mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 07:18:50 -07:00
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 431 additions and 387 deletions
@ -159,54 +159,54 @@
const contains = require('../../common/scripts/contains');
this.is-open = false
this.isOpen = false;
this.on('before-unmount', () => {
this.toggle = () => {
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this.isOpen ? this.close() : this.open();
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this.is-open = true
all = document.query-selector-all 'body *'
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isOpen: true
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el.addEventListener('mousedown', this.mousedown);
this.close = () => {
this.is-open = false
all = document.query-selector-all 'body *'
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el.removeEventListener 'mousedown' @mousedown
isOpen: false
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el.removeEventListener('mousedown', this.mousedown);
this.mousedown = (e) => {
this.mousedown = e => {
if (!contains this.root, e.target) and (this.root != e.target)
return false
if (!contains(this.root, e.target) && this.root != e.target) this.close();
return false;
this.drive = () => {
riot.mount document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('mk-drive-browser-window'));
this.settings = () => {
riot.mount document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('mk-settings-window'));
function contains(parent, child)
node = child.parentNode
while node?
if node == parent
return true
node = node.parentNode
return false
@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
<div class="header">
<time ref="time"></time>
<time ref="time">
<span class="yyyymmdd">{ yyyy }/{ mm }/{ dd }</span>
<span class="hhnn">{ hh }<span style="visibility:{ now.getSeconds() % 2 == 0 ? 'visible' : 'hidden' }">:</span>{ nn }</span>
<div class="content">
@ -13,7 +16,7 @@
> .header
padding 0 12px
text-align center
font-size 0.5em
font-size 10px
&, *
cursor: default
@ -59,29 +62,21 @@
this.draw = () => {
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mm = (\0 + (now.getMonth() + 1)).slice -2
dd = (\0 + now.getDate()).slice -2
yyyymmdd = "<span class='yyyymmdd'>#yyyy/#mm/#dd</span>"
hh = (\0 + now.getHours()).slice -2
mm = (\0 + now.getMinutes()).slice -2
hhmm = "<span class='hhmm'>#hh:#mm</span>"
if now.get-seconds! % 2 == 0
hhmm .= replace ':' '<span style=\'visibility:visible\'>:</span>'
hhmm .= replace ':' '<span style=\'visibility:hidden\'>:</span>'
this.refs.time.innerHTML = "#yyyymmdd<br>#hhmm"
this.now = new Date();
this.yyyy = now.getFullYear();
this.mm = ('0' + (now.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2);
this.dd = ('0' + now.getDate()).slice(-2);
this.hh = ('0' + now.getHours()).slice(-2);
this.nn = ('0' + now.getMinutes()).slice(-2);
this.on('mount', () => {
this.clock = setInterval @draw, 1000ms
this.clock = setInterval(this.draw, 1000);
this.on('unmount', () => {
clearInterval @clock
@ -1,113 +1,139 @@
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<li class="messaging"><a onclick={ messaging }><i class="fa fa-comments"></i>
<p>メッセージ</p><i class="fa fa-circle" if={ hasUnreadMessagingMessages }></i></a></li>
<li class="info"><a href="https://twitter.com/misskey_xyz" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-info"></i>
<li class="tv"><a href="https://misskey.tk" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-television"></i>
<li class="home { active: page == 'home' }">
<a href={ CONFIG.url }>
<i class="fa fa-home"></i>
<li class="messaging">
<a onclick={ messaging }>
<i class="fa fa-comments"></i>
<i class="fa fa-circle" if={ hasUnreadMessagingMessages }></i>
<li class="info">
<a href="https://twitter.com/misskey_xyz" target="_blank">
<i class="fa fa-info"></i>
<li class="tv">
<a href="https://misskey.tk" target="_blank">
<i class="fa fa-television"></i>
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> p
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this.page = this.opts.page;
this.on('mount', () => {
this.stream.on('read_all_messaging_messages', this.onReadAllMessagingMessages);
this.stream.on('unread_messaging_message', this.onUnreadMessagingMessage);
this.page = this.opts.page
// Fetch count of unread messaging messages
this.api('messaging/unread').then(res => {
if (res.count > 0) {
hasUnreadMessagingMessages: true
this.on('mount', () => {
this.stream.on 'read_all_messaging_messages' this.on-read-all-messaging-messages
this.stream.on 'unread_messaging_message' this.on-unread-messaging-message
this.on('unmount', () => {
this.stream.off('read_all_messaging_messages', this.onReadAllMessagingMessages);
this.stream.off('unread_messaging_message', this.onUnreadMessagingMessage);
// Fetch count of unread messaging messages
this.api 'messaging/unread'
}).then((count) => {
if count.count > 0
this.has-unread-messaging-messages = true
this.onReadAllMessagingMessages = () => {
hasUnreadMessagingMessages: false
this.on('unmount', () => {
this.stream.off 'read_all_messaging_messages' this.on-read-all-messaging-messages
this.stream.off 'unread_messaging_message' this.on-unread-messaging-message
this.onUnreadMessagingMessage = () => {
hasUnreadMessagingMessages: true
this.on-read-all-messaging-messages = () => {
this.has-unread-messaging-messages = false
this.on-unread-messaging-message = () => {
this.has-unread-messaging-messages = true
this.messaging = () => {
riot.mount document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('mk-messaging-window'));
this.messaging = () => {
@ -75,40 +75,36 @@
this.is-open = false
const contains = require('../../common/scripts/contains');
this.isOpen = false;
this.toggle = () => {
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this.isOpen ? this.close() : this.open();
this.open = () => {
this.is-open = true
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el.addEventListener 'mousedown' @mousedown
isOpen: true
document.querySelectorAll('body *').forEach(el => {
el.addEventListener('mousedown', this.mousedown);
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this.is-open = false
all = document.query-selector-all 'body *'
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el.removeEventListener 'mousedown' @mousedown
isOpen: false
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el.removeEventListener('mousedown', this.mousedown);
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this.mousedown = e => {
if (!contains this.root, e.target) and (this.root != e.target)
return false
function contains(parent, child)
node = child.parentNode
while node?
if node == parent
return true
node = node.parentNode
return false
if (!contains(this.root, e.target) && this.root != e.target) this.close();
return false;
@ -34,8 +34,9 @@
this.onsubmit = (e) => {
this.onsubmit = e => {
this.page '/search:' + this.refs.q.value
this.page('/search:' + this.refs.q.value);
@ -192,328 +192,354 @@
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this.can-close = if this.opts.can-close? then this.opts.can-close else true
this.is-flexible = !this.opts.height?
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this.minWidth = 200;
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this.refs.main.style.pointer-events = 'auto'
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queue: false,
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this.refs.main.style.pointerEvents = 'auto';
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queue: false,
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setTimeout =>
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queue: false,
duration: 300,
easing: [ 0.5, -0.5, 1, 0.5 ]
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// 最前面へ移動します
this.top = () => {
z = 0
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ws = document.query-selector-all 'mk-window'
ws.forEach (w) !=>
if w == this.root then return
m = w.query-selector ':scope > .main'
mz = Number(document.default-view.get-computed-style m, null .z-index)
if mz > z then z := mz
const ws = document.querySelectorAll('mk-window');
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const m = w.querySelector(':scope > .main');
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this.refs.main.style.zIndex = z + 1;
if (this.isModal) this.refs.bg.style.zIndex = z + 1;
this.repel-move = (e) => {
this.repelMove = e => {
return true
return true;
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if @can-close
this.bgClick = () => {
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// ヘッダー掴み時
this.on-header-mousedown = (e) => {
this.onHeaderMousedown = e => {
if not contains this.refs.main, document.active-element
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move-base-y = click-y - position.top
browser-width = window.inner-width
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window-width = this.refs.main.offset-width
window-height = this.refs.main.offset-height
const clickX = e.clientX;
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const moveBaseY = clickY - position.top;
const browserWidth = window.innerWidth;
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const windowWidth = this.refs.main.offsetWidth;
const windowHeight = this.refs.main.offsetHeight;
// 動かした時
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move-top = me.client-y - move-base-y
dragListen(me => {
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let moveTop = me.clientY - moveBaseY;
// 上はみ出し
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move-top = 0
if (moveTop < 0) moveTop = 0;
// 左はみ出し
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move-left = 0
if (moveLeft < 0) moveLeft = 0;
// 下はみ出し
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if (moveTop + windowHeight > browserHeight) moveTop = browserHeight - windowHeight;
// 右はみ出し
if move-left + window-width > browser-width
move-left = browser-width - window-width
if (moveLeft + windowWidth > browserWidth) moveLeft = browserWidth - windowWidth;
this.refs.main.style.left = move-left + 'px'
this.refs.main.style.top = move-top + 'px'
this.refs.main.style.left = moveLeft + 'px';
this.refs.main.style.top = moveTop + 'px';
// 上ハンドル掴み時
this.on-top-handle-mousedown = (e) => {
this.onTopHandleMousedown = e => {
base = e.client-y
height = parse-int((get-computed-style this.refs.main, '').height, 10)
top = parse-int((get-computed-style this.refs.main, '').top, 10)
const base = e.clientY;
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// 動かした時
drag-listen (me) =>
move = me.client-y - base
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if height + -move > @min-height
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@apply-transform-top top + move
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@apply-transform-height @min-height
@apply-transform-top top + (height - @min-height)
else // 上のはみ出し時
@apply-transform-height top + height
@apply-transform-top 0
dragListen(me => {
const move = me.clientY - base;
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if (height + -move > this.minHeight) {
this.applyTransformHeight(height + -move);
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this.applyTransformTop(top + (height - this.minHeight));
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this.applyTransformHeight(top + height);
// 右ハンドル掴み時
this.on-right-handle-mousedown = (e) => {
this.onRightHandleMousedown = e => {
base = e.client-x
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left = parse-int((get-computed-style this.refs.main, '').left, 10)
browser-width = window.inner-width
const base = e.clientX;
const width = parseInt(getComputedStyle(this.refs.main, '').width, 10);
const left = parseInt(getComputedStyle(this.refs.main, '').left, 10);
const browserWidth = window.innerWidth;
// 動かした時
drag-listen (me) =>
move = me.client-x - base
if left + width + move < browser-width
if width + move > @min-width
@apply-transform-width width + move
else // 最小の幅より小さくなろうとした時
@apply-transform-width @min-width
else // 右のはみ出し時
@apply-transform-width browser-width - left
dragListen(me => {
const move = me.clientX - base;
if (left + width + move < browserWidth) {
if (width + move > this.minWidth) {
this.applyTransformWidth(width + move);
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} else { // 右のはみ出し時
this.applyTransformWidth(browserWidth - left);
// 下ハンドル掴み時
this.on-bottom-handle-mousedown = (e) => {
this.onBottomHandleMousedown = e => {
base = e.client-y
height = parse-int((get-computed-style this.refs.main, '').height, 10)
top = parse-int((get-computed-style this.refs.main, '').top, 10)
browser-height = window.inner-height
const base = e.clientY;
const height = parseInt(getComputedStyle(this.refs.main, '').height, 10);
const top = parseInt(getComputedStyle(this.refs.main, '').top, 10);
const browserHeight = window.innerHeight;
// 動かした時
drag-listen (me) =>
move = me.client-y - base
if top + height + move < browser-height
if height + move > @min-height
@apply-transform-height height + move
else // 最小の高さより小さくなろうとした時
@apply-transform-height @min-height
else // 下のはみ出し時
@apply-transform-height browser-height - top
dragListen(me => {
const move = me.clientY - base;
if (top + height + move < browserHeight) {
if (height + move > this.minHeight) {
return this.applyTransformHeight(height + move);
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return this.applyTransformHeight(this.minHeight);
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return this.applyTransformHeight(browserHeight - top);
// 左ハンドル掴み時
this.on-left-handle-mousedown = (e) => {
this.onLeftHandleMousedown = e => {
base = e.client-x
width = parse-int((get-computed-style this.refs.main, '').width, 10)
left = parse-int((get-computed-style this.refs.main, '').left, 10)
const base = e.clientX;
const width = parseInt(getComputedStyle(this.refs.main, '').width, 10);
const left = parseInt(getComputedStyle(this.refs.main, '').left, 10);
// 動かした時
drag-listen (me) =>
move = me.client-x - base
if left + move > 0
if width + -move > @min-width
@apply-transform-width width + -move
@apply-transform-left left + move
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@apply-transform-width @min-width
@apply-transform-left left + (width - @min-width)
else // 左のはみ出し時
@apply-transform-width left + width
@apply-transform-left 0
dragListen(me => {
const move = me.clientX - base;
if (left + move > 0) {
if (width + -move > this.minWidth) {
this.applyTransformWidth(width + -move);
return this.applyTransformLeft(left + move);
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this.applyTransformWidth(left + width);
return this.applyTransformLeft(0);
// 左上ハンドル掴み時
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this.on-top-handle-mousedown e
this.on-left-handle-mousedown e
this.onTopLeftHandleMousedown = e => {
// 右上ハンドル掴み時
this.on-top-right-handle-mousedown = (e) => {
this.on-top-handle-mousedown e
this.on-right-handle-mousedown e
this.onTopRightHandleMousedown = e => {
// 右下ハンドル掴み時
this.on-bottom-right-handle-mousedown = (e) => {
this.on-bottom-handle-mousedown e
this.on-right-handle-mousedown e
this.onBottomRightHandleMousedown = e => {
// 左下ハンドル掴み時
this.on-bottom-left-handle-mousedown = (e) => {
this.on-bottom-handle-mousedown e
this.on-left-handle-mousedown e
this.onBottomLeftHandleMousedown = e => {
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this.refs.main.style.height = height + 'px';
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this.applyTransformWidth = width => {
this.refs.main.style.width = width + 'px';
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this.refs.main.style.top = top + 'px'
this.applyTransformTop = top => {
this.refs.main.style.top = top + 'px';
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this.refs.main.style.left = left + 'px'
this.applyTransformLeft = left => {
this.refs.main.style.left = left + 'px';
function drag-listen fn
window.addEventListener 'mousemove' fn
window.addEventListener 'mouseleave' drag-clear.bind null fn
window.addEventListener 'mouseup' drag-clear.bind null fn
function dragListen(fn) {
window.addEventListener('mousemove', fn);
window.addEventListener('mouseleave', dragClear.bind(null, fn));
window.addEventListener('mouseup', dragClear.bind(null, fn));
function drag-clear fn
window.removeEventListener 'mousemove' fn
window.removeEventListener 'mouseleave' drag-clear
window.removeEventListener 'mouseup' drag-clear
function dragClear(fn) {
window.removeEventListener('mousemove', fn);
window.removeEventListener('mouseleave', dragClear);
window.removeEventListener('mouseup', dragClear);
this.ondragover = (e) => {
e.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'none'
this.ondragover = e => {
e.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'none';
this.onKeydown = (e) => {
if e.which == 27 // Esc
if @can-close
this.onKeydown = e => {
if (e.which == 27) { // Esc
if (this.canClose) {
function contains(parent, child)
node = child.parentNode
while node?
if node == parent
return true
node = node.parentNode
return false
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