This commit is contained in:
LimePotato 2024-04-17 03:50:55 -06:00
parent 2cce1df321
commit 6602ba9ff0
31 changed files with 2517 additions and 5921 deletions

View file

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
import { c as createAstro, a as createComponent, r as renderTemplate, b as renderComponent, m as maybeRenderHead } from './astro/server_hicMsD5u.mjs';
import 'kleur/colors';
import { $ as $$Err404 } from './err404_CpHm5bGr.mjs';
/* empty css */
const $$Astro = createAstro("https://limepot.xyz");
const $$404 = createComponent(async ($$result, $$props, $$slots) => {
const Astro2 = $$result.createAstro($$Astro, $$props, $$slots);
Astro2.self = $$404;
return renderTemplate`${renderComponent($$result, "Layout", $$Err404, { "title": "Error 404", "data-astro-cid-zetdm5md": true }, { "default": ($$result2) => renderTemplate` ${maybeRenderHead()}<main data-astro-cid-zetdm5md> <marquee behavior="alternate" scrollamount="30" data-astro-cid-zetdm5md> <marquee behavior="alternate" scrollamount="30" direction="down" data-astro-cid-zetdm5md> <img src="/assets/404/404.png" data-astro-cid-zetdm5md> </marquee> </marquee> </main> ` })} `;
}, "/var/www/limepot-xyz/src/pages/404.astro", void 0);
const $$file = "/var/www/limepot-xyz/src/pages/404.astro";
const $$url = "/404";
export { $$404 as default, $$file as file, $$url as url };

View file

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
import { c as createAstro, a as createComponent, r as renderTemplate, m as maybeRenderHead, f as addAttribute } from './astro/server_hicMsD5u.mjs';
import 'kleur/colors';
import 'clsx';
/* empty css */
const $$Astro = createAstro("https://limepot.xyz");
const $$Card = createComponent(async ($$result, $$props, $$slots) => {
const Astro2 = $$result.createAstro($$Astro, $$props, $$slots);
Astro2.self = $$Card;
const { href, title, body, source } = Astro2.props;
return renderTemplate`${maybeRenderHead()}<li class="link-card" data-astro-cid-dohjnao5> <a${addAttribute(href, "href")} class="informational" data-astro-cid-dohjnao5> <h2 data-astro-cid-dohjnao5> <img${addAttribute(source, "src")} width="24" height="24" data-astro-cid-dohjnao5> ${title} <span data-astro-cid-dohjnao5>&rarr;</span> </h2> <p data-astro-cid-dohjnao5> ${body} </p> </a> </li> `;
}, "/var/www/limepot-xyz/src/components/Card.astro", void 0);
export { $$Card as $ };

View file

@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
import { c as createAstro, a as createComponent, r as renderTemplate, m as maybeRenderHead } from './astro/server_hicMsD5u.mjs';
import 'kleur/colors';
import 'clsx';
const $$Astro$1 = createAstro("https://limepot.xyz");
const $$Header = createComponent(async ($$result, $$props, $$slots) => {
const Astro2 = $$result.createAstro($$Astro$1, $$props, $$slots);
Astro2.self = $$Header;
return renderTemplate`${maybeRenderHead()}<nav class="navbar" role="navigation" aria-label="main navigation"> <div class="navbar-brand"> <a class="navbar-item" href="/"> <!--
style="border-radius: 20%"
--> <span class="text-gradient">LimePot</span> </a> <a role="button" class="navbar-burger" data-target="navMenu" aria-label="menu" aria-expanded="false"> <span aria-hidden="true"></span> <span aria-hidden="true"></span> <span aria-hidden="true"></span> </a> </div> <div class="navbar-menu" id="navMenu"> <div class="navbar-start"> <a class="navbar-item" href="/about"> <span class="text-gradient">About Me</span> </a> <a class="navbar-item" href="/projects"> <span class="text-gradient">Projects</span> </a> <a class="navbar-item" href="/blog"> <span class="text-gradient">Blog</span> </a> </div> </div> </nav> <div class="navbar-end"> <!--
<a class="navbar-item" href="https://ko-fi.com/limepot">
<img src="/assets/other-branding/ko-fi-button-red.png">
--> <!--
<a class="navbar-item" href="https://likeitsthe90s.limepot.xyz/">
Lets act like its the 90s
--> </div> <!-- This JS is required for mobile users to navigate the site, working on a mobile alternative --> <!-- This JS is required for mobile users to navigate the site, working on a mobile alternative -->`;
}, "/var/www/limepot-xyz/src/components/Header.astro", void 0);
const $$Astro = createAstro("https://limepot.xyz");
const $$Footer = createComponent(async ($$result, $$props, $$slots) => {
const Astro2 = $$result.createAstro($$Astro, $$props, $$slots);
Astro2.self = $$Footer;
return renderTemplate`${maybeRenderHead()}<center> <footer class="footer"> <div class="content has-text-centered"> <!--Badges--> <a href="https://limepot.xyz/"><img src="/assets/badges/limepotxyz-badge00.gif"> <br> </a><a href="https://jointhefediverse.net/"><img src="/assets/badges/FEDERATE-NOW.jpg"> </a><a href="https://gnu.org"><img src="/assets/badges/gnu-linux.gif"> </a><a href="https://fuckoffgoogle.de/"><img src="/assets/badges/google_stand.gif"> <br> </a><a href="https://privacytests.org/"><img src="/assets/badges/chrmevil.gif"> <img src="/assets/badges/browser.gif"> <iframe src="//incr.easrng.net/badge?key=limepot" style="background: url(//incr.easrng.net/bg.gif)" title="increment badge" width="88" height="31" frameborder="0"></iframe> <br> </a><p><a href="https://privacytests.org/"></a><a href="https://fediring.net/previous?host=limepot.xyz">←</a> <a href="https://fediring.net/"><img src="/assets/badges/fediring-badge.gif"></a> <a href="https://fediring.net/next?host=limepot.xyz">→</a> </p> <!--Badges--> <br><br> <a href="https://astro.build"> <img src="https://astro.badg.es/v1/built-with-astro/tiny.svg" alt="Built with Astro" width="109" height="20"> </a> <a href="https://bulma.io"> <img src="https://bulma.io/images/made-with-bulma--semiwhite.png" alt="Made with Bulma" width="128" height="24"> </a> <br> <a href="https://github.com/catppuccin/catppuccin"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/Catppuccin-Mocha%20Mauve-%23cba6f7" width="185" height="20"> </a> <a href="https://git.ouroboros.group/LimePotato/limepot-xyz"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/Site-Source-lightgrey.svg" width="94.2" height="20"> </a> <br> <a href="https://up.ouroboros.group/status/obos"><u>Experiencing downtimes?</u></a> <a href="/policy"><u>Security, Privacy, & Credits</u></a> </div> </footer> </center>`;
}, "/var/www/limepot-xyz/src/components/Footer.astro", void 0);
export { $$Header as $, $$Footer as a };

View file

@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
import { c as createAstro, a as createComponent, r as renderTemplate, f as addAttribute, b as renderComponent, d as renderHead, e as renderSlot } from './astro/server_hicMsD5u.mjs';
import 'kleur/colors';
import { $ as $$Header, a as $$Footer } from './Footer_CghiVcD1.mjs';
import 'clsx';
/* empty css */
const $$Astro$1 = createAstro("https://limepot.xyz");
const $$Head = createComponent(async ($$result, $$props, $$slots) => {
const Astro2 = $$result.createAstro($$Astro$1, $$props, $$slots);
Astro2.self = $$Head;
return renderTemplate`<meta charset="UTF-8"><meta name="description" content="Personal website to LimePotato"><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"><link rel="icon" type="image/svg+xml" href="/assets/profileimages/lunanelle.jpeg"><meta name="generator"${addAttribute(Astro2.generator, "content")}><link rel="stylesheet" href="/mybulma/css/mystyles.css">`;
}, "/var/www/limepot-xyz/src/components/Head.astro", void 0);
const $$Astro = createAstro("https://limepot.xyz");
const $$Layout = createComponent(async ($$result, $$props, $$slots) => {
const Astro2 = $$result.createAstro($$Astro, $$props, $$slots);
Astro2.self = $$Layout;
const { title } = Astro2.props;
return renderTemplate`<html lang="en"> <head>${renderComponent($$result, "Head", $$Head, {})}<title>${title}</title>${renderHead()}</head> <body> ${renderComponent($$result, "Header", $$Header, {})} <section class="section"> <div class="container"> ${renderSlot($$result, $$slots["default"])} </div> </section> ${renderComponent($$result, "Footer", $$Footer, {})} </body></html>`;
}, "/var/www/limepot-xyz/src/layouts/Layout.astro", void 0);
export { $$Layout as $ };

View file

@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
import { c as createAstro, a as createComponent, r as renderTemplate, b as renderComponent, m as maybeRenderHead } from './astro/server_hicMsD5u.mjs';
import 'kleur/colors';
import { $ as $$Layout } from './Layout_CawrnC6E.mjs';
import { $ as $$Card } from './Card_pRdOXvZu.mjs';
const $$Astro = createAstro("https://limepot.xyz");
const $$About = createComponent(async ($$result, $$props, $$slots) => {
const Astro2 = $$result.createAstro($$Astro, $$props, $$slots);
Astro2.self = $$About;
return renderTemplate`${renderComponent($$result, "Layout", $$Layout, { "title": "LimePot - About" }, { "default": ($$result2) => renderTemplate` ${maybeRenderHead()}<main> <div class="content"> <div class="wrapper"></div> <p>Howdy Traveller!</p> <br> <!-- \\
<p>Privacy Activist, Public Domain (<a href="https://unlicense.ouroboros.group"><u>The Unlicense</u></a>) Believer, and FOSS Lover. Massive into all things archival.
Love long talks about theoretical physics, astronomy, and possibilities of the impossible.</p>
--> <p>
I do a lot of tinkering with various things, hardware and software.
Currently messing around with Web Development, Minecraft mods, 3D
Printing, Linux, and Game Design. Checkout my <a href="https://limepot.xyz/projects"><u>Projects</u></a> to see what I'm currently working on.
</p> <br> <!-- <small>Don't ask about time travel. 🏳🏾</small>--> <br><br> <center><p class="instructions"> <strong>Where to find/contact me:</strong> </p></center><br> <ul role="list" class="link-card-grid"> ${renderComponent($$result2, "Card", $$Card, { "source": "/assets/icons/mail-outline.svg", "href": "mailto: bm01@limepot.xyz", "title": "Email" })} ${renderComponent($$result2, "Card", $$Card, { "source": "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/93/Fediverse_logo_proposal.svg", "href": "https://ouroboros.gay/@limepot", "title": "Fediverse" })} ${renderComponent($$result2, "Card", $$Card, { "source": "/assets/icons/matrix.png", "href": "https://matrix.to/#/@limepot:ouroboros.gay", "title": "Matrix" })} ${renderComponent($$result2, "Card", $$Card, { "source": "/assets/icons/listenbrainzicon.png", "href": "https://listenbrainz.org/user/LimePotato/", "title": "ListenBrainz Profile" })} <!--
--> </ul> </div> </main> ` })}`;
}, "/var/www/limepot-xyz/src/pages/about.astro", void 0);
const $$file = "/var/www/limepot-xyz/src/pages/about.astro";
const $$url = "/about";
export { $$About as default, $$file as file, $$url as url };

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
import { c as createAstro, a as createComponent, r as renderTemplate, m as maybeRenderHead, f as addAttribute, b as renderComponent } from './astro/server_hicMsD5u.mjs';
import 'kleur/colors';
import { $ as $$Layout } from './Layout_CawrnC6E.mjs';
import 'clsx';
/* empty css */
const $$Astro$1 = createAstro("https://limepot.xyz");
const $$CardNoimg = createComponent(async ($$result, $$props, $$slots) => {
const Astro2 = $$result.createAstro($$Astro$1, $$props, $$slots);
Astro2.self = $$CardNoimg;
const { href, title, body } = Astro2.props;
return renderTemplate`${maybeRenderHead()}<li class="link-card" data-astro-cid-3zwaq7ym> <a${addAttribute(href, "href")} class="informational" data-astro-cid-3zwaq7ym> <h2 data-astro-cid-3zwaq7ym> ${title} <span data-astro-cid-3zwaq7ym>&rarr;</span> </h2> <p data-astro-cid-3zwaq7ym> ${body} </p> </a> </li> `;
}, "/var/www/limepot-xyz/src/components/Card-noimg.astro", void 0);
const $$Astro = createAstro("https://limepot.xyz");
const $$Blog = createComponent(async ($$result, $$props, $$slots) => {
const Astro2 = $$result.createAstro($$Astro, $$props, $$slots);
Astro2.self = $$Blog;
const allPosts = await Astro2.glob(/* #__PURE__ */ Object.assign({}), () => "../pages/posts/*.md");
return renderTemplate`${renderComponent($$result, "Layout", $$Layout, { "title": "LimePot - Blog" }, { "default": ($$result2) => renderTemplate` ${maybeRenderHead()}<div class="content"> <main> ${allPosts.map((post) => renderTemplate`<ul role="list" class="link-card-grid"> ${renderComponent($$result2, "Card", $$CardNoimg, { "href": post.url, "title": post.frontmatter.title, "body": post.frontmatter.description })} </ul>`)} </main> </div> ` })}`;
}, "/var/www/limepot-xyz/src/pages/blog.astro", void 0);
const $$file = "/var/www/limepot-xyz/src/pages/blog.astro";
const $$url = "/blog";
export { $$Blog as default, $$file as file, $$url as url };

View file

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
import { c as createAstro, a as createComponent, r as renderTemplate, b as renderComponent, m as maybeRenderHead } from './astro/server_hicMsD5u.mjs';
import 'kleur/colors';
import { $ as $$Layout } from './Layout_CawrnC6E.mjs';
const $$Astro = createAstro("https://limepot.xyz");
const $$Boilerplate = createComponent(async ($$result, $$props, $$slots) => {
const Astro2 = $$result.createAstro($$Astro, $$props, $$slots);
Astro2.self = $$Boilerplate;
return renderTemplate`${renderComponent($$result, "Layout", $$Layout, { "title": "LimePot - " }, { "default": ($$result2) => renderTemplate` ${maybeRenderHead()}<main></main> ` })}`;
}, "/var/www/limepot-xyz/src/pages/boilerplate.astro", void 0);
const $$file = "/var/www/limepot-xyz/src/pages/boilerplate.astro";
const $$url = "/boilerplate";
export { $$Boilerplate as default, $$file as file, $$url as url };

View file

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
import { c as createAstro, a as createComponent, r as renderTemplate, f as addAttribute, d as renderHead, e as renderSlot } from './astro/server_hicMsD5u.mjs';
import 'kleur/colors';
import 'clsx';
/* empty css */
const $$Astro = createAstro("https://limepot.xyz");
const $$Err404 = createComponent(async ($$result, $$props, $$slots) => {
const Astro2 = $$result.createAstro($$Astro, $$props, $$slots);
Astro2.self = $$Err404;
const { title } = Astro2.props;
return renderTemplate`<html lang="en"> <head><meta charset="UTF-8"><meta name="description" content="Astro description"><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"><link rel="icon" type="image/svg+xml" href="/assets/branding/obo-icon.png"><meta name="generator"${addAttribute(Astro2.generator, "content")}><title>${title}</title>${renderHead()}</head> <body> ${renderSlot($$result, $$slots["default"])} </body></html>`;
}, "/var/www/limepot-xyz/src/layouts/err404.astro", void 0);
export { $$Err404 as $ };

View file

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
import { c as createAstro, a as createComponent, r as renderTemplate, b as renderComponent, m as maybeRenderHead } from './astro/server_hicMsD5u.mjs';
import 'kleur/colors';
import { $ as $$Err404 } from './err404_CpHm5bGr.mjs';
/* empty css */
const $$Astro = createAstro("https://limepot.xyz");
const $$GmodLoading = createComponent(async ($$result, $$props, $$slots) => {
const Astro2 = $$result.createAstro($$Astro, $$props, $$slots);
Astro2.self = $$GmodLoading;
return renderTemplate`${renderComponent($$result, "Layout", $$Err404, { "title": "Loading...", "data-astro-cid-w5lhoovp": true }, { "default": ($$result2) => renderTemplate` ${maybeRenderHead()}<main data-astro-cid-w5lhoovp> <marquee behavior="alternate" scrollamount="30" data-astro-cid-w5lhoovp> <marquee behavior="alternate" scrollamount="30" direction="down" data-astro-cid-w5lhoovp> <img src="/assets/branding/gmod_logo.png" data-astro-cid-w5lhoovp> </marquee> </marquee> </main> ` })} `;
}, "/var/www/limepot-xyz/src/pages/export/gmod_loading.astro", void 0);
const $$file = "/var/www/limepot-xyz/src/pages/export/gmod_loading.astro";
const $$url = "/export/gmod_loading";
export { $$GmodLoading as default, $$file as file, $$url as url };

View file

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
import { c as createAstro, a as createComponent, r as renderTemplate, b as renderComponent, m as maybeRenderHead } from './astro/server_hicMsD5u.mjs';
import 'kleur/colors';
import { $ as $$Layout } from './Layout_CawrnC6E.mjs';
const $$Astro = createAstro("https://limepot.xyz");
const $$Index = createComponent(async ($$result, $$props, $$slots) => {
const Astro2 = $$result.createAstro($$Astro, $$props, $$slots);
Astro2.self = $$Index;
return renderTemplate`${renderComponent($$result, "Layout", $$Layout, { "title": "LimePot - Home" }, { "default": ($$result2) => renderTemplate` ${maybeRenderHead()}<main> <center> <marquee Behavior="Alternate"><h2 class="title"> <span class="text-gradient">Hello World</span> </h2></marquee> <br> <div class="content"> <a href="/404">0 Days since last incident.</a> <br> <p class="subtitle">"Forever - is composed of Nows</p> <p class="subtitle">\`Tis not a different time -</p> <p class="subtitle">Except for Infiniteness -</p> <p class="subtitle">And Latitude of Home -</p> <br> <p class="subtitle">From this - experienced Here -</p> <p class="subtitle">Remove the Dates - to These -</p> <p class="subtitle">Let Months dissolve in further Months -</p> <p class="subtitle">And Years - exhale in Years ."</p> <p class="subtitle"></p><strong>- Emily Dickinson</strong> </div> </center> </main> ` })}`;
}, "/var/www/limepot-xyz/src/pages/index.astro", void 0);
const $$file = "/var/www/limepot-xyz/src/pages/index.astro";
const $$url = "";
export { $$Index as default, $$file as file, $$url as url };

View file

@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
import { c as createAstro, a as createComponent, r as renderTemplate, b as renderComponent, m as maybeRenderHead } from './astro/server_hicMsD5u.mjs';
import 'kleur/colors';
import { $ as $$Layout } from './Layout_CawrnC6E.mjs';
const $$Astro = createAstro("https://limepot.xyz");
const $$Policy = createComponent(async ($$result, $$props, $$slots) => {
const Astro2 = $$result.createAstro($$Astro, $$props, $$slots);
Astro2.self = $$Policy;
return renderTemplate`${renderComponent($$result, "Layout", $$Layout, { "title": "Privacy Policy and Philosophy" }, { "default": ($$result2) => renderTemplate` ${maybeRenderHead()}<main> <div class="content"> <div class="wrapper"> <h2 class="subtitle">Privacy & Security</h2> <p>
I try to use as little javascript as possible int he front-end of this
site, I use <strong><a href="https://bulma.io/"><u>Bulma</u></a></strong> Which doesn't require JS in the frontend, I've used a little JS for the
mobile version, specifically the menu burger opening and closing). I do
however use <strong><a href="https://astro.build"><u>Astro</u></a></strong> in the backend for server-side rendering (on the <a href="staging.limepot.xyz">Staging Site</a>), i mostly use this as a boilerplate solution, as i got tired of
entering the same copy-paste fields over and over again. but this site
will function if you turn JS off.
</p> <br> <p>I do not collect or store information.</p> </div> <br> <h2 class="subtitle">Credits</h2> <small>Or, at least, what I can credit</small> <br> <!--Badges--> <a href="https://limepot.xyz/"><img src="/assets/badges/limepotxyz-badge00.gif"> <strong>Made by me for this website!</strong> <br> </a><a href="https://jointhefediverse.net/"><img src="/assets/badges/FEDERATE-NOW.jpg"> <strong>I forgor 💀</strong> <br> </a><a href="https://gnu.org"><img src="/assets/badges/gnu-linux.gif"> <strong>I forgor 💀</strong> <br> </a><a href="https://fuckoffgoogle.de/"><img src="/assets/badges/google_stand.gif"> <strong>I forgor 💀</strong> <br> </a><a href="https://privacytests.org/"><img src="/assets/badges/chrmevil.gif"> <strong>I forgor 💀</strong> <br> <img src="/assets/badges/browser.gif"> <strong>I forgor 💀</strong> <br> </a><a href="https://tuxcrafting.online/"><img src="/assets/badges/tctek.gif"> <strong></strong></a><strong><a href="https://meow.tuxcrafting.online/@chjara">Chjara!</a></strong> <br> <iframe src="//incr.easrng.net/badge?key=limepot" style="background: url(//incr.easrng.net/bg.gif)" title="increment badge" width="88" height="31" frameborder="0"></iframe> <strong><a href="https://easrng.net/">easrng</a></strong> <br> <a href="https://cybercriminal.eu"><img src="/assets/badges/cbrmnl.png"> <strong></strong></a><strong><a href="https://cybercriminal.eu/users/voltrina">Volted Rina</a></strong> <br> <!--Badges--> </div> </main> ` })}`;
}, "/var/www/limepot-xyz/src/pages/policy.astro", void 0);
const $$file = "/var/www/limepot-xyz/src/pages/policy.astro";
const $$url = "/policy";
export { $$Policy as default, $$file as file, $$url as url };

View file

@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
import { c as createAstro, a as createComponent, r as renderTemplate, b as renderComponent, d as renderHead, e as renderSlot, u as unescapeHTML } from './astro/server_hicMsD5u.mjs';
import 'kleur/colors';
import { $ as $$Header, a as $$Footer } from './Footer_CghiVcD1.mjs';
const $$Astro = createAstro("https://limepot.xyz");
const $$MDPost = createComponent(async ($$result, $$props, $$slots) => {
const Astro2 = $$result.createAstro($$Astro, $$props, $$slots);
Astro2.self = $$MDPost;
const { title } = Astro2.props;
const { frontmatter } = Astro2.props;
return renderTemplate`<head>${renderComponent($$result, "Head", Head, {})}<title>${title}</title>${renderHead()}</head> ${renderComponent($$result, "Header", $$Header, {})} <center> <h1 class="title">${frontmatter.title}</h1> <h2 class="subtitle"><em>Summary: ${frontmatter.description} - Written by ${frontmatter.author} on ${frontmatter.pubDate.slice(0, 10)}</em></h2> <br> </center> ${renderSlot($$result, $$slots["default"])} ${renderComponent($$result, "Footer", $$Footer, {})}`;
}, "/var/www/limepot-xyz/src/layouts/MDPost.astro", void 0);
const html = "<h1 id=\"whats-your-setup-like-i-hear-nobody-asking-im-glad-you-asked\">“Whats your setup like?” I hear nobody asking, Im glad you asked!</h1>\n<h3 id=\"my-personal-machine-currently-has\">My personal machine currently has:</h3>\n<p>AMD Ryzen 5 2700, 32 GiB DDR4 3200 RAM, 2TB Internal Storage, and 1TB External Storage, Im running Arch Linux installed with some custom scripts Im making, I use KDE Plasma (6 broke wayland aaaaa!).</p>\n<img src=\"/assets/otherpics/pc-neofetch.png\">\n<h3 id=\"my-server-setup-was-more-frankensteined-together-from-old-parts-i-had-or-bought-or-were-given\">My Server setup, was more frankensteined together from old parts I had or bought or were given:</h3>\n<p>Intel i5-3470, 8 GiB RAM, 2 TB External drive, 2 500 GiB HDDs running in parallel in a software RAID, a 200GiB HDD for the OS, and one more 200GiB for other storage.</p>\n<p>Its running Ubuntu Jammy(boooooo, itd be debian or arch but im too lazy to redo my entire setup right now). I plan to heavily upgrade this bad boy when I have the time and money, it runs pretty much everything, the git repo, the fediverse, matrix, game servers, its definitely choking on that memory though.</p>\n<img src=\"/assets/otherpics/server-neofetch.png\">\n<h3 id=\"i-also-have-a-raspberry-pi-4b\">I also have a Raspberry Pi 4B</h3>\n<p>8GiB Model, running, you guessed it, raspbian, it uses 64 GiB External drive as its os drive, i dont trust microSD in the SLIGHTEST. This thing actually holds up the entire infra with its chadlike beefy little arms. So proud of her.</p>\n<img src=\"/assets/otherpics/rpi-neofetch.png\">";
const frontmatter = {"layout":"../../layouts/MDPost.astro","title":"My Setup(s)!","pubDate":"2024-04-17T00:00:00.000Z","description":"Ever wonder what Im running?","author":"LimePotato","image":{"url":"/assets/branding/obo.svg","alt":"Website Icon"},"tags":["first","blogging","computer","setup","neofetch"]};
const file = "/var/www/limepot-xyz/src/pages/blog/post-1.md";
const url = "/blog/post-1";
function rawContent() {
return "# \"Whats your setup like?\" I hear nobody asking, I'm glad you asked!\n\n### My personal machine currently has: \nAMD Ryzen 5 2700, 32 GiB DDR4 3200 RAM, 2TB Internal Storage, and 1TB External Storage, I'm running Arch Linux installed with some custom scripts I'm making, I use KDE Plasma (6 broke wayland aaaaa!).\n\n<img src=\"/assets/otherpics/pc-neofetch.png\">\n\n\n### My Server setup, was more frankensteined together from old parts I had or bought or were given: \nIntel i5-3470, 8 GiB RAM, 2 TB External drive, 2 500 GiB HDD's running in parallel in a software RAID, a 200GiB HDD for the OS, and one more 200GiB for other storage. \n\nIts running Ubuntu Jammy(boooooo, itd be debian or arch but i'm too lazy to redo my entire setup right now). I plan to heavily upgrade this bad boy when I have the time and money, it runs pretty much everything, the git repo, the fediverse, matrix, game servers, its definitely choking on that memory though.\n\n<img src=\"/assets/otherpics/server-neofetch.png\">\n\n### I also have a Raspberry Pi 4B\n8GiB Model, running, you guessed it, raspbian, it uses 64 GiB External drive as its os drive, i dont trust microSD in the SLIGHTEST. This thing actually holds up the entire infra with its chadlike beefy little arms. So proud of her.\n\n<img src=\"/assets/otherpics/rpi-neofetch.png\">";
function compiledContent() {
return html;
function getHeadings() {
return [{"depth":1,"slug":"whats-your-setup-like-i-hear-nobody-asking-im-glad-you-asked","text":"“Whats your setup like?” I hear nobody asking, Im glad you asked!"},{"depth":3,"slug":"my-personal-machine-currently-has","text":"My personal machine currently has:"},{"depth":3,"slug":"my-server-setup-was-more-frankensteined-together-from-old-parts-i-had-or-bought-or-were-given","text":"My Server setup, was more frankensteined together from old parts I had or bought or were given:"},{"depth":3,"slug":"i-also-have-a-raspberry-pi-4b","text":"I also have a Raspberry Pi 4B"}];
const Content = createComponent((result, _props, slots) => {
const { layout, ...content } = frontmatter;
content.file = file;
content.url = url;
return renderTemplate`${renderComponent(result, 'Layout', $$MDPost, {
frontmatter: content,
headings: getHeadings(),
'server:root': true,
}, {
'default': () => renderTemplate`${unescapeHTML(html)}`
export { Content, compiledContent, Content as default, file, frontmatter, getHeadings, rawContent, url };

View file

@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
import { c as createAstro, a as createComponent, r as renderTemplate, b as renderComponent, m as maybeRenderHead } from './astro/server_hicMsD5u.mjs';
import 'kleur/colors';
import { $ as $$Layout } from './Layout_CawrnC6E.mjs';
import { $ as $$Card } from './Card_pRdOXvZu.mjs';
const $$Astro = createAstro("https://limepot.xyz");
const $$Projects = createComponent(async ($$result, $$props, $$slots) => {
const Astro2 = $$result.createAstro($$Astro, $$props, $$slots);
Astro2.self = $$Projects;
return renderTemplate`${renderComponent($$result, "Layout", $$Layout, { "title": "LimePot - Projects " }, { "default": ($$result2) => renderTemplate` ${maybeRenderHead()}<main> <div class="content"> <center><p class="instructions"> <strong>Profiles/Portfolios</strong> </p></center><br> <ul role="list" class="link-card-grid"> ${renderComponent($$result2, "Card", $$Card, { "source": "/assets/icons/Forgejo_logo.svg", "href": "https://git.ouroboros.group/LimePotato/", "title": "Self-Hosted ForgeJo Instance" })} <!--
title="ForgeJo Account (For 24/7 repo hosting)"
--> ${renderComponent($$result2, "Card", $$Card, { "source": "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/67560307?s=200&v=4", "href": "https://modrinth.com/user/limepotato", "title": "Modrinth" })} ${renderComponent($$result2, "Card", $$Card, { "source": "/assets/icons/image-outline.svg", "href": "https://files.nullafati.xyz/Photos/limepotato/", "title": "Photography - File Archive" })} </ul> <br><br><br> <center><p class="instructions"> <strong>Individual Projects</strong> </p></center> <ul role="list" class="link-card-grid"> <!--
title="The Library"
body="The Library is a self-hosted Archive."
body="A Minecraft mod, built for Quilt Loader, bringing back the Roses and Cyan Roses of old."
title="Even More Bountiful"
body="A Legacy Fabric mod for 1.7.10, exploring a timeline where minecrafts development took a different direction before 1.8"
--> ${renderComponent($$result2, "Card", $$Card, { "source": "/assets/icons/Forgejo_logo.svg", "href": "https://next.forgejo.org/Ouroboros/potrogue/settings", "title": "potrogue", "body": "A lil roguelike project built in Kotlin with cobalt/amethyst/zircon" })} ${renderComponent($$result2, "Card", $$Card, { "source": "/assets/icons/Forgejo_logo.svg", "href": "https://git.ouroboros.group/limepotato/kotRemote", "title": "kotRemote", "body": "SSHFS (and maybe other things later) Wrapper, in Kotlin with Jexer" })} <!--
body="A Minecraft mod, built for Quilt Loader, Reviving the ideas of my favorite classic tech and space mods."
title="Custom Quilt Template Mod"
body="A fork of the quilt template mod, with an interactive setup script, and other nice-to-haves."
title="Legacy Coder Pack - LCP"
body="In the spirit of MCP, but for older versions of alpha (initially just for a1.0.16_02)"
--> </ul> </div> </main> ` })}`;
}, "/var/www/limepot-xyz/src/pages/projects.astro", void 0);
const $$file = "/var/www/limepot-xyz/src/pages/projects.astro";
const $$url = "/projects";
export { $$Projects as default, $$file as file, $$url as url };

View file

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
import rss, { pagesGlobToRssItems } from '@astrojs/rss';
async function GET(context) {
return rss({
title: 'LimePot - Blog',
description: 'Tis a blog maybe or something IG',
site: context.site,
items: await pagesGlobToRssItems(/* #__PURE__ */ Object.assign({"./blog/post-1.md": () => import('./post-1_wnSHKF64.mjs')})),
customData: `<language>en-us</language>`,
export { GET };

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
export { renderers } from '../renderers.mjs';
const page = () => import('../chunks/404_CUh0Bkcz.mjs');
const page = () => import('../chunks/404_hIB2Q-Hu.mjs');
export { page };

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
export { renderers } from '../renderers.mjs';
const page = () => import('../chunks/about_BaRd3lnA.mjs');
const page = () => import('../chunks/about_DfbgSASu.mjs');
export { page };

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
export { renderers } from '../renderers.mjs';
const page = () => import('../chunks/blog_BYIjjOIS.mjs');
const page = () => import('../chunks/blog_D0La2DVm.mjs');
export { page };

View file

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
export { renderers } from '../../renderers.mjs';
const page = () => import('../../chunks/post-1_wnSHKF64.mjs');
export { page };

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
export { renderers } from '../renderers.mjs';
const page = () => import('../chunks/boilerplate_LZJuf9-u.mjs');
const page = () => import('../chunks/boilerplate_C6zeWVie.mjs');
export { page };

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
export { renderers } from '../../renderers.mjs';
const page = () => import('../../chunks/gmod_loading_jKr7b-lF.mjs');
const page = () => import('../../chunks/gmod_loading_BeD4dSo6.mjs');
export { page };

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
export { renderers } from '../renderers.mjs';
const page = () => import('../chunks/index_KtCmHE6Q.mjs');
const page = () => import('../chunks/index_ClcmJhdg.mjs');
export { page };

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
export { renderers } from '../renderers.mjs';
const page = () => import('../chunks/policy_iQ5HQ9Hx.mjs');
const page = () => import('../chunks/policy_Dw4vUHV7.mjs');
export { page };

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
export { renderers } from '../renderers.mjs';
const page = () => import('../chunks/projects_BICtSZQk.mjs');
const page = () => import('../chunks/projects_DdJbUl-7.mjs');
export { page };

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
export { renderers } from '../renderers.mjs';
const page = () => import('../chunks/rss.xml_CRCPXvq7.mjs');
const page = () => import('../chunks/rss.xml_qlXdddg3.mjs');
export { page };

package-lock.json generated

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -10,10 +10,7 @@
"astro": "astro"
"dependencies": {
"@astrojs/mdx": "^2.1.1",
"@astrojs/rss": "^4.0.4",
"@astrojs/sitemap": "^3.0.5",
"@astrojs/ts-plugin": "^1.6.1",
"astro": "^4.3.2"
"@astrojs/rss": "^3.0.0",
"astro": "^2.10.7"

View file

@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
interface Props {
date: Date;
const { date } = Astro.props;
<time datetime={date.toISOString()}>
date.toLocaleDateString('en-us', {
year: 'numeric',
month: 'short',
day: 'numeric',

View file

@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
import type { CollectionEntry } from 'astro:content';
import BaseHead from '../components/Head.astro';
import Header from '../components/Header.astro';
import Footer from '../components/Footer.astro';
import FormattedDate from '../components/FormattedDate.astro';
type Props = CollectionEntry<'blog'>['data'];
const { title, description, pubDate, updatedDate, heroImage } = Astro.props;
<html lang="en">
<BaseHead title={title} description={description} />
main {
width: calc(100% - 2em);
max-width: 100%;
margin: 0;
.hero-image {
width: 100%;
.hero-image img {
display: block;
margin: 0 auto;
border-radius: 12px;
box-shadow: var(--box-shadow);
.prose {
width: 720px;
max-width: calc(100% - 2em);
margin: auto;
padding: 1em;
color: rgb(var(--gray-dark));
.title {
margin-bottom: 1em;
padding: 1em 0;
text-align: center;
line-height: 1;
.title h1 {
margin: 0 0 0.5em 0;
.date {
margin-bottom: 0.5em;
color: rgb(var(--gray));
.last-updated-on {
font-style: italic;
<Header />
<div class="hero-image">
{heroImage && <img width={1020} height={510} src={heroImage} alt="" />}
<div class="prose">
<div class="title">
<div class="date">
<FormattedDate date={pubDate} />
updatedDate && (
<div class="last-updated-on">
Last updated on <FormattedDate date={updatedDate} />
<hr />
<slot />
<Footer />