# Iceshrimp configuration

# After starting your server, please don't change the URL! Doing so will break federation.

#   ┌─────┐
#───┘ URL └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────

# Final accessible URL seen by a user.
url: https://example.org/

# (Optional - ADVANCED) Domain used for account handles.
# Only uncomment this if you want to for example have the URL be ice.example.org
# and the handles to be example.org
# accountDomain: example.org

#   ┌───────────────────────┐
#───┘ Port and TLS settings └───────────────────────────────────

# Iceshrimp requires a reverse proxy to support HTTPS connections.
#                 +------- https://example.com/ ------------+
#   +------+      |+-------------+      +------------------+|
#   | User | ---> || Proxy (443) | ---> | Iceshrimp (3000) ||
#   +------+      |+-------------+      +------------------+|
#                 +-----------------------------------------+
#   You need to set up a reverse proxy. (e.g. nginx, caddy)
#   An encrypted connection with HTTPS is highly recommended
#   because tokens may be transferred in GET requests.

# The port that your Iceshrimp server should listen on.
port: 3000

#   ┌──────────────────────────┐
#───┘ PostgreSQL configuration └────────────────────────────────

  host: localhost
  port: 5432
  #ssl: false
  # Database name
  db: iceshrimp

  # Auth
  user: example-iceshrimp-user
  pass: example-iceshrimp-pass

  # Whether disable Caching queries
  #disableCache: true

  # Extra Connection options
  #  ssl:
  #   host: localhost
  #   rejectUnauthorized: false

  # You can enable different different logging levels by setting the value of logging to any of the values listed below
  #  * 'error' - logs all failed queries and errors
  #  * 'slow' - logs slow queries
  #  * 'query' - logs all queries
  #  * 'schema' - logs the schema build process
  #  * 'info' - logs internal orm informative messages
  #  * 'log' - logs internal orm log messages
  # You can set multiple log level by specifying them as an array i.e ['log', 'info']
  # You can set disable all log levels by specifying an empty array: []
  # You can set enable all log levels by specifying the special value: 'all'
  logging: ['error', 'slow']

#   ┌─────────────────────┐
#───┘ Redis configuration └─────────────────────────────────────

  host: localhost
  port: 6379
  #  host: localhost
  #  rejectUnauthorized: false
  #family: 0  # 0=Both, 4=IPv4, 6=IPv6
  #pass: example-pass
  #prefix: example-prefix
  #db: 1
  #user: default

#   ┌───────────────┐
#───┘ ID generation └───────────────────────────────────────────

# No need to uncomment in most cases, but you may want to change
# these settings if you plan to run a large and/or distributed server.

# cuid:
#   # Min 16, Max 24
#   length: 16
#   # Set this to a unique string across workers (e.g., machine's hostname)
#   # if your workers are running in multiple hosts.
#   fingerprint: my-fingerprint

#   ┌─────────────────────┐
#───┘ Other configuration └─────────────────────────────────────

# Maximum length of a post (default 3000, max 100000)
#maxNoteLength: 3000

# Maximum length of an image caption (default 1500, max 8192)
#maxCaptionLength: 1500

# Reserved usernames that only the administrator can register with
reservedUsernames: [

# Whether disable HSTS
#disableHsts: true

# Number of worker processes
#clusterLimit: 1

# Worker only mode
#onlyQueueProcessor: 1

# Job concurrency per worker
# deliverJobConcurrency: 128
# inboxJobConcurrency: 16

# Job rate limiter
# deliverJobPerSec: 128
# inboxJobPerSec: 16

# Job attempts
# deliverJobMaxAttempts: 12
# inboxJobMaxAttempts: 8

# IP address family used for outgoing request (ipv4, ipv6 or dual)
#outgoingAddressFamily: ipv4

# Syslog option
#  host: localhost
#  port: 514

# Proxy for HTTP/HTTPS

#proxyBypassHosts: [
#  'web.kaiteki.app',
#  'example.com',
#  ''

# Proxy for SMTP/SMTPS
#proxySmtp:   # use HTTP/1.1 CONNECT
#proxySmtp: socks4:// # use SOCKS4
#proxySmtp: socks5:// # use SOCKS5

# Media Proxy
#mediaProxy: https://example.com/proxy

# Proxy remote files (default: false)
#proxyRemoteFiles: true

# Media cleanup settings (defaults: false, 0, false, false)
#  cron: true
#  maxAgeDays: 30
#  cleanAvatars: false
#  cleanHeaders: false

# Status code images
  info: '/static-assets/badges/info.png'
  notFound: '/static-assets/badges/not-found.png'
  error: '/static-assets/badges/error.png'

# Pinned Post Limit
pinLimit: 5

# Search engine (MFM)
#searchEngine: 'https://duckduckgo.com/?q='

#allowedPrivateNetworks: [
#  ''

#  nameSpace: android_app
#  packageName: tld.domain.twa
#  sha256CertFingerprints: ['AB:CD:EF']

# Upload or download file size limits (bytes)
#maxFileSize: 262144000

#   ┌────────────────────────────────┐
#───┘ Mastodon client API HTML Cache └──────────────────────────
# Caution: rendered post html content is stored in redis (in-memory cache)
#   for the duration of ttl, so don't set it too high if you have little system memory.
# The prewarm option causes every incoming user/note create/update event to
#   be rendered so the cache is always "warm". This trades background cpu load for
#   better request response time and better scaling, as posts won't have to be rendered
#   on request.
# The dbFallback option stores html data that expires into postgres,
#   which is more expensive than fetching it from redis,
#   but cheaper than re-rendering the HTML.

#  ttl: 1h
#  prewarm: false
#  dbFallback: false

# Duration hard muted notes are stored in redis for.
# Increasing this trades higher memory consumption for lower cpu usage on repeated requests within the specified ttl.
#  ttl: 24h

# Congrats, you've reached the end of the config file needed for most deployments!
# Enjoy your Iceshrimp server!

# Managed hosting settings
# >>> YOU DON'T NEED THIS! <<<
# Each category is optional, but if each item in each category is mandatory!
# If you mess this up, that's on you, you've been warned...

#maxUserSignups: 100
#isManagedHosting: true
#  managed: true
#  authKey: ''
#  isPro: false
#  managed: true
#  address: 'example@email.com'
#  host: 'email.com'
#  port: 587
#  user: 'example@email.com'
#  pass: ''
#  useImplicitSslTls: false
#  managed: true
#  baseUrl: ''
#  bucket: ''
#  prefix: ''
#  endpoint: ''
#  region: ''
#  accessKey: ''
#  secretKey: ''
#  useSsl: true
#  connnectOverProxy: false
#  setPublicReadOnUpload: true
#  s3ForcePathStyle: true

# !!!!!!!!!!
# !!!!!!!!!!

# Seriously. Do NOT fill out the above settings if you're self-hosting.
# They're much better off being set from the control panel.