Going to slowly work on a Bulma site, which will end up being the main site. Currently under the /BETA/ folder so Alpha site will still be main site.
184 lines
8.2 KiB
184 lines
8.2 KiB
'use strict'
const maybeJoin = (...args) => args.every(arg => arg) ? args.join('') : ''
const maybeEncode = (arg) => arg ? encodeURIComponent(arg) : ''
const defaults = {
sshtemplate: ({ domain, user, project, committish }) => `git@${domain}:${user}/${project}.git${maybeJoin('#', committish)}`,
sshurltemplate: ({ domain, user, project, committish }) => `git+ssh://git@${domain}/${user}/${project}.git${maybeJoin('#', committish)}`,
browsetemplate: ({ domain, user, project, committish, treepath }) => `https://${domain}/${user}/${project}${maybeJoin('/', treepath, '/', maybeEncode(committish))}`,
browsefiletemplate: ({ domain, user, project, committish, treepath, path, fragment, hashformat }) => `https://${domain}/${user}/${project}/${treepath}/${maybeEncode(committish || 'master')}/${path}${maybeJoin('#', hashformat(fragment || ''))}`,
docstemplate: ({ domain, user, project, treepath, committish }) => `https://${domain}/${user}/${project}${maybeJoin('/', treepath, '/', maybeEncode(committish))}#readme`,
httpstemplate: ({ auth, domain, user, project, committish }) => `git+https://${maybeJoin(auth, '@')}${domain}/${user}/${project}.git${maybeJoin('#', committish)}`,
filetemplate: ({ domain, user, project, committish, path }) => `https://${domain}/${user}/${project}/raw/${maybeEncode(committish) || 'master'}/${path}`,
shortcuttemplate: ({ type, user, project, committish }) => `${type}:${user}/${project}${maybeJoin('#', committish)}`,
pathtemplate: ({ user, project, committish }) => `${user}/${project}${maybeJoin('#', committish)}`,
bugstemplate: ({ domain, user, project }) => `https://${domain}/${user}/${project}/issues`,
hashformat: formatHashFragment
const gitHosts = {}
gitHosts.github = Object.assign({}, defaults, {
// First two are insecure and generally shouldn't be used any more, but
// they are still supported.
protocols: ['git:', 'http:', 'git+ssh:', 'git+https:', 'ssh:', 'https:'],
domain: 'github.com',
treepath: 'tree',
filetemplate: ({ auth, user, project, committish, path }) => `https://${maybeJoin(auth, '@')}raw.githubusercontent.com/${user}/${project}/${maybeEncode(committish) || 'master'}/${path}`,
gittemplate: ({ auth, domain, user, project, committish }) => `git://${maybeJoin(auth, '@')}${domain}/${user}/${project}.git${maybeJoin('#', committish)}`,
tarballtemplate: ({ domain, user, project, committish }) => `https://codeload.${domain}/${user}/${project}/tar.gz/${maybeEncode(committish) || 'master'}`,
extract: (url) => {
let [, user, project, type, committish] = url.pathname.split('/', 5)
if (type && type !== 'tree') {
if (!type) {
committish = url.hash.slice(1)
if (project && project.endsWith('.git')) {
project = project.slice(0, -4)
if (!user || !project) {
return { user, project, committish }
gitHosts.bitbucket = Object.assign({}, defaults, {
protocols: ['git+ssh:', 'git+https:', 'ssh:', 'https:'],
domain: 'bitbucket.org',
treepath: 'src',
tarballtemplate: ({ domain, user, project, committish }) => `https://${domain}/${user}/${project}/get/${maybeEncode(committish) || 'master'}.tar.gz`,
extract: (url) => {
let [, user, project, aux] = url.pathname.split('/', 4)
if (['get'].includes(aux)) {
if (project && project.endsWith('.git')) {
project = project.slice(0, -4)
if (!user || !project) {
return { user, project, committish: url.hash.slice(1) }
gitHosts.gitlab = Object.assign({}, defaults, {
protocols: ['git+ssh:', 'git+https:', 'ssh:', 'https:'],
domain: 'gitlab.com',
treepath: 'tree',
httpstemplate: ({ auth, domain, user, project, committish }) => `git+https://${maybeJoin(auth, '@')}${domain}/${user}/${project}.git${maybeJoin('#', committish)}`,
tarballtemplate: ({ domain, user, project, committish }) => `https://${domain}/${user}/${project}/repository/archive.tar.gz?ref=${maybeEncode(committish) || 'master'}`,
extract: (url) => {
const path = url.pathname.slice(1)
if (path.includes('/-/') || path.includes('/archive.tar.gz')) {
const segments = path.split('/')
let project = segments.pop()
if (project.endsWith('.git')) {
project = project.slice(0, -4)
const user = segments.join('/')
if (!user || !project) {
return { user, project, committish: url.hash.slice(1) }
gitHosts.gist = Object.assign({}, defaults, {
protocols: ['git:', 'git+ssh:', 'git+https:', 'ssh:', 'https:'],
domain: 'gist.github.com',
sshtemplate: ({ domain, project, committish }) => `git@${domain}:${project}.git${maybeJoin('#', committish)}`,
sshurltemplate: ({ domain, project, committish }) => `git+ssh://git@${domain}/${project}.git${maybeJoin('#', committish)}`,
browsetemplate: ({ domain, project, committish }) => `https://${domain}/${project}${maybeJoin('/', maybeEncode(committish))}`,
browsefiletemplate: ({ domain, project, committish, path, hashformat }) => `https://${domain}/${project}${maybeJoin('/', maybeEncode(committish))}${maybeJoin('#', hashformat(path))}`,
docstemplate: ({ domain, project, committish }) => `https://${domain}/${project}${maybeJoin('/', maybeEncode(committish))}`,
httpstemplate: ({ domain, project, committish }) => `git+https://${domain}/${project}.git${maybeJoin('#', committish)}`,
filetemplate: ({ user, project, committish, path }) => `https://gist.githubusercontent.com/${user}/${project}/raw${maybeJoin('/', maybeEncode(committish))}/${path}`,
shortcuttemplate: ({ type, project, committish }) => `${type}:${project}${maybeJoin('#', committish)}`,
pathtemplate: ({ project, committish }) => `${project}${maybeJoin('#', committish)}`,
bugstemplate: ({ domain, project }) => `https://${domain}/${project}`,
gittemplate: ({ domain, project, committish }) => `git://${domain}/${project}.git${maybeJoin('#', committish)}`,
tarballtemplate: ({ project, committish }) => `https://codeload.github.com/gist/${project}/tar.gz/${maybeEncode(committish) || 'master'}`,
extract: (url) => {
let [, user, project, aux] = url.pathname.split('/', 4)
if (aux === 'raw') {
if (!project) {
if (!user) {
project = user
user = null
if (project.endsWith('.git')) {
project = project.slice(0, -4)
return { user, project, committish: url.hash.slice(1) }
hashformat: function (fragment) {
return fragment && 'file-' + formatHashFragment(fragment)
gitHosts.sourcehut = Object.assign({}, defaults, {
protocols: ['git+ssh:', 'https:'],
domain: 'git.sr.ht',
treepath: 'tree',
browsefiletemplate: ({ domain, user, project, committish, treepath, path, fragment, hashformat }) => `https://${domain}/${user}/${project}/${treepath}/${maybeEncode(committish || 'main')}/${path}${maybeJoin('#', hashformat(fragment || ''))}`,
filetemplate: ({ domain, user, project, committish, path }) => `https://${domain}/${user}/${project}/blob/${maybeEncode(committish) || 'main'}/${path}`,
httpstemplate: ({ domain, user, project, committish }) => `https://${domain}/${user}/${project}.git${maybeJoin('#', committish)}`,
tarballtemplate: ({ domain, user, project, committish }) => `https://${domain}/${user}/${project}/archive/${maybeEncode(committish) || 'main'}.tar.gz`,
bugstemplate: ({ domain, user, project }) => `https://todo.sr.ht/${user}/${project}`,
docstemplate: ({ domain, user, project, treepath, committish }) => `https://${domain}/${user}/${project}${maybeJoin('/', treepath, '/', maybeEncode(committish))}#readme`,
extract: (url) => {
let [, user, project, aux] = url.pathname.split('/', 4)
// tarball url
if (['archive'].includes(aux)) {
if (project && project.endsWith('.git')) {
project = project.slice(0, -4)
if (!user || !project) {
return { user, project, committish: url.hash.slice(1) }
const names = Object.keys(gitHosts)
gitHosts.byShortcut = {}
gitHosts.byDomain = {}
for (const name of names) {
gitHosts.byShortcut[`${name}:`] = name
gitHosts.byDomain[gitHosts[name].domain] = name
function formatHashFragment (fragment) {
return fragment.toLowerCase().replace(/^\W+|\/|\W+$/g, '').replace(/\W+/g, '-')
module.exports = gitHosts