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2015-07-19 02:12:26 +02:00
# Arch Linux Fast Install (archfi)
# --------------------------------
2015-07-21 22:13:12 +02:00
# project : https://github.com/MatMoul/archfi
2015-07-19 02:12:26 +02:00
# language : English
# translator : matmoul (pseudo, name or e-mail.)
# notes : misc text...
learnsetkeymap="Set keyboard layout for installation.
\nBefore start, is best to configure your keyboard.
\nUse the next command to list available keymap :
\nlocalectl list-keymaps
\nAnd to apply your keymap :
\nloadkeys en"
\nTo reboot, use the next command :
learndiskpart="Disk Partitions.
\nTo install Arch Linux, you need to partion your disk.
\nIt has many schemas to format a drive (See the doc for more).
\nIf you don't know how to partion your disk, you can auto partition with dos, gpt or gpt+efi table :
\n - dos : recommanded for old computer
\n - gpt : for disk larger than 2Tb
\n - gpt+efi : for EFI computer
learndiskpartautodos="Auto partition dos.
\nAuto partition make this next partitions :
\n - boot 512Mb (linux type) (bootable flag)
\n - swap RAM Size (swap type)
\n - root Free Space (linux type)
learndiskpartautogpt="Auto partition gpt.
\nAuto partition make this next partitions :
\n - bios 31Mb (BIOS boot type)
\n - boot 512Mb (linux type)
\n - swap RAM Size (swap type)
\n - root Free Space (linux type)
learndiskpartautoefi="Auto partition gpt,efi.
\nAuto partition make this next partitions :
\n - boot 1024Mb (EFI boot type)
\n - swap RAM Size (swap type)
\n - root Free Space (linux type)
learndiskpartautoefiusb="Auto partition gpt,bios+efi.
\nUse this option for USB Key.
\nAuto partition make this next partitions :
\n - boot 1024Mb (EFI boot type)
\n - bios 31Mb (BIOS boot type / Hybrid MBR)
\n - root Free Space (linux type)
learndiskpartcfdisk="Partition Tools : cfdisk
\ncfdisk is primary maked to edit dos disk.
\nTo enum available drives, use the next command :
\nlsblk -d -p -n -l -o NAME -e 7,11
\nTo edit partition on the desired drive :
\ncfdisk /dev/sdX"
learndiskpartcgdisk="Partition Tools : cgdisk
\ncgdisk is primary maked to edit gpt disk.
\nTo enum available drives, use the next command :
\nlsblk -d -p -n -l -o NAME -e 7,11
\nTo edit partition on the desired drive :
\ncgdisk /dev/sdX"
learnselectparts="Select install partitions.
\nTo enum available partitions, use the next command :
\nlsblk -d -p -n -l -o NAME -e 7,11
\nTo install Arch Linux, select a least one root partition :
\nOptionaly you can select :
\n - A boot partition
\n - A swap partition
\n - A home partition"
learnformatbootdevice="Format boot partition.
\nFor this partitions, you can choose many format.
\nWith this wizard, you can choose the next format :
\n - ext2 : mkfs.ext2 /dev/sdX
\n - ext3 : mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdX
\n - ext4 : mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdX
\nYou need to learn which format is best for you.
\next2 is a good choice."
learnformatswapdevice="Format swap partition.
\nTo format swap partition, use the next command :
\nmkswap /dev/sdX"
learnformatdevice="Format root or home partition.
\nFor this partitions, you can choose many format.
\n - btrfs : mkfs.btrfs -f /dev/sdX
\n - reiserfs : mkfs.reiserfs -f /dev/sdX
\n - ext4 : mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdX
\n - ext3 : mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdX
\n - ext2 : mkfs.ext2 /dev/sdX
\n - jfs : mkfs.jfs -f /dev/sdX
\n - xfs : mkfs.xfs -f /dev/sdX
\nYou need to learn which format is best for you.
\nbtrfs is a good choice because it work fine with snapper for snapshot (It's a good recovery method)."
learnmountparts="Mount partitions.
\nTo install Arch Linux, you need to mount selected partitions.
\nFirst mount root device in /mnt :
\nmount /dev/sdX /mnt
\nMake child directories :
\nmkdir /mnt/{boot,home}
\nIf you have a boot partition, mount it in /mnt/boot :
\nmount /dev/sdX /mtn/boot
\nIf you have a swap partition, enable it :
\nswapon /dev/sdX
\nIf you have a home partition, mount it in /mnt/home :
\nmount /dev/sdX /mnt/home"
learninstallbase="Install base packages.
\nTo install Arch Linux just use the next command :
\npacstrap /mnt base"
learnunmountdevices="Unmount partitions.
\nWhen operation on new install is terminated, you need to unmount partitions in /mnt.
\nUse the next command :
\numount -R /mnt
\nif you have selected a swap partition, disable it with the next command :
\nswapoff /dev/sdX"
learnarchsetkeymap="Set keyboard layout for the new installation.
\nUse the next command for list available keymap :
\nlocalectl list-keymaps
\nAnd to apply the desired keymap :
\necho ""KEYMAP=en"" > /mnt/etc/vconsole.conf"
learnarchsethostname="Set computer name for the new installation.
\nTo set your computer name just write it to /etc/hostname with :
\necho ""computer_name"" > /etc/hostname"
learnarchsetlocale="Set locale for the new installation.""
\nFor this, use the next command to enum available locales :
\nls /usr/share/i18n/locales
\nAnd for apply selection (add .UTF-8 to the selection) :
\necho ""LANG=en_US.UTF-8"" > /mnt/etc/locale.conf
\necho ""LC_COLLATE=C"" >> /mnt/etc/locale.conf
\nDon't miss to uncomment your locale in /mnt/etc/locale.gen
\nsed -i '/en_US.UTF-8/s/^#//g' /mnt/etc/locale.gen
\nnano /mnt/etc/locale.gen
\nNow chroot the new installation and call locale-gen
\narch-chroot /mnt
learnarchsettime="Set time for new installation.
\nFor this, use the next command to enum available locale :
\nls -l /mnt/usr/share/zoneinfo
\nls -l /mnt/usr/share/zoneinfo/[zone]
\nMake a symlink from the selection to /mnt/etc/localtime :
\nln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/New_York /mnt/etc/localtime
\nNow chroot the new installation and set the hardware clock
\narch-chroot /mnt
\nFor utc harware clock, use the next command :
\nhwclock --systohc --utc
\nFor localtime harware clock, use the next command (if you use a dual boot with Windows) :
\nhwclock --systohc --localtime"
learnarchsetrootpassword="Set root password.
\nNow you need to set root password, for this enter chroot and call passwd root :
\narch-chroot /mnt
\npasswd root
learnarchgenfstab="Generate fstab.
\nTo write mounted partition in the installation fstab, use the next command :
\ngenfstab -U -p /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab"
learnarchinstallgrub="Install Grub.
\nNow you need a bootloader.
\nFor this, Grub is a great bootloader.
\nFirstly install grub package
\nFor this, use the next command :
\npacstrap /mnt grub
\nTo make configuration, you need to chroot the new installation and call the next commands :
\narch-chroot /mnt
\ngrub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
learnarchinstallbootloader="Install Bootloader.
\nBefore reboot, you need to make bootable your drive.
\nTo install Grub in your MBR, chroot the new installation and call the next commands for bios install:
\narch-chroot /mnt
\ngrub-install --recheck /dev/sdX
\n\nand for EFI install :
\ngrub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot --recheck /dev/sdX
\n\nand if you make a USB key, you can choose BIOS+EFI but you need the correct partitions.
learnarchenabledhcpcd="Enable dhcpd.
\nWhen boot the new install, dhcpcd is not enabled by default.
\nTo enable it and get your network connected at boot, enable it with the next command in chroot :
\narch-chroot /mnt
\nsystemctl enable dhcpcd