Going to slowly work on a Bulma site, which will end up being the main site. Currently under the /BETA/ folder so Alpha site will still be main site.
243 lines
6.2 KiB
243 lines
6.2 KiB
process.env.NODESASS_COV ? require('../lib-cov') : require('../lib');
var assert = require('assert').strict,
sass = require('../lib/extensions'),
binding = require(sass.getBinaryPath());
describe('lowlevel', function() {
it('fail with options not an object', function(done) {
var options = 2;
assert.throws(function() {
}, /"result" element is not an object/);
it('data context with options.data not provided', function(done) {
var options = {
/* data: */
sourceComments: false,
file: null,
outFile: null,
includePaths: '',
precision: 5,
sourceMap: null,
style: 0,
indentWidth: 2,
indentType: 0,
linefeed: '\n',
result: { stats: {} } };
assert(/Data context created without a source string/.test(options.result.error),
'Should fail with error message "Data context created without a source string"');
it('data context with both options.data and options.file not provided', function(done) {
var options = {
/* data: */
sourceComments: false,
/* file: null, */
outFile: null,
includePaths: '',
precision: 5,
sourceMap: null,
style: 0,
indentWidth: 2,
indentType: 0,
linefeed: '\n',
result: { stats: {} } };
assert(/Data context created without a source string/.test(options.result.error),
'Should fail with error message "Data context created without a source string"');
it('file context with both options.data and options.file not provided', function(done) {
var options = {
/* data: */
sourceComments: false,
/* file: null, */
outFile: null,
includePaths: '',
precision: 5,
sourceMap: null,
style: 0,
indentWidth: 2,
indentType: 0,
linefeed: '\n',
result: { stats: {} } };
assert(/File context created without an input path/.test(options.result.error),
'Should fail with error message "File context created without an input path"');
it('file context with options.file not provided, options.data given', function(done) {
var options = {
data: 'div { width: 10px; } ',
sourceComments: false,
/* file: null, */
outFile: null,
includePaths: '',
precision: 5,
sourceMap: null,
style: 0,
indentWidth: 2,
indentType: 0,
linefeed: '\n',
result: { stats: {} } };
assert(/File context created without an input path/.test(options.result.error),
'Should fail with error message "File context created without an input path"');
it('fail with options.result not provided', function(done) {
var options = { data: 'div { width: 10px; } ',
sourceComments: false,
file: null,
outFile: null,
includePaths: '',
precision: 5,
sourceMap: null,
style: 0,
indentWidth: 2,
indentType: 0,
linefeed: '\n' };
assert.throws(function() {
}, /"result" element is not an object/);
it('fail with options.result not an object', function(done) {
var options = { data: 'div { width: 10px; } ',
sourceComments: false,
file: null,
outFile: null,
includePaths: '',
precision: 5,
sourceMap: null,
style: 0,
indentWidth: 2,
indentType: 0,
linefeed: '\n',
result: 2 };
assert.throws(function() {
}, /"result" element is not an object/);
it('fail with options.result.stats not provided', function(done) {
var options = { data: 'div { width: 10px; } ',
sourceComments: false,
file: null,
outFile: null,
includePaths: '',
precision: 5,
sourceMap: null,
style: 0,
indentWidth: 2,
indentType: 0,
linefeed: '\n',
result: {} };
assert.throws(function() {
}, /"result.stats" element is not an object/);
it('fail with options.result.stats not an object', function(done) {
var options = { data: 'div { width: 10px; } ',
sourceComments: false,
file: null,
outFile: null,
includePaths: '',
precision: 5,
sourceMap: null,
style: 0,
indentWidth: 2,
indentType: 0,
linefeed: '\n',
result: { stats: 2 } };
assert.throws(function() {
}, /"result.stats" element is not an object/);
it('options.indentWidth not provided', function(done) {
var options = { data: 'div { width: 10px; }',
sourceComments: false,
file: null,
outFile: null,
includePaths: '',
precision: 5,
sourceMap: null,
style: 0,
/* indentWidth */
indentType: 0,
linefeed: '\n',
result: { stats: {} } };
it('empty data string', function(done) {
var options = { data: '',
sourceComments: false,
file: null,
outFile: null,
includePaths: '',
precision: 5,
sourceMap: null,
style: 0,
/* indentWidth */
indentType: 0,
linefeed: '\n',
result: { stats: {} } };
assert(/empty source string/.test(options.result.error),
'Should fail with error message "Data context created with empty source string"');
it('empty file string', function(done) {
var options = {
sourceComments: false,
file: '',
outFile: null,
includePaths: '',
precision: 5,
sourceMap: null,
style: 0,
/* indentWidth */
indentType: 0,
linefeed: '\n',
result: { stats: {} } };
assert(/empty input path/.test(options.result.error),
'Should fail with error message "File context created with empty input path"');
}); // lowlevel