/* Dies ist eine erste Implementierung, da ist noch vieeeel zu tun :) */ let userInfo; let connection_list = {}; // The main function called by the button-click function circle_main() { // Make Button invisible to prevent clicking document.getElementById("btn_create").style.display = "none"; // Get handle from Textfield let mastodon_handle = document.getElementById("txt_mastodon_handle").value; userInfo = formatedUserHandle(mastodon_handle); getStatuses(); setTimeout(showConnections,3000); } // Format the Mastodon Handle to an array: [username, userID, instance.tld] function formatedUserHandle(mastodon_handle) { // Remove leading @ if (mastodon_handle.charAt(0) === '@') mastodon_handle = mastodon_handle.substr(1); // Split handle into name and mastodon_handle = mastodon_handle.split("@"); // Return the array return [mastodon_handle[0], getIdFromName(mastodon_handle[0], mastodon_handle[1]), mastodon_handle[1]]; } // Get the user ID from the handle function getIdFromName(name, server) { // https://mieke.club/api/v1/accounts/lookup?acct=HeilandSanremo var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); let url = "https://"+server+"/api/v1/accounts/lookup?acct="+name; xmlHttp.open( "GET", url, false ); // false for synchronous request xmlHttp.send( null ); return JSON.parse(xmlHttp.responseText)["id"]; } // Get a JSON String with all the posted statuses from the account and call processStatuses() function getStatuses() { // Build the URL let url = "https://"+userInfo[2]+"/api/v1/accounts/"+userInfo[1]+"/statuses"; // Do the async http request and call processStatuses() httpRequest(url, processStatuses); } // Process the JSON String into an array function processStatuses(statuses) { jsonStat = JSON.parse(statuses); let request_limit = 30; for (var i=0; i0), (jsonStat[i]["reblogs_count"]>0)); request_limit--; if (request_limit<0) break; } } } // Get all Reblogs and Favs for a status update function evaluateStatus(id, faved, rebloged) { // Build the URL let url1 = "https://"+userInfo[2]+"/api/v1/statuses/"+id+"/reblogged_by"; // Do the async http request if (rebloged) httpRequest(url1, evalStatusInteractions, 1.3); // Build the URL let url2 = "https://"+userInfo[2]+"/api/v1/statuses/"+id+"/context"; // Do the async http request if (faved) httpRequest(url2, evalReplies, 1.1); // Build the URL let url3 = "https://"+userInfo[2]+"/api/v1/statuses/"+id+"/favourited_by"; // Do the async http request if (faved) httpRequest(url3, evalStatusInteractions, 1.0); } // Evaluate the direct replies to tweets (no trees yet :( ) function evalReplies(jsonString, plus) { let jsonArray = JSON.parse(jsonString)["descendants"]; for (var i=0; i { return [key, connection_list[key]] }); items.sort( (first, second) => { return second[1]["conStrength"] - first[1]["conStrength"] } ); // Render the Objects for (var i=0; i\t\t"+usr["name"]+"\t"+usr["acct"]; document.getElementById("outDiv").appendChild(usrElement); } // Function for the http request function httpRequest(url, callback, callbackVal=null) { var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xmlHttp.readyState == 4 && xmlHttp.status == 200) { callback(xmlHttp.responseText, callbackVal); } else if (xmlHttp.readyState == 4 && xmlHttp.status == 404) callback("[]", callbackVal); } xmlHttp.open("GET", url, true); xmlHttp.send(null); }