const badgeGray = document.getElementById("badgeGray"); const badgeGreen = document.getElementById("badgeGreen"); const badgeOrange = document.getElementById("badgeOrange"); const colorBool = Math.random() < 0.5; const is_root = location.pathname === "/"; // loads all the functions to be loaded on load, pretty simple, it loads shit on load. function onLoad() { jsEnabled(); checkThemeStorage(); getSGAState(); redirect(); checkBoxes(); getPlaceholder(); } // if javascript is enabled, this script will load, enabling all site elements that use javascript, by default these are all hidden. function jsEnabled() { // if on main page, activate widgets if (is_root) { const lastFmWidget = document.getElementById("lastfm-widget"); const ntfyWidgetContainer = document.getElementById("ntfyWidgetContainer"); = "initial"; = "initial"; } // Get JS required element ids const sgaButton = document.getElementById("sgaButton"); const sgaButtonText = document.getElementById("sgaButtonText"); const incrementButton = document.getElementById("incrementButton"); // enable js required element ids = "initial"; = "initial"; = "initial"; // badge for (var badgeNum = 0; badgeNum < 15; badgeNum++) { document.getElementById('badge' + (badgeNum + 1)).style.display = "initial"; } for (var badgeDefaultNum = 0; badgeDefaultNum < 15; badgeDefaultNum++) { document.getElementById('badgeDefault' + (badgeDefaultNum + 1)).style.display = "none"; } getbadges() } // LastFM stuff const user = "limepotato"; const url = `${user}/latest-song`; const song = document.querySelector("#song"); fetch(url) .then((response) => response.json()) .then((json) => { song.innerHTML = `${} - ${json.track.artist["#text"]}`; }); // Chrome Redirect function redirect() { const chromium = /Chrome|Chromium|OPR|Opera|Edge|UC|QQ/.test( navigator.userAgent, ); if (navigator.brave) { window.location.replace(""); } if (!navigator.brave) { if (!localStorage.getItem("disclaimerAccepted")) { if (chromium && screen.width >= 699) { window.location.replace("/bsod"); } if (chromium && screen.width <= 699) { window.location.replace("/mobile-warn"); } } } } // Show/Hide Info Boxes const posterInfoButton = document.getElementById("poster-info-button"); const posterInfo = document.getElementById("poster-info"); let isPosterInfoHidden = true; const ntfyInfoButton = document.getElementById("ntfy-info-button"); const ntfyInfo = document.getElementById("ntfy-info"); let isNtfyInfoHidden = true; function showPosterInfo() { if (isPosterInfoHidden) { = "initial"; posterInfoButton.innerHTML = "[hide more info]"; isPosterInfoHidden = false; } else { = "none"; posterInfoButton.innerHTML = "[show more info]"; isPosterInfoHidden = true; } } function showNtfyInfo() { if (isNtfyInfoHidden) { = "initial"; ntfyInfoButton.innerHTML = "[hide more info]"; isNtfyInfoHidden = false; } else { = "none"; ntfyInfoButton.innerHTML = "[show more info]"; isNtfyInfoHidden = true; } } //// badges const elke = '<a href=""><img class="badge" src="/assets/images/badges/friends/" alt="dark static background, on the left side, a triquetra, in yellow/orange text \'\'" loading="lazy"></a>' const tomo = '<a href=""><img class="badge" src="/assets/images/badges/friends/kaitbutton.png" alt="kait" loading="lazy"></a>\n' const lily = '<a href=""><img class="badge" src="/assets/images/badges/friends/lilysthings.png" alt="the word \'lily!!\' next to a microwave" loading="lazy"></a>\n' const eris = '<a href=""><img class="badge" src="/assets/images/badges/friends/eris.png" alt="purple background, with pink text that reads \'eris\' and a cat" loading="lazy"></a>\n' const zvava = '<a href=""><img class="badge" src="/assets/images/badges/friends/" alt="black background, with a slanted dark purple grid, and a purple outline, pink text saying \'\'" loading="lazy"></a>\n' const mira = '<a href=""><img class="badge" src="/assets/images/badges/friends/mira-button.png" alt="miras button\'" loading="lazy"></a>\n' const tempest = '<a href=""><img class="badge" src="/assets/images/badges/friends/" alt="badge for\'" loading="lazy"></a>\n' const disarray = '<a href=""><img class="badge" src="/assets/images/badges/friends/" alt="jade disarray site" loading="lazy"></a>\n' const astrid = '<a href=""><img class="badge" src="/assets/images/badges/friends/" alt="astrid dot tech" loading="lazy"></a>\n' const constellatory = '<a href=""><img class="badge" src="/assets/images/badges/friends/" alt="constellatory" loading="lazy"></a>\n' const nbsp = '<a href=""><img class="badge" src="/assets/images/badges/friends/nbsp.gif" alt="ralsei clapping next to the text \'nbsp\'" loading="lazy"></a>\n' const micro = '<a href=""><img class="badge" src="/assets/images/badges/friends/niko.png" alt="prototype from oneshot giviing a :3c expression with a darker background and Micro in purple 500 from tailwindcss on the right with dithering between the two sections" loading="lazy"></a>\n' const loveshock = '<a href=""><img class="badge" src="/assets/images/badges/friends/loveshock.gif" alt="dark background, with a curved grid/web, with the text \'vist the jukebox at\'" loading="lazy"></a>\n' const pancakes = '<a href=""><img class="badge" src="/assets/images/badges/friends/pancakes.png" alt="purple background, with a drawing of a cat, to the left of the cat is the underlined word \'pancakes\'" loading="lazy"></a>\n' const sophari = '<a href=""><img class="badge" src="" alt="black background, with white borders and text, colorful snow-like substance falling down, text says \'\' " loading="lazy"></a>\n' const badges = [ elke, tomo, lily, eris, zvava, mira, tempest, disarray, astrid, constellatory, nbsp, micro, loveshock, pancakes, sophari ]; function shuffle(array) { var currentIndex = array.length; var temporaryValue; var randomIndex; while (0 !== currentIndex) { randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * currentIndex); currentIndex -= 1; temporaryValue = array[currentIndex]; array[currentIndex] = array[randomIndex]; array[randomIndex] = temporaryValue; } return array; } function getbadges() { var shuffledBadges = shuffle(badges); for (var badgeNum = 0; badgeNum < 15; badgeNum++) { document.getElementById('badge' + (badgeNum + 1)).innerHTML = shuffledBadges[badgeNum]; } } //// color scheme change const headTag = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; const styleTag = document.createElement("style"); function checkThemeStorage() { if (sessionStorage.getItem("themeGreen")) { setGreen(); } if (sessionStorage.getItem("themeOrange")) { setOrange(); } if ( !sessionStorage.getItem("themeOrange") && !sessionStorage.getItem("themeGreen") ) { getTheme(); } } function setGreen() { = "initial"; = "none"; = "none"; styleTag.innerHTML = ` :root { --text: #e7eeea; 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--glitch-1: var(--alt-accent-600); --glitch-2: var(--alt-accent-700); --glitch-3: var(--alt-accent-800); --alt-accent-50: #ebffe6; --alt-accent-100: #d7ffcc; --alt-accent-200: #affe9a; --alt-accent-300: #88fe67; --alt-accent-400: #60fe34; --alt-accent-500: #38fe01; --alt-accent-600: #2dcb01; --alt-accent-700: #229801; --alt-accent-800: #166501; --alt-accent-900: #0b3300; --alt-accent-950: #061900; } `; headTag.appendChild(styleTag); sessionStorage.setItem("themeOrange", 1); } function getTheme() { if (colorBool) { // if true: green setGreen(); } else { // if false: orange setOrange(); } }