From d3eb742b7dc55caf8b8599d0e7866d8091c00032 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: syuilo Date: Thu, 2 Aug 2018 06:51:44 +0900 Subject: [PATCH] New translations ja.yml (English) --- locales/en.yml | 75 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 74 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/locales/en.yml b/locales/en.yml index febc4f691..cfbd8e84b 100644 --- a/locales/en.yml +++ b/locales/en.yml @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ common: paragraph3: "To delete a widget, drag and drop the widget onto the area labeled \"Trash\" in the header." paragraph4: "To finish the customization, click \"Finish\" in the upper right." gotit: "Got it!" + name: "Misskey" time: unknown: "unknown" future: "future" @@ -237,6 +238,18 @@ common/views/widgets/broadcast.vue: no-broadcasts: "No announcements" have-a-nice-day: "Have a nice day!" next: "Next" +common/views/widgets/calendar.vue: + year-english: "" + year-japanese: "年" + month-english: "" + month-japanese: "月" + day-english: "" + day-japanese: "日" + weekday-english: "" + weekday-japanese: "曜日" + today: "今日:" + this-month: "今月:" + this-year: "今年:" common/views/widgets/donation.vue: title: "Request for donations" text: "To keep Misskey up and running, we have to spend money on our domain name, the server costs and so on. Since we don't receive money from advertisements, we count on donations from all of you. If you're interested in helping, contact {}. Thank you for your contribution!" @@ -261,6 +274,32 @@ common/views/widgets/slideshow.vue: folder-customize-mode: "To specify a folder, please exit customize mode" folder: "Please click and specify a folder" no-image: "There is no image in this folder" +common/views/widgets/tips.vue: + tips-line1: "tでタイムラインにフォーカスできます" + tips-line2: "pまたはnで投稿フォームを開きます" + tips-line3: "投稿フォームにはファイルをドラッグ&ドロップできます" + tips-line4: "投稿フォームにクリップボードにある画像データをペーストできます" + tips-line5: "ドライブにファイルをドラッグ&ドロップしてアップロードできます" + tips-line6: "ドライブでファイルをドラッグしてフォルダ移動できます" + tips-line7: "ドライブでフォルダをドラッグしてフォルダ移動できます" + tips-line8: "ホームは設定からカスタマイズできます" + tips-line9: "MisskeyはAGPLv3です" + tips-line10: "タイムマシンウィジェットを利用すると、簡単に過去のタイムラインに遡れます" + tips-line11: "投稿の ... をクリックして、投稿をユーザーページにピン留めできます" + tips-line12: "ドライブの容量は(デフォルトで)1GBです" + tips-line13: "投稿に添付したファイルは全てドライブに保存されます" + tips-line14: "ホームのカスタマイズ中、ウィジェットを右クリックしてデザインを変更できます" + tips-line15: "タイムライン上部にもウィジェットを設置できます" + tips-line16: "投稿をダブルクリックすると詳細が見れます" + tips-line17: "「**」でテキストを囲むと**強調表示**されます" + tips-line18: "チャンネルウィジェットを利用すると、よく利用するチャンネルを素早く確認できます" + tips-line19: "いくつかのウィンドウはブラウザの外に切り離すことができます" + tips-line20: "カレンダーウィジェットのパーセンテージは、経過の割合を示しています" + tips-line21: "APIを利用してbotの開発なども行えます" + tips-line22: "MisskeyはLINEを通じてでも利用できます" + tips-line23: "まゆかわいいよまゆ" + tips-line24: "Misskeyは2014年にサービスを開始しました" + tips-line25: "対応ブラウザではMisskeyを開いていなくても通知を受け取れます" common/views/pages/follow.vue: signed-in-as: "Signed in as {}" following: "Following" @@ -556,6 +595,9 @@ desktop/views/components/settings.api.vue: enter-password: "Please enter the password" desktop/views/components/settings.apps.vue: no-apps: "No linked applications" +desktop/views/components/ + max: "中" + in-use: "使用中" desktop/views/components/settings.mute.vue: no-users: "No muted users" desktop/views/components/settings.password.vue: @@ -652,6 +694,7 @@ desktop/views/pages/welcome.vue: signin-button: "Log in" signup-button: "Sign up" timeline: "Timeline" + powered-by-misskey: "Powered by Misskey." desktop/views/pages/drive.vue: title: "Misskey storage" desktop/views/pages/favorites.vue: @@ -666,6 +709,20 @@ desktop/views/pages/selectdrive.vue: ok: "OK" cancel: "Cancel" upload: "Upload files from your device" +desktop/views/pages/search.vue: + not-available: "検索機能を利用することができません。" + not-found-quotes1: "「" + not-found-quotes2: "」" + not-found-text-english: "" + not-found-text-japanese: "に関する投稿は見つかりませんでした。" +desktop/views/pages/share.vue: + share-with: "Misskeyで共有" + close: "閉じる" +desktop/views/pages/tag.vue: + no-posts-found-english: "" + no-posts-found-japanese: "に関する投稿は見つかりませんでした。" + left-quote: "「" + right-quote: "」" desktop/views/pages/user-list.users.vue: users: "User" add-user: "Add a user" @@ -821,6 +878,8 @@ mobile/views/components/sub-note-content.vue: mobile/views/components/timeline.vue: empty: "No notes" load-more: "More" +mobile/views/components/ui.header.vue: + welcome-back: "おかえりなさい、" mobile/views/components/ui.nav.vue: timeline: "Timeline" notifications: "Notifications" @@ -851,6 +910,8 @@ mobile/views/pages/user-lists.vue: mobile/views/pages/drive.vue: drive: "Drive" more: "Load more" +mobile/views/pages/signup.vue: + lets-start: "📦 始めましょう" mobile/views/pages/followers.vue: followers-of: "Followers of {}" mobile/views/pages/following.vue: @@ -860,6 +921,17 @@ mobile/views/pages/home.vue: local: "Local" hybrid: "Social" global: "Global" +mobile/views/pages/tag.vue: + no-posts-found-japanese: "に関する投稿は見つかりませんでした。" + no-posts-found-english: "" + left-quote: "「" + right-quote: "」" +mobile/views/pages/welcome.vue: + signup: "新規登録" +mobile/views/pages/widgets.vue: + dashboard: "ダッシュボード" +mobile/views/pages/widgets/activity.vue: + activity: "アクティビティ" mobile/views/pages/messaging.vue: messaging: "Messaging" mobile/views/pages/messaging-room.vue: @@ -875,6 +947,8 @@ mobile/views/pages/note.vue: mobile/views/pages/notifications.vue: notifications: "Notifications" read-all: "Do you wish to mark all notifications as read?" +mobile/views/pages/reversi.vue: + reversi: "リバーシ" mobile/views/pages/settings/settings.profile.vue: title: "Profile" name: "Name" @@ -889,7 +963,6 @@ mobile/views/pages/settings/settings.profile.vue: saved: "Profile updated" uploading: "Uploading" upload-failed: "Failed to upload" - mobile/views/pages/search.vue: search: "Search" empty: "No posts were found for '{}'"