diff --git a/functions.py b/functions.py
index 0f90445..d0a549e 100755
--- a/functions.py
+++ b/functions.py
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
 # SPDX-License-Identifier: EUPL-1.2
 import re
diff --git a/pleroma.py b/pleroma.py
index 3c4308f..01d806d 100644
--- a/pleroma.py
+++ b/pleroma.py
@@ -1,24 +1,28 @@
 # SPDX-License-Identifier: EUPL-1.2
 import sys
+import json
 import aiohttp
-	'pleroma-ebooks (https://github.com/ioistired/pleroma-ebooks); '
-	'aiohttp/{aiohttp.__version__}; '
-	'python/{py_version}'
+from http import HTTPStatus
 def http_session_factory(headers={}):
-	return aiohttp.ClientSession(
-		headers={'User-Agent': USER_AGENT, **headers},
-		raise_for_status=True,
+	py_version = '.'.join(map(str, sys.version_info))
+	user_agent = (
+		'pleroma-ebooks (https://github.com/ioistired/pleroma-ebooks); '
+		'aiohttp/{aiohttp.__version__}; '
+		'python/{py_version}'
+	return aiohttp.ClientSession(
+		headers={'User-Agent': user_agent, **headers},
+	)
+class BadRequest(Exception):
+	pass
 class Pleroma:
 	def __init__(self, *, api_base_url, access_token):
 		self.api_base_url = api_base_url.rstrip('/')
-		py_version = '.'.join(map(str, sys.version_info))
+		self.access_token = access_token
 		self._session = http_session_factory({'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + access_token})
 		self._logged_in_id = None
@@ -31,6 +35,9 @@ class Pleroma:
 	async def request(self, method, path, **kwargs):
 		async with self._session.request(method, self.api_base_url + path, **kwargs) as resp:
+			if resp.status == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST:
+				raise BadRequest((await resp.json())['error'])
+			resp.raise_for_status()
 			return await resp.json()
 	async def verify_credentials(self):
@@ -47,12 +54,21 @@ class Pleroma:
 		account_id = account_id or await self._get_logged_in_id()
 		return await self.request('GET', f'/api/v1/accounts/{account_id}/following')
+	@staticmethod
+	def _unpack_id(obj):
+		if isinstance(obj, dict) and 'id' in obj:
+			return obj['id']
+		return obj
+	async def status_context(self, id):
+		id = self._unpack_id(id)
+		return await self.request('GET', f'/api/v1/statuses/{id}/context')
 	async def post(self, content, *, in_reply_to_id=None, cw=None, visibility=None):
 		if visibility not in {None, 'private', 'public', 'unlisted', 'direct'}:
 			raise ValueError('invalid visibility', visibility)
-		if isinstance(in_reply_to_id, dict) and 'id' in in_reply_to_id:
-			in_reply_to_id = in_reply_to_id['id']
+		in_reply_to_id = self._unpack_id(in_reply_to_id)
 		data = dict(status=content, in_reply_to_id=in_reply_to_id)
 		if visibility is not None:
@@ -73,8 +89,55 @@ class Pleroma:
 		status = ''.join('@' + x + ' ' for x in mentioned_accounts.values()) + content
-		visibility = to_status['visibility']
-		if cw is None and 'spoiler_text' in to_status:
+		visibility = 'unlisted' if to_status['visibility'] == 'public' else to_status['visibility']
+		if cw is None and 'spoiler_text' in to_status and to_status['spoiler_text']:
 			cw = 're: ' + to_status['spoiler_text']
 		return await self.post(content, in_reply_to_id=to_status['id'], cw=cw, visibility=visibility)
+	async def favorite(self, id):
+		id = self._unpack_id(id)
+		return await self.request('POST', f'/api/v1/statuses/{id}/favourite')
+	async def unfavorite(self, id):
+		id = self._unpack_id(id)
+		return await self.request('POST', f'/api/v1/statuses/{id}/unfavourite')
+	async def react(self, id, reaction):
+		id = self._unpack_id(id)
+		return await self.request('PUT', f'/api/v1/pleroma/statuses/{id}/reactions/{reaction}')
+	async def remove_reaction(self, id, reaction):
+		id = self._unpack_id(id)
+		return await self.request('DELETE', f'/api/v1/pleroma/statuses/{id}/reactions/{reaction}')
+	async def pin(self, id):
+		id = self._unpack_id(id)
+		return await self.request('POST', f'/api/v1/statuses/{id}/pin')
+	async def unpin(self, id):
+		id = self._unpack_id(id)
+		return await self.request('POST', f'/api/v1/statuses/{id}/unpin')
+	async def stream(self, stream_name, *, target_event_type=None):
+		async with self._session.ws_connect(
+			self.api_base_url + f'/api/v1/streaming?stream={stream_name}&access_token={self.access_token}'
+		) as ws:
+			async for msg in ws:
+				if msg.type == aiohttp.WSMsgType.TEXT:
+					event = msg.json()
+					# the only event type that doesn't define `payload` is `filters_changed`
+					if event['event'] == 'filters_changed':
+						yield event
+					elif target_event_type is None or event['event'] == target_event_type:
+						# don't ask me why the payload is also JSON encoded smh
+						yield json.loads(event['payload'])
+	async def stream_notifications(self):
+		async for notif in self.stream('user:notification', target_event_type='notification'):
+			yield notif
+	async def stream_mentions(self):
+		async for notif in self.stream_notifications():
+			if notif['type'] == 'mention':
+				yield notif
diff --git a/reply.py b/reply.py
index dd694dd..927a98c 100755
--- a/reply.py
+++ b/reply.py
@@ -1,89 +1,89 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
-# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: EUPL-1.2
-import mastodon
-import re, json, argparse
+import re
+import anyio
+import pleroma
 import functions
+import contextlib
-parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Reply service. Leave running in the background.')
-	'-c', '--cfg', dest='cfg', default='config.json', nargs='?',
-	help="Specify a custom location for config.json.")
+def parse_args():
+	return functions.arg_parser_factory(description='Reply service. Leave running in the background.').parse_args()
-args = parser.parse_args()
+class ReplyBot:
+	def __init__(self, cfg):
+		self.cfg = cfg
+		self.pleroma = pleroma.Pleroma(access_token=cfg['access_token'], api_base_url=cfg['site'])
-cfg = json.load(open(args.cfg, 'r'))
+	async def run(self):
+		async with self.pleroma as self.pleroma:
+			self.me = (await self.pleroma.me())['id']
+			self.follows = frozenset(user['id'] for user in await self.pleroma.following(self.me))
+			async for notification in self.pleroma.stream_mentions():
+				await self.process_notification(notification)
-client = mastodon.Mastodon(
-	client_id=cfg['client']['id'],
-	client_secret=cfg['client']['secret'],
-	access_token=cfg['secret'],
-	api_base_url=cfg['site'])
+	async def process_notification(self, notification):
+		acct = "@" + notification['account']['acct']  # get the account's @
+		post_id = notification['status']['id']
+		context = await self.pleroma.status_context(post_id)
+		# check if we've already been participating in this thread
+		if self.check_thread_length(context):
+			return
-def extract_toot(toot):
-	text = functions.extract_toot(toot)
-	text = re.sub(r"^@[^@]+@[^ ]+\s*", r"", text)  # remove the initial mention
-	text = text.lower()  # treat text as lowercase for easier keyword matching (if this bot uses it)
-	return text
+		content = self.extract_toot(notification['status']['content'])
+		if content in {'pin', 'unpin'}:
+			await self.process_command(context, notification, content)
+		else:
+			await self.reply(notification)
+	def check_thread_length(self, context) -> bool:
+		"""return whether the thread is too long to reply to"""
+		posts = 0
+		for post in context['ancestors']:
+			if post['account']['id'] == self.me:
+				posts += 1
+			if posts >= self.cfg['max_thread_length']:
+				return True
-class ReplyListener(mastodon.StreamListener):
-	def on_notification(self, notification):  # listen for notifications
-		if notification['type'] == 'mention':  # if we're mentioned:
-			acct = "@" + notification['account']['acct']  # get the account's @
-			post_id = notification['status']['id']
+		return False
-			# check if we've already been participating in this thread
-			try:
-				context = client.status_context(post_id)
-			except:
-				print("failed to fetch thread context")
-				return
-			me = client.account_verify_credentials()['id']
-			posts = 0
-			for post in context['ancestors']:
-				if post['account']['id'] == me:
-					pin = post["id"]  # Only used if pin is called, but easier to call here
-					posts += 1
-				if posts >= cfg['max_thread_length']:
-					# stop replying
-					print("didn't reply (max_thread_length exceeded)")
-					return
+	async def process_command(self, context, notification, command):
+		post_id = notification['status']['id']
+		if notification['account']['id'] not in self.follows: # this user is unauthorized
+			await self.pleroma.react(post_id, '❌')
+			return
-			mention = extract_toot(notification['status']['content'])
-			if (mention == "pin") or (mention == "unpin"):  # check for keywords
-				print("Found pin/unpin")
-				# get a list of people the bot is following
-				validusers = client.account_following(me)
-				for user in validusers:
-					if user["id"] == notification["account"]["id"]:  # user is #valid
-						print("User is valid")
-						visibility = notification['status']['visibility']
-						if visibility == "public":
-							visibility = "unlisted"
-						if mention == "pin":
-							print("pin received, pinning")
-							client.status_pin(pin)
-							client.status_post("Toot pinned!", post_id, visibility=visibility, spoiler_text=cfg['cw'])
-						else:
-							print("unpin received, unpinning")
-							client.status_post("Toot unpinned!", post_id, visibility=visibility, spoiler_text=cfg['cw'])
-							client.status_unpin(pin)
-					else:
-						print("User is not valid")
-			else:
-				toot = functions.make_toot(cfg)  # generate a toot
-				toot = acct + " " + toot  # prepend the @
-				print(acct + " says " + mention)  # logging
-				visibility = notification['status']['visibility']
-				if visibility == "public":
-					visibility = "unlisted"
-				client.status_post(toot, post_id, visibility=visibility, spoiler_text=cfg['cw'])  # send toost
-				print("replied with " + toot)  # logging
+		# find the post the user is talking about
+		for post in context['ancestors']:
+			if post['id'] == notification['status']['in_reply_to_id']:
+				target_post_id = post['id']
+		try:
+			await (self.pleroma.pin if command == 'pin' else self.pleroma.unpin)(target_post_id)
+		except pleroma.BadRequest as exc:
+			async with anyio.create_task_group() as tg:
+				tg.start_soon(self.pleroma.react, post_id, '❌')
+				tg.start_soon(self.pleroma.reply, notification['status'], 'Error: ' + exc.args[0])
+		else:
+			await self.pleroma.react(post_id, '✅')
-rl = ReplyListener()
-client.stream_user(rl)  # go!
+	async def reply(self, notification):
+		toot = functions.make_toot(self.cfg)  # generate a toot
+		await self.pleroma.reply(notification['status'], toot, cw=self.cfg['cw'])
+	@staticmethod
+	def extract_toot(toot):
+		text = functions.extract_toot(toot)
+		text = re.sub(r"^@\S+\s", r"", text)  # remove the initial mention
+		text = text.lower()  # treat text as lowercase for easier keyword matching (if this bot uses it)
+		return text
+async def amain():
+	args = parse_args()
+	cfg = functions.load_config(args.cfg)
+	await ReplyBot(cfg).run()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+	with contextlib.suppress(KeyboardInterrupt):
+		anyio.run(amain)