mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 23:00:37 -06:00
Added Misskey support and labels
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 573 additions and 164 deletions
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# Mastodon-Circles
Producing a visual representation of Mastodon interactions with JS
README follows...
A fork of <https://github.com/andigandhi/Mastodon-Circles>
@ -1,194 +1,577 @@
Dies ist eine erste Implementierung, da ist noch vieeeel zu tun :)
* @param {RequestInfo | URL} url
* @param {{ body?: any } & RequestInit?} options
async function apiRequest(url, options = null)
console.log(`Fetching :: ${url}`);
let ownProfilePic;
let userInfo;
let connection_list = {};
let requestCounter = 1;
// Request Limit
let request_limit;
if (options && options.body) {
options.body = JSON.stringify(options.body);
// The main function called by the button-click
function circle_main() {
// Make Button invisible to prevent clicking
return await fetch(url, options ?? {})
.then(response => response.json())
.catch(error => {
console.error(`Error fetching ${url}: ${error}`);
return null;
* @typedef {{
* name: string,
* instance: string,
* }} Handle
* @typedef {{
* id: string,
* avatar: string,
* bot: boolean,
* name: string,
* handle: Handle,
* }} FediUser
* @typedef {{
* id: string,
* replies: number,
* renotes: number,
* favorites: number,
* instance: string,
* author?: FediUser,
* }} Note
class ApiClient {
* @param {string} instance
constructor(instance) {
this._instance = instance;
* @param instance
* @returns {Promise<ApiClient>}
static async getClient(instance) {
if (instanceTypeCache.has(instance)) {
return instanceTypeCache.get(instance);
let url = "https://" + instance + "/.well-known/nodeinfo";
let nodeInfo = await apiRequest(url);
if (!nodeInfo || !Array.isArray(nodeInfo.links)) {
const client = new MastodonApiClient(instance);
instanceTypeCache.set(instance, client);
return client;
const { links } = nodeInfo;
let apiLink = links.find(link => link.rel === "http://nodeinfo.diaspora.software/ns/schema/2.1");
if (!apiLink) {
apiLink = links.find(link => link.rel === "http://nodeinfo.diaspora.software/ns/schema/2.0");
if (!apiLink) {
console.error(`No NodeInfo API found for ${instance}}`);
const client = new MastodonApiClient(instance);
instanceTypeCache.set(instance, client);
return client;
let apiResponse = await apiRequest(apiLink.href);
if (!apiResponse) {
const client = new MastodonApiClient(instance);
instanceTypeCache.set(instance, client);
return client;
let { software } = apiResponse;
software.name = software.name.toLowerCase();
if (software.name.includes("misskey") || software.name.includes("calckey") || software.name.includes("foundkey") || software.name.includes("magnetar")) {
const client = new MisskeyApiClient(instance);
instanceTypeCache.set(instance, client);
return client;
const client = new MastodonApiClient(instance);
instanceTypeCache.set(instance, client);
return client;
* @param {Handle} handle
* @return {Promise<FediUser>}
async getUserIdFromHandle(handle){ throw new Error("Not implemented"); }
* @param {FediUser} user
* return {Promise<Note[]>}
async getNotes(user){ throw new Error("Not implemented"); }
* @param {Note} note
* return {Promise<FediUser[] | null>}
async getRenotes(note){ throw new Error("Not implemented"); }
* @param {Note} note
* return {Promise<Note[] | null>}
async getReplies(note){ throw new Error("Not implemented"); }
* @param {Note} note
* return {Promise<FediUser[] | null>}
async getFavs(note) { throw new Error("Not implemented"); }
class MastodonApiClient extends ApiClient {
* @param {string} instance
constructor(instance) {
async getUserIdFromHandle(handle) {
const url = `https://${this._instance}/api/v1/accounts/lookup?acct=${handle.name}@${handle.instance}`;
const response = await apiRequest(url, null);
if (!response) {
return null;
return {
id: response.id,
avatar: response.avatar,
bot: response.bot,
name: response["display_name"],
handle: handle,
async getNotes(user) {
const url = `https://${this._instance}/api/v1/accounts/${user.id}/statuses?exclude_replies=true&exclude_reblogs=true&limit=40`;
const response = await apiRequest(url, null);
if (!response) {
return null;
return response.map(note => ({
id: note.id,
replies: note["replies_count"] || 0,
renotes: note["reblogs_count"] || 0,
favorites: note["favourites_count"],
instance: this._instance,
author: user
async getRenotes(note) {
const url = `https://${this._instance}/api/v1/statuses/${note.id}/reblogged_by`;
const response = await apiRequest(url);
if (!response) {
return null;
return response.map(user => ({
id: user.id,
avatar: user.avatar,
bot: user.bot,
name: user["display_name"],
handle: parseHandle(user["acct"], note.instance)
async getReplies(noteIn) {
const url = `https://${this._instance}/api/v1/statuses/${noteIn.id}/context`;
const response = await apiRequest(url);
if (!response) {
return null;
return response["ancestors"].map(note => {
let handle = parseHandle(note["account"]["acct"], noteIn.instance);
return {
id: note.id,
replies: note["replies_count"] || 0,
renotes: note["reblogs_count"] || 0,
favorites: note["favourites_count"],
instance: handle.instance,
author: {
id: note["account"]["id"],
bot: note["account"]["bot"],
name: note["account"]["display_name"],
avatar: note["account"]["avatar"],
handle: handle
async getFavs(note) {
const url = `https://${this._instance}/api/v1/statuses/${note.id}/favourited_by`;
const response = await apiRequest(url);
if (!response) {
return null;
return response.map(user => ({
id: user.id,
avatar: user.avatar,
bot: user.bot,
name: user["display_name"],
handle: parseHandle(user["acct"], note.instance)
class MisskeyApiClient extends ApiClient {
* @param {string} instance
constructor(instance) {
async getUserIdFromHandle(handle) {
const url = `https://${this._instance}/api/users/show`;
const response = await apiRequest(url, {
method: "POST",
body: {
username: handle.name
if (!response) {
return null;
return {
id: response.id,
avatar: response["avatarUrl"],
bot: response["isBot"],
name: response["name"],
handle: handle,
async getNotes(user) {
const url = `https://${this._instance}/api/users/notes`;
const response = await apiRequest(url, {
method: "POST",
body: {
userId: user.id,
limit: 70,
reply: false,
renote: false,
if (!response) {
return null;
return response.map(note => ({
id: note.id,
replies: note["repliesCount"],
renotes: note["renoteCount"],
favorites: Object.values(note["reactions"]).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0),
instance: this._instance,
author: user
async getRenotes(note) {
const url = `https://${this._instance}/api/notes/renotes`;
const response = await apiRequest(url, {
method: "POST",
body: {
noteId: note.id,
limit: 50,
if (!response) {
return null;
return response.map(renote => ({
id: renote["user"]["id"],
avatar: renote["user"]["avatarUrl"],
bot: renote["user"]["isBot"] || false,
name: renote["user"]["name"],
handle: parseHandle(renote["user"]["username"], renote["user"]["host"])
async getReplies(note) {
const url = `https://${this._instance}/api/notes/replies`;
const response = await apiRequest(url, {
method: "POST",
body: {
noteId: note.id,
limit: 100,
if (!response) {
return null;
return response.map(reply => {
const handle = parseHandle(reply["user"]["username"], reply["user"]["host"]);
return {
id: reply.id,
replies: reply["repliesCount"],
renotes: reply["renoteCount"],
favorites: Object.values(reply["reactions"]).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0),
instance: handle.instance,
author: {
id: reply["user"]["id"],
avatar: reply["user"]["avatarUrl"],
bot: reply["user"]["isBot"] || false,
name: reply["user"]["name"],
handle: handle
async getFavs(note) {
const url = `https://${this._instance}/api/notes/reactions`;
const response = await apiRequest(url, {
method: "POST",
body: {
noteId: note.id,
limit: 100,
if (!response) {
return null;
return response.map(reaction => ({
id: reaction["user"]["id"],
avatar: reaction["user"]["avatarUrl"],
bot: reaction["user"]["isBot"] || false,
name: reaction["user"]["name"],
handle: parseHandle(reaction["user"]["username"], reaction["user"]["host"])
/** @type Map<string, ApiClient> */
let instanceTypeCache = new Map();
* @param {string} fediHandle
* @param {string} fallbackInstance
* @returns {Handle}
function parseHandle(fediHandle, fallbackInstance = "") {
if (fediHandle.charAt(0) === '@')
fediHandle = fediHandle.substring(1);
fediHandle = fediHandle.replaceAll(" ", "");
const [name, instance] = fediHandle.split("@", 2);
return {
name: name,
instance: instance || fallbackInstance,
* @typedef {FediUser & {conStrength: number}} RatedUser
async function circleMain() {
document.getElementById("btn_create").style.display = "none";
// Reset all global variables
[ownProfilePic, userInfo, connection_list, requestCounter, request_limit] = [null, null, {}, 1, 50];
// Get handle from Textfield
let mastodon_handle = document.getElementById("txt_mastodon_handle").value;
userInfo = formatedUserHandle(mastodon_handle);
// Do all the Magic for creating circle
// Format the Mastodon Handle to an array: [username, userID, instance.tld]
function formatedUserHandle(mastodon_handle) {
// Remove leading @
if (mastodon_handle.charAt(0) === '@') mastodon_handle = mastodon_handle.substr(1);
// Remove Spaces
mastodon_handle = mastodon_handle.replaceAll(" ","");
// Split handle into name and instance
mastodon_handle = mastodon_handle.split("@");
// Return the array (fetch user ID with getIdFromName)
return [mastodon_handle[0], getIdFromName(mastodon_handle[0], mastodon_handle[1]), mastodon_handle[1]];
let fediHandle = document.getElementById("txt_mastodon_handle").value;
// Get the user ID from the handle (synchronous request! :( )
function getIdFromName(name, server) {
var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
let url = "https://"+server+"/api/v1/accounts/lookup?acct="+name;
xmlHttp.open( "GET", url, false );
xmlHttp.send( null );
let response = JSON.parse(xmlHttp.responseText);
ownProfilePic = response["avatar"];
return response["id"];
const selfUser = parseHandle(fediHandle);
const client = await ApiClient.getClient(selfUser.instance);
// Get a JSON String with all the posted statuses from the account and call processStatuses()
async function getStatuses(startID=null) {
// Build the URL
let url = "https://"+userInfo[2]+"/api/v1/accounts/"+userInfo[1]+"/statuses?exclude_replies=true&exclude_reblogs=true&limit=40";
//if (startID) url = url+"&max_id="+startID
// Do the async http request and call processStatuses()
httpRequest(url, processStatuses);
let progress = document.getElementById("outInfo");
progress.innerText = "Fetching your user...";
// Process the JSON String into an array
function processStatuses(statuses) {
jsonStat = JSON.parse(statuses);
const user = await client.getUserIdFromHandle(selfUser);
for (var i=0; i<jsonStat.length; i++) {
evaluateStatus(jsonStat[i]["id"], (jsonStat[i]["favourites_count"]>0), (jsonStat[i]["reblogs_count"]>0));
if (request_limit<0) return;
if (!user) {
alert("Something went horribly wrong, couldn't fetch your user.");
// Do another API request to fetch older Posts?
progress.innerText = "Fetching your latest posts...";
// Get all Reblogs and Favs for a status update
function evaluateStatus(id, faved, rebloged) {
requestCounter += faved+rebloged+1;
// Build the URL
let url1 = "https://"+userInfo[2]+"/api/v1/statuses/"+id+"/reblogged_by";
// Do the async http request
if (rebloged) httpRequest(url1, evalStatusInteractions, 1.3);
const notes = await client.getNotes(user);
// Build the URL
let url2 = "https://"+userInfo[2]+"/api/v1/statuses/"+id+"/context";
// Do the async http request
httpRequest(url2, evalReplies, 1.1);
// Build the URL
let url3 = "https://"+userInfo[2]+"/api/v1/statuses/"+id+"/favourited_by";
// Do the async http request
if (faved) httpRequest(url3, evalStatusInteractions, 1.0);
// Evaluate the direct replies to tweets (no trees yet :( )
function evalReplies(jsonString, plus) {
let jsonArray = JSON.parse(jsonString)["descendants"];
for (var i=0; i<jsonArray.length; i++) {
incConnectionValue(jsonArray[i]["account"], plus);
if (!notes) {
alert("Something went horribly wrong, couldn't fetch your notes.");
if (requestCounter<=0) showConnections();
* @type {Map<string, RatedUser>}
let connectionList = new Map();
await processNotes(client, connectionList, notes);
showConnections(user, connectionList);
// Evaluate the Favs and Reposts
function evalStatusInteractions(jsonString, plus) {
let jsonArray = JSON.parse(jsonString);
for (var i=0; i<jsonArray.length; i++) {
incConnectionValue(jsonArray[i], plus);
* @param {ApiClient} client
* @param {Map<string, RatedUser>} connectionList
* @param {Note[]} notes
async function processNotes(client, connectionList, notes) {
let progress = document.getElementById("outInfo");
let counter = 0;
let total = notes.length;
for (const note of notes) {
progress.innerText = `Processing :3 (${counter}/${total}) `;
await evaluateNote(client, connectionList, note);
if (requestCounter<=0) showConnections();
progress.innerText = "Done :3";
@param {ApiClient} client
* @param {Map<string, RatedUser>} connectionList
* @param {Note} note
async function evaluateNote(client, connectionList, note) {
if (note.favorites > 0) {
await client.getFavs(note).then(users => {
if (!users)
// increment the relationship value by the integer "plus" (3 for reblogs, 1 for likes)
function incConnectionValue(conJSON, plus) {
let id = conJSON["id"];
// Test if a connection was already discovered
if (!(id in connection_list)) {
// NO? call addNewConnection and create the connection!
users.forEach(user => {
incConnectionValue(connectionList, user, 1.0);
}).catch(() => {});
// Increment the connection strength
connection_list[id]["conStrength"] = connection_list[id]["conStrength"] + plus;
if (note.renotes > 0) {
await client.getRenotes(note).then(users => {
if (!users)
users.forEach(user => {
incConnectionValue(connectionList, user, 1.3);
}).catch(() => {});
await client.getReplies(note).then(replies => {
if (!replies)
return [];
replies.forEach(reply => {
incConnectionValue(connectionList, reply.author, 1.1);
return replies;
}).catch(() => {});
// Create a new node in the connection_list dictionary
function addNewConnection(jsonArray) {
connection_list[jsonArray["id"]] = {};
connection_list[jsonArray["id"]]["conStrength"] = 0;
connection_list[jsonArray["id"]]["acct"] = jsonArray["acct"];
connection_list[jsonArray["id"]]["pic"] = jsonArray["avatar"];
connection_list[jsonArray["id"]]["name"] = jsonArray["display_name"]
connection_list[jsonArray["id"]]["bot"] = jsonArray["bot"];
* @param {Map<string, RatedUser>} connectionList
* @param {FediUser} user
* @param {number} plus
function incConnectionValue(connectionList, user, plus) {
if (user.bot)
if (!connectionList.has(user.id)) {
connectionList.set(user.id, {
conStrength: 0,
connectionList.get(user.id).conStrength += plus;
function showConnections() {
// Remove own User from Dict
if (userInfo[1] in connection_list) delete connection_list[userInfo[1]];
* @param {FediUser} localUser
* @param {Map<string, RatedUser>} connectionList
function showConnections(localUser, connectionList) {
if (connectionList.has(localUser.id))
// Sort dict into Array items
var items = Object.keys(connection_list).map(
(key) => { return [key, connection_list[key]] });
(first, second) => { return second[1]["conStrength"] - first[1]["conStrength"] }
const items = [...connectionList.values()].sort((first, second) => second.conStrength - first.conStrength);
// Also export the Username List
let userDataExport = {};
let usersDivs = [document.getElementById("ud1"), document.getElementById("ud2"), document.getElementById("ud3")];
// Clear all content of divs
for (var i=0; i<3; i++) usersDivs[i].innerHTML="";
let usersDivs = [
usersDivs.forEach((div) => div.innerHTML = "")
for (var i=0; i<items.length; i++) {
// Create a new html Element
for (let i=0; i < items.length; i++) {
let newUser = document.createElement("p");
newUser.innerText = items[i][1]["acct"];
// Determine the column for the data
newUser.innerText = "@" + items[i].handle.name + "@" + items[i].handle.instance;
let udNum = 0;
if (i > numb[0]) udNum = 1;
if (i > numb[0]+numb[1]) udNum = 2;
if (i > numb[0] + numb[1]) udNum = 2;
// Belongs to the hidden Export - Maybe for further Projects
// userDataExport[items[i][0]] = items[i][1]["conStrength"].toFixed(1);
//document.getElementById("outDiv").innerText = JSON.stringify(userDataExport);
render(items, localUser);
* @param {FediUser} usr
function createUserObj(usr) {
let usrElement = document.createElement("div");
usrElement.innerHTML = "<img src=\""+usr["pic"]+"\" width=\"20px\"> <b>"+usr["name"]+"</b> "+usr["acct"];
usrElement.innerHTML = `<img src="${usr.avatar}" width="20px"> <b>${usr.name}</b> `;
// Function for the http request
function httpRequest(url, callback, callbackVal=null)
var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xmlHttp.readyState == 4) {
if (xmlHttp.status == 200) {
callback(xmlHttp.responseText, callbackVal);
} else
callback("[]", callbackVal);
xmlHttp.open("GET", url, true);
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ const radius = [64,58,50];
let userNum = 0;
let remainingImg = 0;
function render(users) {
function render(users, selfUser) {
userNum = 0;
remainingImg = 0;
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ function render(users) {
const bg_image = document.getElementById("mieke_bg");
ctx.drawImage(bg_image, 0, 0, 1000, 1000);
loadImage(ctx, ownProfilePic, (width/2)-110, (height/2)-110, 110, 110);
loadImage(ctx, selfUser.avatar, (width/2)-110, (height/2)-110, 110, "@" + selfUser.handle.name + "@" + selfUser.handle.instance);
// loop over the layers
for (var layerIndex=0; layerIndex<3; layerIndex++) {
@ -46,11 +46,11 @@ function render(users) {
centerX - radius[layerIndex],
centerY - radius[layerIndex],
"@" + users[userNum].handle.name + "@" + users[userNum].handle.instance
@ -58,10 +58,9 @@ function render(users) {
ctx.fillStyle = "#0505AA";
ctx.fillText("MIEKE", 10, 15, 40)
ctx.fillText("KRÖGER", width-50, 15, 40)
ctx.fillText("Be gay do crime uwu", 10, 15);
ctx.fillStyle = "#666666";
ctx.fillText("circle.grasserisen.de", width-120, height-15, 110)
ctx.fillText("https://data.natty.sh/fedi-circles", width-120, height-15, 110)
//ctx.fillText("@sonnenbrandi@mieke.club mit lieben Grüßen an Duiker101", width-300, height-15, 290)
@ -72,8 +71,27 @@ function get_layer(i) {
// Load the image from the URL and draw it in a circle
function loadImage(ctx, url, x, y, r) {
var img = new Image;
function loadImage(ctx, url, x, y, r, name) {
const addText = () => {
ctx.font = "bold 11px sans-serif";
const textWidth = ctx.measureText(name).width;
ctx.fillStyle = "black";
const tx = textWidth > r * 2 ? x : x + r - textWidth / 2;
const ty = y + r * 2 + 3;
if (textWidth > r * 2) {
ctx.fillText(name, tx, ty + 1, r * 2);
ctx.fillStyle = "white";
ctx.fillText(name, tx, ty, r * 2);
} else {
ctx.fillText(name, tx, ty + 1);
ctx.fillStyle = "white";
ctx.fillText(name, tx, ty);
const img = new Image;
img.onload = function(){
@ -89,11 +107,17 @@ function loadImage(ctx, url, x, y, r) {
remainingImg -= 1;
if (remainingImg <= 0) {
document.getElementById("btn_download").href = document.getElementById("canvas").toDataURL("image/png");
document.getElementById("btn_download").style.display = "inline";
img.onerror = function() {
img.src = url;
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="de">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Trötpty - Mastodon Circle Creator</title>
<title>Fedi Circle Creator</title>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
@ -17,7 +17,8 @@
<input id="txt_mastodon_handle" type="text" onchange="document.getElementById('btn_create').style = 'display: inline;'; document.getElementById('btn_download').style = 'display: none;'" placeholder="@sonnenbrandi@mieke.club">
<!-- Buttons -->
<button id="btn_create" onClick="circle_main()">Circle Erstellen</button>
<button id="btn_create" onclick="(async () => await circleMain())()">Generate circle</button>
<span id="outInfo"></span>
<a href="" id="btn_download" class="button" download="mastodon-circle.png" style="display: none;">DOWNLOAD (klappt wsl nicht)</a>
<!-- <button id="btn_download" onClick="downloadImage()" style="display: none;">DOWNLOAD</button> -->
@ -32,8 +33,9 @@
<div id="credits" style="width: 100%;">
<p>Contribute on <a href="https://github.com/AMNatty/Mastodon-Circles">Github</a> </p>
<p>Thanks to <a href="https://twitter.com/duiker101">Duiker101</a> for creating chirpty for Twitter</p>
<p>Contribute on <a href="https://github.com/andigandhi/Mastodon-Circles">Github</a> </p>
<p>Original on <a href="https://github.com/andigandhi/Mastodon-Circles">Github</a> </p>
<!-- output for further projects ;) -->
<div id="outDiv" style="display: none;"></div>
Add table
Reference in a new issue