2020-01-29 12:37:25 -07:00
2020-07-10 19:13:11 -06:00
* Client entry point
2020-01-29 12:37:25 -07:00
2020-10-17 05:12:00 -06:00
import '@/style.scss';
import { createApp } from 'vue';
2020-01-29 12:37:25 -07:00
import { FontAwesomeIcon } from '@fortawesome/vue-fontawesome';
2020-10-17 05:12:00 -06:00
import Root from './root.vue';
import widgets from './widgets';
import directives from './directives';
import components from '@/components';
import { version, apiUrl } from '@/config';
import { store } from './store';
2020-01-29 12:37:25 -07:00
import { router } from './router';
2020-10-17 05:12:00 -06:00
import { applyTheme } from '@/scripts/theme';
import { isDeviceDarkmode } from '@/scripts/is-device-darkmode';
import { i18n, lang } from './i18n';
import { stream, sound, isMobile, dialog } from '@/os';
2020-01-29 12:37:25 -07:00
console.info(`Misskey v${version}`);
2020-10-17 05:12:00 -06:00
if (_DEV_) {
console.warn('Development mode!!!');
window.addEventListener('error', event => {
type: 'error',
title: 'DEV: Unhandled error',
text: event.message
window.addEventListener('unhandledrejection', event => {
type: 'error',
title: 'DEV: Unhandled promise rejection',
text: event.reason
// タッチデバイスでCSSの:hoverを機能させる
document.addEventListener('touchend', () => {}, { passive: true });
2020-01-29 12:37:25 -07:00
if (localStorage.getItem('theme') == null) {
2020-10-18 22:17:11 -06:00
2020-01-29 12:37:25 -07:00
2020-07-15 03:22:19 -06:00
//#region SEE: https://css-tricks.com/the-trick-to-viewport-units-on-mobile/
// TODO: いつの日にか消したい
const vh = window.innerHeight * 0.01;
document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--vh', `${vh}px`);
window.addEventListener('resize', () => {
const vh = window.innerHeight * 0.01;
document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--vh', `${vh}px`);
2020-01-29 12:37:25 -07:00
// Get the <head> element
const head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
// If mobile, insert the viewport meta tag
if (isMobile || window.innerWidth <= 1024) {
2020-03-03 19:45:33 -07:00
const viewport = document.getElementsByName('viewport').item(0);
2020-01-29 12:37:25 -07:00
//#region Set lang attr
const html = document.documentElement;
html.setAttribute('lang', lang);
2020-10-17 05:12:00 -06:00
//#region Fetch user
const signout = () => {
location.href = '/';
// ユーザーをフェッチしてコールバックする
const fetchme = (token) => new Promise((done, fail) => {
// Fetch user
fetch(`${apiUrl}/i`, {
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify({
i: token
.then(res => {
// When failed to authenticate user
if (res.status !== 200 && res.status < 500) {
return signout();
// Parse response
res.json().then(i => {
i.token = token;
// キャッシュがあったとき
if (store.state.i != null) {
// TODO: i.token が null になるケースってどんな時だっけ?
if (store.state.i.token == null) {
// 後から新鮮なデータをフェッチ
fetchme(store.state.i.token).then(freshData => {
store.dispatch('mergeMe', freshData);
} else {
// Get token from localStorage
let i = localStorage.getItem('i');
// 連携ログインの場合用にCookieを参照する
if (i == null || i === 'null') {
i = (document.cookie.match(/igi=(\w+)/) || [null, null])[1];
if (i != null && i !== 'null') {
try {
document.body.innerHTML = '<div>Please wait...</div>';
const me = await fetchme(i);
await store.dispatch('login', me);
} catch (e) {
// Render the error screen
// TODO: ちゃんとしたコンポーネントをレンダリングする(v10とかのトラブルシューティングゲーム付きのやつみたいな)
document.body.innerHTML = '<div id="err">Oops!</div>';
store.dispatch('instance/fetch').then(() => {
// Init service worker
//if (this.store.state.instance.meta.swPublickey) this.registerSw(this.store.state.instance.meta.swPublickey);
const app = createApp(Root);
if (_DEV_) {
app.config.performance = true;
// eslint-disable-next-line vue/component-definition-name-casing
app.component('Fa', FontAwesomeIcon);
2020-01-29 12:37:25 -07:00
2020-10-17 05:12:00 -06:00
await router.isReady();
//document.body.innerHTML = '<div id="app"></div>';
2020-03-30 18:11:43 -06:00
2020-07-15 03:03:08 -06:00
// 他のタブと永続化されたstateを同期
2020-07-12 03:14:59 -06:00
window.addEventListener('storage', e => {
if (e.key === 'vuex') {
2020-07-15 03:03:08 -06:00
2020-07-12 03:14:59 -06:00
} else if (e.key === 'i') {
2020-03-22 05:23:35 -06:00
2020-07-12 03:14:59 -06:00
}, false);
2020-03-22 05:23:35 -06:00
2020-10-17 05:12:00 -06:00
store.watch(state => state.device.darkMode, darkMode => {
import('@/scripts/theme').then(({ builtinThemes }) => {
const themes = builtinThemes.concat(store.state.device.themes);
applyTheme(themes.find(x => x.id === (darkMode ? store.state.device.darkTheme : store.state.device.lightTheme)));
2020-05-22 22:19:31 -06:00
2020-10-17 05:12:00 -06:00
2020-02-19 14:08:49 -07:00
2020-10-17 05:12:00 -06:00
//#region Sync dark mode
if (store.state.device.syncDeviceDarkMode) {
store.commit('device/set', { key: 'darkMode', value: isDeviceDarkmode() });
2020-07-12 03:14:59 -06:00
2020-10-17 05:12:00 -06:00
window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').addListener(mql => {
2020-07-12 03:14:59 -06:00
if (store.state.device.syncDeviceDarkMode) {
2020-10-17 05:12:00 -06:00
store.commit('device/set', { key: 'darkMode', value: mql.matches });
2020-07-12 03:14:59 -06:00
2020-10-17 05:12:00 -06:00
2020-07-12 03:14:59 -06:00
2020-10-17 05:12:00 -06:00
store.watch(state => state.device.useBlurEffectForModal, v => {
document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--modalBgFilter', v ? 'blur(4px)' : 'none');
}, { immediate: true });
2020-07-12 03:14:59 -06:00
2020-10-17 05:12:00 -06:00
let reloadDialogShowing = false;
stream.on('_disconnected_', async () => {
if (store.state.device.serverDisconnectedBehavior === 'reload') {
} else if (store.state.device.serverDisconnectedBehavior === 'dialog') {
if (reloadDialogShowing) return;
reloadDialogShowing = true;
const { canceled } = await dialog({
type: 'warning',
title: i18n.global.t('disconnectedFromServer'),
text: i18n.global.t('reloadConfirm'),
showCancelButton: true
reloadDialogShowing = false;
if (!canceled) {
2020-08-19 06:47:18 -06:00
2020-10-17 05:12:00 -06:00
2020-04-02 07:17:17 -06:00
2020-10-17 05:12:00 -06:00
stream.on('emojiAdded', data => {
//store.commit('instance/set', );
2020-07-11 09:38:55 -06:00
2020-10-17 05:12:00 -06:00
for (const plugin of store.state.deviceUser.plugins.filter(p => p.active)) {
import('./plugin').then(({ install }) => {
2020-07-11 09:38:55 -06:00
2020-10-17 05:12:00 -06:00
if (store.getters.isSignedIn) {
if ('Notification' in window) {
// 許可を得ていなかったらリクエスト
if (Notification.permission === 'default') {
2020-07-11 09:38:55 -06:00
2020-10-17 05:12:00 -06:00
const main = stream.useSharedConnection('main');
2020-07-12 03:14:59 -06:00
2020-10-17 05:12:00 -06:00
// 自分の情報が更新されたとき
main.on('meUpdated', i => {
store.dispatch('mergeMe', i);
2020-02-19 14:08:49 -07:00
2020-10-17 05:12:00 -06:00
main.on('readAllNotifications', () => {
store.dispatch('mergeMe', {
hasUnreadNotification: false
2020-02-19 14:08:49 -07:00
2020-10-17 05:12:00 -06:00
2020-02-19 14:08:49 -07:00
2020-10-17 05:12:00 -06:00
main.on('unreadNotification', () => {
store.dispatch('mergeMe', {
hasUnreadNotification: true
2020-02-19 14:08:49 -07:00
2020-10-17 05:12:00 -06:00
2020-02-19 14:08:49 -07:00
2020-10-17 05:12:00 -06:00
main.on('unreadMention', () => {
store.dispatch('mergeMe', {
hasUnreadMentions: true
2020-02-19 14:08:49 -07:00
2020-10-17 05:12:00 -06:00
2020-02-19 14:08:49 -07:00
2020-10-17 05:12:00 -06:00
main.on('readAllUnreadMentions', () => {
store.dispatch('mergeMe', {
hasUnreadMentions: false
2020-02-19 14:08:49 -07:00
2020-10-17 05:12:00 -06:00
2020-02-19 14:08:49 -07:00
2020-10-17 05:12:00 -06:00
main.on('unreadSpecifiedNote', () => {
store.dispatch('mergeMe', {
hasUnreadSpecifiedNotes: true
2020-02-19 14:08:49 -07:00
2020-10-17 05:12:00 -06:00
2020-02-19 14:08:49 -07:00
2020-10-17 05:12:00 -06:00
main.on('readAllUnreadSpecifiedNotes', () => {
store.dispatch('mergeMe', {
hasUnreadSpecifiedNotes: false
2020-02-19 14:08:49 -07:00
2020-10-17 05:12:00 -06:00
2020-02-19 14:08:49 -07:00
2020-10-17 05:12:00 -06:00
main.on('readAllMessagingMessages', () => {
store.dispatch('mergeMe', {
hasUnreadMessagingMessage: false
2020-02-19 14:08:49 -07:00
2020-10-17 05:12:00 -06:00
2020-02-19 14:08:49 -07:00
2020-10-17 05:12:00 -06:00
main.on('unreadMessagingMessage', () => {
store.dispatch('mergeMe', {
hasUnreadMessagingMessage: true
2020-02-19 14:08:49 -07:00
2020-10-17 05:12:00 -06:00
2020-02-19 14:08:49 -07:00
2020-10-17 05:12:00 -06:00
main.on('readAllAntennas', () => {
store.dispatch('mergeMe', {
hasUnreadAntenna: false
2020-02-19 14:08:49 -07:00
2020-10-17 05:12:00 -06:00
2020-02-19 14:08:49 -07:00
2020-10-17 05:12:00 -06:00
main.on('unreadAntenna', () => {
store.dispatch('mergeMe', {
hasUnreadAntenna: true
2020-02-19 14:08:49 -07:00
2020-10-17 05:12:00 -06:00
2020-02-19 14:08:49 -07:00
2020-10-17 05:12:00 -06:00
main.on('readAllAnnouncements', () => {
store.dispatch('mergeMe', {
hasUnreadAnnouncement: false
2020-02-19 14:08:49 -07:00
2020-10-17 05:12:00 -06:00
2020-02-19 14:08:49 -07:00
2020-10-17 05:12:00 -06:00
main.on('readAllChannels', () => {
store.dispatch('mergeMe', {
hasUnreadChannel: false
2020-08-18 07:44:21 -06:00
2020-10-17 05:12:00 -06:00
2020-08-18 07:44:21 -06:00
2020-10-17 05:12:00 -06:00
main.on('unreadChannel', () => {
store.dispatch('mergeMe', {
hasUnreadChannel: true
2020-08-18 07:44:21 -06:00
2020-10-17 05:12:00 -06:00
2020-02-19 14:08:49 -07:00
2020-10-17 05:12:00 -06:00
main.on('readAllAnnouncements', () => {
store.dispatch('mergeMe', {
hasUnreadAnnouncement: false
2020-02-19 14:08:49 -07:00
2020-10-17 05:12:00 -06:00
2020-02-19 14:08:49 -07:00
2020-10-17 05:12:00 -06:00
main.on('clientSettingUpdated', x => {
store.commit('settings/set', {
key: x.key,
value: x.value
2020-02-19 14:08:49 -07:00
2020-10-17 05:12:00 -06:00
// トークンが再生成されたとき
// このままではMisskeyが利用できないので強制的にサインアウトさせる
main.on('myTokenRegenerated', () => {