mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 07:18:50 -07:00
[mastodon-client] GET /v2/search
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 437 additions and 29 deletions
@ -50,6 +50,13 @@ export function convertRelationship(relationship: Entity.Relationship) {
return simpleConvert(relationship);
export function convertSearch(search: MastodonEntity.Search) {
search.accounts = search.accounts.map(p => convertAccount(p));
search.statuses = search.statuses.map(p => convertStatus(p));
return search;
export function convertStatus(status: MastodonEntity.Status) {
status.account = convertAccount(status.account);
status.id = convertId(status.id, IdType.MastodonId);
@ -3,8 +3,11 @@ import Router from "@koa/router";
import { getClient } from "../index.js";
import axios from "axios";
import { Converter } from "megalodon";
import { convertPaginationArgsIds, limitToInt } from "./timeline.js";
import { convertAccount, convertStatus } from "../converters.js";
import { argsToBools, convertPaginationArgsIds, limitToInt, normalizeUrlQuery } from "./timeline.js";
import { convertAccount, convertSearch, convertStatus } from "../converters.js";
import authenticate from "@/server/api/authenticate.js";
import { UserHelpers } from "@/server/api/mastodon/helpers/user.js";
import { SearchHelpers } from "@/server/api/mastodon/helpers/search.js";
export function setupEndpointsSearch(router: Router): void {
router.get("/v1/search", async (ctx) => {
@ -24,36 +27,24 @@ export function setupEndpointsSearch(router: Router): void {
router.get("/v2/search", async (ctx) => {
const BASE_URL = `${ctx.request.protocol}://${ctx.request.hostname}`;
const accessTokens = ctx.headers.authorization;
const client = getClient(BASE_URL, accessTokens);
try {
const query: any = convertPaginationArgsIds(limitToInt(ctx.query));
const type = query.type;
const acct =
!type || type === "accounts"
? await client.search(query.q, "accounts", query)
: null;
const stat =
!type || type === "statuses"
? await client.search(query.q, "statuses", query)
: null;
const tags =
!type || type === "hashtags"
? await client.search(query.q, "hashtags", query)
: null;
const auth = await authenticate(ctx.headers.authorization, null);
const user = auth[0] ?? undefined;
ctx.body = {
acct?.data?.accounts.map((account) => convertAccount(account)) ?? [],
stat?.data?.statuses.map((status) => convertStatus(status)) ?? [],
hashtags: tags?.data?.hashtags ?? [],
if (!user) {
ctx.status = 401;
const args = normalizeUrlQuery(convertPaginationArgsIds(argsToBools(limitToInt(ctx.query), ['resolve', 'following', 'exclude_unreviewed'])));
const cache = UserHelpers.getFreshAccountCache();
const result = await SearchHelpers.search(user, args.q, args.type, args.resolve, args.following, args.account_id, args['exclude_unreviewed'], args.max_id, args.min_id, args.limit, args.offset, cache);
ctx.body = convertSearch(result);
} catch (e: any) {
ctx.status = 401;
ctx.body = e.response.data;
ctx.status = 400;
ctx.body = { error: e.message };
router.get("/v1/trends/statuses", async (ctx) => {
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
/// <reference path="tag.ts" />
namespace MastodonEntity {
export type Results = {
export type Search = {
accounts: Array<Account>;
statuses: Array<Status>;
hashtags: Array<Tag>;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,410 @@
import es from "@/db/elasticsearch.js";
import sonic from "@/db/sonic.js";
import meilisearch, { MeilisearchNote } from "@/db/meilisearch.js";
import { Followings, Hashtags, Notes, Users } from "@/models/index.js";
import { sqlLikeEscape } from "@/misc/sql-like-escape.js";
import { generateVisibilityQuery } from "@/server/api/common/generate-visibility-query.js";
import { generateMutedUserQuery } from "@/server/api/common/generate-muted-user-query.js";
import { generateBlockedUserQuery } from "@/server/api/common/generate-block-query.js";
import { Note } from "@/models/entities/note.js";
import { PaginationHelpers } from "@/server/api/mastodon/helpers/pagination.js";
import { ILocalUser, User } from "@/models/entities/user.js";
import { Brackets, In, IsNull } from "typeorm";
import { awaitAll } from "@/prelude/await-all.js";
import { AccountCache, UserHelpers } from "@/server/api/mastodon/helpers/user.js";
import { NoteConverter } from "@/server/api/mastodon/converters/note.js";
import Resolver from "@/remote/activitypub/resolver.js";
import { getApId, isActor, isPost } from "@/remote/activitypub/type.js";
import DbResolver from "@/remote/activitypub/db-resolver.js";
import { createPerson } from "@/remote/activitypub/models/person.js";
import { UserConverter } from "@/server/api/mastodon/converters/user.js";
import { resolveUser } from "@/remote/resolve-user.js";
import { createNote } from "@/remote/activitypub/models/note.js";
import { getUser } from "@/server/api/common/getters.js";
import config from "@/config/index.js";
import { Hashtag } from "@/models/entities/hashtag.js";
export class SearchHelpers {
public static async search(user: ILocalUser, q: string | undefined, type: string | undefined, resolve: boolean = false, following: boolean = false, accountId: string | undefined, excludeUnreviewed: boolean = false, maxId: string | undefined, minId: string | undefined, limit: number = 20, offset: number | undefined, cache: AccountCache = UserHelpers.getFreshAccountCache()): Promise<MastodonEntity.Search> {
if (q === undefined || q.trim().length === 0) throw new Error('Search query cannot be empty');
if (limit > 40) limit = 40;
const notes = type === 'statuses' || !type ? this.searchNotes(user, q, resolve, following, accountId, maxId, minId, limit, offset) : [];
const users = type === 'accounts' || !type ? this.searchUsers(user, q, resolve, following, maxId, minId, limit, offset) : [];
const tags = type === 'hashtags' || !type ? this.searchTags(q, excludeUnreviewed, limit, offset) : [];
const result = {
statuses: Promise.resolve(notes).then(p => NoteConverter.encodeMany(p, user, cache)),
accounts: Promise.resolve(users).then(p => UserConverter.encodeMany(p, cache)),
hashtags: Promise.resolve(tags)
return awaitAll(result);
private static async searchUsers(user: ILocalUser, q: string, resolve: boolean, following: boolean, maxId: string | undefined, minId: string | undefined, limit: number, offset: number | undefined): Promise<User[]> {
if (resolve) {
try {
if (q.startsWith('https://') || q.startsWith('http://')) {
// try resolving locally first
const dbResolver = new DbResolver();
const dbResult = await dbResolver.getUserFromApId(q);
if (dbResult) return [dbResult];
// ask remote
const resolver = new Resolver();
const object = await resolver.resolve(q);
if (q !== object.id) {
const result = await dbResolver.getUserFromApId(getApId(object));
if (result) return [result];
return isActor(object) ? Promise.all([createPerson(getApId(object), resolver.reset())]) : [];
else {
let match = q.match(/^@?(?<user>[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)@(?<host>[a-zA-Z0-9-.]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)$/);
if (!match) match = q.match(/^@(?<user>[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)$/)
if (match) {
// check if user is already in database
const dbResult = await Users.findBy({usernameLower: match.groups!.user.toLowerCase(), host: match.groups?.host ?? IsNull()});
if (dbResult) return dbResult;
const result = await resolveUser(match.groups!.user.toLowerCase(), match.groups?.host ?? null);
if (result) return [result];
// no matches found
return [];
catch (e: any) {
console.log(`[mastodon-client] resolve user '${q}' failed: ${e.message}`);
return [];
const query = PaginationHelpers.makePaginationQuery(
if (following) {
const followingQuery = Followings.createQueryBuilder("following")
.where("following.followerId = :followerId", {followerId: user.id});
new Brackets((qb) => {
qb.where(`user.id IN (${followingQuery.getQuery()} UNION ALL VALUES (:meId))`, {meId: user.id});
new Brackets((qb) => {
qb.where("user.name ILIKE :q", { q: `%${sqlLikeEscape(q)}%` });
qb.orWhere("user.usernameLower ILIKE :q", { q: `%${sqlLikeEscape(q)}%` });
query.orderBy({'user.notesCount': 'DESC'});
return query.skip(offset ?? 0).take(limit).getMany().then(p => minId ? p.reverse() : p);
private static async searchNotes(user: ILocalUser, q: string, resolve: boolean, following: boolean, accountId: string | undefined, maxId: string | undefined, minId: string | undefined, limit: number, offset: number | undefined): Promise<Note[]> {
if (accountId && following) throw new Error("The 'following' and 'accountId' parameters cannot be used simultaneously");
if (resolve) {
try {
if (q.startsWith('https://') || q.startsWith('http://')) {
// try resolving locally first
const dbResolver = new DbResolver();
const dbResult = await dbResolver.getNoteFromApId(q);
if (dbResult) return [dbResult];
// ask remote
const resolver = new Resolver();
const object = await resolver.resolve(q);
if (q !== object.id) {
const result = await dbResolver.getNoteFromApId(getApId(object));
if (result) return [result];
return isPost(object) ? createNote(getApId(object), resolver.reset(), true).then(p => p ? [p] : []) : [];
catch (e: any) {
console.log(`[mastodon-client] resolve note '${q}' failed: ${e.message}`);
return [];
// Try sonic search first, unless we have advanced filters
if (sonic && !accountId && !following) {
let start = offset ?? 0;
const chunkSize = 100;
// Use sonic to fetch and step through all search results that could match the requirements
const ids = [];
while (true) {
const results = await sonic.search.query(
limit: chunkSize,
offset: start,
start += chunkSize;
if (results.length === 0) {
const res = results
.map((k) => JSON.parse(k))
.filter((key) => {
if (minId && key.id < minId) return false;
if (maxId && key.id > maxId) return false;
return true;
.map((key) => key.id);
// Sort all the results by note id DESC (newest first)
ids.sort((a, b) => b - a);
// Fetch the notes from the database until we have enough to satisfy the limit
start = 0;
const found = [];
while (found.length < limit && start < ids.length) {
const chunk = ids.slice(start, start + chunkSize);
const query = Notes.createQueryBuilder("note")
.where({id: In(chunk)})
.orderBy({id: "DESC"})
generateVisibilityQuery(query, user);
if (!accountId) {
generateMutedUserQuery(query, user);
generateBlockedUserQuery(query, user);
if (following) {
const followingQuery = Followings.createQueryBuilder("following")
.where("following.followerId = :followerId", {followerId: user.id});
new Brackets((qb) => {
qb.where(`note.userId IN (${followingQuery.getQuery()} UNION ALL VALUES (:meId))`, {meId: user.id});
const notes: Note[] = await query.getMany();
start += chunkSize;
// If we have more results than the limit, trim them
if (found.length > limit) {
found.length = limit;
return found;
// Try meilisearch next
else if (meilisearch) {
let start = 0;
const chunkSize = 100;
// Use meilisearch to fetch and step through all search results that could match the requirements
const ids = [];
if (accountId) {
const acc = await getUser(accountId);
const append = acc.host !== null ? `from:${acc.usernameLower}@${acc.host} ` : `from:${acc.usernameLower}`;
q = append + q;
if (following) {
q = `filter:following ${q}`;
while (true) {
const results = await meilisearch.search(q, chunkSize, start, user);
start += chunkSize;
if (results.hits.length === 0) {
//TODO test this, it's the same logic the mk api uses but it seems, we need to make .hits already be a MeilisearchNote[] instead of forcing type checks to pass
const res = (results.hits as MeilisearchNote[])
.filter((key: MeilisearchNote) => {
if (accountId && key.userId !== accountId) return false;
if (minId && key.id < minId) return false;
if (maxId && key.id > maxId) return false;
return true;
.map((key) => key.id);
// Sort all the results by note id DESC (newest first)
//FIXME: fix this sort function (is it even necessary?)
//ids.sort((a, b) => b - a);
// Fetch the notes from the database until we have enough to satisfy the limit
start = 0;
const found = [];
while (found.length < limit && start < ids.length) {
const chunk = ids.slice(start, start + chunkSize);
const query = Notes.createQueryBuilder("note")
.where({id: In(chunk)})
.orderBy({id: "DESC"})
generateVisibilityQuery(query, user);
if (!accountId) {
generateMutedUserQuery(query, user);
generateBlockedUserQuery(query, user);
const notes: Note[] = await query.getMany();
start += chunkSize;
// If we have more results than the limit, trim them
if (found.length > limit) {
found.length = limit;
return found;
else if (es) {
const userQuery =
accountId != null
? [
term: {
userId: accountId,
: [];
const result = await es.search({
index: config.elasticsearch.index || "misskey_note",
body: {
size: limit,
from: offset,
query: {
bool: {
must: [
simple_query_string: {
fields: ["text"],
query: q.toLowerCase(),
default_operator: "and",
sort: [
_doc: "desc",
const hits = result.body.hits.hits.map((hit: any) => hit._id);
if (hits.length === 0) return [];
// Fetch found notes
const notes = await Notes.find({
where: {
id: In(hits),
order: {
id: -1,
//TODO: test this
//FIXME: implement pagination
return notes;
// Fallback to database query
const query = PaginationHelpers.makePaginationQuery(
if (accountId) {
query.andWhere("note.userId = :userId", { userId: accountId });
if (following) {
const followingQuery = Followings.createQueryBuilder("following")
.where("following.followerId = :followerId", {followerId: user.id});
new Brackets((qb) => {
qb.where(`note.userId IN (${followingQuery.getQuery()} UNION ALL VALUES (:meId))`, {meId: user.id});
.andWhere("note.text ILIKE :q", { q: `%${sqlLikeEscape(q)}%` })
.leftJoinAndSelect("note.renote", "renote");
generateVisibilityQuery(query, user);
if (!accountId) {
generateMutedUserQuery(query, user);
generateBlockedUserQuery(query, user);
return query.skip(offset ?? 0).take(limit).getMany().then(p => minId ? p.reverse() : p);
private static async searchTags(q: string, excludeUnreviewed: boolean, limit: number, offset: number | undefined): Promise<MastodonEntity.Tag[]> {
const tags = Hashtags.createQueryBuilder('tag')
.where("tag.name ILIKE :q", { q: `%${sqlLikeEscape(q)}%` })
.orderBy({'tag.name': 'ASC'})
.skip(offset ?? 0).take(limit).getMany();
return tags.then(p => p.map(tag => {
return {
name: tag.name,
url: `${config.url}/tags/${tag.name}`,
history: null
Add table
Reference in a new issue