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synced 2025-03-04 07:18:50 -07:00
feat: 🥴
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4 changed files with 89 additions and 4 deletions
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@ -1,6 +1,13 @@
<button v-tooltip.noDelay.bottom="i18n.ts._gallery.like" class="skdfgljsdkf _button" @click="star($event)">
<i class="ph-star-bold ph-lg"></i>
<i v-if="!defaultStore.woozyMode" class="ph-star-bold ph-lg"></i>
<symbol v-else id="fluent-emoji-high-contrast-woozy-face" symbol viewBox="0 0 32 32"><g fill="currentColor">
<path d="m17.809-0.20898c-9.9294 2.3e-7 -18 8.0706-18 18 5.8e-7 9.9294 8.0706 18 18 18 9.9294 0 18-8.0706 18-18 0-9.9294-8.0706-18-18-18zm0 1.9785c8.8604 1e-7 16.021 7.1611 16.021 16.021 0 8.8604-7.1611 16.023-16.021 16.023-8.8604 0-16.021-7.163-16.021-16.023-3e-7 -8.8604 7.1611-16.021 16.021-16.021z"/>
<path d="m6.001 11c-0.552 0-1-0.448-1-1 0-0.551 0.445-0.998 0.996-1 0.156-2e-3 3.569-0.086 6.205-3.6 0.331-0.44 0.957-0.532 1.4-0.2 0.442 0.331 0.531 0.958 0.2 1.4-3.263 4.35-7.617 4.4-7.801 4.4zm24.986 2.393c0.128 0.537-0.204 1.077-0.741 1.205-0.536 0.128-1.074-0.202-1.204-0.737-0.038-0.151-0.911-3.452-4.941-5.201-0.505-0.22-0.739-0.808-0.519-1.315s0.809-0.739 1.315-0.519c4.989 2.165 6.047 6.388 6.09 6.567z"/>
<path d="m23.186 29.526c-0.993 0-1.952-0.455-2.788-1.339-2.816-2.985-3.569-2.333-4.817-1.251-0.781 0.679-1.754 1.523-3.205 1.523-2.351 0-3.969-2.302-4.036-2.4-0.314-0.454-0.2-1.077 0.254-1.391 0.451-0.312 1.074-0.2 1.39 0.251 0.301 0.429 1.317 1.54 2.393 1.54 0.704 0 1.256-0.479 1.895-1.033 1.816-1.578 3.764-2.655 7.583 1.388 0.823 0.873 1.452 0.774 1.908 0.592 1.659-0.665 3.205-3.698 3.197-5.15-3e-3 -0.552 0.442-1.002 0.994-1.005h6e-3c0.55 0 0.997 0.444 1 0.995 0.012 2.103-1.854 5.976-4.454 7.017-0.443 0.175-0.885 0.262-1.32 0.263z"/>
<path d="m14.815 15.375c-0.584 2.114-1.642 3.083-3.152 2.666-1.509-0.417-2.343-1.909-1.76-4.023 0.583-2.112 2.175-3.363 3.684-2.946 1.511 0.417 1.812 2.19 1.228 4.303zm11.416-0.755c0.473 2.141-0.675 4.838-2.204 5.176s-3.28-1.719-3.753-3.86c-0.473-2.14 0.419-3.971 1.948-4.309s3.536 0.853 4.009 2.993z"/>
@ -9,6 +16,7 @@ import type { Note } from 'calckey-js/built/entities';
import Ripple from '@/components/MkRipple.vue';
import { pleaseLogin } from '@/scripts/please-login';
import * as os from '@/os';
import { defaultStore } from '@/store';
import { i18n } from '@/i18n';
const props = defineProps<{
@ -19,7 +27,7 @@ function star(ev?: MouseEvent): void {
os.api('notes/reactions/create', {
noteId: props.note.id,
reaction: '⭐',
reaction: defaultStore.woozyMode ? '🥴' : '⭐',
const el = ev && (ev.currentTarget ?? ev.target) as HTMLElement | null | undefined;
if (el) {
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
<div class="_formRoot">
<div class="_formBlock fwhjspax" :style="{ backgroundImage: `url(${ $instance.bannerUrl })` }">
<div class="content">
<img :src="$instance.iconUrl || $instance.faviconUrl || '/favicon.ico'" alt="" class="icon"/>
<img ref="icon" :src="defaultStore.woozyMode ? '/assets/woozy.png' : $instance.iconUrl || $instance.faviconUrl || '/favicon.ico'" aria-label="none" class="icon"/>
<div class="name">
<b>{{ $instance.name || host }}</b>
@ -113,16 +113,19 @@ import { defaultStore } from '@/store';
import 'swiper/scss';
import 'swiper/scss/virtual';
const props = withDefaults(defineProps<{
initialTab?: string;
}>(), {
initialTab: 'overview',
let stats = $ref(null);
let icon = $ref<HTMLElement>(null);
let iconClicks = 0;
let tabs = ['overview', 'emojis', 'charts'];
let tab = $ref(tabs[0]);
watch($$(tab), () => (syncSlide(tabs.indexOf(tab))));
watch(defaultStore.woozyMode, () => {});
if (iAmModerator) tabs.push('federation');
@ -166,6 +169,10 @@ definePageMetadata(computed(() => ({
let swiperRef = null;
async function sleep(seconds) {
return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, seconds * 1000));
function setSwiperRef(swiper) {
swiperRef = swiper;
@ -178,9 +185,72 @@ function onSlideChange() {
function syncSlide(index) {
onMounted(() => {
icon.addEventListener('click', async () => {
icon.style.animation = 'unset';
await sleep(0.1);
icon.style.animation = `iconShake${(iconClicks % 3) + 1} 1 0.3s`;
if (iconClicks % 3 === 0) {
defaultStore.set('woozyMode', !defaultStore.woozyMode);
await sleep(1.5);
icon.style.animation = 'unset';
icon.style.animation = 'swpinY 1 0.6s';
<style lang="scss" scoped>
@keyframes iconShake1 {
0% { transform: translate(2px, 0px) rotate(-1deg) }
10% { transform: translate(2px, -3px) rotate(5deg) }
20% { transform: translate(-1px, -3px) rotate(3deg) }
30% { transform: translate(-2px, 0px) rotate(-1deg) }
40% { transform: translate(-2px, -1px) rotate(4deg) }
50% { transform: translate(-1px, -1px) rotate(1deg) }
60% { transform: translate(-2px, 0px) rotate(-8deg) }
70% { transform: translate(1px, 2px) rotate(-2deg) }
80% { transform: translate(-1px, 2px) rotate(4deg) }
90% { transform: translate(-1px, 1px) rotate(11deg) }
100% { transform: translate(-3px, -3px) rotate(-5deg) }
@keyframes iconShake2 {
0% { transform: translate(-1px, 5px) rotate(33deg) }
10% { transform: translate(-2px, 7px) rotate(20deg) }
20% { transform: translate(8px, 5px) rotate(31deg) }
30% { transform: translate(-2px, 5px) rotate(3deg) }
40% { transform: translate(4px, 6px) rotate(16deg) }
50% { transform: translate(8px, -3px) rotate(19deg) }
60% { transform: translate(7px, -2px) rotate(0deg) }
70% { transform: translate(4px, 4px) rotate(8deg) }
80% { transform: translate(7px, -3px) rotate(13deg) }
90% { transform: translate(6px, 7px) rotate(4deg) }
100% { transform: translate(4px, -2px) rotate(-2deg) }
@keyframes iconShake3 {
0% { transform: translate(12px, -2px) rotate(57deg) }
10% { transform: translate(10px, 2px) rotate(12deg) }
20% { transform: translate(10px, 4px) rotate(3deg) }
30% { transform: translate(17px, 11px) rotate(15deg) }
40% { transform: translate(12px, 20px) rotate(-11deg) }
50% { transform: translate(5px, 12px) rotate(43deg) }
60% { transform: translate(16px, 8px) rotate(-4deg) }
70% { transform: translate(14px, 11px) rotate(22deg) }
80% { transform: translate(9px, 19px) rotate(-3deg) }
90% { transform: translate(0px, 12px) rotate(-3deg) }
100% { transform: translate(17px, 3px) rotate(57deg) }
@keyframes spinY {
0% { transform: perspective(128px) rotateY(0deg); }
100% { transform: perspective(128px) rotateY(360deg); }
.fwhjspax {
text-align: center;
border-radius: 10px;
@ -267,6 +267,10 @@ export const defaultStore = markRaw(new Storage('base', {
where: 'account',
default: true,
woozyMode: {
where: 'device',
default: false,
// TODO: 他のタブと永続化されたstateを同期
Add table
Reference in a new issue