<template> <div class="mk-autocomplete" @contextmenu.prevent="() => {}"> <ol class="users" ref="suggests" v-if="users.length > 0"> <li v-for="user in users" @click="complete(type, user)" @keydown="onKeydown" tabindex="-1"> <img class="avatar" :src="user.avatarUrl" alt=""/> <span class="name"> <mk-user-name :user="user" :key="user.id"/> </span> <span class="username">@{{ user | acct }}</span> </li> </ol> <ol class="hashtags" ref="suggests" v-if="hashtags.length > 0"> <li v-for="hashtag in hashtags" @click="complete(type, hashtag)" @keydown="onKeydown" tabindex="-1"> <span class="name">{{ hashtag }}</span> </li> </ol> <ol class="emojis" ref="suggests" v-if="emojis.length > 0"> <li v-for="emoji in emojis" @click="complete(type, emoji.emoji)" @keydown="onKeydown" tabindex="-1"> <span class="emoji" v-if="emoji.isCustomEmoji"><img :src="emoji.url" :alt="emoji.emoji"/></span> <span class="emoji" v-else-if="!useOsDefaultEmojis"><img :src="emoji.url" :alt="emoji.emoji"/></span> <span class="emoji" v-else>{{ emoji.emoji }}</span> <span class="name" v-html="emoji.name.replace(q, `<b>${q}</b>`)"></span> <span class="alias" v-if="emoji.aliasOf">({{ emoji.aliasOf }})</span> </li> </ol> </div> </template> <script lang="ts"> import Vue from 'vue'; import * as emojilib from 'emojilib'; import contains from '../../../common/scripts/contains'; import { twemojiBase } from '../../../../../misc/twemoji-base'; type EmojiDef = { emoji: string; name: string; aliasOf?: string; url?: string; isCustomEmoji?: boolean; }; const lib = Object.entries(emojilib.lib).filter((x: any) => { return x[1].category != 'flags'; }); const char2file = (char: string) => { let codes = Array.from(char).map(x => x.codePointAt(0).toString(16)); if (!codes.includes('200d')) codes = codes.filter(x => x != 'fe0f'); codes = codes.filter(x => x && x.length); return codes.join('-'); }; const emjdb: EmojiDef[] = lib.map((x: any) => ({ emoji: x[1].char, name: x[0], aliasOf: null, url: `${twemojiBase}/2/svg/${char2file(x[1].char)}.svg` })); for (const x of lib as any) { if (x[1].keywords) { for (const k of x[1].keywords) { emjdb.push({ emoji: x[1].char, name: k, aliasOf: x[0], url: `${twemojiBase}/2/svg/${char2file(x[1].char)}.svg` }); } } } emjdb.sort((a, b) => a.name.length - b.name.length); export default Vue.extend({ props: ['type', 'q', 'textarea', 'complete', 'close', 'x', 'y'], data() { return { fetching: true, users: [], hashtags: [], emojis: [], select: -1, emojilib, emojiDb: [] as EmojiDef[] } }, computed: { items(): HTMLCollection { return (this.$refs.suggests as Element).children; }, useOsDefaultEmojis(): boolean { return this.$store.state.device.useOsDefaultEmojis; } }, updated() { //#region 位置調整 if (this.x + this.$el.offsetWidth > window.innerWidth) { this.$el.style.left = (window.innerWidth - this.$el.offsetWidth) + 'px'; } else { this.$el.style.left = this.x + 'px'; } if (this.y + this.$el.offsetHeight > window.innerHeight) { this.$el.style.top = (this.y - this.$el.offsetHeight) + 'px'; this.$el.style.marginTop = '0'; } else { this.$el.style.top = this.y + 'px'; this.$el.style.marginTop = 'calc(1em + 8px)'; } //#endregion }, mounted() { //#region Construct Emoji DB const customEmojis = (this.$root.getMetaSync() || { emojis: [] }).emojis || []; const emojiDefinitions: EmojiDef[] = []; for (const x of customEmojis) { emojiDefinitions.push({ name: x.name, emoji: `:${x.name}:`, url: x.url, isCustomEmoji: true }); if (x.aliases) { for (const alias of x.aliases) { emojiDefinitions.push({ name: alias, aliasOf: x.name, emoji: `:${x.name}:`, url: x.url, isCustomEmoji: true }); } } } emojiDefinitions.sort((a, b) => a.name.length - b.name.length); this.emojiDb = emojiDefinitions.concat(emjdb); //#endregion this.textarea.addEventListener('keydown', this.onKeydown); for (const el of Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('body *'))) { el.addEventListener('mousedown', this.onMousedown); } this.$nextTick(() => { this.exec(); this.$watch('q', () => { this.$nextTick(() => { this.exec(); }); }); }); }, beforeDestroy() { this.textarea.removeEventListener('keydown', this.onKeydown); for (const el of Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('body *'))) { el.removeEventListener('mousedown', this.onMousedown); } }, methods: { exec() { this.select = -1; if (this.$refs.suggests) { for (const el of Array.from(this.items)) { el.removeAttribute('data-selected'); } } if (this.type == 'user') { const cacheKey = `autocomplete:user:${this.q}`; const cache = sessionStorage.getItem(cacheKey); if (cache) { const users = JSON.parse(cache); this.users = users; this.fetching = false; } else { this.$root.api('users/search', { query: this.q, limit: 10, detail: false }).then(users => { this.users = users; this.fetching = false; // キャッシュ sessionStorage.setItem(cacheKey, JSON.stringify(users)); }); } } else if (this.type == 'hashtag') { if (this.q == null || this.q == '') { this.hashtags = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('hashtags') || '[]'); this.fetching = false; } else { const cacheKey = `autocomplete:hashtag:${this.q}`; const cache = sessionStorage.getItem(cacheKey); if (cache) { const hashtags = JSON.parse(cache); this.hashtags = hashtags; this.fetching = false; } else { this.$root.api('hashtags/search', { query: this.q, limit: 30 }).then(hashtags => { this.hashtags = hashtags; this.fetching = false; // キャッシュ sessionStorage.setItem(cacheKey, JSON.stringify(hashtags)); }); } } } else if (this.type == 'emoji') { if (this.q == null || this.q == '') { this.emojis = this.emojiDb.filter(x => x.isCustomEmoji && !x.aliasOf).sort((a, b) => { var textA = a.name.toUpperCase(); var textB = b.name.toUpperCase(); return (textA < textB) ? -1 : (textA > textB) ? 1 : 0; }); return; } const matched = []; const max = 30; this.emojiDb.some(x => { if (x.name.startsWith(this.q) && !x.aliasOf && !matched.some(y => y.emoji == x.emoji)) matched.push(x); return matched.length == max; }); if (matched.length < max) { this.emojiDb.some(x => { if (x.name.startsWith(this.q) && !matched.some(y => y.emoji == x.emoji)) matched.push(x); return matched.length == max; }); } if (matched.length < max) { this.emojiDb.some(x => { if (x.name.includes(this.q) && !matched.some(y => y.emoji == x.emoji)) matched.push(x); return matched.length == max; }); } this.emojis = matched; } }, onMousedown(e) { if (!contains(this.$el, e.target) && (this.$el != e.target)) this.close(); }, onKeydown(e) { const cancel = () => { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); }; switch (e.which) { case 10: // [ENTER] case 13: // [ENTER] if (this.select !== -1) { cancel(); (this.items[this.select] as any).click(); } else { this.close(); } break; case 27: // [ESC] cancel(); this.close(); break; case 38: // [↑] if (this.select !== -1) { cancel(); this.selectPrev(); } else { this.close(); } break; case 9: // [TAB] case 40: // [↓] cancel(); this.selectNext(); break; default: e.stopPropagation(); this.textarea.focus(); } }, selectNext() { if (++this.select >= this.items.length) this.select = 0; this.applySelect(); }, selectPrev() { if (--this.select < 0) this.select = this.items.length - 1; this.applySelect(); }, applySelect() { for (const el of Array.from(this.items)) { el.removeAttribute('data-selected'); } this.items[this.select].setAttribute('data-selected', 'true'); (this.items[this.select] as any).focus(); } } }); </script> <style lang="stylus" scoped> .mk-autocomplete position fixed z-index 65535 max-width 100% margin-top calc(1em + 8px) overflow hidden background var(--faceHeader) border solid 1px rgba(#000, 0.1) border-radius 4px transition top 0.1s ease, left 0.1s ease > ol display block margin 0 padding 4px 0 max-height 190px max-width 500px overflow auto list-style none > li display flex align-items center padding 4px 12px white-space nowrap overflow hidden font-size 0.9em color rgba(#000, 0.8) cursor default &, * user-select none * overflow hidden text-overflow ellipsis &:hover background var(--autocompleteItemHoverBg) &[data-selected='true'] background var(--primary) &, * color #fff !important &:active background var(--primaryDarken10) &, * color #fff !important > .users > li .avatar min-width 28px min-height 28px max-width 28px max-height 28px margin 0 8px 0 0 border-radius 100% .name margin 0 8px 0 0 color var(--autocompleteItemText) .username color var(--autocompleteItemTextSub) > .hashtags > li .name color var(--autocompleteItemText) > .emojis > li .emoji display inline-block margin 0 4px 0 0 width 24px > img width 24px vertical-align bottom .name color var(--autocompleteItemText) .alias margin 0 0 0 8px color var(--autocompleteItemTextSub) </style>