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synced 2025-03-04 07:18:50 -07:00
138 lines
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138 lines
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import { ILocalUser } from "@/models/entities/user.js";
import {getNote, getUser} from "@/server/api/common/getters.js";
import { Note } from "@/models/entities/note.js";
import config from "@/config/index.js";
import mfm from "mfm-js";
import { toHtml } from "@/mfm/to-html.js";
import { UserConverter } from "@/server/api/mastodon/converters/user.js";
import { VisibilityConverter } from "@/server/api/mastodon/converters/visibility.js";
import { escapeMFM } from "@/server/api/mastodon/converters/mfm.js";
import { populateEmojis } from "@/misc/populate-emojis.js";
import { EmojiConverter } from "@/server/api/mastodon/converters/emoji.js";
import { DriveFiles, NoteFavorites, NoteReactions, Notes, NoteThreadMutings, UserNotePinings } from "@/models/index.js";
import { decodeReaction } from "@/misc/reaction-lib.js";
import { MentionConverter } from "@/server/api/mastodon/converters/mention.js";
import { PollConverter } from "@/server/api/mastodon/converters/poll.js";
import { populatePoll } from "@/models/repositories/note.js";
import { FileConverter } from "@/server/api/mastodon/converters/file.js";
import { awaitAll } from "@/prelude/await-all.js";
import { AccountCache, UserHelpers } from "@/server/api/mastodon/helpers/user.js";
import { IsNull } from "typeorm";
export class NoteConverter {
public static async encode(note: Note, user: ILocalUser | null, cache: AccountCache = UserHelpers.getFreshAccountCache()): Promise<MastodonEntity.Status> {
const noteUser = note.user ?? UserHelpers.getUserCached(note.userId, cache);
if (!await Notes.isVisibleForMe(note, user?.id ?? null))
throw new Error('Cannot encode note not visible for user');
const host = Promise.resolve(noteUser).then(noteUser => noteUser.host ?? null);
const reactionEmojiNames = Object.keys(note.reactions)
.filter((x) => x?.startsWith(":"))
.map((x) => decodeReaction(x).reaction)
.map((x) => x.replace(/:/g, ""));
const noteEmoji = host.then(async host => populateEmojis(
const reactionCount = NoteReactions.countBy({noteId: note.id});
const reaction = user ? NoteReactions.findOneBy({
userId: user.id,
noteId: note.id,
}) : null;
const isFavorited = Promise.resolve(reaction).then(p => !!p);
const isReblogged = user ? Notes.exist({
where: {
userId: user.id,
renoteId: note.id,
text: IsNull(),
}) : null;
const renote = note.renote ?? (note.renoteId ? getNote(note.renoteId, user) : null);
const isBookmarked = user ? NoteFavorites.exist({
where: {
userId: user.id,
noteId: note.id,
take: 1,
}) : false;
const isMuted = user ? NoteThreadMutings.exist({
where: {
userId: user.id,
threadId: note.threadId || note.id,
}) : false;
const files = DriveFiles.packMany(note.fileIds);
const mentions = Promise.all(note.mentions.map(p =>
UserHelpers.getUserCached(p, cache)
.then(u => MentionConverter.encode(u, JSON.parse(note.mentionedRemoteUsers)))
.catch(() => null)))
.then(p => p.filter(m => m)) as Promise<MastodonEntity.Mention[]>;
const text = Promise.resolve(renote).then(renote => {
return renote && note.text !== null
? note.text + `\n\nRE: ${renote.uri ? renote.uri : `${config.url}/notes/${renote.id}`}`
: note.text;
const isPinned = user && note.userId === user.id
? UserNotePinings.exist({ where: {userId: user.id, noteId: note.id } })
: false;
// noinspection ES6MissingAwait
return await awaitAll({
id: note.id,
uri: note.uri ? note.uri : `https://${config.host}/notes/${note.id}`,
url: note.uri ? note.uri : `https://${config.host}/notes/${note.id}`,
account: Promise.resolve(noteUser).then(p => UserConverter.encode(p, cache)),
in_reply_to_id: note.replyId,
in_reply_to_account_id: note.replyUserId,
reblog: Promise.resolve(renote).then(renote => renote && note.text === null ? this.encode(renote, user, cache) : null),
content: text.then(text => text !== null ? toHtml(mfm.parse(text), JSON.parse(note.mentionedRemoteUsers)) ?? escapeMFM(text) : ""),
text: text,
created_at: note.createdAt.toISOString(),
// Remove reaction emojis with names containing @ from the emojis list.
emojis: noteEmoji
.then(noteEmoji => noteEmoji
.filter((e) => e.name.indexOf("@") === -1)
.map((e) => EmojiConverter.encode(e))),
replies_count: note.repliesCount,
reblogs_count: note.renoteCount,
favourites_count: reactionCount,
reblogged: isReblogged,
favourited: isFavorited,
muted: isMuted,
sensitive: files.then(files => files.length > 0 ? files.some((f) => f.isSensitive) : false),
spoiler_text: note.cw ? note.cw : "",
visibility: VisibilityConverter.encode(note.visibility),
media_attachments: files.then(files => files.length > 0 ? files.map((f) => FileConverter.encode(f)) : []),
mentions: mentions,
tags: [], //FIXME
card: null, //FIXME
poll: note.hasPoll ? populatePoll(note, user?.id ?? null).then(p => PollConverter.encode(p, note.id)) : null,
application: null, //FIXME
language: null, //FIXME
pinned: isPinned,
// Use emojis list to provide URLs for emoji reactions.
reactions: [], //FIXME: this.mapReactions(n.emojis, n.reactions, n.myReaction),
bookmarked: isBookmarked,
quote: Promise.resolve(renote).then(renote => renote && note.text !== null ? this.encode(renote, user, cache) : null),
public static async encodeMany(notes: Note[], user: ILocalUser | null, cache: AccountCache = UserHelpers.getFreshAccountCache()): Promise<MastodonEntity.Status[]> {
const encoded = notes.map(n => this.encode(n, user, cache));
return Promise.all(encoded);