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export default Vue.extend({ props: { url: { type: String, require: true }, detail: { type: Boolean, required: false, default: false }, compact: { type: Boolean, required: false, default: false }, }, inject: { narrow: { default: false } }, data() { return { fetching: true, title: null, description: null, thumbnail: null, icon: null, sitename: null, player: { url: null, width: null, height: null }, tweetUrl: null, misskeyUrl }; }, created() { const url = new URL(this.url); if (this.detail && url.hostname == 'twitter.com' && /^\/.+\/status(es)?\/\d+/.test(url.pathname)) { this.tweetUrl = url; const twttr = (window as any).twttr || {}; const loadTweet = () => twttr.widgets.load(this.$refs.tweet); if (twttr.widgets) { Vue.nextTick(loadTweet); } else { const wjsId = 'twitter-wjs'; if (!document.getElementById(wjsId)) { const head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; const script = document.createElement('script'); script.setAttribute('id', wjsId); script.setAttribute('src', 'https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js'); head.appendChild(script); } twttr.ready = loadTweet; (window as any).twttr = twttr; } return; } if (url.hostname === 'music.youtube.com') url.hostname = 'youtube.com'; fetch(`/url?url=${encodeURIComponent(this.url)}`).then(res => { res.json().then(info => { if (info.url == null) return; this.title = info.title; this.description = info.description; this.thumbnail = info.thumbnail; this.icon = info.icon; this.sitename = info.sitename; this.fetching = false; if (whiteList.some(x => x == url.hostname || url.hostname.endsWith(`.${x}`))) { this.player = info.player; } }) }); } }); </script> <style lang="stylus" scoped> .player position relative width 100% > iframe height 100% left 0 position absolute top 0 width 100% .mk-url-preview > a display block font-size 14px border solid var(--lineWidth) var(--urlPreviewBorder) border-radius 4px overflow hidden &:hover text-decoration none border-color var(--urlPreviewBorderHover) > article > header > h1 text-decoration underline > .thumbnail position absolute width 100px height 100% background-position center background-size cover & + article left 100px width calc(100% - 100px) > article padding 16px > header margin-bottom 8px > h1 margin 0 font-size 1em color var(--urlPreviewTitle) > p margin 0 color var(--urlPreviewText) font-size 0.8em > footer margin-top 8px height 16px > img display inline-block width 16px height 16px margin-right 4px vertical-align top > p display inline-block margin 0 color var(--urlPreviewInfo) font-size 0.8em line-height 16px vertical-align top @media (max-width 700px) > .thumbnail position relative width 100% height 100px & + article left 0 width 100% @media (max-width 550px) font-size 12px > .thumbnail height 80px > article padding 12px @media (max-width 500px) font-size 10px > .thumbnail height 70px > article padding 8px > header margin-bottom 4px > footer margin-top 4px > img width 12px height 12px &.compact > .thumbnail position: absolute width 56px height 100% > article left 56px width calc(100% - 56px) padding 4px > header margin-bottom 2px > footer margin-top 2px &.mini font-size 10px > .thumbnail position relative width 100% height 60px > article left 0 width 100% padding 8px > header margin-bottom 4px > footer margin-top 4px > img width 12px height 12px &.compact > .thumbnail position absolute width 56px height 100% > article left 56px width calc(100% - 56px) padding 4px > header margin-bottom 2px > footer margin-top 2px &.compact > article > header h1, p, footer overflow hidden white-space nowrap text-overflow ellipsis </style>