mirror of
synced 2025-03-19 13:50:56 -06:00
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 2695 additions and 86 deletions
@ -1,93 +1,19 @@
# sh-jormungandr-patches
# sh-Jormungandr Patches
A compilation of changes made in [sharkey-jormungandr](https://activitypub.software/limepotato/sharkey), as patches, for your ease of access.
Originally most of these patches are ports from my [iceshrimp patches](https://iceshrimp.dev/limepotato/jormungandr-patches)
## Getting started
you can either clone this repo, or download each individual file from the [patches folder](./patches)
To make it easy for you to get started with GitLab, here's a list of recommended next steps.
### Instructions
Already a pro? Just edit this README.md and make it your own. Want to make it easy? [Use the template at the bottom](#editing-this-readme)!
To apply a patch ``git am --keep-cr --signoff < {patch}``
## Add your files
### Explanations
- [ ] [Create](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/repository/web_editor.html#create-a-file) or [upload](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/repository/web_editor.html#upload-a-file) files
- [Builtin Catppuccin Themes](./patches/catppuccin-themes.patch): All catppuccin themes (and accents), built-in
- [ ] [Add files using the command line](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/gitlab-basics/add-file.html#add-a-file-using-the-command-line) or push an existing Git repository with the following command:
- [Beep/Rebeeps/Creatures](./patches/beeps-creatures/): Renames Posts and Boosts to Beeps and Rebeeps respectively, As well as Users to Creatures.\
- [Post Form Height](./patches/postform-height.patch): Increases the height of the post form for usability.
- [robots.txt](./patches/robots.patch): Fills the robots.txt, thanks to [mias withdrawal patch](https://iceshrimp.dev/mia/withdrawal) and pre-existing iceshrimp robots.txt.
cd existing_repo
~~- [Remove Maintainer-info Nag](./patches/remove-maintainer-info-nag.patch): Removes nag if you dont input maintainer information~~ Not yet finished
git remote add origin https://activitypub.software/limepotato/sh-jormungandr-patches.git
git branch -M main
git push -uf origin main
## Integrate with your tools
- [ ] [Set up project integrations](https://activitypub.software/limepotato/sh-jormungandr-patches/-/settings/integrations)
## Collaborate with your team
- [ ] [Invite team members and collaborators](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/members/)
- [ ] [Create a new merge request](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/merge_requests/creating_merge_requests.html)
- [ ] [Automatically close issues from merge requests](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/issues/managing_issues.html#closing-issues-automatically)
- [ ] [Enable merge request approvals](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/merge_requests/approvals/)
- [ ] [Set auto-merge](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/merge_requests/merge_when_pipeline_succeeds.html)
## Test and Deploy
Use the built-in continuous integration in GitLab.
- [ ] [Get started with GitLab CI/CD](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/quick_start/index.html)
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- [ ] [Set up protected environments](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/environments/protected_environments.html)
# Editing this README
When you're ready to make this README your own, just edit this file and use the handy template below (or feel free to structure it however you want - this is just a starting point!). Thanks to [makeareadme.com](https://www.makeareadme.com/) for this template.
## Suggestions for a good README
Every project is different, so consider which of these sections apply to yours. The sections used in the template are suggestions for most open source projects. Also keep in mind that while a README can be too long and detailed, too long is better than too short. If you think your README is too long, consider utilizing another form of documentation rather than cutting out information.
## Name
Choose a self-explaining name for your project.
## Description
Let people know what your project can do specifically. Provide context and add a link to any reference visitors might be unfamiliar with. A list of Features or a Background subsection can also be added here. If there are alternatives to your project, this is a good place to list differentiating factors.
## Badges
On some READMEs, you may see small images that convey metadata, such as whether or not all the tests are passing for the project. You can use Shields to add some to your README. Many services also have instructions for adding a badge.
## Visuals
Depending on what you are making, it can be a good idea to include screenshots or even a video (you'll frequently see GIFs rather than actual videos). Tools like ttygif can help, but check out Asciinema for a more sophisticated method.
## Installation
Within a particular ecosystem, there may be a common way of installing things, such as using Yarn, NuGet, or Homebrew. However, consider the possibility that whoever is reading your README is a novice and would like more guidance. Listing specific steps helps remove ambiguity and gets people to using your project as quickly as possible. If it only runs in a specific context like a particular programming language version or operating system or has dependencies that have to be installed manually, also add a Requirements subsection.
## Usage
Use examples liberally, and show the expected output if you can. It's helpful to have inline the smallest example of usage that you can demonstrate, while providing links to more sophisticated examples if they are too long to reasonably include in the README.
## Support
Tell people where they can go to for help. It can be any combination of an issue tracker, a chat room, an email address, etc.
## Roadmap
If you have ideas for releases in the future, it is a good idea to list them in the README.
## Contributing
State if you are open to contributions and what your requirements are for accepting them.
For people who want to make changes to your project, it's helpful to have some documentation on how to get started. Perhaps there is a script that they should run or some environment variables that they need to set. Make these steps explicit. These instructions could also be useful to your future self.
You can also document commands to lint the code or run tests. These steps help to ensure high code quality and reduce the likelihood that the changes inadvertently break something. Having instructions for running tests is especially helpful if it requires external setup, such as starting a Selenium server for testing in a browser.
## Authors and acknowledgment
Show your appreciation to those who have contributed to the project.
## License
For open source projects, say how it is licensed.
## Project status
If you have run out of energy or time for your project, put a note at the top of the README saying that development has slowed down or stopped completely. Someone may choose to fork your project or volunteer to step in as a maintainer or owner, allowing your project to keep going. You can also make an explicit request for maintainers.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
If you wish to apply the [rebeeps](./rebeeps.patch) patch, you must have the [beeps](./beeps.patch) patch first, and if you wish to use the [creatures](./creatures.patch) patch, you must have the [rebeeps](./rebeeps.patch) patch first.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,918 @@
From ed3a9f7e3966271201f2e7d8ad44a4ac9abc7466 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: limepotato <limepot@protonmail.ch>
Date: Sat, 6 Jul 2024 14:01:44 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] Rename 'Notes' to 'Beeps'
Signed-off-by: limepotato <limepot@protonmail.ch>
locales/en-US.yml | 340 +++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
1 file changed, 168 insertions(+), 168 deletions(-)
diff --git a/locales/en-US.yml b/locales/en-US.yml
index fe7bc3c451..bbdfab9100 100644
--- a/locales/en-US.yml
+++ b/locales/en-US.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
_lang_: "English"
-headlineMisskey: "A network connected by notes"
-introMisskey: "Welcome! Sharkey is an open source, decentralized microblogging service.\nCreate \"notes\" to share your thoughts with everyone around you. 📡\nWith \"reactions\", you can also quickly express your feelings about everyone's notes. 👍\nLet's explore a new world! 🚀"
+headlineMisskey: "A network connected by beeps"
+introMisskey: "Welcome! Sharkey is an open source, decentralized microblogging service.\nCreate \"beeps\" to share your thoughts with everyone around you. 📡\nWith \"reactions\", you can also quickly express your feelings about everyone's beeps. 👍\nLet's explore a new world! 🚀"
poweredByMisskeyDescription: "{name} is one of the services powered by the open source platform <b>Sharkey</b> which is based on Misskey (referred to as a \"Misskey instance\")."
monthAndDay: "{month}/{day}"
search: "Search"
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ cancel: "Cancel"
noThankYou: "Not now"
enterUsername: "Enter username"
renotedBy: "Boosted by {user}"
-noNotes: "No notes"
+noNotes: "No beeps"
noNotifications: "No notifications"
instance: "Instance"
settings: "Settings"
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ copyLink: "Copy link"
copyLinkRenote: "Copy boost link"
delete: "Delete"
deleteAndEdit: "Delete and edit"
-deleteAndEditConfirm: "Are you sure you want to redraft this note? This means you will lose all reactions, boosts, and replies to it."
+deleteAndEditConfirm: "Are you sure you want to redraft this beep? This means you will lose all reactions, boosts, and replies to it."
addToList: "Add to list"
addToAntenna: "Add to antenna"
sendMessage: "Send a message"
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ copyRSS: "Copy RSS"
copyUsername: "Copy username"
openRemoteProfile: "Open remote profile"
copyUserId: "Copy user ID"
-copyNoteId: "Copy note ID"
+copyNoteId: "Copy beep ID"
copyFileId: "Copy file ID"
copyFolderId: "Copy folder ID"
copyProfileUrl: "Copy profile URL"
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ receiveFollowRequest: "Follow request received"
followRequestAccepted: "Follow request accepted"
mention: "Mention"
mentions: "Mentions"
-directNotes: "Direct notes"
+directNotes: "Direct beeps"
importAndExport: "Import / Export"
import: "Import"
export: "Export"
@@ -83,8 +83,8 @@ exportRequested: "You've requested an export. This may take a while. It will be
importRequested: "You've requested an import. This may take a while."
lists: "Lists"
noLists: "You don't have any lists"
-note: "Note"
-notes: "Notes"
+note: "Beep"
+notes: "Beeps"
following: "Following"
followers: "Followers"
followsYou: "Follows you"
@@ -118,9 +118,9 @@ cantReRenote: "A boost can't be boosted."
quote: "Quote"
inChannelRenote: "Channel-only Boost"
inChannelQuote: "Channel-only Quote"
-renoteToChannel: "Renote to channel"
-renoteToOtherChannel: "Renote to other channel"
-pinnedNote: "Pinned note"
+renoteToChannel: "Rebeep to channel"
+renoteToOtherChannel: "Rebeep to other channel"
+pinnedNote: "Pinned beep"
pinned: "Pin to profile"
you: "You"
clickToShow: "Click to show"
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ emojiPickerDisplay: "Emoji picker display"
overwriteFromPinnedEmojisForReaction: "Override from reaction settings"
overwriteFromPinnedEmojis: "Override from general settings"
reactionSettingDescription2: "Drag to reorder, click to delete, press \"+\" to add."
-rememberNoteVisibility: "Remember note visibility settings"
+rememberNoteVisibility: "Remember beep visibility settings"
attachCancel: "Remove attachment"
deleteFile: "Delete file"
markAsSensitive: "Mark as sensitive"
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ flagAsCatDescription: "Enable this option to mark this account as a cat."
flagSpeakAsCat: "Speak as a cat"
flagSpeakAsCatDescription: "Your posts will get nyanified when in cat mode."
flagShowTimelineReplies: "Show replies in timeline"
-flagShowTimelineRepliesDescription: "Shows replies of users to notes of other users in the timeline if turned on."
+flagShowTimelineRepliesDescription: "Shows replies of users to beeps of other users in the timeline if turned on."
autoAcceptFollowed: "Automatically approve follow requests from users you're following"
addAccount: "Add account"
reloadAccountsList: "Reload account list"
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ instanceInfo: "Instance Information"
statistics: "Statistics"
clearQueue: "Clear queue"
clearQueueConfirmTitle: "Are you sure that you want to clear the queue?"
-clearQueueConfirmText: "Any undelivered notes remaining in the queue will not be federated. Usually this operation is not needed."
+clearQueueConfirmText: "Any undelivered beeps remaining in the queue will not be federated. Usually this operation is not needed."
clearCachedFiles: "Clear cache"
clearCachedFilesConfirm: "Are you sure that you want to delete all cached remote files?"
blockedInstances: "Blocked Instances"
@@ -241,8 +241,8 @@ mutedUsers: "Muted users"
blockedUsers: "Blocked users"
noUsers: "There are no users"
editProfile: "Edit profile"
-noteDeleteConfirm: "Are you sure you want to delete this note?"
-pinLimitExceeded: "You cannot pin any more notes"
+noteDeleteConfirm: "Are you sure you want to delete this beep?"
+pinLimitExceeded: "You cannot pin any more beeps"
intro: "Installation of Sharkey has been finished! Please create an admin user."
done: "Done"
processing: "Processing..."
@@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ nUsersRead: "read by {n}"
agreeTo: "I agree to {0}"
agree: "Agree"
agreeBelow: "I agree to the below"
-basicNotesBeforeCreateAccount: "Important notes"
+basicNotesBeforeCreateAccount: "Important beeps"
termsOfService: "Terms of Service"
start: "Begin"
home: "Home"
@@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ pinnedUsersDescription: "List usernames separated by line breaks to be pinned in
pinnedPages: "Pinned Pages"
pinnedPagesDescription: "Enter the paths of the Pages you want to pin to the top page of this instance, separated by line breaks."
pinnedClipId: "ID of the clip to pin"
-pinnedNotes: "Pinned notes"
+pinnedNotes: "Pinned beeps"
hcaptcha: "hCaptcha"
enableHcaptcha: "Enable hCaptcha"
hcaptchaSiteKey: "Site key"
@@ -417,14 +417,14 @@ antennaKeywords: "Keywords to listen to"
antennaExcludeKeywords: "Keywords to exclude"
antennaExcludeBots: "Exclude bot accounts"
antennaKeywordsDescription: "Separate with spaces for an AND condition or with line breaks for an OR condition."
-notifyAntenna: "Notify about new notes"
-withFileAntenna: "Only notes with files"
+notifyAntenna: "Notify about new beeps"
+withFileAntenna: "Only beeps with files"
enableServiceworker: "Enable Push-Notifications for your Browser"
antennaUsersDescription: "List one username per line. Use \"*@instance.com\" to specify all users of an instance"
caseSensitive: "Case sensitive"
withReplies: "Include replies"
connectedTo: "Following account(s) are connected"
-notesAndReplies: "Notes and replies"
+notesAndReplies: "Beeps and replies"
withFiles: "Including files"
silence: "Silence"
silenceConfirm: "Are you sure that you want to silence this user?"
@@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ notFound: "Not found"
notFoundDescription: "No page corresponding to this URL could be found."
uploadFolder: "Default folder for uploads"
markAsReadAllNotifications: "Mark all notifications as read"
-markAsReadAllUnreadNotes: "Mark all notes as read"
+markAsReadAllUnreadNotes: "Mark all beeps as read"
markAsReadAllTalkMessages: "Mark all messages as read"
help: "Help"
inputMessageHere: "Enter message here"
@@ -480,7 +480,7 @@ text: "Text"
enable: "Enable"
next: "Next"
retype: "Enter again"
-noteOf: "Note by {user}"
+noteOf: "beep by {user}"
expandAllCws: "Show content for all replies"
collapseAllCws: "Hide content for all replies"
quoteAttached: "Quote"
@@ -512,8 +512,8 @@ aboutX: "About {x}"
emojiStyle: "Emoji style"
native: "Native"
disableDrawer: "Don't use drawer-style menus"
-showNoteActionsOnlyHover: "Only show note actions on hover"
-showReactionsCount: "Show the number of reactions in notes"
+showNoteActionsOnlyHover: "Only show beep actions on hover"
+showReactionsCount: "Show the number of reactions in beeps"
noHistory: "No history available"
signinHistory: "Login history"
enableAdvancedMfm: "Enable advanced MFM"
@@ -544,8 +544,8 @@ accountSettings: "Account Settings"
promotion: "Promoted"
promote: "Promote"
numberOfDays: "Number of days"
-hideThisNote: "Hide this note"
-showFeaturedNotesInTimeline: "Show featured notes in timelines"
+hideThisNote: "Hide this beep"
+showFeaturedNotesInTimeline: "Show featured beeps in timelines"
objectStorage: "Object Storage"
useObjectStorage: "Use object storage"
objectStorageBaseUrl: "Base URL"
@@ -571,7 +571,7 @@ deleteAll: "Delete all"
showFixedPostForm: "Display the posting form at the top of the timeline"
showFixedPostFormInChannel: "Display the posting form at the top of the timeline (Channels)"
withRepliesByDefaultForNewlyFollowed: "Include replies by newly followed users in the timeline by default"
-newNoteRecived: "There are new notes"
+newNoteRecived: "There are new beeps"
sounds: "Sounds"
sound: "Sounds"
listen: "Listen"
@@ -627,8 +627,8 @@ addRelay: "Add Relay"
inboxUrl: "Inbox URL"
addedRelays: "Added Relays"
serviceworkerInfo: "Must be enabled for push notifications."
-deletedNote: "Deleted note"
-invisibleNote: "Invisible note"
+deletedNote: "Deleted beep"
+invisibleNote: "Invisible beep"
enableInfiniteScroll: "Automatically load more"
visibility: "Visibility"
poll: "Poll"
@@ -714,7 +714,7 @@ abuseReports: "Reports"
reportAbuse: "Report"
reportAbuseRenote: "Report boost"
reportAbuseOf: "Report {name}"
-fillAbuseReportDescription: "Please fill in details regarding this report. If it is about a specific note, please include its URL."
+fillAbuseReportDescription: "Please fill in details regarding this report. If it is about a specific beep, please include its URL."
abuseReported: "Your report has been sent. Thank you very much."
reporter: "Reporter"
reporteeOrigin: "Reportee Origin"
@@ -727,7 +727,7 @@ openInNewTab: "Open in new tab"
openInSideView: "Open in side view"
defaultNavigationBehaviour: "Default navigation behavior"
editTheseSettingsMayBreakAccount: "Editing these settings may damage your account."
-instanceTicker: "Instance information of notes"
+instanceTicker: "Instance information of beeps"
waitingFor: "Waiting for {x}"
random: "Random"
system: "System"
@@ -738,13 +738,13 @@ createNew: "Create new"
optional: "Optional"
createNewClip: "Create new clip"
unclip: "Unclip"
-confirmToUnclipAlreadyClippedNote: "This note is already part of the \"{name}\" clip. Do you want to remove it from this clip instead?"
+confirmToUnclipAlreadyClippedNote: "This beep is already part of the \"{name}\" clip. Do you want to remove it from this clip instead?"
public: "Public"
private: "Private"
i18nInfo: "Sharkey is being translated into various languages by volunteers. You can help at {link}."
manageAccessTokens: "Manage access tokens"
accountInfo: "Account Info"
-notesCount: "Number of notes"
+notesCount: "Number of beeps"
repliesCount: "Number of replies sent"
renotesCount: "Number of boosts sent"
repliedCount: "Number of replies received"
@@ -760,8 +760,8 @@ no: "No"
driveFilesCount: "Number of Drive files"
driveUsage: "Drive space usage"
noCrawle: "Reject crawler indexing"
-noCrawleDescription: "Ask search engines to not index your profile page, notes, Pages, etc."
-lockedAccountInfo: "Unless you set your note visiblity to \"Followers only\", your notes will be visible to anyone, even if you require followers to be manually approved."
+noCrawleDescription: "Ask search engines to not index your profile page, beeps, Pages, etc."
+lockedAccountInfo: "Unless you set your beep visiblity to \"Followers only\", your beeps will be visible to anyone, even if you require followers to be manually approved."
alwaysMarkSensitive: "Mark as sensitive by default"
loadRawImages: "Load original images instead of showing thumbnails"
searchEngine: "Search Engine For Search MFM"
@@ -773,7 +773,7 @@ highlightSensitiveMedia: "Highlight sensitive media"
verificationEmailSent: "A verification email has been sent. Please follow the included link to complete verification."
notSet: "Not set"
emailVerified: "Email has been verified"
-noteFavoritesCount: "Number of favorite notes"
+noteFavoritesCount: "Number of favorite beeps"
pageLikesCount: "Number of liked Pages"
pageLikedCount: "Number of received Page likes"
contact: "Contact"
@@ -785,8 +785,8 @@ thisIsExperimentalFeature: "This is an experimental feature. Its functionality i
developer: "Developer"
makeExplorable: "Make account visible in \"Explore\""
makeExplorableDescription: "If you turn this off, your account will not show up in the \"Explore\" section."
-makeIndexable: "Make public notes not indexable"
-makeIndexableDescription: "Stop note search from indexing your public notes."
+makeIndexable: "Make public beeps not indexable"
+makeIndexableDescription: "Stop beep search from indexing your public beeps."
showGapBetweenNotesInTimeline: "Show a gap between posts on the timeline"
duplicate: "Duplicate"
left: "Left"
@@ -799,7 +799,7 @@ showTitlebar: "Show title bar"
clearCache: "Clear cache"
onlineUsersCount: "{n} users are online"
nUsers: "{n} Users"
-nNotes: "{n} Notes"
+nNotes: "{n} Beeps"
sendErrorReports: "Send error reports"
sendErrorReportsDescription: "When turned on, detailed error information will be shared with Sharkey when a problem occurs, helping to improve the quality of Sharkey.\nThis will include information such the version of your OS, what browser you're using, your activity in Sharkey, etc."
myTheme: "My theme"
@@ -841,8 +841,8 @@ unlikeConfirm: "Really remove your like?"
fullView: "Full view"
quitFullView: "Exit full view"
addDescription: "Add description"
-userPagePinTip: "You can display notes here by selecting \"Pin to profile\" from the menu of individual notes."
-notSpecifiedMentionWarning: "This note contains mentions of users not included as recipients"
+userPagePinTip: "You can display beeps here by selecting \"Pin to profile\" from the menu of individual beeps."
+notSpecifiedMentionWarning: "This beep contains mentions of users not included as recipients"
info: "About"
userInfo: "User information"
unknown: "Unknown"
@@ -873,7 +873,7 @@ postToHashtag: "Post to this hashtag"
gallery: "Gallery"
recentPosts: "Recent posts"
popularPosts: "Popular posts"
-shareWithNote: "Share with note"
+shareWithNote: "Share with beep"
ads: "Advertisements"
expiration: "Deadline"
startingperiod: "Start"
@@ -1066,7 +1066,7 @@ selectFromPresets: "Choose from presets"
achievements: "Achievements"
gotInvalidResponseError: "Invalid server response"
gotInvalidResponseErrorDescription: "The server may be unreachable or undergoing maintenance. Please try again later."
-thisPostMayBeAnnoying: "This note may annoy others."
+thisPostMayBeAnnoying: "This beep may annoy others."
thisPostMayBeAnnoyingHome: "Post to home timeline"
thisPostMayBeAnnoyingCancel: "Cancel"
thisPostMayBeAnnoyingIgnore: "Post anyway"
@@ -1075,7 +1075,7 @@ thisPostIsMissingAltTextIgnore: "Post anyway"
thisPostIsMissingAltText: "One of the files attached to this post is missing alt text. Please ensure all the attachments have alt text."
collapseRenotes: "Collapse boosts you've already seen"
collapseRenotesDescription: "Collapse boosts that you have boosted or reacted to"
-collapseNotesRepliedTo: "Collapse notes replied to"
+collapseNotesRepliedTo: "Collapse beeps replied to"
collapseFiles: "Collapse files"
autoloadConversation: "Load conversation on replies"
internalServerError: "Internal Server Error"
@@ -1100,14 +1100,14 @@ nonSensitiveOnlyForLocalLikeOnlyForRemote: "Non-sensitive only (Only likes from
rolesAssignedToMe: "Roles assigned to me"
resetPasswordConfirm: "Really reset your password?"
sensitiveWords: "Sensitive words"
-sensitiveWordsDescription: "The visibility of all notes containing any of the configured words will be set to \"Home\" automatically. You can list multiple by separating them via line breaks."
+sensitiveWordsDescription: "The visibility of all beeps containing any of the configured words will be set to \"Home\" automatically. You can list multiple by separating them via line breaks."
sensitiveWordsDescription2: "Using spaces will create AND expressions and surrounding keywords with slashes will turn them into a regular expression."
prohibitedWords: "Prohibited words"
-prohibitedWordsDescription: "Enables an error when attempting to post a note containing the set word(s). Multiple words can be set, separated by a new line."
+prohibitedWordsDescription: "Enables an error when attempting to post a beep containing the set word(s). Multiple words can be set, separated by a new line."
prohibitedWordsDescription2: "Using spaces will create AND expressions and surrounding keywords with slashes will turn them into a regular expression."
hiddenTags: "Hidden hashtags"
hiddenTagsDescription: "Select tags which will not shown on trend list.\nMultiple tags could be registered by lines."
-notesSearchNotAvailable: "Note search is unavailable."
+notesSearchNotAvailable: "Beep search is unavailable."
license: "License"
unfavoriteConfirm: "Really remove from favorites?"
myClips: "My clips"
@@ -1117,10 +1117,10 @@ retryAllQueuesConfirmTitle: "Really retry all?"
retryAllQueuesConfirmText: "This will temporarily increase the server load."
enableChartsForRemoteUser: "Generate remote user data charts"
enableChartsForFederatedInstances: "Generate remote instance data charts"
-showClipButtonInNoteFooter: "Add \"Clip\" to note action menu"
+showClipButtonInNoteFooter: "Add \"Clip\" to beep action menu"
reactionsDisplaySize: "Reaction display size"
limitWidthOfReaction: "Limits the maximum width of reactions and display them in reduced size."
-noteIdOrUrl: "Note ID or URL"
+noteIdOrUrl: "Beep ID or URL"
video: "Video"
videos: "Videos"
audio: "Audio"
@@ -1151,12 +1151,12 @@ pleaseAgreeAllToContinue: "You must agree to all above fields to continue."
continue: "Continue"
preservedUsernames: "Reserved usernames"
preservedUsernamesDescription: "List usernames to reserve separated by linebreaks. These will become unable during normal account creation, but can be used by administrators to manually create accounts. Already existing accounts using these usernames will not be affected."
-createNoteFromTheFile: "Compose note from this file"
+createNoteFromTheFile: "Compose beep from this file"
archive: "Archive"
channelArchiveConfirmTitle: "Really archive {name}?"
channelArchiveConfirmDescription: "An archived channel won't appear in the channel list or search results anymore. New posts can also not be added to it anymore."
thisChannelArchived: "This channel has been archived."
-displayOfNote: "Note display"
+displayOfNote: "Beep display"
initialAccountSetting: "Profile setup"
youFollowing: "Followed"
preventAiLearning: "Reject usage in Machine Learning (Generative AI)"
@@ -1215,11 +1215,11 @@ loadReplies: "Show replies"
loadConversation: "Show conversation"
pinnedList: "Pinned list"
keepScreenOn: "Keep screen on"
-clickToOpen: "Click to open notes"
+clickToOpen: "Click to open beeps"
showBots: "Show bots in timeline"
verifiedLink: "Link ownership has been verified"
-notifyNotes: "Notify about new notes"
-unnotifyNotes: "Stop notifying about new notes"
+notifyNotes: "Notify about new beeps"
+unnotifyNotes: "Stop notifying about new beeps"
authentication: "Authentication"
authenticationRequiredToContinue: "Please authenticate to continue"
dateAndTime: "Timestamp"
@@ -1228,7 +1228,7 @@ edited: "Edited"
notificationRecieveConfig: "Notification Settings"
mutualFollow: "Mutual follow"
followingOrFollower: "Following or follower"
-fileAttachedOnly: "Only notes with files"
+fileAttachedOnly: "Only beeps with files"
showRepliesToOthersInTimeline: "Show replies to others in timeline"
hideRepliesToOthersInTimeline: "Hide replies to others from timeline"
showRepliesToOthersInTimelineAll: "Show replies to others from everyone you follow in timeline"
@@ -1286,7 +1286,7 @@ ranking: "Ranking"
lastNDays: "Last {n} days"
backToTitle: "Go back to title"
hemisphere: "Where are you located"
-withSensitive: "Include notes with sensitive files"
+withSensitive: "Include beeps with sensitive files"
userSaysSomethingSensitive: "Post by {name} contains sensitive content"
enableHorizontalSwipe: "Swipe to switch tabs"
loading: "Loading"
@@ -1364,47 +1364,47 @@ _initialTutorial:
title: "Welcome to the Tutorial"
description: "Here, you can learn the basics of using Sharkey and its features."
- title: "What is a Note?"
- description: "Posts on Sharkey are called 'Notes.' Notes are arranged chronologically on the timeline and are updated in real-time."
+ title: "What is a Beep?"
+ description: "Posts on Sharkey are called 'Beeps.' Beeps are arranged chronologically on the timeline and are updated in real-time."
reply: "Click on this button to reply to a message. It's also possible to reply to replies, continuing the conversation like a thread."
- renote: "You can share that note to your own timeline. You can also quote them with your comments."
- reaction: "You can add reactions to the Note. More details will be explained on the next page."
- menu: "You can view Note details, copy links, and perform various other actions."
+ renote: "You can share that beep to your own timeline. You can also quote them with your comments."
+ reaction: "You can add reactions to the beep. More details will be explained on the next page."
+ menu: "You can view beep details, copy links, and perform various other actions."
title: "What are Reactions?"
- description: "Notes can be reacted to with various emojis. Reactions allow you to express nuances that may not be conveyed with just a 'like.'"
- letsTryReacting: "Reactions can be added by clicking the '{reaction}' button on the note. Try reacting to this sample note!"
+ description: "Beeps can be reacted to with various emojis. Reactions allow you to express nuances that may not be conveyed with just a 'like.'"
+ letsTryReacting: "Reactions can be added by clicking the '{reaction}' button on the beep. Try reacting to this sample beep!"
reactToContinue: "Add a reaction to proceed."
- reactNotification: "You'll receive real-time notifications when someone reacts to your note."
+ reactNotification: "You'll receive real-time notifications when someone reacts to your beep."
reactDone: "You can undo a reaction by pressing the '{undo}' button."
title: "The Concept of Timelines"
description1: "Sharkey provides multiple timelines based on usage (some may not be available depending on the server's policies)."
- home: "You can view notes from accounts you follow."
- local: "You can view notes from all users on this server."
- social: "Notes from the Home and Local timelines will be displayed."
- global: "You can view notes from all connected servers."
+ home: "You can view beeps from accounts you follow."
+ local: "You can view beeps from all users on this server."
+ social: "Beeps from the Home and Local timelines will be displayed."
+ global: "You can view beeps from all connected servers."
description2: "You can switch between timelines at the top of the screen at any time."
description3: "Additionally, there are list timelines and channel timelines. For more details, please refer to {link}."
- title: "Note Posting Settings"
- description1: "When posting a note on Sharkey, various options are available. The posting form looks like this."
+ title: "Beep Posting Settings"
+ description1: "When posting a beep on Sharkey, various options are available. The posting form looks like this."
- description: "You can limit who can view your note."
- public: "Your note will be visible for all users."
+ description: "You can limit who can view your beep."
+ public: "Your beep will be visible for all users."
home: "Public only on the Home timeline. People visiting your profile, via followers, and through boosts can see it."
followers: "Visible to followers only. Only followers can see it and no one else, and it cannot be boosted by others."
direct: "Visible only to specified users, and the recipient will be notified. It can be used as an alternative to direct messaging."
doNotSendConfidencialOnDirect1: "Be careful when sending sensitive information!"
- doNotSendConfidencialOnDirect2: "Administrators of the server can see what you write. Be careful with sensitive information when sending direct notes to users on untrusted servers."
- localOnly: "Posting with this flag will not federate the note to other servers. Users on other servers will not be able to view these notes directly, regardless of the display settings above."
+ doNotSendConfidencialOnDirect2: "Administrators of the server can see what you write. Be careful with sensitive information when sending direct beeps to users on untrusted servers."
+ localOnly: "Posting with this flag will not federate the beep to other servers. Users on other servers will not be able to view these beeps directly, regardless of the display settings above."
title: "Content Warning"
description: "Instead of the body, the content written in 'comments' field will be displayed. Pressing \"read more\" will reveal the body."
cw: "This will surely make you hungry!"
note: "Just had a chocolate-glazed donut 🍩😋"
- useCases: "This is used when following the server guidelines for necessary notes or for self-restriction of spoiler or sensitive text."
+ useCases: "This is used when following the server guidelines for necessary beeps or for self-restriction of spoiler or sensitive text."
title: "How to Mark Attachments as Sensitive?"
description: "For attachments that are required by server guidelines or that should not be left intact, add a \"sensitive\" flag."
@@ -1418,10 +1418,10 @@ _initialTutorial:
title: "The tutorial is complete! 🎉"
description: "The functions introduced here are just a small part. For a more detailed understanding of using Sharkey, please refer to {link}."
- home: "In the Home timeline, you can see notes from accounts you follow."
- local: "In the Local timeline, you can see notes from all users on this server."
- social: "The Social timeline displays notes from both the Home and Local timelines."
- global: "In the Global timeline, you can see notes from all connected servers."
+ home: "In the Home timeline, you can see beeps from accounts you follow."
+ local: "In the Local timeline, you can see beeps from all users on this server."
+ social: "The Social timeline displays beeps from both the Home and Local timelines."
+ global: "In the Global timeline, you can see beeps from all connected servers."
description: "A set of rules to be displayed before registration. Setting a summary of the Terms of Service is recommended."
@@ -1446,7 +1446,7 @@ _accountMigration:
moveTo: "Migrate this account to a different one"
moveToLabel: "Account to move to:"
moveCannotBeUndone: "Account migration cannot be undone."
- moveAccountDescription: "This will migrate your account to a different one.\n ・Followers from this account will automatically be migrated to the new account\n ・This account will unfollow all users it is currently following\n ・You will be unable to create new notes etc. on this account\n\nWhile migration of followers is automatic, you must manually prepare some steps to migrate the list of users you are following. To do so, carry out a follows export that you will later import on the new account in the settings menu. The same procedure applies to your lists as well as your muted and blocked users.\n\n(This explanation applies to Sharkey v13.12.0 and later. Other ActivityPub software, such as Mastodon, might function differently.)"
+ moveAccountDescription: "This will migrate your account to a different one.\n ・Followers from this account will automatically be migrated to the new account\n ・This account will unfollow all users it is currently following\n ・You will be unable to create new beeps etc. on this account\n\nWhile migration of followers is automatic, you must manually prepare some steps to migrate the list of users you are following. To do so, carry out a follows export that you will later import on the new account in the settings menu. The same procedure applies to your lists as well as your muted and blocked users.\n\n(This explanation applies to Sharkey v13.12.0 and later. Other ActivityPub software, such as Mastodon, might function differently.)"
moveAccountHowTo: "To migrate, first create an alias for this account on the account to move to.\nAfter you have created the alias, enter the account to move to in the following format: @username@server.example.com"
startMigration: "Migrate"
migrationConfirm: "Really migrate this account to {account}? Once started, this process cannot be stopped or taken back, and you will not be able to use this account in its original state anymore."
@@ -1458,53 +1458,53 @@ _achievements:
title: "just setting up my shonk"
- description: "Post your first note"
+ description: "Post your first beep"
flavor: "Have a good time with Sharkey!"
- title: "Some notes"
- description: "Post 10 notes"
+ title: "Some beeps"
+ description: "Post 10 beeps"
- title: "A lot of notes"
- description: "Post 100 notes"
+ title: "A lot of beeps"
+ description: "Post 100 beeps"
- title: "Covered in notes"
- description: "Post 500 notes"
+ title: "Covered in beeps"
+ description: "Post 500 beeps"
- title: "A mountain of notes"
- description: "Post 1,000 notes"
+ title: "A mountain of beeps"
+ description: "Post 1,000 beeps"
- title: "Overflowing notes"
- description: "Post 5,000 notes"
+ title: "Overflowing beeps"
+ description: "Post 5,000 beeps"
- title: "Supernote"
- description: "Post 10,000 notes"
+ title: "Superbeep"
+ description: "Post 10,000 beeps"
- title: "Need... more... notes..."
- description: "Post 20,000 notes"
+ title: "Need... more... beeps..."
+ description: "Post 20,000 beeps"
- title: "Notes notes notes!"
- description: "Post 30,000 notes"
+ title: "Beeps beeps beeps!"
+ description: "Post 30,000 beeps"
- title: "Note factory"
- description: "Post 40,000 notes"
+ title: "Beep factory"
+ description: "Post 40,000 beeps"
- title: "Planet of notes"
- description: "Post 50,000 notes"
+ title: "Planet of beeps"
+ description: "Post 50,000 beeps"
- title: "Note quasar"
- description: "Post 60,000 notes"
+ title: "Beep quasar"
+ description: "Post 60,000 beeps"
- title: "Note black hole"
- description: "Post 70,000 notes"
+ title: "Beep black hole"
+ description: "Post 70,000 beeps"
- title: "Note galaxy"
- description: "Post 80,000 notes"
+ title: "Beep galaxy"
+ description: "Post 80,000 beeps"
- title: "Note universe"
- description: "Post 90,000 notes"
+ title: "Beep universe"
+ description: "Post 90,000 beeps"
- description: "Post 100,000 notes"
+ description: "Post 100,000 beeps"
flavor: "You sure have a lot to say."
title: "Beginner I"
@@ -1539,7 +1539,7 @@ _achievements:
title: "Expert I"
description: "Log in for a total of 500 days"
- flavor: "My friends, it has often been said that I like notes"
+ flavor: "My friends, it has often been said that I like beeps"
title: "Expert II"
description: "Log in for a total of 600 days"
@@ -1547,24 +1547,24 @@ _achievements:
title: "Expert III"
description: "Log in for a total of 700 days"
- title: "Master of Notes I"
+ title: "Master of Beeps I"
description: "Log in for a total of 800 days"
- title: "Master of Notes II"
+ title: "Master of Beeps II"
description: "Log in for a total of 900 days"
- title: "Master of Notes III"
+ title: "Master of Beeps III"
description: "Log in for a total of 1,000 days"
flavor: "Thank you for using Sharkey!"
title: "Must... clip..."
- description: "Clip your first note"
+ description: "Clip your first beep"
title: "Stargazer"
- description: "Favorite your first note"
+ description: "Favorite your first beep"
title: "Seeking Stars"
- description: "Have somebody else favorite one of your notes"
+ description: "Have somebody else favorite one of your beeps"
title: "Well-prepared"
description: "Set up your profile"
@@ -1629,21 +1629,21 @@ _achievements:
description: "Keep Sharkey opened for at least 60 minutes"
title: "Nevermind"
- description: "Delete a note within a minute of posting it"
+ description: "Delete a beep within a minute of posting it"
title: "Nocturnal"
- description: "Post a note late at night"
+ description: "Post a beep late at night"
flavor: "It's about time to go to bed."
title: "Speaking Clock"
- description: "Post a note at 00:00"
+ description: "Post a beep at 00:00"
flavor: "Click Click Click Claaang"
title: "Self-Reference"
- description: "Quote your own note"
+ description: "Quote your own beep"
title: "Flowing Timeline"
- description: "Have the speed of your home timeline exceed 20 npm (notes per minute)"
+ description: "Have the speed of your home timeline exceed 20 npm (beeps per minute)"
title: "Analyst"
description: "View your instance's charts"
@@ -1658,7 +1658,7 @@ _achievements:
description: "Attempt to create a recursively nested folder in Drive"
title: "Did you really read that?"
- description: "React on a note that's over 100 characters long within 3 seconds of it being posted"
+ description: "React on a beep that's over 100 characters long within 3 seconds of it being posted"
title: "Click here"
description: "You've clicked here"
@@ -1745,9 +1745,9 @@ _role:
gtlAvailable: "Can view the global timeline"
btlAvailable: "Can view the bubble timeline"
ltlAvailable: "Can view the local timeline"
- canPublicNote: "Can send public notes"
- canImportNotes: "Can import notes"
- mentionMax: "Maximum number of mentions in a note"
+ canPublicNote: "Can send public beeps"
+ canImportNotes: "Can import beeps"
+ mentionMax: "Maximum number of mentions in a beep"
canInvite: "Can create instance invite codes"
inviteLimit: "Invite limit"
inviteLimitCycle: "Invite limit cooldown"
@@ -1756,18 +1756,18 @@ _role:
canManageAvatarDecorations: "Manage avatar decorations"
driveCapacity: "Drive capacity"
alwaysMarkNsfw: "Always mark files as NSFW"
- pinMax: "Maximum number of pinned notes"
+ pinMax: "Maximum number of pinned beeps"
antennaMax: "Maximum number of antennas"
wordMuteMax: "Maximum number of characters allowed in word mutes"
webhookMax: "Maximum number of Webhooks"
clipMax: "Maximum number of Clips"
- noteEachClipsMax: "Maximum number of notes within a clip"
+ noteEachClipsMax: "Maximum number of beeps within a clip"
userListMax: "Maximum number of user lists"
userEachUserListsMax: "Maximum number of users within a user list"
rateLimitFactor: "Rate limit"
descriptionOfRateLimitFactor: "Lower rate limits are less restrictive, higher ones more restrictive. "
canHideAds: "Can hide ads"
- canSearchNotes: "Usage of note search"
+ canSearchNotes: "Usage of beep search"
canUseTranslator: "Translator usage"
avatarDecorationLimit: "Maximum number of avatar decorations that can be applied"
@@ -1828,7 +1828,7 @@ _ad:
hide: "Hide"
timezoneinfo: "The day of the week is determined from the server's timezone."
adsSettings: "Ad settings"
- notesPerOneAd: "Real-time update ad placement interval (Notes per ad)"
+ notesPerOneAd: "Real-time update ad placement interval (Beeps per ad)"
setZeroToDisable: "Set this value to 0 to disable real-time update ads"
adsTooClose: "The current ad interval may significantly worsen the user experience due to being too low."
@@ -1912,7 +1912,7 @@ _channel:
owned: "Owned"
following: "Followed"
usersCount: "{n} Participants"
- notesCount: "{n} Notes"
+ notesCount: "{n} Beeps"
nameAndDescription: "Name and description"
nameOnly: "Name only"
allowRenoteToExternal: "Allow boosts and quote outside the channel"
@@ -1926,9 +1926,9 @@ _wordMute:
muteWordsDescription: "Separate with spaces for an AND condition or with line breaks for an OR condition."
muteWordsDescription2: "Surround keywords with slashes to use regular expressions."
- instanceMuteDescription: "This will mute any notes/boosts from the listed instances, including those of users replying to a user from a muted instance."
+ instanceMuteDescription: "This will mute any beeps/boosts from the listed instances, including those of users replying to a user from a muted instance."
instanceMuteDescription2: "Separate with newlines"
- title: "Hides notes from listed instances."
+ title: "Hides beeps from listed instances."
heading: "List of instances to be muted"
explore: "Explore Themes"
@@ -2002,8 +2002,8 @@ _theme:
accentLighten: "Accent (Lightened)"
fgHighlighted: "Highlighted Text"
- note: "New note"
- noteMy: "Own note"
+ note: "New beep"
+ noteMy: "Own beep"
notification: "Notifications"
antenna: "Antennas"
channel: "Channel notifications"
@@ -2062,7 +2062,7 @@ _2fa:
renewTOTPConfirm: "This will cause verification codes from your previous app to stop working"
renewTOTPOk: "Reconfigure"
renewTOTPCancel: "Cancel"
- checkBackupCodesBeforeCloseThisWizard: "Before you close this window, please note the following backup codes."
+ checkBackupCodesBeforeCloseThisWizard: "Before you close this window, please beep the following backup codes."
backupCodes: "Backup codes"
backupCodesDescription: "You can use these codes to gain access to your account in case of becoming unable to use your two-factor authentificator app. Each can only be used once. Please keep them in a safe place."
backupCodeUsedWarning: "A backup code has been used. Please reconfigure two-factor authentification as soon as possible if you are no longer able to use it."
@@ -2083,7 +2083,7 @@ _permissions:
"write:messaging": "Compose or delete chat messages"
"read:mutes": "View your list of muted users"
"write:mutes": "Edit your list of muted users"
- "write:notes": "Compose or delete notes"
+ "write:notes": "Compose or delete beeps"
"read:notifications": "View your notifications"
"write:notifications": "Manage your notifications"
"read:reactions": "View your reactions"
@@ -2164,11 +2164,11 @@ _auth:
denied: "Access denied"
pleaseLogin: "Please log in to authorize applications."
- all: "All notes"
- homeTimeline: "Notes from followed users"
- users: "Notes from specific users"
- userList: "Notes from a specified list of users"
- userBlacklist: "All notes except for those of one or more specified users"
+ all: "All beeps"
+ homeTimeline: "Beeps from followed users"
+ users: "Beeps from specific users"
+ userList: "Beeps from a specified list of users"
+ userBlacklist: "All beeps except for those of one or more specified users"
sunday: "Sunday"
monday: "Monday"
@@ -2180,7 +2180,7 @@ _weekday:
profile: "Profile"
instanceInfo: "Instance Information"
- memo: "Sticky notes"
+ memo: "Sticky beeps"
notifications: "Notifications"
timeline: "Timeline"
calendar: "Calendar"
@@ -2239,7 +2239,7 @@ _poll:
multiple: "Multiple choices"
public: "Public"
- publicDescription: "Your note will be visible for all users"
+ publicDescription: "Your beep will be visible for all users"
home: "Home"
homeDescription: "Post to home timeline only"
followers: "Followers"
@@ -2249,8 +2249,8 @@ _visibility:
disableFederation: "Defederate"
disableFederationDescription: "Don't transmit to other instances"
- replyPlaceholder: "Reply to this note..."
- quotePlaceholder: "Quote this note..."
+ replyPlaceholder: "Reply to this beep..."
+ quotePlaceholder: "Quote this beep..."
channelPlaceholder: "Post to a channel..."
a: "What are you up to?"
@@ -2279,8 +2279,8 @@ _profile:
verifiedLinkDescription: "By entering an URL that contains a link to your profile here, an ownership verification icon can be displayed next to the field."
avatarDecorationMax: "You can add up to {max} decorations."
- allNotes: "All notes"
- favoritedNotes: "Favorite notes"
+ allNotes: "All beeps"
+ favoritedNotes: "Favorite beeps"
clips: "Clip"
followingList: "Followed users"
muteList: "Muted users"
@@ -2295,10 +2295,10 @@ _charts:
usersIncDec: "Difference in the number of users"
usersTotal: "Total number of users"
activeUsers: "Active users"
- notesIncDec: "Difference in the number of notes"
- localNotesIncDec: "Difference in the number of local notes"
- remoteNotesIncDec: "Difference in the number of remote notes"
- notesTotal: "Total number of notes"
+ notesIncDec: "Difference in the number of beeps"
+ localNotesIncDec: "Difference in the number of local beeps"
+ remoteNotesIncDec: "Difference in the number of remote beeps"
+ notesTotal: "Total number of beeps"
filesIncDec: "Difference in the number of files"
filesTotal: "Total number of files"
storageUsageIncDec: "Difference in storage usage"
@@ -2307,8 +2307,8 @@ _instanceCharts:
requests: "Requests"
users: "Difference in the number of users"
usersTotal: "Cumulative number of users"
- notes: "Difference in the number of notes"
- notesTotal: "Cumulative number of notes"
+ notes: "Difference in the number of beeps"
+ notesTotal: "Cumulative number of beeps"
ff: "Difference in the number of followed users / followers "
ffTotal: "Cumulative number of followed users / followers"
cacheSize: "Difference in cache size"
@@ -2382,10 +2382,10 @@ _pages:
button: "Button"
dynamic: "Dynamic Blocks"
dynamicDescription: "This block type has been removed. Please use {play} from now on."
- note: "Embedded note"
+ note: "Embedded beep"
- id: "Note ID"
- idDescription: "You can alternatively paste the note URL here."
+ id: "Beep ID"
+ idDescription: "You can alternatively paste the beep URL here."
detailed: "Detailed view"
requesting: "Pending"
@@ -2401,7 +2401,7 @@ _notification:
youReceivedFollowRequest: "You've received a follow request"
yourFollowRequestAccepted: "Your follow request was accepted"
pollEnded: "Poll results have become available"
- newNote: "New note"
+ newNote: "New beep"
unreadAntennaNote: "Antenna {name}"
roleAssigned: "Role given"
emptyPushNotificationMessage: "Push notifications have been updated"
@@ -2411,14 +2411,14 @@ _notification:
sendTestNotification: "Send test notification"
notificationWillBeDisplayedLikeThis: "Notifications look like this"
reactedBySomeUsers: "{n} users reacted"
- likedBySomeUsers: "{n} users liked your note"
+ likedBySomeUsers: "{n} users liked your beep"
renotedBySomeUsers: "Boosted by {n} users"
followedBySomeUsers: "Followed by {n} users"
flushNotification: "Clear notifications"
- edited: "Note got edited"
+ edited: "Beep got edited"
all: "All"
- note: "New notes"
+ note: "New beeps"
follow: "New followers"
mention: "Mentions"
reply: "Replies"
@@ -2439,7 +2439,7 @@ _deck:
alwaysShowMainColumn: "Always show main column"
columnAlign: "Align columns"
addColumn: "Add column"
- newNoteNotificationSettings: "New note notification"
+ newNoteNotificationSettings: "New beep notification"
configureColumn: "Column settings"
swapLeft: "Swap with the left column"
swapRight: "Swap with the right column"
@@ -2465,7 +2465,7 @@ _deck:
list: "List"
channel: "Channel"
mentions: "Mentions"
- direct: "Direct notes"
+ direct: "Direct beeps"
roleTimeline: "Role Timeline"
charactersExceeded: "You've exceeded the maximum character limit! Currently at {current} of {max}."
@@ -2485,7 +2485,7 @@ _webhookSettings:
follow: "When following a user"
followed: "When being followed"
- note: "When posting a note"
+ note: "When posting a beep"
reply: "When receiving a reply"
renote: "When boosted"
reaction: "When receiving a reaction"
@@ -2614,7 +2614,7 @@ _fileViewer:
size: "Filesize"
url: "URL"
uploadedAt: "Uploaded at"
- attachedNotes: "Attached notes"
+ attachedNotes: "Attached beeps"
thisPageCanBeSeenFromTheAuthor: "This page can only be seen by the user who uploaded this file."
title: "Install from external site"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,802 @@
From 61094b8bbe5b28cde4f4b179ec600e7109433d68 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: limepotato <limepot@protonmail.ch>
Date: Sat, 6 Jul 2024 14:13:00 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] Rename 'Users' to 'Creatures'
Signed-off-by: limepotato <limepot@protonmail.ch>
locales/en-US.yml | 282 +++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
1 file changed, 141 insertions(+), 141 deletions(-)
diff --git a/locales/en-US.yml b/locales/en-US.yml
index 0b42a86eb9..282aabe0d7 100644
--- a/locales/en-US.yml
+++ b/locales/en-US.yml
@@ -26,16 +26,16 @@ otherSettings: "Other Settings"
openInWindow: "Open in window"
profile: "Profile"
timeline: "Timeline"
-noAccountDescription: "This user has not written their bio yet."
+noAccountDescription: "This creature has not written their bio yet."
login: "Sign In"
loggingIn: "Signing In"
logout: "Sign Out"
signup: "Sign Up"
uploading: "Uploading..."
save: "Save"
-users: "Users"
+users: "Creatures"
approvals: "Approvals"
-addUser: "Add a user"
+addUser: "Add a creature"
favorite: "Add to favorites"
favorites: "Favorites"
unfavorite: "Remove from favorites"
@@ -56,12 +56,12 @@ sendMessage: "Send a message"
copyRSS: "Copy RSS"
copyUsername: "Copy username"
openRemoteProfile: "Open remote profile"
-copyUserId: "Copy user ID"
+copyUserId: "Copy creature ID"
copyNoteId: "Copy beep ID"
copyFileId: "Copy file ID"
copyFolderId: "Copy folder ID"
copyProfileUrl: "Copy profile URL"
-searchUser: "Search for a user"
+searchUser: "Search for a creature"
reply: "Reply"
loadMore: "Load more"
showMore: "Show more"
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ renoteMute: "Mute Rebeeps"
renoteUnmute: "Unmute Rebeeps"
block: "Block"
unblock: "Unblock"
-markAsNSFW: "Mark all media from user as NSFW"
+markAsNSFW: "Mark all media from creature as NSFW"
suspend: "Suspend"
unsuspend: "Unsuspend"
blockConfirm: "Are you sure that you want to block this account?"
@@ -184,8 +184,8 @@ flagAsCatDescription: "Enable this option to mark this account as a cat."
flagSpeakAsCat: "Speak as a cat"
flagSpeakAsCatDescription: "Your posts will get nyanified when in cat mode."
flagShowTimelineReplies: "Show replies in timeline"
-flagShowTimelineRepliesDescription: "Shows replies of users to beeps of other users in the timeline if turned on."
-autoAcceptFollowed: "Automatically approve follow requests from users you're following"
+flagShowTimelineRepliesDescription: "Shows replies of creatures to beeps of other creatures in the timeline if turned on."
+autoAcceptFollowed: "Automatically approve follow requests from creatures you're following"
addAccount: "Add account"
reloadAccountsList: "Reload account list"
loginFailed: "Failed to sign in"
@@ -198,9 +198,9 @@ searchWith: "Search: {q}"
youHaveNoLists: "You don't have any lists"
followConfirm: "Are you sure that you want to follow {name}?"
proxyAccount: "Proxy account"
-proxyAccountDescription: "A proxy account is an account that acts as a remote follower for users under certain conditions. For example, when a user adds a remote user to the list, the remote user's activity will not be delivered to the instance if no local user is following that user, so the proxy account will follow instead."
+proxyAccountDescription: "A proxy account is an account that acts as a remote follower for creatures under certain conditions. For example, when a creature adds a remote creature to the list, the remote creature's activity will not be delivered to the instance if no local creature is following that creature, so the proxy account will follow instead."
host: "Host"
-selectUser: "Select a user"
+selectUser: "Select a creature"
recipient: "Recipient"
annotation: "Comments"
federation: "Federation"
@@ -237,13 +237,13 @@ blockedInstancesDescription: "List the hostnames of the instances you want to bl
silencedInstances: "Silenced instances"
silencedInstancesDescription: "List the hostnames of the instances that you want to silence. All accounts of the listed instances will be treated as silenced, can only make follow requests, and cannot mention local accounts if not followed. This will not affect blocked instances."
muteAndBlock: "Mutes and Blocks"
-mutedUsers: "Muted users"
-blockedUsers: "Blocked users"
-noUsers: "There are no users"
+mutedUsers: "Muted creatures"
+blockedUsers: "Blocked creatures"
+noUsers: "There are no creatures"
editProfile: "Edit profile"
noteDeleteConfirm: "Are you sure you want to delete this beep?"
pinLimitExceeded: "You cannot pin any more beeps"
-intro: "Installation of Sharkey has been finished! Please create an admin user."
+intro: "Installation of Sharkey has been finished! Please create an admin creature."
done: "Done"
processing: "Processing..."
preview: "Preview"
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ publishing: "Publishing"
notResponding: "Not responding"
instanceFollowing: "Following on instance"
instanceFollowers: "Instance followers"
-instanceUsers: "Users of this instance"
+instanceUsers: "Creatures of this instance"
changePassword: "Change password"
security: "Security"
retypedNotMatch: "The inputs do not match."
@@ -270,8 +270,8 @@ newPasswordRetype: "Retype new password"
attachFile: "Attach files"
more: "More!"
featured: "Featured"
-usernameOrUserId: "Username or user id"
-noSuchUser: "User not found"
+usernameOrUserId: "Username or creature id"
+noSuchUser: "Creature not found"
lookup: "Lookup"
announcements: "Announcements"
imageUrl: "Image URL"
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ basicNotesBeforeCreateAccount: "Important beeps"
termsOfService: "Terms of Service"
start: "Begin"
home: "Home"
-remoteUserCaution: "As this user is from a remote instance, the shown information may be incomplete."
+remoteUserCaution: "As this creature is from a remote instance, the shown information may be incomplete."
activity: "Activity"
images: "Images"
image: "Image"
@@ -377,15 +377,15 @@ enableLocalTimeline: "Enable local timeline"
enableGlobalTimeline: "Enable global timeline"
disablingTimelinesInfo: "Adminstrators and Moderators will always have access to all timelines, even if they are not enabled."
registration: "Register"
-enableRegistration: "Enable new user registration"
+enableRegistration: "Enable new creature registration"
invite: "Invite"
-driveCapacityPerLocalAccount: "Drive capacity per local user"
-driveCapacityPerRemoteAccount: "Drive capacity per remote user"
+driveCapacityPerLocalAccount: "Drive capacity per local creature"
+driveCapacityPerRemoteAccount: "Drive capacity per remote creature"
inMb: "In megabytes"
bannerUrl: "Banner image URL"
backgroundImageUrl: "Background image URL"
basicInfo: "Basic info"
-pinnedUsers: "Pinned users"
+pinnedUsers: "Pinned creatures"
pinnedUsersDescription: "List usernames separated by line breaks to be pinned in the \"Explore\" tab."
pinnedPages: "Pinned Pages"
pinnedPagesDescription: "Enter the paths of the Pages you want to pin to the top page of this instance, separated by line breaks."
@@ -420,21 +420,21 @@ antennaKeywordsDescription: "Separate with spaces for an AND condition or with l
notifyAntenna: "Notify about new beeps"
withFileAntenna: "Only beeps with files"
enableServiceworker: "Enable Push-Notifications for your Browser"
-antennaUsersDescription: "List one username per line. Use \"*@instance.com\" to specify all users of an instance"
+antennaUsersDescription: "List one username per line. Use \"*@instance.com\" to specify all creatures of an instance"
caseSensitive: "Case sensitive"
withReplies: "Include replies"
connectedTo: "Following account(s) are connected"
notesAndReplies: "Beeps and replies"
withFiles: "Including files"
silence: "Silence"
-silenceConfirm: "Are you sure that you want to silence this user?"
+silenceConfirm: "Are you sure that you want to silence this creature?"
unsilence: "Undo silencing"
-unsilenceConfirm: "Are you sure that you want to undo the silencing of this user?"
-popularUsers: "Popular users"
-recentlyUpdatedUsers: "Recently active users"
-recentlyRegisteredUsers: "Newly joined users"
-recentlyDiscoveredUsers: "Newly discovered users"
-exploreUsersCount: "There are {count} users"
+unsilenceConfirm: "Are you sure that you want to undo the silencing of this creature?"
+popularUsers: "Popular creatures"
+recentlyUpdatedUsers: "Recently active creatures"
+recentlyRegisteredUsers: "Newly joined creatures"
+recentlyDiscoveredUsers: "Newly discovered creatures"
+exploreUsersCount: "There are {count} creatures"
exploreFediverse: "Explore the Fediverse"
popularTags: "Popular tags"
userList: "Lists"
@@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ moderation: "Moderation"
moderationNote: "Moderation beep"
addModerationNote: "Add moderation beep"
moderationLogs: "Moderation logs"
-nUsersMentioned: "Mentioned by {n} users"
+nUsersMentioned: "Mentioned by {n} creatures"
securityKeyAndPasskey: "Security- and passkeys"
securityKey: "Security key"
lastUsed: "Last used"
@@ -507,7 +507,7 @@ signinWith: "Sign in with {x}"
signinFailed: "Unable to sign in. The entered username or password is incorrect."
or: "Or"
language: "Language"
-uiLanguage: "User interface language"
+uiLanguage: "Creature interface language"
aboutX: "About {x}"
emojiStyle: "Emoji style"
native: "Native"
@@ -570,7 +570,7 @@ serverLogs: "Server logs"
deleteAll: "Delete all"
showFixedPostForm: "Display the posting form at the top of the timeline"
showFixedPostFormInChannel: "Display the posting form at the top of the timeline (Channels)"
-withRepliesByDefaultForNewlyFollowed: "Include replies by newly followed users in the timeline by default"
+withRepliesByDefaultForNewlyFollowed: "Include replies by newly followed creatures in the timeline by default"
newNoteRecived: "There are new beeps"
sounds: "Sounds"
sound: "Sounds"
@@ -601,17 +601,17 @@ scratchpadDescription: "The Scratchpad provides an environment for AiScript expe
output: "Output"
script: "Script"
disablePagesScript: "Disable AiScript on Pages"
-updateRemoteUser: "Update remote user information"
+updateRemoteUser: "Update remote creature information"
unsetUserAvatar: "Unset avatar"
unsetUserAvatarConfirm: "Are you sure you want to unset the avatar?"
unsetUserBanner: "Unset banner"
unsetUserBannerConfirm: "Are you sure you want to unset the banner?"
deleteAllFiles: "Delete all files"
deleteAllFilesConfirm: "Are you sure that you want to delete all files?"
-removeAllFollowing: "Unfollow all followed users"
+removeAllFollowing: "Unfollow all followed creatures"
removeAllFollowingDescription: "Executing this unfollows all accounts from {host}. Please run this if the instance e.g. no longer exists."
-userSuspended: "This user has been suspended."
-userSilenced: "This user is being silenced."
+userSuspended: "This creature has been suspended."
+userSilenced: "This creature is being silenced."
yourAccountSuspendedTitle: "This account is suspended"
yourAccountSuspendedDescription: "This account has been suspended due to breaking the server's terms of services or similar. Contact the administrator if you would like to know a more detailed reason. Please do not create a new account."
tokenRevoked: "Invalid token"
@@ -797,8 +797,8 @@ reloadToApplySetting: "This setting will only apply after a page reload. Reload
needReloadToApply: "A reload is required for this to be reflected."
showTitlebar: "Show title bar"
clearCache: "Clear cache"
-onlineUsersCount: "{n} users are online"
-nUsers: "{n} Users"
+onlineUsersCount: "{n} creatures are online"
+nUsers: "{n} Creatures"
nNotes: "{n} Beeps"
sendErrorReports: "Send error reports"
sendErrorReportsDescription: "When turned on, detailed error information will be shared with Sharkey when a problem occurs, helping to improve the quality of Sharkey.\nThis will include information such the version of your OS, what browser you're using, your activity in Sharkey, etc."
@@ -842,9 +842,9 @@ fullView: "Full view"
quitFullView: "Exit full view"
addDescription: "Add description"
userPagePinTip: "You can display beeps here by selecting \"Pin to profile\" from the menu of individual beeps."
-notSpecifiedMentionWarning: "This beep contains mentions of users not included as recipients"
+notSpecifiedMentionWarning: "This beep contains mentions of creatures not included as recipients"
info: "About"
-userInfo: "User information"
+userInfo: "Creature information"
unknown: "Unknown"
onlineStatus: "Online status"
hideOnlineStatus: "Hide online status"
@@ -860,7 +860,7 @@ switchAccount: "Switch account"
enabled: "Enabled"
disabled: "Disabled"
quickAction: "Quick actions"
-user: "User"
+user: "Creature"
administration: "Management"
accounts: "Accounts"
switch: "Switch"
@@ -916,7 +916,7 @@ itsOff: "Disabled"
on: "On"
off: "Off"
emailRequiredForSignup: "Require email address for sign-up"
-approvalRequiredForSignup: "Require approval for new users"
+approvalRequiredForSignup: "Require approval for new creatures"
unread: "Unread"
filter: "Filter"
controlPanel: "Control Panel"
@@ -968,10 +968,10 @@ recentNHours: "Last {n} hours"
recentNDays: "Last {n} days"
noEmailServerWarning: "Email server not configured."
thereIsUnresolvedAbuseReportWarning: "There are unsolved reports."
-pendingUserApprovals: "There are users awaiting approval."
+pendingUserApprovals: "There are creatures awaiting approval."
recommended: "Recommended"
check: "Check"
-driveCapOverrideLabel: "Change the drive capacity for this user"
+driveCapOverrideLabel: "Change the drive capacity for this creature"
driveCapOverrideCaption: "Reset the capacity to default by inputting a value of 0 or lower."
requireAdminForView: "You must log in with an administrator account to view this."
isSystemAccount: "An account created and automatically operated by the system."
@@ -984,7 +984,7 @@ notApproved: "Not Approved"
approvalStatus: "Approval Status"
document: "Documentation"
numberOfPageCache: "Number of cached pages"
-numberOfPageCacheDescription: "Increasing this number will improve convenience for but cause more load as more memory usage on the user's device."
+numberOfPageCacheDescription: "Increasing this number will improve convenience for but cause more load as more memory usage on the creature's device."
numberOfReplies: "Number of replies in a thread"
numberOfRepliesDescription: "Increasing this number will display more replies. Setting this too high can cause replies to be cramped and unreadable."
boostSettings: "Rebeep Settings"
@@ -1047,7 +1047,7 @@ correspondingSourceIsAvailable: "The corresponding source code is available at {
roles: "Roles"
role: "Role"
noRole: "Role not found"
-normalUser: "Normal user"
+normalUser: "Normal creature"
undefined: "Undefined"
assign: "Assign"
unassign: "Unassign"
@@ -1088,7 +1088,7 @@ disableFederationConfirm: "Really disable federation?"
disableFederationConfirmWarn: "Even if defederated, posts will continue to be public unless set otherwise. You usually do not need to do this."
disableFederationOk: "Disable"
invitationRequiredToRegister: "This instance is invite-only. You must enter a valid invite code sign up."
-approvalRequiredToRegister: "This instance is only accepting users who specify a reason for registration."
+approvalRequiredToRegister: "This instance is only accepting creatures who specify a reason for registration."
emailNotSupported: "This instance does not support sending emails"
postToTheChannel: "Post to channel"
cannotBeChangedLater: "This cannot be changed later."
@@ -1115,7 +1115,7 @@ drivecleaner: "Drive Cleaner"
retryAllQueuesNow: "Retry running all queues"
retryAllQueuesConfirmTitle: "Really retry all?"
retryAllQueuesConfirmText: "This will temporarily increase the server load."
-enableChartsForRemoteUser: "Generate remote user data charts"
+enableChartsForRemoteUser: "Generate remote creature data charts"
enableChartsForFederatedInstances: "Generate remote instance data charts"
showClipButtonInNoteFooter: "Add \"Clip\" to beep action menu"
reactionsDisplaySize: "Reaction display size"
@@ -1127,7 +1127,7 @@ audio: "Audio"
audioFiles: "Audio"
dataSaver: "Data Saver"
accountMigration: "Account Migration"
-accountMoved: "This user has moved to a new account:"
+accountMoved: "This creature has moved to a new account:"
accountMovedShort: "This account has been migrated."
operationForbidden: "Operation forbidden"
forceShowAds: "Always show ads"
@@ -1162,7 +1162,7 @@ youFollowing: "Followed"
preventAiLearning: "Reject usage in Machine Learning (Generative AI)"
preventAiLearningDescription: "Requests crawlers to not use posted text or image material etc. in machine learning (Predictive / Generative AI) data sets. This is achieved by adding a \"noai\" HTML-Response flag to the respective content. A complete prevention can however not be achieved through this flag, as it may simply be ignored."
options: "Options"
-specifyUser: "Specific user"
+specifyUser: "Specific creature"
failedToPreviewUrl: "Could not preview"
update: "Update"
rolesThatCanBeUsedThisEmojiAsReaction: "Roles that can use this emoji as reaction"
@@ -1180,7 +1180,7 @@ enableAchievements: "Enable Achievements"
turnOffAchievements: "Turning this off will disable the achievement system"
enableBotTrending: "Populate Hashtags with Bots"
turnOffBotTrending: "Turning this off will stop Bots from populating Hashtags"
-enableIdenticonGeneration: "Enable user identicon generation"
+enableIdenticonGeneration: "Enable creature identicon generation"
turnOffToImprovePerformance: "Turning this off can increase performance."
createInviteCode: "Generate invite"
createWithOptions: "Generate with options"
@@ -1327,18 +1327,18 @@ _bubbleGame:
section2: "When two objects of the same type touch each other, they will change into a different object and you score points."
section3: "The game is over when objects overflow from the box. Aim for a high score by fusing objects together while you avoid overflowing the box!"
- forExistingUsers: "Existing users only"
- forExistingUsersDescription: "This announcement will only be shown to users existing at the point of publishment if enabled. If disabled, those newly signing up after it has been posted will also see it."
+ forExistingUsers: "Existing creatures only"
+ forExistingUsersDescription: "This announcement will only be shown to creatures existing at the point of publishment if enabled. If disabled, those newly signing up after it has been posted will also see it."
needConfirmationToRead: "Require separate read confirmation"
needConfirmationToReadDescription: "A separate prompt to confirm marking this announcement as read will be displayed if enabled. This announcement will also be excluded from any \"Mark all as read\" functionality."
end: "Archive announcement"
- tooManyActiveAnnouncementDescription: "Having too many active announcements may worsen the user experience. Please consider archiving announcements that have become obsolete."
+ tooManyActiveAnnouncementDescription: "Having too many active announcements may worsen the creature experience. Please consider archiving announcements that have become obsolete."
readConfirmTitle: "Mark as read?"
readConfirmText: "This will mark the contents of \"{title}\" as read."
shouldNotBeUsedToPresentPermanentInfo: "It's best to use announcements to publish fresh and time-bound information, not for information that will be relevant in the long term."
- dialogAnnouncementUxWarn: "Having two or more dialog-style notifications simultaneously can significantly impact the user experience, so please use them carefully."
+ dialogAnnouncementUxWarn: "Having two or more dialog-style notifications simultaneously can significantly impact the creature experience, so please use them carefully."
silence: "No notification"
- silenceDescription: "Turning this on will skip the notification of this announcement and the user won't need to read it."
+ silenceDescription: "Turning this on will skip the notification of this announcement and the creature won't need to read it."
accountCreated: "Your account was successfully created!"
letsStartAccountSetup: "For starters, let's set up your profile."
@@ -1347,7 +1347,7 @@ _initialAccountSetting:
privacySetting: "Privacy settings"
theseSettingsCanEditLater: "You can always change these settings later."
youCanEditMoreSettingsInSettingsPageLater: "There are many more settings you can configure from the \"Settings\" page. Be sure to visit it later."
- followUsers: "Try following some users that interest you to build up your timeline."
+ followUsers: "Try following some creatures that interest you to build up your timeline."
pushNotificationDescription: "Enabling push notifications will allow you to receive notifications from {name} directly on your device."
initialAccountSettingCompleted: "Profile setup complete!"
haveFun: "Enjoy {name}!"
@@ -1381,7 +1381,7 @@ _initialTutorial:
title: "The Concept of Timelines"
description1: "Sharkey provides multiple timelines based on usage (some may not be available depending on the server's policies)."
home: "You can view beeps from accounts you follow."
- local: "You can view beeps from all users on this server."
+ local: "You can view beeps from all creatures on this server."
social: "Beeps from the Home and Local timelines will be displayed."
global: "You can view beeps from all connected servers."
description2: "You can switch between timelines at the top of the screen at any time."
@@ -1391,13 +1391,13 @@ _initialTutorial:
description1: "When posting a beep on Sharkey, various options are available. The posting form looks like this."
description: "You can limit who can view your beep."
- public: "Your beep will be visible for all users."
+ public: "Your beep will be visible for all creatures."
home: "Public only on the Home timeline. People visiting your profile, via followers, and through rebeeps can see it."
followers: "Visible to followers only. Only followers can see it and no one else, and it cannot be rebeeped by others."
- direct: "Visible only to specified users, and the recipient will be notified. It can be used as an alternative to direct messaging."
+ direct: "Visible only to specified creatures, and the recipient will be notified. It can be used as an alternative to direct messaging."
doNotSendConfidencialOnDirect1: "Be careful when sending sensitive information!"
- doNotSendConfidencialOnDirect2: "Administrators of the server can see what you write. Be careful with sensitive information when sending direct beeps to users on untrusted servers."
- localOnly: "Posting with this flag will not federate the beep to other servers. Users on other servers will not be able to view these beeps directly, regardless of the display settings above."
+ doNotSendConfidencialOnDirect2: "Administrators of the server can see what you write. Be careful with sensitive information when sending direct beeps to creatures on untrusted servers."
+ localOnly: "Posting with this flag will not federate the beep to other servers. Creatures on other servers will not be able to view these beeps directly, regardless of the display settings above."
title: "Content Warning"
description: "Instead of the body, the content written in 'comments' field will be displayed. Pressing \"read more\" will reveal the body."
@@ -1419,7 +1419,7 @@ _initialTutorial:
description: "The functions introduced here are just a small part. For a more detailed understanding of using Sharkey, please refer to {link}."
home: "In the Home timeline, you can see beeps from accounts you follow."
- local: "In the Local timeline, you can see beeps from all users on this server."
+ local: "In the Local timeline, you can see beeps from all creatures on this server."
social: "The Social timeline displays beeps from both the Home and Local timelines."
global: "In the Global timeline, you can see beeps from all connected servers."
@@ -1446,7 +1446,7 @@ _accountMigration:
moveTo: "Migrate this account to a different one"
moveToLabel: "Account to move to:"
moveCannotBeUndone: "Account migration cannot be undone."
- moveAccountDescription: "This will migrate your account to a different one.\n ・Followers from this account will automatically be migrated to the new account\n ・This account will unfollow all users it is currently following\n ・You will be unable to create new beeps etc. on this account\n\nWhile migration of followers is automatic, you must manually prepare some steps to migrate the list of users you are following. To do so, carry out a follows export that you will later import on the new account in the settings menu. The same procedure applies to your lists as well as your muted and blocked users.\n\n(This explanation applies to Sharkey v13.12.0 and later. Other ActivityPub software, such as Mastodon, might function differently.)"
+ moveAccountDescription: "This will migrate your account to a different one.\n ・Followers from this account will automatically be migrated to the new account\n ・This account will unfollow all creatures it is currently following\n ・You will be unable to create new beeps etc. on this account\n\nWhile migration of followers is automatic, you must manually prepare some steps to migrate the list of creatures you are following. To do so, carry out a follows export that you will later import on the new account in the settings menu. The same procedure applies to your lists as well as your muted and blocked creatures.\n\n(This explanation applies to Sharkey v13.12.0 and later. Other ActivityPub software, such as Mastodon, might function differently.)"
moveAccountHowTo: "To migrate, first create an alias for this account on the account to move to.\nAfter you have created the alias, enter the account to move to in the following format: @username@server.example.com"
startMigration: "Migrate"
migrationConfirm: "Really migrate this account to {account}? Once started, this process cannot be stopped or taken back, and you will not be able to use this account in its original state anymore."
@@ -1573,11 +1573,11 @@ _achievements:
description: "Mark your account as a cat"
flavor: "I'll give you a name later."
- title: "Following your first user"
- description: "Follow a user"
+ title: "Following your first creature"
+ description: "Follow a creature"
title: "Keep up... keep up..."
- description: "Follow 10 users"
+ description: "Follow 10 creatures"
title: "Lots of friends"
description: "Follow 50 accounts"
@@ -1713,7 +1713,7 @@ _role:
permission: "Role permissions"
descriptionOfPermission: "<b>Moderators</b> can perform basic moderation operations.\n<b>Administrators</b> can change all settings of the instance."
assignTarget: "Assignment type"
- descriptionOfAssignTarget: "<b>Manual</b> to manually change who is part of this role and who is not.\n<b>Conditional</b> to have users be automatically assigned and removed from this role based on a condition."
+ descriptionOfAssignTarget: "<b>Manual</b> to manually change who is part of this role and who is not.\n<b>Conditional</b> to have creatures be automatically assigned and removed from this role based on a condition."
manual: "Manual"
manualRoles: "Manual roles"
conditional: "Conditional"
@@ -1721,7 +1721,7 @@ _role:
condition: "Condition"
isConditionalRole: "This is a conditional role."
isPublic: "Public role"
- descriptionOfIsPublic: "This role will be displayed in the profiles of assigned users."
+ descriptionOfIsPublic: "This role will be displayed in the profiles of assigned creatures."
options: "Options"
policies: "Policies"
baseRole: "Role template"
@@ -1729,13 +1729,13 @@ _role:
chooseRoleToAssign: "Select the role to assign"
iconUrl: "Icon URL"
asBadge: "Show as badge"
- descriptionOfAsBadge: "This role's icon will be displayed next to the username of users with this role if turned on."
+ descriptionOfAsBadge: "This role's icon will be displayed next to the username of creatures with this role if turned on."
isExplorable: "Make role explorable"
- descriptionOfIsExplorable: "This role's timeline and the list of users with this will be made public if enabled."
+ descriptionOfIsExplorable: "This role's timeline and the list of creatures with this will be made public if enabled."
displayOrder: "Position"
descriptionOfDisplayOrder: "The higher the number, the higher its UI position."
canEditMembersByModerator: "Allow moderators to edit the list of members for this role"
- descriptionOfCanEditMembersByModerator: "When turned on, moderators as well as administrators will be able to assign and unassign users to this role. When turned off, only administrators will be able to assign users."
+ descriptionOfCanEditMembersByModerator: "When turned on, moderators as well as administrators will be able to assign and unassign creatures to this role. When turned off, only administrators will be able to assign creatures."
priority: "Priority"
low: "Low"
@@ -1762,8 +1762,8 @@ _role:
webhookMax: "Maximum number of Webhooks"
clipMax: "Maximum number of Clips"
noteEachClipsMax: "Maximum number of beeps within a clip"
- userListMax: "Maximum number of user lists"
- userEachUserListsMax: "Maximum number of users within a user list"
+ userListMax: "Maximum number of creature lists"
+ userEachUserListsMax: "Maximum number of creatures within a creature list"
rateLimitFactor: "Rate limit"
descriptionOfRateLimitFactor: "Lower rate limits are less restrictive, higher ones more restrictive. "
canHideAds: "Can hide ads"
@@ -1772,11 +1772,11 @@ _role:
avatarDecorationLimit: "Maximum number of avatar decorations that can be applied"
roleAssignedTo: "Assigned to manual roles"
- isLocal: "Local user"
- isRemote: "Remote user"
- isCat: "Cat Users"
- isBot: "Bot Users"
- isSuspended: "Suspended user"
+ isLocal: "Local creature"
+ isRemote: "Remote creature"
+ isCat: "Cat Creatures"
+ isBot: "Bot Creatures"
+ isSuspended: "Suspended creature"
isLocked: "Private account"
isExplorable: "Account is discoverable"
createdLessThan: "Less than X has passed since account creation"
@@ -1830,7 +1830,7 @@ _ad:
adsSettings: "Ad settings"
notesPerOneAd: "Real-time update ad placement interval (Beeps per ad)"
setZeroToDisable: "Set this value to 0 to disable real-time update ads"
- adsTooClose: "The current ad interval may significantly worsen the user experience due to being too low."
+ adsTooClose: "The current ad interval may significantly worsen the creature experience due to being too low."
enterEmail: "Enter the email address you used to register. A link with which you can reset your password will then be sent to it."
ifNoEmail: "If you did not use an email during registration, please contact the instance administrator instead."
@@ -1896,7 +1896,7 @@ _displayOfSensitiveMedia:
force: "Hide all media"
none: "Never show"
- remote: "Show for remote users"
+ remote: "Show for remote creatures"
always: "Always show"
reload: "Automatically reload"
@@ -1926,7 +1926,7 @@ _wordMute:
muteWordsDescription: "Separate with spaces for an AND condition or with line breaks for an OR condition."
muteWordsDescription2: "Surround keywords with slashes to use regular expressions."
- instanceMuteDescription: "This will mute any beeps/rebeeps from the listed instances, including those of users replying to a user from a muted instance."
+ instanceMuteDescription: "This will mute any beeps/rebeeps from the listed instances, including those of creatures replying to a creature from a muted instance."
instanceMuteDescription2: "Separate with newlines"
title: "Hides beeps from listed instances."
heading: "List of instances to be muted"
@@ -2071,8 +2071,8 @@ _2fa:
"read:account": "View your account information"
"write:account": "Edit your account information"
- "read:blocks": "View your list of blocked users"
- "write:blocks": "Edit your list of blocked users"
+ "read:blocks": "View your list of blocked creatures"
+ "write:blocks": "Edit your list of blocked creatures"
"read:drive": "Access your Drive files and folders"
"write:drive": "Edit or delete your Drive files and folders"
"read:favorites": "View your list of favorites"
@@ -2081,8 +2081,8 @@ _permissions:
"write:following": "Follow or unfollow other accounts"
"read:messaging": "View your chats"
"write:messaging": "Compose or delete chat messages"
- "read:mutes": "View your list of muted users"
- "write:mutes": "Edit your list of muted users"
+ "read:mutes": "View your list of muted creatures"
+ "write:mutes": "Edit your list of muted creatures"
"write:notes": "Compose or delete beeps"
"read:notifications": "View your notifications"
"write:notifications": "Manage your notifications"
@@ -2093,8 +2093,8 @@ _permissions:
"write:pages": "Edit or delete your Pages"
"read:page-likes": "View list of liked Pages"
"write:page-likes": "Edit list of liked Pages"
- "read:user-groups": "View your user groups"
- "write:user-groups": "Edit or delete your user groups"
+ "read:user-groups": "View your creature groups"
+ "write:user-groups": "Edit or delete your creature groups"
"read:channels": "View your channels"
"write:channels": "Edit your channels"
"read:gallery": "View your gallery"
@@ -2105,23 +2105,23 @@ _permissions:
"write:flash": "Edit Plays"
"read:flash-likes": "View list of liked Plays"
"write:flash-likes": "Edit list of liked Plays"
- "read:admin:abuse-user-reports": "View user reports"
- "write:admin:delete-account": "Delete user account"
- "write:admin:delete-all-files-of-a-user": "Delete all files of a user"
+ "read:admin:abuse-user-reports": "View creature reports"
+ "write:admin:delete-account": "Delete creature account"
+ "write:admin:delete-all-files-of-a-user": "Delete all files of a creature"
"read:admin:index-stats": "View database index stats"
"read:admin:table-stats": "View database table stats"
- "read:admin:user-ips": "View user IP addresses"
+ "read:admin:user-ips": "View creature IP addresses"
"read:admin:meta": "View instance metadata"
- "write:admin:reset-password": "Reset user password"
- "write:admin:resolve-abuse-user-report": "Resolve user report"
+ "write:admin:reset-password": "Reset creature password"
+ "write:admin:resolve-abuse-user-report": "Resolve creature report"
"write:admin:send-email": "Send email"
"read:admin:server-info": "View server info"
"read:admin:show-moderation-log": "View moderation log"
- "read:admin:show-user": "View private user info"
- "write:admin:suspend-user": "Suspend user"
- "write:admin:unset-user-avatar": "Remove user avatar"
- "write:admin:unset-user-banner": "Remove user banner"
- "write:admin:unsuspend-user": "Unsuspend user"
+ "read:admin:show-user": "View private creature info"
+ "write:admin:suspend-user": "Suspend creature"
+ "write:admin:unset-user-avatar": "Remove creature avatar"
+ "write:admin:unset-user-banner": "Remove creature banner"
+ "write:admin:unsuspend-user": "Unsuspend creature"
"write:admin:meta": "Manage instance metadata"
"write:admin:user-note": "Manage moderation note"
"write:admin:roles": "Manage roles"
@@ -2135,15 +2135,15 @@ _permissions:
"write:admin:avatar-decorations": "Manage avatar decorations"
"read:admin:avatar-decorations": "View avatar decorations"
"write:admin:federation": "Manage federation data"
- "write:admin:account": "Manage user account"
- "read:admin:account": "View user account"
+ "write:admin:account": "Manage creature account"
+ "read:admin:account": "View creature account"
"write:admin:emoji": "Manage emoji"
"read:admin:emoji": "View emoji"
"write:admin:queue": "Manage job queue"
"read:admin:queue": "View job queue info"
"write:admin:promo": "Manage promotion notes"
- "write:admin:drive": "Manage user drive"
- "read:admin:drive": "View user drive info"
+ "write:admin:drive": "Manage creature drive"
+ "read:admin:drive": "View creature drive info"
"read:admin:stream": "Use WebSocket API for Admin"
"write:admin:ad": "Manage ads"
"read:admin:ad": "View ads"
@@ -2165,10 +2165,10 @@ _auth:
pleaseLogin: "Please log in to authorize applications."
all: "All beeps"
- homeTimeline: "Beeps from followed users"
- users: "Beeps from specific users"
- userList: "Beeps from a specified list of users"
- userBlacklist: "All beeps except for those of one or more specified users"
+ homeTimeline: "Beeps from followed creatures"
+ users: "Beeps from specific creatures"
+ userList: "Beeps from a specified list of creatures"
+ userBlacklist: "All beeps except for those of one or more specified creatures"
sunday: "Sunday"
monday: "Monday"
@@ -2197,18 +2197,18 @@ _widgets:
postForm: "Posting form"
slideshow: "Slideshow"
button: "Button"
- onlineUsers: "Online users"
+ onlineUsers: "Online creatures"
jobQueue: "Job Queue"
serverMetric: "Server metrics"
aiscript: "AiScript console"
aiscriptApp: "AiScript App"
aichan: "Ai"
- userList: "User list"
+ userList: "Creature list"
chooseList: "Select a list"
clicker: "Clicker"
search: "Search"
- birthdayFollowings: "Users who celebrate their birthday today"
+ birthdayFollowings: "Creatures who celebrate their birthday today"
hide: "Hide"
show: "Show content"
@@ -2239,13 +2239,13 @@ _poll:
multiple: "Multiple choices"
public: "Public"
- publicDescription: "Your beep will be visible for all users"
+ publicDescription: "Your beep will be visible for all creatures"
home: "Home"
homeDescription: "Post to home timeline only"
followers: "Followers"
followersDescription: "Make visible to your followers only"
specified: "Direct"
- specifiedDescription: "Make visible for specified users only"
+ specifiedDescription: "Make visible for specified creatures only"
disableFederation: "Defederate"
disableFederationDescription: "Don't transmit to other instances"
@@ -2282,19 +2282,19 @@ _exportOrImport:
allNotes: "All beeps"
favoritedNotes: "Favorite beeps"
clips: "Clip"
- followingList: "Followed users"
- muteList: "Muted users"
- blockingList: "Blocked users"
- userLists: "User lists"
- excludeMutingUsers: "Exclude muted users"
- excludeInactiveUsers: "Exclude inactive users"
- withReplies: "Include replies from imported users in the timeline"
+ followingList: "Followed creatures"
+ muteList: "Muted creatures"
+ blockingList: "Blocked creatures"
+ userLists: "Creature lists"
+ excludeMutingUsers: "Exclude muted creatures"
+ excludeInactiveUsers: "Exclude inactive creatures"
+ withReplies: "Include replies from imported creatures in the timeline"
federation: "Federation"
apRequest: "Requests"
- usersIncDec: "Difference in the number of users"
- usersTotal: "Total number of users"
- activeUsers: "Active users"
+ usersIncDec: "Difference in the number of creatures"
+ usersTotal: "Total number of creatures"
+ activeUsers: "Active creatures"
notesIncDec: "Difference in the number of beeps"
localNotesIncDec: "Difference in the number of local beeps"
remoteNotesIncDec: "Difference in the number of remote beeps"
@@ -2305,12 +2305,12 @@ _charts:
storageUsageTotal: "Total storage usage"
requests: "Requests"
- users: "Difference in the number of users"
- usersTotal: "Cumulative number of users"
+ users: "Difference in the number of creatures"
+ usersTotal: "Cumulative number of creatures"
notes: "Difference in the number of beeps"
notesTotal: "Cumulative number of beeps"
- ff: "Difference in the number of followed users / followers "
- ffTotal: "Cumulative number of followed users / followers"
+ ff: "Difference in the number of followed creatures / followers "
+ ffTotal: "Cumulative number of followed creatures / followers"
cacheSize: "Difference in cache size"
cacheSizeTotal: "Cumulative total cache size"
files: "Difference in the number of files"
@@ -2410,10 +2410,10 @@ _notification:
checkNotificationBehavior: "Check notification appearance"
sendTestNotification: "Send test notification"
notificationWillBeDisplayedLikeThis: "Notifications look like this"
- reactedBySomeUsers: "{n} users reacted"
- likedBySomeUsers: "{n} users liked your beep"
- renotedBySomeUsers: "Rebeeped by {n} users"
- followedBySomeUsers: "Followed by {n} users"
+ reactedBySomeUsers: "{n} creatures reacted"
+ likedBySomeUsers: "{n} creatures liked your beep"
+ renotedBySomeUsers: "Rebeeped by {n} creatures"
+ followedBySomeUsers: "Followed by {n} creatures"
flushNotification: "Clear notifications"
edited: "Beep got edited"
@@ -2483,7 +2483,7 @@ _webhookSettings:
events: "Webhook Events"
active: "Enabled"
- follow: "When following a user"
+ follow: "When following a creature"
followed: "When being followed"
note: "When posting a beep"
reply: "When receiving a reply"
@@ -2507,11 +2507,11 @@ _moderationLogTypes:
deleteDriveFile: "File deleted"
deleteNote: "Beep deleted"
createGlobalAnnouncement: "Global announcement created"
- createUserAnnouncement: "User announcement created"
+ createUserAnnouncement: "Creature announcement created"
updateGlobalAnnouncement: "Global announcement updated"
- updateUserAnnouncement: "User announcement updated"
+ updateUserAnnouncement: "Creature announcement updated"
deleteGlobalAnnouncement: "Global announcement deleted"
- deleteUserAnnouncement: "User announcement deleted"
+ deleteUserAnnouncement: "Creature announcement deleted"
resetPassword: "Password reset"
suspendRemoteInstance: "Remote instance suspended"
unsuspendRemoteInstance: "Remote instance unsuspended"
@@ -2526,14 +2526,14 @@ _moderationLogTypes:
createAvatarDecoration: "Avatar decoration created"
updateAvatarDecoration: "Avatar decoration updated"
deleteAvatarDecoration: "Avatar decoration deleted"
- unsetUserAvatar: "Unset this user's avatar"
- unsetUserBanner: "Unset this user's banner"
+ unsetUserAvatar: "Unset this creature's avatar"
+ unsetUserBanner: "Unset this creature's banner"
uncommonFeature: "This is not a widespread feature, it may not display properly on most other fedi software, including other Misskey forks"
intro: "MFM is a markup language used on Misskey, Sharkey, Firefish, Akkoma, and more that can be used in many places. Here you can view a list of all available MFM syntax."
dummy: "Sharkey expands the world of the Fediverse"
mention: "Mention"
- mentionDescription: "You can specify a user by using an At-Symbol and a username."
+ mentionDescription: "You can specify a creature by using an At-Symbol and a username."
hashtag: "Hashtag"
hashtagDescription: "You can specify a hashtag using a number sign and text."
url: "URL"
@@ -2597,7 +2597,7 @@ _mfm:
crop: "Crop"
cropDescription: "Crop content."
followMouse: "Follow Mouse"
- followMouseDescription: "Content will follow the mouse. On mobile it will follow wherever the user taps."
+ followMouseDescription: "Content will follow the mouse. On mobile it will follow wherever the creature taps."
scale: "Scale"
scaleDescription: "Scale content by a specified amount."
foreground: "Foreground color"
@@ -2615,7 +2615,7 @@ _fileViewer:
url: "URL"
uploadedAt: "Uploaded at"
attachedNotes: "Attached beeps"
- thisPageCanBeSeenFromTheAuthor: "This page can only be seen by the user who uploaded this file."
+ thisPageCanBeSeenFromTheAuthor: "This page can only be seen by the creature who uploaded this file."
title: "Install from external site"
checkVendorBeforeInstall: "Make sure the distributor of this resource is trustworthy before installation."
@@ -2731,7 +2731,7 @@ _reversi:
allowIrregularRules: "Irregular rules (completely free)"
disallowIrregularRules: "No irregular rules"
showBoardLabels: "Display row and column numbering on the board"
- useAvatarAsStone: "Turn stones into user avatars"
+ useAvatarAsStone: "Turn stones into creature avatars"
title: "Offline - cannot connect to the server"
header: "Unable to connect to the server"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
From 1331efc96a29ac2115771b52e856c0c07bbb3661 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: limepotato <limepot@protonmail.ch>
Date: Sat, 6 Jul 2024 14:05:04 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] Rename Boosts to Rebeeps
Signed-off-by: limepotato <limepot@protonmail.ch>
locales/en-US.yml | 68 +++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
1 file changed, 34 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)
diff --git a/locales/en-US.yml b/locales/en-US.yml
index bbdfab9100..0b42a86eb9 100644
--- a/locales/en-US.yml
+++ b/locales/en-US.yml
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ gotIt: "Got it!"
cancel: "Cancel"
noThankYou: "Not now"
enterUsername: "Enter username"
-renotedBy: "Boosted by {user}"
+renotedBy: "Rebeeped by {user}"
noNotes: "No beeps"
noNotifications: "No notifications"
instance: "Instance"
@@ -46,10 +46,10 @@ pin: "Pin to profile"
unpin: "Unpin from profile"
copyContent: "Copy contents"
copyLink: "Copy link"
-copyLinkRenote: "Copy boost link"
+copyLinkRenote: "Copy rebeep link"
delete: "Delete"
deleteAndEdit: "Delete and edit"
-deleteAndEditConfirm: "Are you sure you want to redraft this beep? This means you will lose all reactions, boosts, and replies to it."
+deleteAndEditConfirm: "Are you sure you want to redraft this beep? This means you will lose all reactions, rebeeps, and replies to it."
addToList: "Add to list"
addToAntenna: "Add to antenna"
sendMessage: "Send a message"
@@ -107,16 +107,16 @@ followRequests: "Follow requests"
unfollow: "Unfollow"
followRequestPending: "Follow request pending"
enterEmoji: "Enter an emoji"
-renote: "Boost"
-unrenote: "Remove boost"
-renoted: "Boosted."
+renote: "Rebeep"
+unrenote: "Remove rebeep"
+renoted: "Rebeeped."
quoted: "Quoted."
-rmboost: "Unboosted."
-renotedToX: "Boosted to {name}"
-cantRenote: "This post can't be boosted."
-cantReRenote: "A boost can't be boosted."
+rmboost: "Unrebeeped."
+renotedToX: "Rebeeped to {name}"
+cantRenote: "This post can't be rebeeped."
+cantReRenote: "A rebeep can't be rebeeped."
quote: "Quote"
-inChannelRenote: "Channel-only Boost"
+inChannelRenote: "Channel-only Rebeep"
inChannelQuote: "Channel-only Quote"
renoteToChannel: "Rebeep to channel"
renoteToOtherChannel: "Rebeep to other channel"
@@ -143,8 +143,8 @@ unmarkAsSensitive: "Unmark as sensitive"
enterFileName: "Enter filename"
mute: "Mute"
unmute: "Unmute"
-renoteMute: "Mute Boosts"
-renoteUnmute: "Unmute Boosts"
+renoteMute: "Mute Rebeeps"
+renoteUnmute: "Unmute Rebeeps"
block: "Block"
unblock: "Unblock"
markAsNSFW: "Mark all media from user as NSFW"
@@ -712,7 +712,7 @@ behavior: "Behavior"
sample: "Sample"
abuseReports: "Reports"
reportAbuse: "Report"
-reportAbuseRenote: "Report boost"
+reportAbuseRenote: "Report rebeep"
reportAbuseOf: "Report {name}"
fillAbuseReportDescription: "Please fill in details regarding this report. If it is about a specific beep, please include its URL."
abuseReported: "Your report has been sent. Thank you very much."
@@ -746,9 +746,9 @@ manageAccessTokens: "Manage access tokens"
accountInfo: "Account Info"
notesCount: "Number of beeps"
repliesCount: "Number of replies sent"
-renotesCount: "Number of boosts sent"
+renotesCount: "Number of rebeeps sent"
repliedCount: "Number of replies received"
-renotedCount: "Number of boosts received"
+renotedCount: "Number of rebeeps received"
followingCount: "Number of followed accounts"
followersCount: "Number of followers"
sentReactionsCount: "Number of sent reactions"
@@ -987,10 +987,10 @@ numberOfPageCache: "Number of cached pages"
numberOfPageCacheDescription: "Increasing this number will improve convenience for but cause more load as more memory usage on the user's device."
numberOfReplies: "Number of replies in a thread"
numberOfRepliesDescription: "Increasing this number will display more replies. Setting this too high can cause replies to be cramped and unreadable."
-boostSettings: "Boost Settings"
+boostSettings: "Rebeep Settings"
showVisibilitySelectorOnBoost: "Show Visibility Selector"
-showVisibilitySelectorOnBoostDescription: "Shows the visiblity selector if enabled when clicking boost, if disabled it will use the default visiblity defined below and the selector will not show up."
-visibilityOnBoost: "Default boost visibility"
+showVisibilitySelectorOnBoostDescription: "Shows the visiblity selector if enabled when clicking rebeep, if disabled it will use the default visiblity defined below and the selector will not show up."
+visibilityOnBoost: "Default rebeep visibility"
logoutConfirm: "Really log out?"
lastActiveDate: "Last used at"
statusbar: "Status bar"
@@ -1073,8 +1073,8 @@ thisPostMayBeAnnoyingIgnore: "Post anyway"
thisPostIsMissingAltTextCancel: "Cancel"
thisPostIsMissingAltTextIgnore: "Post anyway"
thisPostIsMissingAltText: "One of the files attached to this post is missing alt text. Please ensure all the attachments have alt text."
-collapseRenotes: "Collapse boosts you've already seen"
-collapseRenotesDescription: "Collapse boosts that you have boosted or reacted to"
+collapseRenotes: "Collapse rebeeps you've already seen"
+collapseRenotesDescription: "Collapse rebeeps that you have rebeeped or reacted to"
collapseNotesRepliedTo: "Collapse beeps replied to"
collapseFiles: "Collapse files"
autoloadConversation: "Load conversation on replies"
@@ -1135,7 +1135,7 @@ oneko: "Cat friend :3"
addMemo: "Add memo"
editMemo: "Edit memo"
reactionsList: "Reactions"
-renotesList: "Boosts"
+renotesList: "Rebeeps"
notificationDisplay: "Notifications"
leftTop: "Top left"
rightTop: "Top right"
@@ -1210,7 +1210,7 @@ pastAnnouncements: "Past announcements"
youHaveUnreadAnnouncements: "There are unread announcements."
useSecurityKey: "Please follow your browser's or device's instructions to use your security- or passkey."
replies: "Replies"
-renotes: "Boosts"
+renotes: "Rebeeps"
loadReplies: "Show replies"
loadConversation: "Show conversation"
pinnedList: "Pinned list"
@@ -1223,7 +1223,7 @@ unnotifyNotes: "Stop notifying about new beeps"
authentication: "Authentication"
authenticationRequiredToContinue: "Please authenticate to continue"
dateAndTime: "Timestamp"
-showRenotes: "Show boosts"
+showRenotes: "Show rebeeps"
edited: "Edited"
notificationRecieveConfig: "Notification Settings"
mutualFollow: "Mutual follow"
@@ -1392,8 +1392,8 @@ _initialTutorial:
description: "You can limit who can view your beep."
public: "Your beep will be visible for all users."
- home: "Public only on the Home timeline. People visiting your profile, via followers, and through boosts can see it."
- followers: "Visible to followers only. Only followers can see it and no one else, and it cannot be boosted by others."
+ home: "Public only on the Home timeline. People visiting your profile, via followers, and through rebeeps can see it."
+ followers: "Visible to followers only. Only followers can see it and no one else, and it cannot be rebeeped by others."
direct: "Visible only to specified users, and the recipient will be notified. It can be used as an alternative to direct messaging."
doNotSendConfidencialOnDirect1: "Be careful when sending sensitive information!"
doNotSendConfidencialOnDirect2: "Administrators of the server can see what you write. Be careful with sensitive information when sending direct beeps to users on untrusted servers."
@@ -1915,7 +1915,7 @@ _channel:
notesCount: "{n} Beeps"
nameAndDescription: "Name and description"
nameOnly: "Name only"
- allowRenoteToExternal: "Allow boosts and quote outside the channel"
+ allowRenoteToExternal: "Allow rebeeps and quote outside the channel"
sideFull: "Side"
sideIcon: "Side (Icons)"
@@ -1926,7 +1926,7 @@ _wordMute:
muteWordsDescription: "Separate with spaces for an AND condition or with line breaks for an OR condition."
muteWordsDescription2: "Surround keywords with slashes to use regular expressions."
- instanceMuteDescription: "This will mute any beeps/boosts from the listed instances, including those of users replying to a user from a muted instance."
+ instanceMuteDescription: "This will mute any beeps/rebeeps from the listed instances, including those of users replying to a user from a muted instance."
instanceMuteDescription2: "Separate with newlines"
title: "Hides beeps from listed instances."
heading: "List of instances to be muted"
@@ -1978,7 +1978,7 @@ _theme:
hashtag: "Hashtag"
mention: "Mention"
mentionMe: "Mentions (Me)"
- renote: "Boost"
+ renote: "Rebeep"
modalBg: "Modal background"
divider: "Divider"
scrollbarHandle: "Scrollbar handle"
@@ -2396,7 +2396,7 @@ _notification:
youGotMention: "{name} mentioned you"
youGotReply: "{name} replied to you"
youGotQuote: "{name} quoted you"
- youRenoted: "Boost from {name}"
+ youRenoted: "Rebeep from {name}"
youWereFollowed: "followed you"
youReceivedFollowRequest: "You've received a follow request"
yourFollowRequestAccepted: "Your follow request was accepted"
@@ -2412,7 +2412,7 @@ _notification:
notificationWillBeDisplayedLikeThis: "Notifications look like this"
reactedBySomeUsers: "{n} users reacted"
likedBySomeUsers: "{n} users liked your beep"
- renotedBySomeUsers: "Boosted by {n} users"
+ renotedBySomeUsers: "Rebeeped by {n} users"
followedBySomeUsers: "Followed by {n} users"
flushNotification: "Clear notifications"
edited: "Beep got edited"
@@ -2422,7 +2422,7 @@ _notification:
follow: "New followers"
mention: "Mentions"
reply: "Replies"
- renote: "Boosts"
+ renote: "Rebeeps"
quote: "Quotes"
reaction: "Reactions"
pollEnded: "Polls ending"
@@ -2434,7 +2434,7 @@ _notification:
followBack: "followed you back"
reply: "Reply"
- renote: "Boost"
+ renote: "Rebeep"
alwaysShowMainColumn: "Always show main column"
columnAlign: "Align columns"
@@ -2487,7 +2487,7 @@ _webhookSettings:
followed: "When being followed"
note: "When posting a beep"
reply: "When receiving a reply"
- renote: "When boosted"
+ renote: "When rebeeped"
reaction: "When receiving a reaction"
mention: "When being mentioned"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,648 @@
From 0c9bea367e87777ee6e0512db29d3b5c631a2fbd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: limepotato <limepot@protonmail.ch>
Date: Sat, 6 Jul 2024 19:04:54 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] Builtin catppuccin themes
packages/frontend/src/scripts/theme.ts | 58 +++++++++++++++++++
.../src/themes/d-catppuccin-frappe-blue.json5 | 1 +
.../themes/d-catppuccin-frappe-flamingo.json5 | 1 +
.../themes/d-catppuccin-frappe-green.json5 | 1 +
.../themes/d-catppuccin-frappe-lavender.json5 | 1 +
.../themes/d-catppuccin-frappe-maroon.json5 | 1 +
.../themes/d-catppuccin-frappe-mauve.json5 | 1 +
.../themes/d-catppuccin-frappe-peach.json5 | 1 +
.../src/themes/d-catppuccin-frappe-pink.json5 | 1 +
.../src/themes/d-catppuccin-frappe-red.json5 | 1 +
.../d-catppuccin-frappe-rosewater.json5 | 1 +
.../themes/d-catppuccin-frappe-sapphire.json5 | 1 +
.../src/themes/d-catppuccin-frappe-sky.json5 | 1 +
.../src/themes/d-catppuccin-frappe-teal.json5 | 1 +
.../themes/d-catppuccin-frappe-yellow.json5 | 1 +
.../themes/d-catppuccin-macchiato-blue.json5 | 1 +
.../d-catppuccin-macchiato-flamingo.json5 | 1 +
.../themes/d-catppuccin-macchiato-green.json5 | 1 +
.../d-catppuccin-macchiato-lavender.json5 | 1 +
.../d-catppuccin-macchiato-maroon.json5 | 1 +
.../themes/d-catppuccin-macchiato-mauve.json5 | 1 +
.../themes/d-catppuccin-macchiato-peach.json5 | 1 +
.../themes/d-catppuccin-macchiato-pink.json5 | 1 +
.../themes/d-catppuccin-macchiato-red.json5 | 1 +
.../d-catppuccin-macchiato-rosewater.json5 | 1 +
.../d-catppuccin-macchiato-sapphire.json5 | 1 +
.../themes/d-catppuccin-macchiato-sky.json5 | 1 +
.../themes/d-catppuccin-macchiato-teal.json5 | 1 +
.../d-catppuccin-macchiato-yellow.json5 | 1 +
.../src/themes/d-catppuccin-mocha-blue.json5 | 1 +
.../themes/d-catppuccin-mocha-flamingo.json5 | 1 +
.../src/themes/d-catppuccin-mocha-green.json5 | 1 +
.../themes/d-catppuccin-mocha-lavender.json5 | 1 +
.../themes/d-catppuccin-mocha-maroon.json5 | 1 +
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57 files changed, 114 insertions(+)
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index e59643b09c..962f370d12 100644
--- a/packages/frontend/src/scripts/theme.ts
+++ b/packages/frontend/src/scripts/theme.ts
@@ -41,6 +41,21 @@ export const getBuiltinThemes = () => Promise.all(
+ "l-catppuccin-latte-blue",
+ "l-catppuccin-latte-flamingo",
+ "l-catppuccin-latte-green",
+ "l-catppuccin-latte-lavender",
+ "l-catppuccin-latte-maroon",
+ "l-catppuccin-latte-mauve",
+ "l-catppuccin-latte-peach",
+ "l-catppuccin-latte-pink",
+ "l-catppuccin-latte-red",
+ "l-catppuccin-latte-rosewater",
+ "l-catppuccin-latte-sapphire",
+ "l-catppuccin-latte-sky",
+ "l-catppuccin-latte-teal",
+ "l-catppuccin-latte-yellow",
@@ -54,6 +69,49 @@ export const getBuiltinThemes = () => Promise.all(
+ "d-catppuccin-frappe-blue",
+ "d-catppuccin-frappe-flamingo",
+ "d-catppuccin-frappe-green",
+ "d-catppuccin-frappe-lavender",
+ "d-catppuccin-frappe-maroon",
+ "d-catppuccin-frappe-mauve",
+ "d-catppuccin-frappe-peach",
+ "d-catppuccin-frappe-pink",
+ "d-catppuccin-frappe-red",
+ "d-catppuccin-frappe-rosewater",
+ "d-catppuccin-frappe-sapphire",
+ "d-catppuccin-frappe-sky",
+ "d-catppuccin-frappe-teal",
+ "d-catppuccin-frappe-yellow",
+ "d-catppuccin-mocha-blue",
+ "d-catppuccin-mocha-flamingo",
+ "d-catppuccin-mocha-green",
+ "d-catppuccin-mocha-lavender",
+ "d-catppuccin-mocha-maroon",
+ "d-catppuccin-mocha-mauve",
+ "d-catppuccin-mocha-peach",
+ "d-catppuccin-mocha-pink",
+ "d-catppuccin-mocha-red",
+ "d-catppuccin-mocha-rosewater",
+ "d-catppuccin-mocha-sapphire",
+ "d-catppuccin-mocha-sky",
+ "d-catppuccin-mocha-teal",
+ "d-catppuccin-mocha-yellow",
+ "d-catppuccin-macchiato-blue",
+ "d-catppuccin-macchiato-flamingo",
+ "d-catppuccin-macchiato-green",
+ "d-catppuccin-macchiato-lavender",
+ "d-catppuccin-macchiato-maroon",
+ "d-catppuccin-macchiato-mauve",
+ "d-catppuccin-macchiato-peach",
+ "d-catppuccin-macchiato-pink",
+ "d-catppuccin-macchiato-red",
+ "d-catppuccin-macchiato-rosewater",
+ "d-catppuccin-macchiato-sapphire",
+ "d-catppuccin-macchiato-sky",
+ "d-catppuccin-macchiato-teal",
+ "d-catppuccin-macchiato-yellow",
].map(name => import(`@/themes/${name}.json5`).then(({ default: _default }): Theme => _default)),
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/frontend/src/themes/l-catppuccin-latte-sapphire.json5 b/packages/frontend/src/themes/l-catppuccin-latte-sapphire.json5
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/frontend/src/themes/l-catppuccin-latte-teal.json5 b/packages/frontend/src/themes/l-catppuccin-latte-teal.json5
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/frontend/src/themes/l-catppuccin-latte-yellow.json5 b/packages/frontend/src/themes/l-catppuccin-latte-yellow.json5
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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\ No newline at end of file
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
From 4c2fffa54f232bc2c12b6a04ab5cd274d4477dcc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: limepotato <limepot@protonmail.ch>
Date: Sat, 6 Jul 2024 16:10:06 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] hmm
packages/frontend/src/components/MkPostForm.vue | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/packages/frontend/src/components/MkPostForm.vue b/packages/frontend/src/components/MkPostForm.vue
index 9b9f7dd1d7..afdc5a672c 100644
--- a/packages/frontend/src/components/MkPostForm.vue
+++ b/packages/frontend/src/components/MkPostForm.vue
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
<input v-show="useCw" ref="cwInputEl" v-model="cw" :class="$style.cw" :placeholder="i18n.ts.annotation" @keydown="onKeydown">
<div :class="[$style.textOuter, { [$style.withCw]: useCw }]">
<div v-if="channel" :class="$style.colorBar" :style="{ background: channel.color }"></div>
- <textarea ref="textareaEl" v-model="text" :class="[$style.text]" :disabled="posting || posted" :readonly="textAreaReadOnly" :placeholder="placeholder" data-cy-post-form-text dir="auto" @keydown="onKeydown" @paste="onPaste" @compositionupdate="onCompositionUpdate" @compositionend="onCompositionEnd"/>
+ <textarea ref="textareaEl" v-model="text" style="height: 300px;":class="[$style.text]" :disabled="posting || posted" :readonly="textAreaReadOnly" :placeholder="placeholder" data-cy-post-form-text dir="auto" @keydown="onKeydown" @paste="onPaste" @compositionupdate="onCompositionUpdate" @compositionend="onCompositionEnd"/>
<div v-if="maxTextLength - textLength < 100" :class="['_acrylic', $style.textCount, { [$style.textOver]: textLength > maxTextLength }]">{{ maxTextLength - textLength }}</div>
<input v-show="withHashtags" ref="hashtagsInputEl" v-model="hashtags" :class="$style.hashtags" :placeholder="i18n.ts.hashtags" list="hashtags">
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
From 036d8be30d980c7ce8c798201defb83b4e306650 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: limepotato <limepot@protonmail.ch>
Date: Sat, 6 Jul 2024 15:51:22 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] Fill robots.txt
packages/backend/assets/robots.txt | 37 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
1 file changed, 35 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/packages/backend/assets/robots.txt b/packages/backend/assets/robots.txt
index dc17e04e3f..f82ad0eda0 100644
--- a/packages/backend/assets/robots.txt
+++ b/packages/backend/assets/robots.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,37 @@
user-agent: *
-allow: /
+disallow: /
-# todo: sitemap
+# explicit disallows because some bots are assholes that need that
+User-Agent: Googlebot
+Disallow: /
+User-Agent: Storebot-Google
+Disallow: /
+User-Agent: GoogleOther
+Disallow: /
+User-Agent: Google-Extended
+Disallow: /
+User-agent: CCBot
+Disallow: /
+User-agent: ChatGPT-User
+Disallow: /
+User-agent: GPTBot
+Disallow: /
+User-agent: Google-Extended
+Disallow: /
+User-agent: Omgilibot
+Disallow: /
+User-Agent: FacebookBot
+Disallow: /
+User-agent: Amazonbot
+Disallow: /
Add table
Reference in a new issue