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2023-02-16 18:07:58 -07:00
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2023-02-16 18:07:58 -07:00
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2023-07-28 21:21:47 -06:00
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<marquee behavior=scroll direction="left" scrollamount="15">Some of my servers are undergoing maintenance, these links may die frequently</marquee>
2023-07-21 01:55:48 -06:00
2023-07-22 03:34:48 -06:00
<h1 class="title"><image src="assets/icons/Forgejo_logo.svg" width="24" height="24"><a href=""><u>Forgejo</u></a><a href="./rss/forgejorss.html"> <image src="assets/rss.png" width="15" height="15"></image></a></h1>
2023-07-21 01:55:48 -06:00
2023-06-21 05:00:21 -06:00
<h1 class="title"><image src="assets/icons/codeberg-svgrepo-com.svg" width="24" height="24"><a href=""><u>Codeberg</u></a><a href="./rss/codebergrss.html"> <image src="assets/rss.png" width="15" height="15"></image></a></h1>
2023-07-08 01:18:01 -06:00
<h1 class="title"><image src="" width="24" height="24"><a href=""><u>Modrinth</u></a></h1>
2023-03-22 02:05:24 -06:00
2023-06-21 05:00:21 -06:00
<h1 class="title"><image src="" width="24" height="24"><a href=""><u>The Library</u></a><a href="./rss/nullafatixyzrss.html"> <image src="assets/rss.png" width="15" height="15"></image></a></h1></h1>
2023-03-12 03:29:18 -06:00
<h3 class="subtitle">The Library is a self-hosted Archive.</h3>
2023-06-20 01:39:14 -06:00
2023-06-21 05:00:21 -06:00
2023-07-22 03:00:26 -06:00
<h1 class="title"><image src="" width="24" height="24"><a href=""><u>Stellarworks</u></a><a href="./rss/stellarworksrss.html"> <image src="assets/rss.png" width="15" height="15"></image></a></h1>
2023-03-22 02:02:10 -06:00
<h3 class="subtitle">A Minecraft mod, built for Quilt Loader, Reviving the ideas of my favorite classic tech and space mods.</h3>
2023-06-20 01:39:14 -06:00
2023-06-21 05:00:21 -06:00
<!--ROSES MOD-->
2023-07-22 03:00:26 -06:00
<h1 class="title"><image src="" width="24" height="24"><a href=""><u>Roses</u></a><a href="./rss/roses-modrss.html"> <image src="assets/rss.png" width="15" height="15"></image></a></h1>
2023-03-22 02:02:10 -06:00
<h3 class="subtitle">A Minecraft mod, built for Quilt Loader, bringing back the Roses and Cyan Roses of old.</h3>
2023-06-21 01:39:45 -06:00
2023-07-06 04:04:18 -06:00
<!--YUMMY! MOD-->
2023-07-22 03:05:28 -06:00
<h1 class="title"><image src="" width="24" height="24"><!--<a href="!">--><a href=""><u>Yummy!</u></a><a href="./rss/yummyrss.html"> <image src="assets/rss.png" width="15" height="15"></image></a></h1>
2023-07-06 04:04:18 -06:00
<h3 class="subtitle">Adds various food related items to Minecraft, mostly inspired off of the promised/mentioned ideas from Mojang themselves.</h3>
2023-06-21 05:00:21 -06:00
2023-07-22 03:05:28 -06:00
<h1 class="title"><image src="" width="24" height="24"></image><a href=""><u>Custom Quilt Template Mod</u></a><a href="./rss/quilt-template-modrss.html"> <image src="assets/rss.png" width="15" height="15"></image></a></h1>
2023-06-21 01:39:45 -06:00
<h3 class="subtitle">A fork of the quilt template mod, with an interactive setup script, and other nice-to-haves.</h3>
2023-06-21 05:00:21 -06:00
2023-07-03 20:12:08 -06:00
<h1 class="title"><!--<image src="" width="24" height="24"></image>--><a href=""><u>Legacy Coder Pack - LCP</u></a><a href="./rss/LCPRSS.html"> <image src="assets/rss.png" width="15" height="15"></image></a></h1>
<h3 class="subtitle">In the spirit of MCP, but for older versions of alpha (initially just for a1.0.16_02)</h3>
2023-06-21 05:00:21 -06:00
2023-06-23 03:53:47 -06:00
<h1 class="title"><image src="" width="24" height="24"></image><a href=""><u>Godot PSX Template</u></a><a href="./rss/godottempproj.html"> <image src="assets/rss.png" width="15" height="15"></image></a></h1>
2023-06-21 05:00:21 -06:00
<h3 class="subtitle">A template godot project for PSX styled games.</h3>
2023-06-26 09:22:25 -06:00
2023-06-21 05:00:21 -06:00
<h1 class="title"><image src="" width="24" height="24"><a href=""><u>Photography</u></a><a href="./rss/pixelfedrss.html"> <image src="assets/rss.png" width="15" height="15"></image></a></h1>
2023-04-01 20:30:18 -06:00
<h3 class="subtitle">Some of my photography, until I have it on my archive.</h3>
2023-02-16 18:07:58 -07:00
2023-03-11 21:53:44 -07:00
2023-03-11 21:41:10 -07:00
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2023-04-23 05:03:29 -06:00
2023-06-09 17:02:54 -06:00
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2023-06-18 14:41:35 -06:00
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2023-06-26 09:22:25 -06:00
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2023-06-09 17:02:54 -06:00
2023-03-22 02:03:30 -06:00
2023-03-11 21:41:10 -07:00
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2023-03-22 02:33:43 -06:00
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2023-07-21 01:55:48 -06:00
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2023-03-22 02:33:43 -06:00
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2023-07-03 01:38:02 -06:00
2023-07-03 01:38:02 -06:00
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2023-06-07 01:22:54 -06:00
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2023-03-11 21:41:10 -07:00
2023-03-11 21:53:44 -07:00
2023-02-16 18:07:58 -07:00