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< p > Howdy Traveller!< / p >
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<!-- <p>Privacy Activist, Public Domain (<a href="https://unlicense.ouroboros.group"><u>The Unlicense</u></a>) Believer, and FOSS Lover. Massive into all things archival.
2023-10-29 21:55:17 -06:00
Love long talks about theoretical physics, astronomy, and possibilities of the impossible.< / p >
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2024-02-17 19:48:22 -07:00
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do a lot of tinkering with various things, hardware and software.
Currently messing around with web-development, Minecraft mods, 3D
Printing, Linux, and Game Design. Checkout my < a href = "https://limepot.xyz/projects.html" > < u > Projects< / u > < / a > to see what I'm currently working on.
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< p > Also dabble in photography.< / p >
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