Merge pull request from syuilo/l10n_master

New Crowdin translations
This commit is contained in:
syuilo 2018-05-31 17:38:49 +09:00 committed by GitHub
commit 9924d208f8
3 changed files with 97 additions and 97 deletions

View file

@ -36,39 +36,39 @@ common:
confused: "Verwirrt" confused: "Verwirrt"
pudding: "Pudding" pudding: "Pudding"
note-placeholders: note-placeholders:
a: "今どうしてる?" a: "Was machst du gerade?"
b: "何かありましたか?" b: "Was ist so passiert?"
c: "何をお考えですか?" c: "Was geht dir durch den Kopf?"
d: "言いたいことは?" d: "Willst du etwas sagen?"
e: "ここに書いてください" e: "Schreib hier etwas!"
f: "あなたが書くのを待っています..." f: "Warte darauf, das du schreibst."
delete: "Löschen" delete: "Löschen"
loading: "Laden" loading: "Laden"
ok: "OK" ok: "OK"
update-available: "Eine neue Version von Misskey ist verfügbar ({newer}, aktuell ist {current}). Lade die Seite neu um die aktuelle Version zu laden" update-available: "Eine neue Version von Misskey ist verfügbar ({newer}, aktuell ist {current}). Lade die Seite neu um die aktuelle Version zu laden"
my-token-regenerated: "Dein Token wurde generiert. Du wirst jetzt abgemeldet." my-token-regenerated: "Dein Token wurde generiert. Du wirst jetzt abgemeldet."
widgets: widgets:
analog-clock: "アナログ時計" analog-clock: "Analoge Uhr"
profile: "プロフィール" profile: "Profil"
calendar: "カレンダー" calendar: "Kalender"
timemachine: "カレンダー(タイムマシン)" timemachine: "Kalender (Zeitmaschiene)"
activity: "アクティビティ" activity: "Aktivitäten"
rss: "RSSリーダー" rss: "RSS Leser"
memo: "メモ" memo: "Notizen"
trends: "トレンド" trends: "Trends"
photo-stream: "フォトストリーム" photo-stream: "Bilder"
slideshow: "スライドショー" slideshow: "Diashow"
version: "バージョン" version: "Version"
broadcast: "ブロードキャスト" broadcast: "ブロードキャスト"
notifications: "通知" notifications: "Benachrichtigungen"
users: "おすすめユーザー" users: "Empfohlene Benutzer"
polls: "投票" polls: "Umfragen"
post-form: "投稿フォーム" post-form: "投稿フォーム"
messaging: "メッセージ" messaging: "Nachrichten"
server: "サーバー情報" server: "Server-Info"
donation: "寄付のお願い" donation: "Spenden"
nav: "ナビゲーション" nav: "Navigation"
tips: "ヒント" tips: "Tipps"
common/views/components/connect-failed.vue: common/views/components/connect-failed.vue:
title: "Verbindung zum Server ist fehlgeschlagen" title: "Verbindung zum Server ist fehlgeschlagen"
description: "Es gibt entweder ein Problem mit deiner Internetverbindung, der Server ist nicht erreichbar oder wird gerade gewartet. Bitte versuche es später noch einmal." description: "Es gibt entweder ein Problem mit deiner Internetverbindung, der Server ist nicht erreichbar oder wird gerade gewartet. Bitte versuche es später noch einmal."
@ -123,8 +123,8 @@ common/views/components/nav.vue:
common/views/components/note-menu.vue: common/views/components/note-menu.vue:
favorite: "Diese Anmerkung favorisieren" favorite: "Diese Anmerkung favorisieren"
pin: "An die Profilseite pinnen" pin: "An die Profilseite pinnen"
delete: "削除" delete: "Löschen"
delete-confirm: "この投稿を削除しますか?" delete-confirm: "Diesen Post löschen?"
remote: "Auf Quelle anzeigen" remote: "Auf Quelle anzeigen"
common/views/components/poll.vue: common/views/components/poll.vue:
vote-to: "Stimme für '{}'" vote-to: "Stimme für '{}'"
@ -185,14 +185,14 @@ common/views/components/twitter-setting.vue:
common/views/components/uploader.vue: common/views/components/uploader.vue:
waiting: "Warten" waiting: "Warten"
common/views/components/visibility-chooser.vue: common/views/components/visibility-chooser.vue:
public: "公開" public: "Öffentlich"
home: "ホーム" home: "Home"
home-desc: "ホームタイムラインにのみ公開" home-desc: "ホームタイムラインにのみ公開"
followers: "フォロワー" followers: "Folgende"
followers-desc: "自分のフォロワーにのみ公開" followers-desc: "Nur für diejenigen sichtbar, die dir folgen"
specified: "ダイレクト" specified: "Direkt"
specified-desc: "指定したユーザーにのみ公開" specified-desc: "Poste nur für bestimmte Benutzer"
private: "非公開" private: "Privat"
common/views/widgets/broadcast.vue: common/views/widgets/broadcast.vue:
fetching: "Laden" fetching: "Laden"
no-broadcasts: "Keine Broadcasts" no-broadcasts: "Keine Broadcasts"
@ -208,9 +208,9 @@ common/views/widgets/server.vue:
title: "Serverinformationen" title: "Serverinformationen"
toggle: "Sicht umschalten" toggle: "Sicht umschalten"
common/views/widgets/memo.vue: common/views/widgets/memo.vue:
title: "メモ" title: "Notizen"
memo: "ここに書いて!" memo: "Schreib hier!"
save: "保存" save: "Speichern"
desktop/views/components/activity.chart.vue: desktop/views/components/activity.chart.vue:
total: "Schwarz ... komplett" total: "Schwarz ... komplett"
notes: "Blau ... Hinweise" notes: "Blau ... Hinweise"
@ -249,29 +249,29 @@ desktop/views/components/drive.file.vue:
copy-url: "URL kopieren" copy-url: "URL kopieren"
download: "Download" download: "Download"
else-files: "その他..." else-files: "その他..."
set-as-avatar: "アイコンに設定" set-as-avatar: "Als Avatar festlegen"
set-as-banner: "バナーに設定" set-as-banner: "Setze als Banner"
open-in-app: "アプリで開く" open-in-app: "In der App öffnen"
add-app: "アプリを追加" add-app: "App hinzufügen"
rename-file: "ファイル名の変更" rename-file: "Datei umbennen"
input-new-file-name: "新しいファイル名を入力してください" input-new-file-name: "Geben Sie den neuen Dateinamen an"
copied: "コピー完了" copied: "Kopieren erfolgreich"
copied-url-to-clipboard: "URLをクリップボードにコピーしました" copied-url-to-clipboard: "URL wurde in die Zwischenablage kopiert"
desktop/views/components/drive.folder.vue: desktop/views/components/drive.folder.vue:
unable-to-process: "操作を完了できません" unable-to-process: "Der Vorgang konnte nicht beendet werden"
circular-reference-detected: "移動先のフォルダーは、移動するフォルダーのサブフォルダーです。" circular-reference-detected: "Das Zielverzeichnis ist ein Unterverzeichnis des Verzeichnisses welches du verschieben möchtest"
unhandled-error: "不明なエラー" unhandled-error: "Unbekannter Fehler"
contextmenu: contextmenu:
move-to-this-folder: "このフォルダへ移動" move-to-this-folder: "Verschiebe in diesen Ordner"
show-in-new-window: "新しいウィンドウで表示" show-in-new-window: "In einem neuen Fenster anzeigen"
rename: "名前を変更" rename: "Umbenennen"
rename-folder: "フォルダ名の変更" rename-folder: "Ordner umbenennen"
input-new-folder-name: "新しいフォルダ名を入力してください" input-new-folder-name: "Namen für neuen Ordner eingeben"
desktop/views/components/drive.nav-folder.vue: desktop/views/components/drive.nav-folder.vue:
drive: "ドライブ" drive: "Laufwerk"
desktop/views/components/drive.vue: desktop/views/components/drive.vue:
search: "検索" search: "Suchen"
load-more: "もっと読み込む" load-more: "Mehr laden"
empty-draghover: "Herzlich Willkommen!" empty-draghover: "Herzlich Willkommen!"
empty-drive: "Dein Speicher ist leer" empty-drive: "Dein Speicher ist leer"
empty-drive-description: "Du kannst rechts klicken und \"Datei hochladen\" auswählen oder eine Datei per Drag and Drop auf das Fenster ziehen." empty-drive-description: "Du kannst rechts klicken und \"Datei hochladen\" auswählen oder eine Datei per Drag and Drop auf das Fenster ziehen."
@ -290,12 +290,12 @@ desktop/views/components/drive.vue:
upload: "Eine Datei hochladen" upload: "Eine Datei hochladen"
url-upload: "Von einer URL hochladen" url-upload: "Von einer URL hochladen"
desktop/views/components/follow-button.vue: desktop/views/components/follow-button.vue:
unfollow: "フォロー解除" unfollow: "Nicht mehr folgen"
follow: "フォローする" follow: "Folgen"
desktop/views/components/followers-window.vue: desktop/views/components/followers-window.vue:
followers: "{} のフォロワー" followers: "{} のフォロワー"
desktop/views/components/followers.vue: desktop/views/components/followers.vue:
empty: "フォロワーはいないようです。" empty: "Dir scheint niemand zu folgen."
desktop/views/components/following-window.vue: desktop/views/components/following-window.vue:
following: "{} のフォロー" following: "{} のフォロー"
desktop/views/components/following.vue: desktop/views/components/following.vue:

View file

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ meta:
common: common:
misskey: "A planet of fediverse" misskey: "A planet of fediverse"
about-title: "A ⭐ of fediverse." about-title: "A ⭐ of fediverse."
about: "Misskeyを見つけていただき、ありがとうございます。Misskeyは、地球で生まれた<b>分散マイクロブログSNS</b>です。Fediverse(様々なSNSで構成される宇宙)の中に存在するため、他のSNSと相互に繋がっています。暫し都会の喧騒から離れて、新しいインターネットにダイブしてみませんか。" about: "Thanks for finding Misskey. Misskey is a <b>decentralized microblogging social media platform</b>. Because it exists within Fediverse (a universe which organizes various social media platforms), you can reciprocally link with other social media platforms. Why don't you get away from the hustle and bustle of the city for a while, and dive into a new Internet?"
time: time:
unknown: "unknown" unknown: "unknown"
future: "future" future: "future"
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ common:
loading: "Loading" loading: "Loading"
ok: "OK" ok: "OK"
update-available: "A new version of Misskey is now available({newer}, the current version is {current}). Reload the page to apply updates." update-available: "A new version of Misskey is now available({newer}, the current version is {current}). Reload the page to apply updates."
my-token-regenerated: "Your token has been generated. You will now get logged out." my-token-regenerated: "Your token has been renewed so you will be signed out."
widgets: widgets:
analog-clock: "Analog clock" analog-clock: "Analog clock"
profile: "Profile" profile: "Profile"
@ -82,9 +82,9 @@ common/views/components/connect-failed.troubleshooter.vue:
checking-internet: "Checking internet connection" checking-internet: "Checking internet connection"
server: "Server connection" server: "Server connection"
checking-server: "Checking server connection" checking-server: "Checking server connection"
finding: "Finding a problem" finding: "Searching for issues"
no-network: "There is no Network connection" no-network: "No connection"
no-network-desc: "Please make sure you are connected to the Network." no-network-desc: "Please make sure you are connected to the network."
no-internet: "There is no Internet connection" no-internet: "There is no Internet connection"
no-internet-desc: "Please make sure you are connected to the Internet." no-internet-desc: "Please make sure you are connected to the Internet."
no-server: "Unable to connect to the Misskey server" no-server: "Unable to connect to the Misskey server"
@ -94,19 +94,19 @@ common/views/components/connect-failed.troubleshooter.vue:
flush: "Clean cache" flush: "Clean cache"
set-version: "Specify version" set-version: "Specify version"
common/views/components/messaging.vue: common/views/components/messaging.vue:
search-user: "Find an user" search-user: "Find a user"
you: "You" you: "You"
no-history: "No history" no-history: "No history"
common/views/components/messaging-room.vue: common/views/components/messaging-room.vue:
empty: "No conversations" empty: "You haven't messaged this user"
more: "More" more: "Read more"
no-history: "There is no more history" no-history: "There is no more history"
resize-form: "Drag to resize" resize-form: "Drag to resize"
new-message: "New message" new-message: "New message"
common/views/components/messaging-room.form.vue: common/views/components/messaging-room.form.vue:
input-message-here: "Enter message here" input-message-here: "Enter message here"
send: "Send" send: "Send"
attach-from-local: "Attach files from your pc" attach-from-local: "Attach files from your PC"
attach-from-drive: "Attach files from your Drive" attach-from-drive: "Attach files from your Drive"
common/views/components/messaging-room.message.vue: common/views/components/messaging-room.message.vue:
is-read: "Read" is-read: "Read"
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ common/views/components/poll-editor.vue:
choice-n: "Choice {}" choice-n: "Choice {}"
remove: "Remove this choice" remove: "Remove this choice"
add: "+ Add a choice" add: "+ Add a choice"
destroy: "Destroy this poll" destroy: "Cancel this poll"
common/views/components/reaction-picker.vue: common/views/components/reaction-picker.vue:
choose-reaction: "Choose a reaction" choose-reaction: "Choose a reaction"
common/views/components/signin.vue: common/views/components/signin.vue:
@ -158,10 +158,10 @@ common/views/components/signup.vue:
too-long: "Please enter up to 20 characters." too-long: "Please enter up to 20 characters."
password: "Password" password: "Password"
password-placeholder: "We recommend more than 8 characters." password-placeholder: "We recommend more than 8 characters."
weak-password: "Weak" weak-password: "Weak password"
normal-password: "So so" normal-password: "Fair password"
strong-password: "Strong" strong-password: "Strong password"
retype: "Type again" retype: "Re-enter"
retype-placeholder: "Confirm your password" retype-placeholder: "Confirm your password"
password-matched: "OK" password-matched: "OK"
password-not-matched: "Doesn't match" password-not-matched: "Doesn't match"
@ -178,9 +178,9 @@ common/views/components/stream-indicator.vue:
common/views/components/twitter-setting.vue: common/views/components/twitter-setting.vue:
description: "If you connect your Twitter account to your Misskey account, you will be able to see your Twitter account information on your profile and you can sign-in using Twitter." description: "If you connect your Twitter account to your Misskey account, you will be able to see your Twitter account information on your profile and you can sign-in using Twitter."
connected-to: "You are connected to this Twitter account" connected-to: "You are connected to this Twitter account"
detail: "Detail..." detail: "Details..."
reconnect: "Reconnect" reconnect: "Reconnect"
connect: "Link your twitter account" connect: "Link your Twitter account"
disconnect: "Disconnect" disconnect: "Disconnect"
common/views/components/uploader.vue: common/views/components/uploader.vue:
waiting: "Waiting" waiting: "Waiting"
@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ common/views/widgets/broadcast.vue:
next: "Next" next: "Next"
common/views/widgets/donation.vue: common/views/widgets/donation.vue:
title: "Donation" title: "Donation"
text: "To keep Misskey up and running we spend money for our domain name, servers and so on.. We don't get any money from it, and we would really appreciate it if you could donate. If you're interested contact {}. Thank you for your contribution!" text: "To keep Misskey up and running we spend money for our domain name, servers and so on. Since we don't get money from advertisements, we count on donations from all of you. If you're interested contact {}. Thank you for your contribution!"
common/views/widgets/photo-stream.vue: common/views/widgets/photo-stream.vue:
title: "Photostream" title: "Photostream"
no-photos: "No photos" no-photos: "No photos"
@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ desktop/views/components/calendar.vue:
title: "{1} / {2}" title: "{1} / {2}"
prev: "Previous month" prev: "Previous month"
next: "Next month" next: "Next month"
go: "Click to naviguate" go: "Click to navigate"
desktop/views/components/choose-file-from-drive-window.vue: desktop/views/components/choose-file-from-drive-window.vue:
choose-file: "Choosing files" choose-file: "Choosing files"
upload: "Upload files from your PC" upload: "Upload files from your PC"
@ -293,16 +293,16 @@ desktop/views/components/follow-button.vue:
unfollow: "Unfollow" unfollow: "Unfollow"
follow: "Follow" follow: "Follow"
desktop/views/components/followers-window.vue: desktop/views/components/followers-window.vue:
followers: "Followers of {}" followers: "{}'s followers"
desktop/views/components/followers.vue: desktop/views/components/followers.vue:
empty: "Seems that you dont have any followers." empty: "Seems like you dont have any followers."
desktop/views/components/following-window.vue: desktop/views/components/following-window.vue:
following: "Following of {}" following: "Following {}"
desktop/views/components/following.vue: desktop/views/components/following.vue:
empty: "You dont follow anyone." empty: "You dont follow anyone."
desktop/views/components/friends-maker.vue: desktop/views/components/friends-maker.vue:
title: "Recommended users:" title: "Recommended users:"
empty: "Similar users werent found." empty: "Couldn't find any recommended users."
fetching: "Loading…" fetching: "Loading…"
refresh: "More" refresh: "More"
close: "Close" close: "Close"
@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ desktop/views/components/notes.note.vue:
reply: "Reply" reply: "Reply"
renote: "Repost" renote: "Repost"
add-reaction: "Add a reaction" add-reaction: "Add a reaction"
detail: "Show detail" detail: "Show details"
private: "this post is private" private: "this post is private"
deleted: "this post has been deleted" deleted: "this post has been deleted"
desktop/views/components/notes.vue: desktop/views/components/notes.vue:
@ -354,12 +354,12 @@ desktop/views/components/post-form.vue:
reply-failed: "Failed to reply" reply-failed: "Failed to reply"
renote-failed: "Failed to repost" renote-failed: "Failed to repost"
posting: "Posting" posting: "Posting"
attach-media-from-local: "Attach media from your pc" attach-media-from-local: "Attach media from your PC"
attach-media-from-drive: "Attach media from your Drive" attach-media-from-drive: "Attach media from your Drive"
attach-cancel: "Cancel attachment" attach-cancel: "Cancel attachment"
insert-a-kao: "v(‘ω’)v" insert-a-kao: "v(‘ω’)v"
create-poll: "Create a poll" create-poll: "Create a poll"
text-remain: "{} chars remaining" text-remain: "{} characters remaining"
desktop/views/components/post-form-window.vue: desktop/views/components/post-form-window.vue:
note: "New note" note: "New note"
reply: "Reply" reply: "Reply"
@ -405,22 +405,22 @@ desktop/views/components/settings.vue:
gradient-window-header: "Use gradients on window headers" gradient-window-header: "Use gradients on window headers"
post-form-on-timeline: "Display post form at the top of the timeline" post-form-on-timeline: "Display post form at the top of the timeline"
show-reply-target: "Display reply target" show-reply-target: "Display reply target"
show-my-renotes: "Show my repost in the timeline" show-my-renotes: "Show my reposts in the timeline"
show-renoted-my-notes: "Show my posts that have been shared in the timeline" show-renoted-my-notes: "Show my posts that have been shared in the timeline"
show-maps: "Show the map" show-maps: "Show the map"
show-maps-desc: "Show the map of the location attached to the post." show-maps-desc: "Automatically show the map of the location attached to the post."
sound: "Sound" sound: "Sound"
enable-sounds: "Enable sound" enable-sounds: "Enable sound"
enable-sounds-desc: "Play a sound when you received a post/message. This setting is stored in the browser." enable-sounds-desc: "Play a sound when you receive a post/message. This setting is stored in the browser."
volume: "Volume" volume: "Volume"
test: "Test" test: "Test"
mobile: "Mobile" mobile: "Mobile"
disable-via-mobile: "Not mark the post as 'from mobile'" disable-via-mobile: "Don't mark the post as 'from mobile'"
language: "Language" language: "Language"
pick-language: "Select a language" pick-language: "Select a language"
recommended: "Recommended" recommended: "Recommended"
auto: "Auto" auto: "Auto"
specify-language: "Specify the language" specify-language: "Specify language"
language-desc: "You need to reload the page for the changes to take effect." language-desc: "You need to reload the page for the changes to take effect."
cache: "Cache" cache: "Cache"
clean-cache: "Cleanup" clean-cache: "Cleanup"
@ -477,7 +477,7 @@ desktop/views/components/settings.api.vue:
token: "Token:" token: "Token:"
enter-password: "Please enter the password" enter-password: "Please enter the password"
desktop/views/components/settings.apps.vue: desktop/views/components/settings.apps.vue:
no-apps: "連携しているアプリケーションはありません" no-apps: "No authorized apps"
desktop/views/components/settings.mute.vue: desktop/views/components/settings.mute.vue:
no-users: "No muted users" no-users: "No muted users"
desktop/views/components/settings.password.vue: desktop/views/components/settings.password.vue:
@ -633,13 +633,13 @@ mobile/views/components/drive.vue:
load-more: "Load more" load-more: "Load more"
nothing-in-drive: "Nothing" nothing-in-drive: "Nothing"
folder-is-empty: "This folder is empty" folder-is-empty: "This folder is empty"
prompt: "何をしますか?(数字を入力してください): <1 → ファイルをアップロード | 2 → ファイルをURLでアップロード | 3 → フォルダ作成 | 4 → このフォルダ名を変更 | 5 → このフォルダを移動 | 6 → このフォルダを削除>" prompt: "What do you want to do? (Please enter a number): <1 → Upload a file | 2 → Upload a file from a URL | 3 → Create a folder | 4 → Change this folder's name | 5 → Move this folder | 6 → Delete this folder>"
deletion-alert: "Sorry! Deleting a folder is not yet implemented." deletion-alert: "Sorry! Deleting a folder is not yet implemented."
folder-name: "Folder name" folder-name: "Folder name"
root-rename-alert: "現在いる場所はルートで、フォルダではないため名前の変更はできません。名前を変更したいフォルダに移動してからやってください。" root-rename-alert: "You're in the root; it can't be renamed because it's not a folder. Navigate to a folder you want to rename and try again."
root-move-alert: "現在いる場所はルートで、フォルダではないため移動はできません。移動したいフォルダに移動してからやってください。" root-move-alert: "You're in the root; it can't be moved because it's not a folder. Navigate to a folder you want to move and try again."
url-prompt: "URL of file you want to upload" url-prompt: "URL of file you want to upload"
uploading: "アップロードをリクエストしました。アップロードが完了するまで時間がかかる場合があります。" uploading: "Upload requested. It may take some time for the upload to complete."
mobile/views/components/drive-file-detail.vue: mobile/views/components/drive-file-detail.vue:
rename: "Rename" rename: "Rename"
mobile/views/components/drive-file-chooser.vue: mobile/views/components/drive-file-chooser.vue:
@ -696,8 +696,8 @@ mobile/views/components/post-form.vue:
renote: "Repost" renote: "Repost"
quote-placeholder: "Quote this post... (optional)" quote-placeholder: "Quote this post... (optional)"
reply-placeholder: "Reply to this note..." reply-placeholder: "Reply to this note..."
cw-placeholder: "内容への注釈 (オプション)" cw-placeholder: "Comments about content (optional)"
location-alert: "お使いの端末は位置情報に対応していません" location-alert: "Your device does not support location services"
error: "Error" error: "Error"
username-prompt: "Enter user name" username-prompt: "Enter user name"
mobile/views/components/sub-note-content.vue: mobile/views/components/sub-note-content.vue:

View file

@ -477,7 +477,7 @@ desktop/views/components/settings.api.vue:
token: "Token:" token: "Token:"
enter-password: "Wprowadź hasło" enter-password: "Wprowadź hasło"
desktop/views/components/settings.apps.vue: desktop/views/components/settings.apps.vue:
no-apps: "連携しているアプリケーションはありません" no-apps: "Brak zautoryzowanych aplikacji"
desktop/views/components/settings.mute.vue: desktop/views/components/settings.mute.vue:
no-users: "Brak wyciszonych użytkowników" no-users: "Brak wyciszonych użytkowników"
desktop/views/components/settings.password.vue: desktop/views/components/settings.password.vue: