# @tootallnate/once ### Creates a Promise that waits for a single event ## Installation Install with `npm`: ```bash $ npm install @tootallnate/once ``` ## API ### once(emitter: EventEmitter, name: string, opts?: OnceOptions): Promise<[...Args]> Creates a Promise that waits for event `name` to occur on `emitter`, and resolves the promise with an array of the values provided to the event handler. If an `error` event occurs before the event specified by `name`, then the Promise is rejected with the error argument. ```typescript import once from '@tootallnate/once'; import { EventEmitter } from 'events'; const emitter = new EventEmitter(); setTimeout(() => { emitter.emit('foo', 'bar'); }, 100); const [result] = await once(emitter, 'foo'); console.log({ result }); // { result: 'bar' } ``` #### Promise Strong Typing The main feature that this module provides over other "once" implementations is that the Promise that is returned is _**strongly typed**_ based on the type of `emitter` and the `name` of the event. Some examples are shown below. _The process "exit" event contains a single number for exit code:_ ```typescript const [code] = await once(process, 'exit'); // ^ number ``` _A child process "exit" event contains either an exit code or a signal:_ ```typescript const child = spawn('echo', []); const [code, signal] = await once(child, 'exit'); // ^ number | null // ^ string | null ``` _A forked child process "message" event is type `any`, so you can cast the Promise directly:_ ```typescript const child = fork('file.js'); // With `await` const [message, _]: [WorkerPayload, unknown] = await once(child, 'message'); // With Promise const messagePromise: Promise<[WorkerPayload, unknown]> = once(child, 'message'); // Better yet would be to leave it as `any`, and validate the payload // at runtime with i.e. `ajv` + `json-schema-to-typescript` ``` _If the TypeScript definition does not contain an overload for the specified event name, then the Promise will have type `unknown[]` and your code will need to narrow the result manually:_ ```typescript interface CustomEmitter extends EventEmitter { on(name: 'foo', listener: (a: string, b: number) => void): this; } const emitter: CustomEmitter = new EventEmitter(); // "foo" event is a defined overload, so it's properly typed const fooPromise = once(emitter, 'foo'); // ^ Promise<[a: string, b: number]> // "bar" event in not a defined overload, so it gets `unknown[]` const barPromise = once(emitter, 'bar'); // ^ Promise<unknown[]> ``` ### OnceOptions - `signal` - `AbortSignal` instance to unbind event handlers before the Promise has been fulfilled.