Going to slowly work on a Bulma site, which will end up being the main site. Currently under the /BETA/ folder so Alpha site will still be main site.
474 lines
12 KiB
474 lines
12 KiB
var isValidSemver = require('semver/functions/valid')
var cleanSemver = require('semver/functions/clean')
var validateLicense = require('validate-npm-package-license')
var hostedGitInfo = require('hosted-git-info')
var isBuiltinModule = require('is-core-module')
var depTypes = ['dependencies', 'devDependencies', 'optionalDependencies']
var extractDescription = require('./extract_description')
var url = require('url')
var typos = require('./typos.json')
module.exports = {
// default warning function
warn: function () {},
fixRepositoryField: function (data) {
if (data.repositories) {
data.repository = data.repositories[0]
if (!data.repository) {
return this.warn('missingRepository')
if (typeof data.repository === 'string') {
data.repository = {
type: 'git',
url: data.repository,
var r = data.repository.url || ''
if (r) {
var hosted = hostedGitInfo.fromUrl(r)
if (hosted) {
r = data.repository.url
= hosted.getDefaultRepresentation() === 'shortcut' ? hosted.https() : hosted.toString()
if (r.match(/github.com\/[^/]+\/[^/]+\.git\.git$/)) {
this.warn('brokenGitUrl', r)
fixTypos: function (data) {
Object.keys(typos.topLevel).forEach(function (d) {
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(data, d)) {
this.warn('typo', d, typos.topLevel[d])
}, this)
fixScriptsField: function (data) {
if (!data.scripts) {
if (typeof data.scripts !== 'object') {
delete data.scripts
Object.keys(data.scripts).forEach(function (k) {
if (typeof data.scripts[k] !== 'string') {
delete data.scripts[k]
} else if (typos.script[k] && !data.scripts[typos.script[k]]) {
this.warn('typo', k, typos.script[k], 'scripts')
}, this)
fixFilesField: function (data) {
var files = data.files
if (files && !Array.isArray(files)) {
delete data.files
} else if (data.files) {
data.files = data.files.filter(function (file) {
if (!file || typeof file !== 'string') {
this.warn('invalidFilename', file)
return false
} else {
return true
}, this)
fixBinField: function (data) {
if (!data.bin) {
if (typeof data.bin === 'string') {
var b = {}
var match
if (match = data.name.match(/^@[^/]+[/](.*)$/)) {
b[match[1]] = data.bin
} else {
b[data.name] = data.bin
data.bin = b
fixManField: function (data) {
if (!data.man) {
if (typeof data.man === 'string') {
data.man = [data.man]
fixBundleDependenciesField: function (data) {
var bdd = 'bundledDependencies'
var bd = 'bundleDependencies'
if (data[bdd] && !data[bd]) {
data[bd] = data[bdd]
delete data[bdd]
if (data[bd] && !Array.isArray(data[bd])) {
delete data[bd]
} else if (data[bd]) {
data[bd] = data[bd].filter(function (bd) {
if (!bd || typeof bd !== 'string') {
this.warn('nonStringBundleDependency', bd)
return false
} else {
if (!data.dependencies) {
data.dependencies = {}
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(data.dependencies, bd)) {
this.warn('nonDependencyBundleDependency', bd)
data.dependencies[bd] = '*'
return true
}, this)
fixDependencies: function (data, strict) {
objectifyDeps(data, this.warn)
addOptionalDepsToDeps(data, this.warn)
;['dependencies', 'devDependencies'].forEach(function (deps) {
if (!(deps in data)) {
if (!data[deps] || typeof data[deps] !== 'object') {
this.warn('nonObjectDependencies', deps)
delete data[deps]
Object.keys(data[deps]).forEach(function (d) {
var r = data[deps][d]
if (typeof r !== 'string') {
this.warn('nonStringDependency', d, JSON.stringify(r))
delete data[deps][d]
var hosted = hostedGitInfo.fromUrl(data[deps][d])
if (hosted) {
data[deps][d] = hosted.toString()
}, this)
}, this)
fixModulesField: function (data) {
if (data.modules) {
delete data.modules
fixKeywordsField: function (data) {
if (typeof data.keywords === 'string') {
data.keywords = data.keywords.split(/,\s+/)
if (data.keywords && !Array.isArray(data.keywords)) {
delete data.keywords
} else if (data.keywords) {
data.keywords = data.keywords.filter(function (kw) {
if (typeof kw !== 'string' || !kw) {
return false
} else {
return true
}, this)
fixVersionField: function (data, strict) {
// allow "loose" semver 1.0 versions in non-strict mode
// enforce strict semver 2.0 compliance in strict mode
var loose = !strict
if (!data.version) {
data.version = ''
return true
if (!isValidSemver(data.version, loose)) {
throw new Error('Invalid version: "' + data.version + '"')
data.version = cleanSemver(data.version, loose)
return true
fixPeople: function (data) {
modifyPeople(data, unParsePerson)
modifyPeople(data, parsePerson)
fixNameField: function (data, options) {
if (typeof options === 'boolean') {
options = {strict: options}
} else if (typeof options === 'undefined') {
options = {}
var strict = options.strict
if (!data.name && !strict) {
data.name = ''
if (typeof data.name !== 'string') {
throw new Error('name field must be a string.')
if (!strict) {
data.name = data.name.trim()
ensureValidName(data.name, strict, options.allowLegacyCase)
if (isBuiltinModule(data.name)) {
this.warn('conflictingName', data.name)
fixDescriptionField: function (data) {
if (data.description && typeof data.description !== 'string') {
delete data.description
if (data.readme && !data.description) {
data.description = extractDescription(data.readme)
if (data.description === undefined) {
delete data.description
if (!data.description) {
fixReadmeField: function (data) {
if (!data.readme) {
data.readme = 'ERROR: No README data found!'
fixBugsField: function (data) {
if (!data.bugs && data.repository && data.repository.url) {
var hosted = hostedGitInfo.fromUrl(data.repository.url)
if (hosted && hosted.bugs()) {
data.bugs = {url: hosted.bugs()}
} else if (data.bugs) {
var emailRe = /^.+@.*\..+$/
if (typeof data.bugs === 'string') {
if (emailRe.test(data.bugs)) {
data.bugs = {email: data.bugs}
/* eslint-disable-next-line node/no-deprecated-api */
} else if (url.parse(data.bugs).protocol) {
data.bugs = {url: data.bugs}
} else {
} else {
bugsTypos(data.bugs, this.warn)
var oldBugs = data.bugs
data.bugs = {}
if (oldBugs.url) {
/* eslint-disable-next-line node/no-deprecated-api */
if (typeof (oldBugs.url) === 'string' && url.parse(oldBugs.url).protocol) {
data.bugs.url = oldBugs.url
} else {
if (oldBugs.email) {
if (typeof (oldBugs.email) === 'string' && emailRe.test(oldBugs.email)) {
data.bugs.email = oldBugs.email
} else {
if (!data.bugs.email && !data.bugs.url) {
delete data.bugs
fixHomepageField: function (data) {
if (!data.homepage && data.repository && data.repository.url) {
var hosted = hostedGitInfo.fromUrl(data.repository.url)
if (hosted && hosted.docs()) {
data.homepage = hosted.docs()
if (!data.homepage) {
if (typeof data.homepage !== 'string') {
return delete data.homepage
/* eslint-disable-next-line node/no-deprecated-api */
if (!url.parse(data.homepage).protocol) {
data.homepage = 'http://' + data.homepage
fixLicenseField: function (data) {
const license = data.license || data.licence
if (!license) {
return this.warn('missingLicense')
if (
typeof (license) !== 'string' ||
license.length < 1 ||
license.trim() === ''
) {
return this.warn('invalidLicense')
if (!validateLicense(license).validForNewPackages) {
return this.warn('invalidLicense')
function isValidScopedPackageName (spec) {
if (spec.charAt(0) !== '@') {
return false
var rest = spec.slice(1).split('/')
if (rest.length !== 2) {
return false
return rest[0] && rest[1] &&
rest[0] === encodeURIComponent(rest[0]) &&
rest[1] === encodeURIComponent(rest[1])
function isCorrectlyEncodedName (spec) {
return !spec.match(/[/@\s+%:]/) &&
spec === encodeURIComponent(spec)
function ensureValidName (name, strict, allowLegacyCase) {
if (name.charAt(0) === '.' ||
!(isValidScopedPackageName(name) || isCorrectlyEncodedName(name)) ||
(strict && (!allowLegacyCase) && name !== name.toLowerCase()) ||
name.toLowerCase() === 'node_modules' ||
name.toLowerCase() === 'favicon.ico') {
throw new Error('Invalid name: ' + JSON.stringify(name))
function modifyPeople (data, fn) {
if (data.author) {
data.author = fn(data.author)
}['maintainers', 'contributors'].forEach(function (set) {
if (!Array.isArray(data[set])) {
data[set] = data[set].map(fn)
return data
function unParsePerson (person) {
if (typeof person === 'string') {
return person
var name = person.name || ''
var u = person.url || person.web
var url = u ? (' (' + u + ')') : ''
var e = person.email || person.mail
var email = e ? (' <' + e + '>') : ''
return name + email + url
function parsePerson (person) {
if (typeof person !== 'string') {
return person
var name = person.match(/^([^(<]+)/)
var url = person.match(/\(([^)]+)\)/)
var email = person.match(/<([^>]+)>/)
var obj = {}
if (name && name[0].trim()) {
obj.name = name[0].trim()
if (email) {
obj.email = email[1]
if (url) {
obj.url = url[1]
return obj
function addOptionalDepsToDeps (data, warn) {
var o = data.optionalDependencies
if (!o) {
var d = data.dependencies || {}
Object.keys(o).forEach(function (k) {
d[k] = o[k]
data.dependencies = d
function depObjectify (deps, type, warn) {
if (!deps) {
return {}
if (typeof deps === 'string') {
deps = deps.trim().split(/[\n\r\s\t ,]+/)
if (!Array.isArray(deps)) {
return deps
warn('deprecatedArrayDependencies', type)
var o = {}
deps.filter(function (d) {
return typeof d === 'string'
}).forEach(function (d) {
d = d.trim().split(/(:?[@\s><=])/)
var dn = d.shift()
var dv = d.join('')
dv = dv.trim()
dv = dv.replace(/^@/, '')
o[dn] = dv
return o
function objectifyDeps (data, warn) {
depTypes.forEach(function (type) {
if (!data[type]) {
data[type] = depObjectify(data[type], type, warn)
function bugsTypos (bugs, warn) {
if (!bugs) {
Object.keys(bugs).forEach(function (k) {
if (typos.bugs[k]) {
warn('typo', k, typos.bugs[k], 'bugs')
bugs[typos.bugs[k]] = bugs[k]
delete bugs[k]