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synced 2025-03-04 07:18:50 -07:00
no extra three dots
This commit is contained in:
19 changed files with 19 additions and 19 deletions
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ notifications: "الإشعارات"
username: "اسم المستخدم"
password: "الكلمة السرية"
forgotPassword: "نسيتَ كلمة السر"
fetchingAsApObject: "جارٍ جلبه مِن الفديفرس…"
fetchingAsApObject: "جارٍ جلبه مِن الفديفرس"
ok: " حسناً"
gotIt: "فهِمت"
cancel: " إلغاء"
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ notifications: "বিজ্ঞপ্তি"
username: "ব্যবহারকারীর নাম"
password: "পাসওয়ার্ড"
forgotPassword: "পাসওয়ার্ড ভুলে গেছেন"
fetchingAsApObject: "ফেডিভার্স থেকে খবর আনা হচ্ছে..."
fetchingAsApObject: "ফেডিভার্স থেকে খবর আনা হচ্ছে"
ok: "ঠিক"
gotIt: "বুঝেছি"
cancel: "বাতিল"
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ notifications: "Notificacions"
username: "Nom d'usuari"
password: "Contrasenya"
forgotPassword: "Contrasenya oblidada"
fetchingAsApObject: "Cercant en el Fediverse..."
fetchingAsApObject: "Cercant en el Fediverse"
ok: "OK"
gotIt: "Ho he entès!"
cancel: "Cancel·lar"
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ notifications: "Oznámení"
username: "Uživatelské jméno"
password: "Heslo"
forgotPassword: "Zapomenuté heslo"
fetchingAsApObject: "Načítám data z Fediversu..."
fetchingAsApObject: "Načítám data z Fediversu"
ok: "Potvrdit"
gotIt: "Rozumím!"
cancel: "Zrušit"
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ notifications: "Benachrichtigungen"
username: "Benutzername"
password: "Passwort"
forgotPassword: "Passwort vergessen"
fetchingAsApObject: "Wird aus dem Fediverse angefragt …"
fetchingAsApObject: "Wird aus dem Fediverse angefragt"
ok: "OK"
gotIt: "Verstanden!"
cancel: "Abbrechen"
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ notifications: "Notifications"
username: "Username"
password: "Password"
forgotPassword: "Forgot password"
fetchingAsApObject: "Fetching from the Fediverse..."
fetchingAsApObject: "Fetching from the Fediverse"
ok: "OK"
gotIt: "Got it!"
cancel: "Cancel"
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ notifications: "Notificaciones"
username: "Nombre de usuario"
password: "Contraseña"
forgotPassword: "Olvidé mi Contraseña"
fetchingAsApObject: "Recuperando desde el Fediverso..."
fetchingAsApObject: "Recuperando desde el Fediverso"
ok: "OK"
gotIt: "¡Lo tengo!"
cancel: "Cancelar"
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ notifications: "Notifications"
username: "Nom d’utilisateur·rice"
password: "Mot de passe"
forgotPassword: "Mot de passe oublié"
fetchingAsApObject: "Récupération depuis le fédiverse …"
fetchingAsApObject: "Récupération depuis le fédiverse"
ok: "OK"
gotIt: "J’ai compris !"
cancel: "Annuler"
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ notifications: "Pemberitahuan"
username: "Nama Pengguna"
password: "Kata sandi"
forgotPassword: "Lupa Kata Sandi"
fetchingAsApObject: "Mengambil data dari Fediverse..."
fetchingAsApObject: "Mengambil data dari Fediverse"
ok: "OK"
gotIt: "Saya mengerti"
cancel: "Batalkan"
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ notifications: "Notifiche"
username: "Nome utente"
password: "Password"
forgotPassword: "Hai dimenticato la tua password?"
fetchingAsApObject: "Recuperando dal Fediverso..."
fetchingAsApObject: "Recuperando dal Fediverso"
ok: "OK"
gotIt: "Ho capito"
cancel: "Annulla"
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ search: "ಹುಡುಕು"
notifications: "ಅಧಿಸೂಚನೆಗಳು"
username: "ಬಳಕೆಹೆಸರು"
password: "ಗುಪ್ತಪದ"
fetchingAsApObject: "ಒಕ್ಕೂಟದಿಂದ ಪಡೆಯಲಾಗುತ್ತಿದೆ..."
fetchingAsApObject: "ಒಕ್ಕೂಟದಿಂದ ಪಡೆಯಲಾಗುತ್ತಿದೆ"
ok: "ಸರಿ"
gotIt: "ಅರ್ಥವಾಯಿತು!"
cancel: "ರದ್ದು"
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ notifications: "Powiadomienia"
username: "Nazwa użytkownika"
password: "Hasło"
forgotPassword: "Nie pamiętam hasła"
fetchingAsApObject: "Pobieranie z Fediwersum…"
fetchingAsApObject: "Pobieranie z Fediwersum"
ok: "OK"
gotIt: "Rozumiem!"
cancel: "Anuluj"
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ notifications: "Notificări"
username: "Nume de utilizator"
password: "Parolă"
forgotPassword: "Am uitat parola"
fetchingAsApObject: "Se aduce din Fediverse..."
fetchingAsApObject: "Se aduce din Fediverse"
ok: "OK"
gotIt: "Am înțeles!"
cancel: "Anulează"
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ notifications: "Notifikationer"
username: "Användarnamn"
password: "Lösenord"
forgotPassword: "Glömt lösenord"
fetchingAsApObject: "Hämtar från Fediversum..."
fetchingAsApObject: "Hämtar från Fediversum"
ok: "OK"
gotIt: "Uppfattat!"
cancel: "Avbryt"
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ notifications: "การเเจ้งเตือน"
username: "ชื่อผู้ใช้"
password: "รหัสผ่าน"
forgotPassword: "ลืมรหัสผ่าน?"
fetchingAsApObject: "กำลังดึงข้อมูล จาก เฟดิเวิร์ส..."
fetchingAsApObject: "กำลังดึงข้อมูล จาก เฟดิเวิร์ส"
ok: "ตกลง"
gotIt: "เข้าใจแล้ว !"
cancel: "ยกเลิก"
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ notifications: "Сповіщення"
username: "Ім'я користувача"
password: "Пароль"
forgotPassword: "Я забув пароль"
fetchingAsApObject: "Отримуємо з федіверсу..."
fetchingAsApObject: "Отримуємо з федіверсу"
ok: "OK"
gotIt: "Зрозуміло!"
cancel: "Скасувати"
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ notifications: "Thông báo"
username: "Tên người dùng"
password: "Mật khẩu"
forgotPassword: "Quên mật khẩu"
fetchingAsApObject: "Đang nạp dữ liệu từ Fediverse..."
fetchingAsApObject: "Đang nạp dữ liệu từ Fediverse"
ok: "Đồng ý"
gotIt: "Đã hiểu!"
cancel: "Hủy"
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ notifications: "通知"
username: "用户名"
password: "密码"
forgotPassword: "忘记密码"
fetchingAsApObject: "正在联邦宇宙查询中..."
fetchingAsApObject: "正在联邦宇宙查询中"
ok: "OK"
gotIt: "我明白了"
cancel: "取消"
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ notifications: "通知"
username: "使用者名稱"
password: "密碼"
forgotPassword: "忘記密碼"
fetchingAsApObject: "從聯邦宇宙取得中..."
fetchingAsApObject: "從聯邦宇宙取得中"
ok: "OK"
gotIt: "知道了"
cancel: "取消"
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