diff --git a/src/post/distribute.ts b/src/post/distribute.ts
index 49c6eb22d..ad699d6b8 100644
--- a/src/post/distribute.ts
+++ b/src/post/distribute.ts
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
+import Channel from '../models/channel';
+import ChannelWatching from '../models/channel-watching';
+import Following from '../models/following';
 import Mute from '../models/mute';
 import Post, { pack } from '../models/post';
 import Watching from '../models/post-watching';
-import User from '../models/user';
-import stream from '../publishers/stream';
+import User, { isLocalUser } from '../models/user';
+import stream, { publishChannelStream } from '../publishers/stream';
 import notify from '../publishers/notify';
 import pushSw from '../publishers/push-sw';
 import queue from '../queue';
@@ -21,10 +24,6 @@ export default async (user, mentions, post) => {
 				latestPost: post._id
-		new Promise((resolve, reject) => queue.create('http', {
-			type: 'deliverPost',
-			id: post._id,
-		}).save(error => error ? reject(error) : resolve())),
 	] as Array<Promise<any>>;
 	function addMention(promisedMentionee, reason) {
@@ -50,6 +49,91 @@ export default async (user, mentions, post) => {
+	// タイムラインへの投稿
+	if (!post.channelId) {
+		promises.push(
+			// Publish event to myself's stream
+			promisedPostObj.then(postObj => {
+				stream(post.userId, 'post', postObj);
+			}),
+			Promise.all([
+				User.findOne({ _id: post.userId }),
+				// Fetch all followers
+				Following.aggregate([{
+					$lookup: {
+						from: 'users',
+						localField: 'followerId',
+						foreignField: '_id',
+						as: 'follower'
+					}
+				}, {
+					$match: {
+						followeeId: post.userId
+					}
+				}], {
+					_id: false
+				})
+			]).then(([user, followers]) => Promise.all(followers.map(following => {
+				if (isLocalUser(following.follower)) {
+					// Publish event to followers stream
+					return promisedPostObj.then(postObj => {
+						stream(following.followerId, 'post', postObj);
+					});
+				}
+				return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+					queue.create('http', {
+						type: 'deliverPost',
+						fromId: user._id,
+						toId: following.followerId,
+						postId: post._id
+					}).save(error => {
+						if (error) {
+							reject(error);
+						} else {
+							resolve();
+						}
+					});
+				});
+			})))
+		);
+	}
+	// チャンネルへの投稿
+	if (post.channelId) {
+		promises.push(
+			// Increment channel index(posts count)
+			Channel.update({ _id: post.channelId }, {
+				$inc: {
+					index: 1
+				}
+			}),
+			// Publish event to channel
+			promisedPostObj.then(postObj => {
+				publishChannelStream(post.channelId, 'post', postObj);
+			}),
+			Promise.all([
+				promisedPostObj,
+				// Get channel watchers
+				ChannelWatching.find({
+					channelId: post.channelId,
+					// 削除されたドキュメントは除く
+					deletedAt: { $exists: false }
+				})
+			]).then(([postObj, watches]) => {
+				// チャンネルの視聴者(のタイムライン)に配信
+				watches.forEach(w => {
+					stream(w.userId, 'post', postObj);
+				});
+			})
+		);
+	}
 	// If has in reply to post
 	if (post.replyId) {
diff --git a/src/processor/http/deliver-post.ts b/src/processor/http/deliver-post.ts
index c00ab912c..48ad4f95a 100644
--- a/src/processor/http/deliver-post.ts
+++ b/src/processor/http/deliver-post.ts
@@ -1,93 +1,21 @@
-import Channel from '../../models/channel';
-import Following from '../../models/following';
-import ChannelWatching from '../../models/channel-watching';
-import Post, { pack } from '../../models/post';
-import User, { isLocalUser } from '../../models/user';
-import stream, { publishChannelStream } from '../../publishers/stream';
+import Post from '../../models/post';
+import User, { IRemoteUser } from '../../models/user';
 import context from '../../remote/activitypub/renderer/context';
 import renderCreate from '../../remote/activitypub/renderer/create';
 import renderNote from '../../remote/activitypub/renderer/note';
 import request from '../../remote/request';
-export default ({ data }) => Post.findOne({ _id: data.id }).then(post => {
-	const promisedPostObj = pack(post);
-	const promises = [];
+export default async ({ data }) => {
+	const promisedTo = User.findOne({ _id: data.toId }) as Promise<IRemoteUser>;
+	const [from, post] = await Promise.all([
+		User.findOne({ _id: data.fromId }),
+		Post.findOne({ _id: data.postId })
+	]);
+	const note = await renderNote(from, post);
+	const to = await promisedTo;
+	const create = renderCreate(note);
-	// タイムラインへの投稿
-	if (!post.channelId) {
-		promises.push(
-			// Publish event to myself's stream
-			promisedPostObj.then(postObj => {
-				stream(post.userId, 'post', postObj);
-			}),
+	create['@context'] = context;
-			Promise.all([
-				User.findOne({ _id: post.userId }),
-				// Fetch all followers
-				Following.aggregate([{
-					$lookup: {
-						from: 'users',
-						localField: 'followerId',
-						foreignField: '_id',
-						as: 'follower'
-					}
-				}, {
-					$match: {
-						followeeId: post.userId
-					}
-				}], {
-					_id: false
-				})
-			]).then(([user, followers]) => Promise.all(followers.map(following => {
-				if (isLocalUser(following.follower)) {
-					// Publish event to followers stream
-					return promisedPostObj.then(postObj => {
-						stream(following.followerId, 'post', postObj);
-					});
-				}
-				return renderNote(user, post).then(note => {
-					const create = renderCreate(note);
-					create['@context'] = context;
-					return request(user, following.follower[0].account.inbox, create);
-				});
-			})))
-		);
-	}
-	// チャンネルへの投稿
-	if (post.channelId) {
-		promises.push(
-			// Increment channel index(posts count)
-			Channel.update({ _id: post.channelId }, {
-				$inc: {
-					index: 1
-				}
-			}),
-			// Publish event to channel
-			promisedPostObj.then(postObj => {
-				publishChannelStream(post.channelId, 'post', postObj);
-			}),
-			Promise.all([
-				promisedPostObj,
-				// Get channel watchers
-				ChannelWatching.find({
-					channelId: post.channelId,
-					// 削除されたドキュメントは除く
-					deletedAt: { $exists: false }
-				})
-			]).then(([postObj, watches]) => {
-				// チャンネルの視聴者(のタイムライン)に配信
-				watches.forEach(w => {
-					stream(w.userId, 'post', postObj);
-				});
-			})
-		);
-	}
-	return Promise.all(promises);
+	return request(from, to.account.inbox, create);