/** * * @param {RequestInfo | URL} url * @param {{ body?: any } & RequestInit?} options */ async function apiRequest(url, options = null) { console.log(`Fetching :: ${url}`); if (options && options.body) { options.body = JSON.stringify(options.body); } return await fetch(url, options ?? {}) .then(response => response.json()) .catch(error => { console.error(`Error fetching ${url}: ${error}`); return null; }); } /** * @typedef {{ * name: string, * instance: string, * }} Handle */ /** * @typedef {{ * id: string, * avatar: string, * bot: boolean, * name: string, * handle: Handle, * }} FediUser */ /** * @typedef {{ * id: string, * replies: number, * renotes: number, * favorites: number, * instance: string, * author?: FediUser, * }} Note */ class ApiClient { /** * @param {string} instance */ constructor(instance) { this._instance = instance; } /** * * @param instance * @returns {Promise} */ static async getClient(instance) { if (instanceTypeCache.has(instance)) { return instanceTypeCache.get(instance); } let url = "https://" + instance + "/.well-known/nodeinfo"; let nodeInfo = await apiRequest(url); if (!nodeInfo || !Array.isArray(nodeInfo.links)) { const client = new MastodonApiClient(instance); instanceTypeCache.set(instance, client); return client; } const { links } = nodeInfo; let apiLink = links.find(link => link.rel === "http://nodeinfo.diaspora.software/ns/schema/2.1"); if (!apiLink) { apiLink = links.find(link => link.rel === "http://nodeinfo.diaspora.software/ns/schema/2.0"); } if (!apiLink) { console.error(`No NodeInfo API found for ${instance}}`); const client = new MastodonApiClient(instance); instanceTypeCache.set(instance, client); return client; } let apiResponse = await apiRequest(apiLink.href); if (!apiResponse) { const client = new MastodonApiClient(instance); instanceTypeCache.set(instance, client); return client; } let { software } = apiResponse; software.name = software.name.toLowerCase(); if (software.name.includes("misskey") || software.name.includes("calckey") || software.name.includes("foundkey") || software.name.includes("magnetar") || software.name.includes("firefish")) { const client = new MisskeyApiClient(instance); instanceTypeCache.set(instance, client); return client; } const client = new MastodonApiClient(instance); instanceTypeCache.set(instance, client); return client; } /** * @param {Handle} handle * * @return {Promise} */ async getUserIdFromHandle(handle){ throw new Error("Not implemented"); } /** * @param {FediUser} user * * return {Promise} */ async getNotes(user){ throw new Error("Not implemented"); } /** * @param {Note} note * * return {Promise} */ async getRenotes(note){ throw new Error("Not implemented"); } /** * @param {Note} note * * return {Promise} */ async getReplies(note){ throw new Error("Not implemented"); } /** * @param {Note} note * * return {Promise} */ async getFavs(note) { throw new Error("Not implemented"); } /** * @return string */ getClientName() { throw new Error("Not implemented"); } } class MastodonApiClient extends ApiClient { /** * @param {string} instance */ constructor(instance) { super(instance); } async getUserIdFromHandle(handle) { const url = `https://${this._instance}/api/v1/accounts/lookup?acct=${handle.name}@${handle.instance}`; const response = await apiRequest(url, null); if (!response) { return null; } return { id: response.id, avatar: response.avatar, bot: response.bot, name: response["display_name"], handle: handle, }; } async getNotes(user) { const url = `https://${this._instance}/api/v1/accounts/${user.id}/statuses?exclude_replies=true&exclude_reblogs=true&limit=40`; const response = await apiRequest(url, null); if (!response) { return null; } return response.map(note => ({ id: note.id, replies: note["replies_count"] || 0, renotes: note["reblogs_count"] || 0, favorites: note["favourites_count"], instance: this._instance, author: user })); } async getRenotes(note) { const url = `https://${this._instance}/api/v1/statuses/${note.id}/reblogged_by`; const response = await apiRequest(url); if (!response) { return null; } return response.map(user => ({ id: user.id, avatar: user.avatar, bot: user.bot, name: user["display_name"], handle: parseHandle(user["acct"], note.instance) })); } async getReplies(noteIn) { const url = `https://${this._instance}/api/v1/statuses/${noteIn.id}/context`; const response = await apiRequest(url); if (!response) { return null; } return response["ancestors"].map(note => { let handle = parseHandle(note["account"]["acct"], noteIn.instance); return { id: note.id, replies: note["replies_count"] || 0, renotes: note["reblogs_count"] || 0, favorites: note["favourites_count"], instance: handle.instance, author: { id: note["account"]["id"], bot: note["account"]["bot"], name: note["account"]["display_name"], avatar: note["account"]["avatar"], handle: handle } }; }); } async getFavs(note) { const url = `https://${this._instance}/api/v1/statuses/${note.id}/favourited_by`; const response = await apiRequest(url); if (!response) { return null; } return response.map(user => ({ id: user.id, avatar: user.avatar, bot: user.bot, name: user["display_name"], handle: parseHandle(user["acct"], note.instance) })); } getClientName() { return "mastodon"; } } class MisskeyApiClient extends ApiClient { /** * @param {string} instance */ constructor(instance) { super(instance); } async getUserIdFromHandle(handle) { const url = `https://${this._instance}/api/users/show`; const response = await apiRequest(url, { method: "POST", body: { username: handle.name } }); if (!response) { return null; } return { id: response.id, avatar: response["avatarUrl"], bot: response["isBot"], name: response["name"], handle: handle, }; } async getNotes(user) { const url = `https://${this._instance}/api/users/notes`; const response = await apiRequest(url, { method: "POST", body: { userId: user.id, limit: 70, reply: false, renote: false, } }); if (!response) { return null; } return response.map(note => ({ id: note.id, replies: note["repliesCount"], renotes: note["renoteCount"], favorites: Object.values(note["reactions"]).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0), instance: this._instance, author: user })); } async getRenotes(note) { const url = `https://${this._instance}/api/notes/renotes`; const response = await apiRequest(url, { method: "POST", body: { noteId: note.id, limit: 50, } }); if (!response) { return null; } return response.map(renote => ({ id: renote["user"]["id"], avatar: renote["user"]["avatarUrl"], bot: renote["user"]["isBot"] || false, name: renote["user"]["name"], handle: parseHandle(renote["user"]["username"], renote["user"]["host"]) })); } async getReplies(note) { const url = `https://${this._instance}/api/notes/replies`; const response = await apiRequest(url, { method: "POST", body: { noteId: note.id, limit: 100, } }); if (!response) { return null; } return response.map(reply => { const handle = parseHandle(reply["user"]["username"], reply["user"]["host"]); return { id: reply.id, replies: reply["repliesCount"], renotes: reply["renoteCount"], favorites: Object.values(reply["reactions"]).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0), instance: handle.instance, author: { id: reply["user"]["id"], avatar: reply["user"]["avatarUrl"], bot: reply["user"]["isBot"] || false, name: reply["user"]["name"], handle: handle } }; }); } async getFavs(note) { const url = `https://${this._instance}/api/notes/reactions`; const response = await apiRequest(url, { method: "POST", body: { noteId: note.id, limit: 100, } }); if (!response) { return null; } return response.map(reaction => ({ id: reaction["user"]["id"], avatar: reaction["user"]["avatarUrl"], bot: reaction["user"]["isBot"] || false, name: reaction["user"]["name"], handle: parseHandle(reaction["user"]["username"], reaction["user"]["host"]) })); } getClientName() { return "misskey"; } } /** @type Map */ let instanceTypeCache = new Map(); /** * @param {string} fediHandle * @param {string} fallbackInstance * * @returns {Handle} */ function parseHandle(fediHandle, fallbackInstance = "") { if (fediHandle.charAt(0) === '@') fediHandle = fediHandle.substring(1); fediHandle = fediHandle.replaceAll(" ", ""); const [name, instance] = fediHandle.split("@", 2); return { name: name, instance: instance || fallbackInstance, }; } /** * @typedef {FediUser & {conStrength: number}} RatedUser */ async function circleMain() { let progress = document.getElementById("outInfo"); const generateBtn = document.getElementById("generateButton"); generateBtn.style.display = "none"; let fediHandle = document.getElementById("txt_mastodon_handle"); const selfUser = parseHandle(fediHandle.value); let form = document.getElementById("generateForm"); let backend = form.backend; for (const radio of backend) { radio.disabled = true; } fediHandle.disabled = true; let client; switch (backend.value) { case "mastodon": client = new MastodonApiClient(selfUser.instance); break; case "misskey": client = new MisskeyApiClient(selfUser.instance); break; default: progress.innerText = "Detecting instance..."; client = await ApiClient.getClient(selfUser.instance); backend.value = client.getClientName(); break; } progress.innerText = "Fetching your user..."; const user = await client.getUserIdFromHandle(selfUser); if (!user) { alert("Something went horribly wrong, couldn't fetch your user."); fediHandle.disabled = false; for (const radio of backend) { radio.disabled = false; } generateBtn.style.display = "inline"; progress.innerText = ""; return; } progress.innerText = "Fetching your latest posts..."; const notes = await client.getNotes(user); if (!notes) { alert("Something went horribly wrong, couldn't fetch your notes."); return; } /** * @type {Map} */ let connectionList = new Map(); await processNotes(client, connectionList, notes); showConnections(user, connectionList); } /** * @param {ApiClient} client * @param {Map} connectionList * @param {Note[]} notes */ async function processNotes(client, connectionList, notes) { let progress = document.getElementById("outInfo"); let counter = 0; let total = notes.length; for (const note of notes) { progress.innerText = `Processing :3 (${counter}/${total}) `; await evaluateNote(client, connectionList, note); counter++; } progress.innerText = "Done :3"; } /** @param {ApiClient} client * @param {Map} connectionList * @param {Note} note */ async function evaluateNote(client, connectionList, note) { if (note.favorites > 0) { await client.getFavs(note).then(users => { if (!users) return; users.forEach(user => { incConnectionValue(connectionList, user, 1.0); }); }).catch(() => {}); } if (note.renotes > 0) { await client.getRenotes(note).then(users => { if (!users) return; users.forEach(user => { incConnectionValue(connectionList, user, 1.3); }); }).catch(() => {}); } await client.getReplies(note).then(replies => { if (!replies) return []; replies.forEach(reply => { incConnectionValue(connectionList, reply.author, 1.1); }); return replies; }).catch(() => {}); } /** * @param {Map} connectionList * @param {FediUser} user * @param {number} plus */ function incConnectionValue(connectionList, user, plus) { if (user.bot) return; if (!connectionList.has(user.id)) { connectionList.set(user.id, { conStrength: 0, ...user }); } connectionList.get(user.id).conStrength += plus; } /** * @param {FediUser} localUser * @param {Map} connectionList */ function showConnections(localUser, connectionList) { if (connectionList.has(localUser.id)) connectionList.delete(localUser.id); // Sort dict into Array items const items = [...connectionList.values()].sort((first, second) => second.conStrength - first.conStrength); console.log(items); // Also export the Username List let usersDivs = [ document.getElementById("ud1"), document.getElementById("ud2"), document.getElementById("ud3") ]; usersDivs.forEach((div) => div.innerHTML = "") for (let i=0; i < items.length; i++) { let newUser = document.createElement("p"); newUser.innerText = "@" + items[i].handle.name + "@" + items[i].handle.instance; createUserObj(items[i]); let udNum = 0; if (i > numb[0]) udNum = 1; if (i > numb[0] + numb[1]) udNum = 2; usersDivs[udNum].appendChild(newUser); } render(items, localUser); } /** * @param {FediUser} usr */ function createUserObj(usr) { let usrElement = document.createElement("div"); usrElement.innerHTML = `   ${usr.name}  `; document.getElementById("outDiv").appendChild(usrElement); }