# <img src="assets/logo.png" alt="Iceshrimp" width="400px"> - Iceshrimp is yet another Misskey fork (you know the drill by now) - Need help or want to contribute? Join the [matrix room](https://matrix.to/#/%23iceshrimp-dev:161.rocks)! - Documentation on installing (and updating) Iceshrimp: - [Bare metal](docs/install.md) - [Docker Compose](docs/docker-compose-install.md) - Project goals: - No-nonsense bug fixes - QoL improvements - Better performance - Change of focus to actual community needs - Project anti-goals: - Flashy marketing - Commercialization of any kind --- [](https://iceshrimp.dev/iceshrimp/-/packages/container/iceshrimp/dev-amd64) [](https://iceshrimp.dev/iceshrimp/-/packages/container/iceshrimp/dev-arm64)