mirror of
synced 2025-01-10 18:00:53 -07:00
Akkoma offers the emoji_reactions field both in the toplevel and in the pleroma namespace, to achieve compatibility with fedibird’s frontend. The current probing order will treat Akkoma as a Fedibird instance. However, the relevant endpoint emoji_reactioned_by returning more user details along with reactions is currently not implemented in Akkoma. (Only the minimal API viable for the frontend was implemented, i.e. currently just the emoji_reations duplication and PUT `/api/v1/statuses/:id/emoji_reactions/:emoji`) Thus this order broke evaluation of emoji reactions for Akkoma and even if all Fedibird API was implemented, limiting Akkoma to Fedibird API may give suboptimal results. However, fortunately this probing is only ever relied upon if the ApiClient was manually initialised as Mastodon. If (as by default) autodetect is used, Akkoma gets correctly identified as a Pleroma variant and the probing-based guess isn’t used. In practice this issues was likely rarely ever encountered.
995 lines
28 KiB
995 lines
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* @param {RequestInfo | URL} url
* @param {{ body?: any } & RequestInit?} options
async function apiRequest(url, options = null)
console.log(`Fetching :: ${url}`);
if (options && options.body) {
options.body = JSON.stringify(options.body);
return await fetch(url, options ?? {})
.then(response => {
if (response.ok) {
return response;
throw new Error(`Error fetching ${url}: ${response.status} ${response.statusText}`);
.then(response => response.json())
.catch(error => {
console.error(`Error fetching ${url}: ${error}`);
return null;
function Handle(name, instance) {
let handleObj = Object.create(Handle.prototype);
handleObj.name = name;
handleObj.instance = instance;
handleObj._baseInstance = null;
handleObj._apiInstance = null;
handleObj.profileUrl = null;
return handleObj;
Object.defineProperty(Handle.prototype, "baseInstance", {
get: function () {
return this._baseInstance || this.instance;
Object.defineProperty(Handle.prototype, "apiInstance", {
get: function () {
return this._apiInstance || this.instance;
Object.defineProperty(Handle.prototype, "baseHandle", {
get: function () {
return this.name + "@" + this.baseInstance;
Handle.prototype.toString = function () {
return this.name + "@" + this.instance;
* @returns {Promise<Handle>} The handle WebFingered, or the original on fail
Handle.prototype.webFinger = async function () {
if (this._baseInstance) {
return this;
let url = `https://${this.instance}/.well-known/webfinger?` + new URLSearchParams({
resource: `acct:${this}`
let webFinger = await apiRequest(url);
if (!webFinger)
return this;
let acct = webFinger["subject"];
if (typeof acct !== "string")
return this;
if (acct.startsWith("acct:")) {
acct = acct.substring("acct:".length);
let baseHandle = parseHandle(acct);
baseHandle._baseInstance = baseHandle.instance;
baseHandle.instance = this.instance;
const links = webFinger["links"];
if (!Array.isArray(links)) {
return baseHandle;
const selfLink = links.find(link => link["rel"] === "self");
if (!selfLink) {
return baseHandle;
try {
const url = new URL(selfLink["href"])
baseHandle._apiInstance = url.hostname;
} catch (e) {
console.error(`Error parsing WebFinger self link ${selfLink["href"]}: ${e}`);
const profileLink = links.find(link => link["rel"] === "http://webfinger.net/rel/profile-page");
if (profileLink?.["href"]) {
try {
baseHandle.profileUrl = new URL(profileLink["href"]);
} catch (e) {
console.error(`Error parsing WebFinger profile page link ${profileLink["href"]}: ${e}`);
return baseHandle;
* @typedef {{
* id: string,
* avatar: string,
* bot: boolean,
* name: string,
* handle: Handle,
* }} FediUser
* @typedef {FediUser & {conStrength: number}} RatedUser
* @typedef {{
* id: string,
* replies: number,
* renotes: number,
* favorites: number,
* extra_reacts: boolean,
* instance: string,
* author?: FediUser,
* }} Note
class ApiClient {
* @param {string} instance
constructor(instance) {
this._instance = instance;
* @param instance
* @returns {Promise<ApiClient>}
static async getClient(instance) {
if (instanceTypeCache.has(instance)) {
return instanceTypeCache.get(instance);
let url = `https://${instance}/.well-known/nodeinfo`;
let nodeInfo = await apiRequest(url);
if (!nodeInfo || !Array.isArray(nodeInfo.links)) {
const client = new MastodonApiClient(instance, true);
instanceTypeCache.set(instance, client);
return client;
const { links } = nodeInfo;
let apiLink = links.find(link => link.rel === "http://nodeinfo.diaspora.software/ns/schema/2.1");
if (!apiLink) {
apiLink = links.find(link => link.rel === "http://nodeinfo.diaspora.software/ns/schema/2.0");
if (!apiLink) {
console.error(`No NodeInfo API found for ${instance}}`);
const client = new MastodonApiClient(instance, true);
instanceTypeCache.set(instance, client);
return client;
let apiResponse = await apiRequest(apiLink.href);
if (!apiResponse) {
// Guess from API endpoints
const misskeyMeta = await apiRequest(`https://${instance}/api/meta`, {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
body: {}
if (misskeyMeta) {
const client = new MisskeyApiClient(instance);
instanceTypeCache.set(instance, client);
return client;
const client = new MastodonApiClient(instance, true);
instanceTypeCache.set(instance, client);
return client;
let { software } = apiResponse;
software.name = software.name.toLowerCase();
if (software.name.includes("fedibird")) {
const client = new FedibirdApiClient(instance, true);
instanceTypeCache.set(instance, client);
return client;
if (software.name.includes("misskey") ||
software.name.includes("calckey") ||
software.name.includes("foundkey") ||
software.name.includes("magnetar") ||
software.name.includes("firefish")) {
const client = new MisskeyApiClient(instance);
instanceTypeCache.set(instance, client);
return client;
let features = apiResponse?.metadata?.features;
if (Array.isArray(features) && features.includes("pleroma_api")) {
const has_emoji_reacts = features.includes("pleroma_emoji_reactions");
const client = new PleromaApiClient(instance, has_emoji_reacts);
instanceTypeCache.set(instance, client);
return client;
const client = new MastodonApiClient(instance, true);
instanceTypeCache.set(instance, client);
return client;
* @param {Handle} handle
* @returns {Promise<FediUser>}
async getUserIdFromHandle(handle){ throw new Error("Not implemented"); }
* @param {FediUser} user
* @returns {Promise<Note[]>}
async getNotes(user){ throw new Error("Not implemented"); }
* @param {Note} note
* @returns {Promise<FediUser[] | null>}
async getRenotes(note){ throw new Error("Not implemented"); }
* @param {Note} note
* @returns {Promise<Note[] | null>}
async getReplies(note){ throw new Error("Not implemented"); }
* @param {Note} note
* @returns {Promise<FediUser[] | null>}
async getReactions(note){ return []; }
* @param {Note} note
* @returns {Promise<FediUser[] | null>}
async getFavs(note) { throw new Error("Not implemented"); }
* @param {Note} note
* @param {boolean} extra_reacts Also include emoji reacts
* @return {Promise<FediUser[] | null>}
async getConsolidatedReactions(note, extra_reacts = false){
let favs = await this.getFavs(note);
if (!extra_reacts)
return favs;
* @type {Map<string, FediUser>}
let users = new Map();
if (favs !== null) {
favs.forEach(u => {
users.set(u.id, u);
const reactions = await this.getReactions(note);
if (reactions !== null) {
reactions.forEach(u => {
users.set(u.id, u);
return Array.from(users.values());
* @returns string
getClientName() { throw new Error("Not implemented"); }
class MastodonApiClient extends ApiClient {
* @param {string} instance
* @param {boolean} emoji_reacts
* @param {MastodonApiClient} flavor
constructor(instance, emoji_reacts, flavor = MastodonFlavor.MASTODON) {
this._emoji_reacts = emoji_reacts;
this._flavor = flavor;
async getUserIdFromHandle(handle) {
const url = `https://${this._instance}/api/v1/accounts/lookup?acct=${handle.baseHandle}`;
let response = await apiRequest(url, null);
if (!response) {
const url = `https://${this._instance}/api/v1/accounts/lookup?acct=${handle}`;
response = await apiRequest(url, null);
if (!response) {
return null;
return {
id: response.id,
avatar: response.avatar,
bot: response.bot,
name: response["display_name"],
handle: handle,
async getNotes(user) {
const url = `https://${this._instance}/api/v1/accounts/${user.id}/statuses?exclude_replies=true&exclude_reblogs=true&limit=40`;
const response = await apiRequest(url, null);
if (!response) {
return null;
if (response?.some(note => note?.["pleroma"]?.["emoji_reactions"]?.length)) {
this._flavor = MastodonFlavor.PLEROMA;
} else if (response?.some(note => note?.["emoji_reactions"]?.length)) {
this._flavor = MastodonFlavor.FEDIBIRD;
return response.map(note => ({
id: note.id,
replies: note["replies_count"] || 0,
renotes: note["reblogs_count"] || 0,
favorites: note["favourites_count"],
extra_reacts: note?.["emoji_reactions"]?.length > 0 || note?.["pleroma"]?.["emoji_reactions"]?.length > 0,
instance: this._instance,
author: user
async getRenotes(note) {
const url = `https://${this._instance}/api/v1/statuses/${note.id}/reblogged_by`;
const response = await apiRequest(url);
if (!response) {
return null;
return response.map(user => ({
id: user.id,
avatar: user.avatar,
bot: user.bot,
name: user["display_name"],
handle: parseHandle(user["acct"], note.instance)
async getReplies(noteIn) {
const url = `https://${this._instance}/api/v1/statuses/${noteIn.id}/context`;
const response = await apiRequest(url);
if (!response) {
return null;
if (response["descendants"]?.some(note => note?.["pleroma"]?.["emoji_reactions"]?.length)) {
this._flavor = MastodonFlavor.PLEROMA;
} else if (response["descendants"]?.some(note => note?.["emoji_reactions"]?.length)) {
this._flavor = MastodonFlavor.FEDIBIRD;
return response["descendants"].map(note => {
let handle = parseHandle(note["account"]["acct"], noteIn.instance);
return {
id: note.id,
replies: note["replies_count"] || 0,
renotes: note["reblogs_count"] || 0,
favorites: note["favourites_count"],
extra_reacts: note?.["emoji_reactions"]?.length > 0 || note?.["pleroma"]?.["emoji_reactions"]?.length > 0,
instance: handle.instance,
author: {
id: note["account"]["id"],
bot: note["account"]["bot"],
name: note["account"]["display_name"],
avatar: note["account"]["avatar"],
handle: handle
async getFavs(note) {
const url = `https://${this._instance}/api/v1/statuses/${note.id}/favourited_by`;
const response = await apiRequest(url);
if (!response) {
return null;
return response.map(user => ({
id: user.id,
avatar: user.avatar,
bot: user.bot,
name: user["display_name"],
handle: parseHandle(user["acct"], note.instance)
async getReactions(note) {
if (this._flavor === MastodonFlavor.MASTODON) {
return [];
return this._flavor.getReactions.call(this, note);
getClientName() {
return "mastodon";
class PleromaApiClient extends MastodonApiClient {
* @param {string} instance
* @param {boolean} emoji_reacts
constructor(instance, emoji_reacts) {
super(instance, emoji_reacts, MastodonFlavor.PLEROMA);
async getReactions(note) {
if (!this._emoji_reacts)
return [];
const url = `https://${this._instance}/api/v1/pleroma/statuses/${note.id}/reactions`;
const response = await apiRequest(url) ?? [];
* @type {Map<string, FediUser>}
const users = new Map();
for (const reaction of response) {
.map(account => ({
id: account["id"],
avatar: account["avatar"],
bot: account["bot"],
name: account["display_name"],
handle: parseHandle(account["acct"], note.instance)
.forEach(u => {
users.set(u.id, u);
return Array.from(users.values());
getClientName() {
return "pleroma";
class FedibirdApiClient extends MastodonApiClient {
* @param {string} instance
* @param {boolean} emoji_reacts
constructor(instance, emoji_reacts) {
super(instance, emoji_reacts, MastodonFlavor.FEDIBIRD);
async getReactions(note) {
if (!this._emoji_reacts)
return [];
* @type {Map<string, FediUser>}
let users = new Map();
const url = `https://${this._instance}/api/v1/statuses/${note.id}/emoji_reactioned_by`;
const response = await apiRequest(url) ?? [];
for (const reaction of response) {
let account = reaction["account"];
let u = {
id: account["id"],
avatar: account["avatar"],
bot: account["bot"],
name: account["display_name"],
handle: parseHandle(account["acct"], note.instance)
users.set(u.id, u);
return Array.from(users.values());
getClientName() {
return "fedibird";
const MastodonFlavor = {
MASTODON: MastodonApiClient.prototype,
PLEROMA: PleromaApiClient.prototype,
FEDIBIRD: FedibirdApiClient.prototype,
class MisskeyApiClient extends ApiClient {
* @param {string} instance
constructor(instance) {
async getUserIdFromHandle(handle) {
const lookupUrl = `https://${this._instance}/api/users/search-by-username-and-host`;
const lookup = await apiRequest(lookupUrl, {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
body: {
username: handle.name,
host: null
let id = null;
for (const user of Array.isArray(lookup) ? lookup : []) {
const isLocal = user?.["host"] === handle.instance ||
user?.["host"] === handle.baseInstance ||
this._instance === handle.apiInstance && user?.["host"] === null;
if (isLocal && user?.["username"] === handle.name && user["id"]) {
id = user["id"];
const url = `https://${this._instance}/api/users/show`;
const response = await apiRequest(url, {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
body: {
id: id ? id : undefined,
username: handle.name
if (!response) {
return null;
return {
id: response.id,
avatar: response["avatarUrl"],
bot: response["isBot"],
name: response["name"],
handle: handle,
async getNotes(user) {
const url = `https://${this._instance}/api/users/notes`;
const response = await apiRequest(url, {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
body: {
userId: user.id,
limit: 70,
reply: false,
renote: false,
if (!response) {
return null;
return response.map(note => ({
id: note.id,
replies: note["repliesCount"],
renotes: note["renoteCount"],
favorites: Object.values(note["reactions"]).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0),
extra_reacts: false,
instance: this._instance,
author: user
async getRenotes(note) {
const url = `https://${this._instance}/api/notes/renotes`;
const response = await apiRequest(url, {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
body: {
noteId: note.id,
limit: 50,
if (!response) {
return null;
return response.map(renote => ({
id: renote["user"]["id"],
avatar: renote["user"]["avatarUrl"],
bot: renote["user"]["isBot"] || false,
name: renote["user"]["name"],
handle: parseHandle(renote["user"]["username"], renote["user"]["host"] ?? this._instance)
async getReplies(note) {
const url = `https://${this._instance}/api/notes/replies`;
const response = await apiRequest(url, {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
body: {
noteId: note.id,
limit: 100,
if (!response) {
return null;
return response.map(reply => {
const handle = parseHandle(reply["user"]["username"], reply["user"]["host"] ?? this._instance);
return {
id: reply.id,
replies: reply["repliesCount"],
renotes: reply["renoteCount"],
favorites: Object.values(reply["reactions"]).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0),
extra_reacts: false,
instance: handle.instance,
author: {
id: reply["user"]["id"],
avatar: reply["user"]["avatarUrl"],
bot: reply["user"]["isBot"] || false,
name: reply["user"]["name"],
handle: handle
async getFavs(note) {
const url = `https://${this._instance}/api/notes/reactions`;
const response = await apiRequest(url, {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
body: {
noteId: note.id,
limit: 100,
if (!response) {
return null;
return response.map(reaction => ({
id: reaction["user"]["id"],
avatar: reaction["user"]["avatarUrl"],
bot: reaction["user"]["isBot"] || false,
name: reaction["user"]["name"],
handle: parseHandle(reaction["user"]["username"], reaction["user"]["host"] ?? this._instance),
getClientName() {
return "misskey";
/** @type {Map<string, ApiClient>} */
let instanceTypeCache = new Map();
* @param {string} fediHandle
* @param {string} fallbackInstance
* @returns {Handle}
function parseHandle(fediHandle, fallbackInstance = "") {
if (fediHandle.charAt(0) === '@')
fediHandle = fediHandle.substring(1);
fediHandle = fediHandle.replaceAll(" ", "");
const [name, instance] = fediHandle.split("@", 2);
return new Handle(name, instance || fallbackInstance);
async function circleMain() {
let progress = document.getElementById("outInfo");
const generateBtn = document.getElementById("generateButton");
generateBtn.style.display = "none";
let fediHandle = document.getElementById("txt_mastodon_handle");
const selfUser = await parseHandle(fediHandle.value).webFinger();
let form = document.getElementById("generateForm");
let backend = form.backend;
for (const radio of backend) {
radio.disabled = true;
fediHandle.disabled = true;
let client;
switch (backend.value) {
case "mastodon":
client = new MastodonApiClient(selfUser.apiInstance, true);
case "pleroma":
client = new PleromaApiClient(selfUser.apiInstance, true);
case "misskey":
client = new MisskeyApiClient(selfUser.apiInstance);
progress.innerText = "Detecting instance...";
client = await ApiClient.getClient(selfUser.apiInstance);
backend.value = (() => {
switch (client.getClientName()) {
case "fedibird": return "mastodon";
default: return client.getClientName();
progress.innerText = "Fetching your user...";
const user = await client.getUserIdFromHandle(selfUser);
if (!user) {
alert("Something went horribly wrong, couldn't fetch your user.");
fediHandle.disabled = false;
for (const radio of backend) {
radio.disabled = false;
generateBtn.style.display = "inline";
progress.innerText = "";
progress.innerText = "Fetching your latest posts...";
const notes = await client.getNotes(user);
if (!notes) {
alert("Something went horribly wrong, couldn't fetch your notes.");
* @type {Map<string, RatedUser>}
let connectionList = new Map();
await processNotes(client, connectionList, notes);
showConnections(user, connectionList);
* @param {ApiClient} client
* @param {Map<string, RatedUser>} connectionList
* @param {Note[]} notes
async function processNotes(client, connectionList, notes) {
let progress = document.getElementById("outInfo");
let counter = 0;
let total = notes.length;
for (const note of notes) {
progress.innerText = `Processing :3 (${counter}/${total}) `;
await evaluateNote(client, connectionList, note);
@param {ApiClient} client
* @param {Map<string, RatedUser>} connectionList
* @param {Note} note
async function evaluateNote(client, connectionList, note) {
if (note.favorites > 0 || note.extra_reacts) {
await client.getConsolidatedReactions(note, note.extra_reacts).then(users => {
if (!users)
users.forEach(user => {
incConnectionValue(connectionList, user, 1.0);
}).catch(() => {});
if (note.renotes > 0) {
await client.getRenotes(note).then(users => {
if (!users)
users.forEach(user => {
incConnectionValue(connectionList, user, 1.3);
}).catch(() => {});
await client.getReplies(note).then(replies => {
if (!replies)
return [];
replies.forEach(reply => {
incConnectionValue(connectionList, reply.author, 1.1);
return replies;
}).catch(() => {});
* @param {Map<string, RatedUser>} connectionList
* @param {FediUser} user
* @param {number} plus
function incConnectionValue(connectionList, user, plus) {
if (user.bot)
if (!connectionList.has(user.id)) {
connectionList.set(user.id, {
conStrength: 0,
connectionList.get(user.id).conStrength += plus;
* @param {FediUser} localUser
* @param {Map<string, RatedUser>} connectionList
function showConnections(localUser, connectionList) {
if (connectionList.has(localUser.id))
// Sort dict into Array items
const items = [...connectionList.values()].sort((first, second) => second.conStrength - first.conStrength);
// Also export the Username List
let usersDivs = [
usersDivs.forEach((div) => div.innerHTML = "")
const [inner, middle, outer] = usersDivs;
inner.innerHTML = "<div><h3>Inner Circle</h3></div>";
middle.innerHTML = "<div><h3>Middle Circle</h3></div>";
outer.innerHTML = "<div><h3>Outer Circle</h3></div>";
for (let i= 0; i < items.length; i++) {
const newUser = document.createElement("a");
newUser.className = "userItem";
newUser.innerText = items[i].handle.name;
newUser.title = items[i].name;
// I'm so sorry
newUser.href = "javascript:void(0)";
const handle = items[i].handle;
newUser.onclick = async () => {
const fingeredHandle = await handle.webFinger();
if (fingeredHandle.profileUrl)
window.open(fingeredHandle.profileUrl, "_blank");
alert("Could not fetch the profile URL for " + fingeredHandle.baseHandle);
const newUserHost = document.createElement("span");
newUserHost.className = "userHost";
newUserHost.innerText = "@" + items[i].handle.instance;
const newUserImg = document.createElement("img");
newUserImg.src = items[i].avatar;
newUserImg.alt = "";
newUserImg.className = "userImg";
newUserImg.onload = () => {
newUserImg.title = newUserImg.alt = stripName(items[i].name || items[i].handle.name) + "'s avatar";
let udNum = 0;
if (i > numb[0]) udNum = 1;
if (i > numb[0] + numb[1]) udNum = 2;
usersDivs.forEach((div) => {
const items = div.querySelectorAll(".userItem");
for (let i = 0; i < items.length - 1; i++) {
const item = items[i];
item.appendChild(document.createTextNode(", "));
const outDiv = document.getElementById("outDiv");
outDiv.style.display = "block";
document.getElementById("outSelfUser").innerText = stripName(localUser.name || localUser.handle.name);
render(items, localUser);
function stripName(name) {
return name.replaceAll(/:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+:/g, "").trim();