/** * Config loader */ import * as fs from "node:fs"; import { fileURLToPath } from "node:url"; import { dirname } from "node:path"; import * as yaml from "js-yaml"; import type { Source, Mixin } from "./types.js"; import Path from "node:path"; import parseDuration from 'parse-duration' export default function load() { const _filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url); const _dirname = dirname(_filename); const dir = `${_dirname}/../../../..`; const { ICESHRIMP_CONFIG: configFile, ICESHRIMP_SECRETS: secretsFile, ICESHRIMP_MEDIA_DIR: mediaDir, } = process.env; const path = process.env.NODE_ENV === "test" ? `${dir}/.config/test.yml` : configFile ?? `${dir}/.config/default.yml`; const meta = JSON.parse( fs.readFileSync(`${_dirname}/../../../../built/meta.json`, "utf-8"), ); const clientManifest = JSON.parse( fs.readFileSync( `${_dirname}/../../../../built/_client_dist_/manifest.json`, "utf-8", ), ); let config = yaml.load(fs.readFileSync(path, "utf-8")) as Source; if (secretsFile !== undefined) config = Object.assign(config, yaml.load(fs.readFileSync(secretsFile, "utf-8")) as Source); const mixin = {} as Mixin; const url = tryCreateUrl(config.url); config.url = url.origin; config.port = config.port || parseInt(process.env.PORT || "", 10); config.images = { info: '/twemoji/1f440.svg', notFound: '/twemoji/2049.svg', error: '/twemoji/1f480.svg', ...config.images, }; config.pinLimit = config.pinLimit || parseInt(process.env.pinLimit || "", 100); config.htmlCache = { ttlSeconds: parseDuration(config.htmlCache?.ttl ?? '1h', 's')!, prewarm: false, dbFallback: false, ...config.htmlCache, } if (config.htmlCache.ttlSeconds == null) throw new Error('Failed to parse config.htmlCache.ttl'); config.wordMuteCache = { ttlSeconds: parseDuration(config.wordMuteCache?.ttl ?? '24h', 's')!, } if (config.wordMuteCache.ttlSeconds == null) throw new Error('Failed to parse config.wordMuteCache.ttl'); config.searchEngine = config.searchEngine ?? 'https://duckduckgo.com/?q='; mixin.version = meta.version; mixin.host = url.host; mixin.hostname = url.hostname; mixin.domain = config.accountDomain ?? url.host; mixin.scheme = url.protocol.replace(/:$/, ""); mixin.wsScheme = mixin.scheme.replace("http", "ws"); mixin.wsUrl = `${mixin.wsScheme}://${mixin.host}`; mixin.apiUrl = `${mixin.scheme}://${mixin.host}/api`; mixin.authUrl = `${mixin.scheme}://${mixin.host}/auth`; mixin.driveUrl = `${mixin.scheme}://${mixin.host}/files`; mixin.userAgent = `Iceshrimp/${meta.version} (${config.url})`; mixin.clientEntry = clientManifest["src/init.ts"]; mixin.mediaDir = mediaDir ?? `${dir}/files`; if (!config.redis.prefix) config.redis.prefix = mixin.hostname; return Object.assign(config, mixin); } function tryCreateUrl(url: string) { try { return new URL(url); } catch (e) { throw new Error(`url="${url}" is not a valid URL.`); } }