" txtcreateluksdevice="Create luks device :" txtopenluksdevice="Open luks device :" txtluksdevicecreated="luks device created !" txtinstallmenu="Install Menu" txtarchinstallmenu="Arch Install Menu" txteditmirrorlist="Edit mirrorlist" txtinstallarchlinux="Install Arch Linux" txtconfigarchlinux="Config Arch Linux" txtsethostname="Set Computer Name" txtsetfont="Set Font" txtsetlocale="Set Locale" txtsettime="Set Time" txtsetrootpassword="Set root password" txtuseutcclock="Use UTC hardware clock ?" txtbootloader="Bootloader" txtbootloadermenu="Choose your bootloader" txtefibootmgr="efibootmgr is required for EFI computers." txtbootloadergrubmenu="Grub Install Menu" txtrungrubmakeconfig="Run grub-mkconfig ?" txtgrubluksdetected="Encrypted root partion !\n\nAdd cryptdevice= to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX in /etc/default/grub ?" txtbootloadersyslinuxmenu="Syslinux Install Menu" txtbootloaderrefindmenu="rEFInd Install Menu" txtoptional="Optional" txtrecommandeasyinst="Recommanded for easy install" txtset="Set %1" txtgenerate="Generate %1" txtedit="Edit %1" txtinstall="Install %1" txtenable="Enable %1" txtpressanykey="Press any key to continue." txtarchdidesc="Full desktop install script" txtinstallarchdi="Arch Linux Desktop Install (archdi) is a second script who can help you to install a full workstation.\n\nYou can just launch the script or install it. Choose in the next menu.\n\nArch Linux Desktop Install as two dependencies : wget and libnewt.\n\npacstrap wget libnewt ?" txtarchdiinstallandlaunch="Install and run archdi" txtarchdiinstall="Install archdi" txtarchdilaunch="Launch archdi"