2020-11-02 17:27:42 +09:00
_lang_: "Українська"
2023-04-17 15:37:05 -07:00
headlineMisskey: "Мережа об'єднана записами"
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
introMisskey: "Ласкаво просимо! Calckey - децентралізована служба мікроблогів з відкритим
кодом.\nСтворюйте \"нотатки\", щоб поділитися тим, що відбувається, і розповісти
всім про себе 📡\nЗа допомогою \"реакцій\" ви також можете швидко висловити свої
почуття щодо нотаток інших 👍\nДосліджуймо новий світ! 🚀"
2020-11-02 17:27:42 +09:00
monthAndDay: "{month}/{day}"
search: "Пошук"
notifications: "Сповіщення"
username: "Ім'я користувача"
password: "Пароль"
2022-05-13 10:14:52 +09:00
forgotPassword: "Я забув пароль"
2022-11-10 14:20:41 -08:00
fetchingAsApObject: "Отримуємо з федіверсу"
2020-11-02 17:27:42 +09:00
ok: "OK"
gotIt: "Зрозуміло!"
cancel: "Скасувати"
enterUsername: "Введіть ім'я користувача"
renotedBy: "Поширено {user}"
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
noNotes: "Немає записів"
2020-11-02 17:27:42 +09:00
noNotifications: "Немає сповіщень"
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
instance: "Сервер"
2020-11-02 17:27:42 +09:00
settings: "Налаштування"
basicSettings: "Основні налаштування"
otherSettings: "Інші налаштування"
openInWindow: "Відкрити у вікні"
profile: "Профіль"
timeline: "Стрічка"
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
noAccountDescription: "Цей користувач ще нічого не написав про себе."
2020-11-02 17:27:42 +09:00
login: "Увійти"
loggingIn: "Здійснюємо вхід..."
logout: "Вийти"
signup: "Реєстрація"
uploading: "Завантаження..."
save: "Зберегти"
users: "Користувачі"
addUser: "Додати користувача"
favorite: "Обране"
favorites: "Обране"
unfavorite: "Видалити з обраного"
2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
favorited: "Додано до вподобаних."
alreadyFavorited: "Вже додано до вподобаних."
cantFavorite: "Неможливо вподобати."
2020-11-02 17:27:42 +09:00
pin: "Закріпити"
unpin: "Відкріпити"
copyContent: "Скопіювати контент"
copyLink: "Скопіювати посилання"
delete: "Видалити"
2020-11-03 22:08:29 +09:00
deleteAndEdit: "Видалити й редагувати"
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
deleteAndEditConfirm: "Ви впевнені, що хочете видалити цей запис та відредагувати
його? Ви втратите всі реакції, поширення та відповіді на нього."
2020-11-02 17:27:42 +09:00
addToList: "Додати до списку"
sendMessage: "Надіслати повідомлення"
copyUsername: "Скопіювати ім’я користувача"
searchUser: "Пошук користувачів"
reply: "Відповісти"
loadMore: "Показати більше"
2020-12-31 19:45:30 +09:00
showMore: "Показати більше"
2022-08-06 18:16:37 +09:00
showLess: "Закрити"
2020-11-25 21:36:55 +09:00
youGotNewFollower: "Новий підписник"
2020-11-03 22:08:29 +09:00
receiveFollowRequest: "Отримано запит на підписку"
2020-11-28 14:20:46 +09:00
followRequestAccepted: "Підписка прийнята"
2020-11-02 17:27:42 +09:00
mention: "Згадка"
mentions: "Згадки"
2020-11-03 22:08:29 +09:00
directNotes: "Прямі повідомлення"
2020-11-02 17:27:42 +09:00
importAndExport: "Імпорт та експорт"
import: "Імпорт"
export: "Експорт"
files: "Файли"
download: "Завантажити"
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
driveFileDeleteConfirm: "Ви впевнені, що хочете видалити файл {name}? Його буде видалено
з усіх записів які містили його."
2020-11-07 12:32:27 +09:00
unfollowConfirm: "Ви впевнені, що хочете відписатися від {name}?"
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
exportRequested: "Експортування розпочато. Це може зайняти деякий час. Після завершення
експорту отриманий файл буде додано на диск."
2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
importRequested: "Імпортування розпочато. Це може зайняти деякий час."
2020-11-02 17:27:42 +09:00
lists: "Списки"
noLists: "Немає списків"
2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
note: "Запис"
notes: "Записи"
2020-11-02 17:27:42 +09:00
following: "Підписки"
followers: "Підписники"
followsYou: "Підписаний(-а) на вас"
2020-11-03 22:08:29 +09:00
createList: "Створити список"
manageLists: "Управління списками"
2020-11-02 17:27:42 +09:00
error: "Помилка"
somethingHappened: "Щось пішло не так"
retry: "Спробувати знову"
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
pageLoadError: "Помилка при завантаженні сторінки."
pageLoadErrorDescription: "Зазвичай це пов’язано з помилками мережі або кешем браузера.
Очистіть кеш або почекайте трохи й спробуйте ще раз."
2022-05-13 10:14:52 +09:00
serverIsDead: "Відповіді від сервера немає. Зачекайте деякий час і повторіть спробу."
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
youShouldUpgradeClient: "Перезавантажте та використовуйте нову версію клієнта, щоб
переглянути цю сторінку."
2020-11-03 22:08:29 +09:00
enterListName: "Введіть назву списку"
2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
privacy: "Конфіденційність"
2020-11-03 22:08:29 +09:00
makeFollowManuallyApprove: "Підтверджувати підписників уручну"
2020-11-25 21:36:55 +09:00
defaultNoteVisibility: "Видимість за замовчуванням"
2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
follow: "Підписатись"
2020-11-07 12:32:27 +09:00
followRequest: "Запит на підписку"
followRequests: "Запити на підписку"
2020-12-11 22:39:38 +09:00
unfollow: "Відписатись"
2020-11-08 17:09:42 +09:00
followRequestPending: "Очікуючі запити на підписку"
2020-11-07 12:32:27 +09:00
enterEmoji: "Введіть емодзі"
2020-11-03 22:08:29 +09:00
renote: "Поширити"
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
unrenote: "скасувати поширення"
renoted: "Поширено."
cantRenote: "Цей запис неможливо поширити."
cantReRenote: "Поширення неможливо поширити."
2020-11-02 17:27:42 +09:00
quote: "Цитата"
2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
pinnedNote: "Закріплений запис"
2021-02-19 21:42:22 +09:00
pinned: "Закріпити"
2020-11-02 17:27:42 +09:00
you: "Ви"
clickToShow: "Натисніть для перегляду"
sensitive: "NSFW"
add: "Додати"
reaction: "Реакції"
2022-05-13 10:14:52 +09:00
reactionSetting: "Налаштування реакцій"
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
reactionSettingDescription2: "Перемістити щоб змінити порядок, Клацнути мишою щоб
видалити, Натиснути \"+\" щоб додати."
2020-11-25 21:36:55 +09:00
rememberNoteVisibility: "Пам’ятати параметри видимісті"
2020-11-07 12:32:27 +09:00
attachCancel: "Видалити вкладення"
markAsSensitive: "Позначити як NSFW"
unmarkAsSensitive: "Зняти позначку NSFW"
2020-11-02 17:27:42 +09:00
enterFileName: "Введіть ім'я файлу"
mute: "Ігнорувати"
unmute: "Показувати"
block: "Заблокувати"
unblock: "Розблокувати"
2020-11-03 22:08:29 +09:00
suspend: "Призупинити"
unsuspend: "Відновити"
blockConfirm: "Ви впевнені, що хочете заблокувати цей акаунт?"
unblockConfirm: "Ви впевнені, що хочете розблокувати цей акаунт?"
2020-11-08 17:09:42 +09:00
suspendConfirm: "Ви впевнені, що хочете призупинити цей акаунт?"
unsuspendConfirm: "Ви впевнені, що хочете відновити цей акаунт?"
2020-11-03 22:08:29 +09:00
selectList: "Виберіть список"
selectAntenna: "Виберіть антену"
selectWidget: "Виберіть віджет"
editWidgets: "Редагувати віджети"
editWidgetsExit: "Готово"
customEmojis: "Кастомні емоджі"
emoji: "Емоджі"
2021-08-08 18:55:15 +09:00
emojis: "Емоджі"
2020-11-03 22:08:29 +09:00
emojiName: "Назва емоджі"
2020-11-14 14:32:53 +09:00
emojiUrl: "URL емодзі"
2020-11-07 12:32:27 +09:00
addEmoji: "Додати емодзі"
2020-11-08 17:09:42 +09:00
settingGuide: "Рекомендована конфігурація"
cacheRemoteFiles: "Кешувати дані з інших інстансів"
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
cacheRemoteFilesDescription: "Якщо кешування вимкнено, віддалені файли завантажуються
безпосередньо з віддаленого серверу. Це зменшує використання сховища, але збільшує
трафік, оскільки не генеруются ескізи."
2020-11-08 17:09:42 +09:00
flagAsBot: "Акаунт бота"
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
flagAsBotDescription: "Ввімкніть якщо цей обліковий запис використовується ботом.
Ця опція позначить обліковий запис як бота. Це потрібно щоб виключити безкінечну
інтеракцію між ботами а також відповідного підлаштування Calckey."
2020-11-08 17:09:42 +09:00
flagAsCat: "Акаунт кота"
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
flagAsCatDescription: "Ввімкніть, щоб позначити, що обліковий запис є котиком, та
отримати котячі вуха!"
2022-05-13 10:14:52 +09:00
flagShowTimelineReplies: "Показувати відповіді на нотатки на часовій шкалі"
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
flagShowTimelineRepliesDescription: "Показує відповіді користувачів на записи інших
користувачів у стрічці."
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
autoAcceptFollowed: "Автоматично приймати запити на підписку від користувачів, на
яких ви підписані"
2022-05-13 10:14:52 +09:00
addAccount: "Додати акаунт"
2020-11-07 12:32:27 +09:00
loginFailed: "Не вдалося увійти"
showOnRemote: "Переглянути в оригіналі"
general: "Загальне"
wallpaper: "Шпалери"
setWallpaper: "Встановити шпалери"
2020-11-08 17:09:42 +09:00
removeWallpaper: "Прибрати шпалери"
2020-11-28 14:20:46 +09:00
searchWith: "Пошук: {q}"
2020-11-07 12:32:27 +09:00
youHaveNoLists: "У вас немає списків"
followConfirm: "Підписатися на {name}?"
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
proxyAccount: "Обліковий запис проксі"
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
proxyAccountDescription: "Обліковий запис проксі – це обліковий запис, який діє як
віддалений підписник для користувачів за певних умов. Наприклад, коли користувач
додає віддаленого користувача до списку, активність віддаленого користувача не буде
доставлена на сервер, якщо жоден локальний користувач не стежить за цим користувачем,
то замість нього буде використовуватися обліковий запис проксі-сервера."
2020-11-07 12:32:27 +09:00
host: "Хост"
selectUser: "Виберіть користувача"
2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
recipient: "Отримувач"
annotation: "Коментарі"
2020-11-07 12:32:27 +09:00
federation: "Федіверс"
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
instances: "Сервери"
2020-12-11 22:39:38 +09:00
registeredAt: "Приєднався(лась)"
2020-11-08 17:09:42 +09:00
latestRequestSentAt: "Останній запит надіслано"
latestRequestReceivedAt: "Останній запит прийнято"
latestStatus: "Останній статус"
2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
storageUsage: "Використання простору"
2020-11-07 12:32:27 +09:00
charts: "Графіки"
2020-11-18 12:40:40 +09:00
perHour: "Щогодинно"
2020-11-07 12:32:27 +09:00
perDay: "Щоденно"
2020-11-14 14:32:53 +09:00
stopActivityDelivery: "Припинити розсилання активності"
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
blockThisInstance: "Заблокувати цей сервер"
2020-11-07 12:32:27 +09:00
operations: "Операції"
software: "Програмне забезпечення"
version: "Версія"
metadata: "Метадані"
monitor: "Монітор"
jobQueue: "Черга завдань"
2020-11-08 17:09:42 +09:00
cpuAndMemory: "ЦП та пам'ять"
2020-11-07 12:32:27 +09:00
network: "Мережа"
disk: "Диск"
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
instanceInfo: "Про цей сервер"
2020-11-07 12:32:27 +09:00
statistics: "Статистика"
clearQueue: "Очистити чергу"
2020-11-14 14:32:53 +09:00
clearQueueConfirmTitle: "Ви впевнені, що хочете очистити чергу?"
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
clearQueueConfirmText: "Будь-які невідправлені записи, що залишилися в черзі, не будуть
передані. Зазвичай ця операція НЕ потрібна."
2020-11-07 12:32:27 +09:00
clearCachedFiles: "Очистити кеш"
2020-11-14 14:32:53 +09:00
clearCachedFilesConfirm: "Ви впевнені, що хочете видалити всі кешовані файли?"
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
blockedInstances: "Заблоковані сервери"
blockedInstancesDescription: "Вкажіть сервери, які потрібно заблокувати. Перелічені
сервери більше не зможуть спілкуватися з цим сервером."
2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
muteAndBlock: "Заглушення і блокування"
mutedUsers: "Заглушені користувачі"
2020-11-07 12:32:27 +09:00
blockedUsers: "Заблоковані користувачі"
noUsers: "Немає користувачів"
2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
editProfile: "Редагувати обліковий запис"
noteDeleteConfirm: "Ви дійсно хочете видалити цей запис?"
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
pinLimitExceeded: "Ви не можете закріпити більше записів"
2023-05-16 20:59:54 -07:00
intro: "Встановлення Calckey завершено! Будь ласка, створіть обліковий запис адміністратора."
2020-11-07 12:32:27 +09:00
done: "Готово"
processing: "Обробка"
2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
preview: "Попередній перегляд"
2020-11-07 12:32:27 +09:00
default: "За умовчанням"
2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
noCustomEmojis: "Немає нетипових емоджі"
2020-11-08 17:09:42 +09:00
noJobs: "Немає завдань"
federating: "Федерується"
blocked: "Заблоковано"
2020-11-14 14:32:53 +09:00
suspended: "Призупинено"
2020-11-25 21:36:55 +09:00
all: "Всі"
subscribing: "Підписка"
publishing: "Публікація"
2020-11-08 17:09:42 +09:00
notResponding: "Не відповідає"
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
instanceFollowing: "Підписка на сервер"
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
instanceFollowers: "Підписники серверу"
instanceUsers: "Користувачі цього серверу"
2020-11-07 12:32:27 +09:00
changePassword: "Змінити пароль"
security: "Безпека"
2020-11-25 21:36:55 +09:00
retypedNotMatch: "Введені дані не збігаються."
2020-11-07 12:32:27 +09:00
currentPassword: "Поточний пароль"
newPassword: "Новий пароль"
newPasswordRetype: "Новий пароль (повторно)"
2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
attachFile: "Прикріпити файл"
2020-11-07 12:32:27 +09:00
more: "Бiльше!"
2020-11-25 21:36:55 +09:00
featured: "Популярні"
usernameOrUserId: "Ім'я або ID користувача"
2020-11-07 12:32:27 +09:00
noSuchUser: "Користувача не знайдено"
2020-11-08 17:09:42 +09:00
lookup: "Пошук"
2020-11-07 12:32:27 +09:00
announcements: "Оголошення"
2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
imageUrl: "Посилання на зображення"
2020-11-02 17:27:42 +09:00
remove: "Видалити"
2020-11-07 12:32:27 +09:00
removed: "Видалено"
2020-11-25 21:36:55 +09:00
removeAreYouSure: "Ви впевнені, що хочете видалити \"{x}\"?"
deleteAreYouSure: "Ви впевнені, що хочете видалити \"{x}\"?"
2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
resetAreYouSure: "Справді скинути?"
2020-11-07 12:32:27 +09:00
saved: "Збережено"
messaging: "Чати"
upload: "Завантажити"
2022-05-13 10:14:52 +09:00
keepOriginalUploading: "Зберегти оригінальне зображення"
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
keepOriginalUploadingDescription: "Зберігає початково завантажене зображення як є.
Якщо вимкнено, версія для відображення в Інтернеті буде створена під час завантаження."
2020-11-07 12:32:27 +09:00
fromDrive: "З диска"
2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
fromUrl: "З посилання"
uploadFromUrl: "Завантажити з посилання"
uploadFromUrlDescription: "Посилання на файл для завантаження"
uploadFromUrlRequested: "Завантаження розпочалось"
2020-11-25 21:36:55 +09:00
uploadFromUrlMayTakeTime: "Завантаження може зайняти деякий час."
2020-11-08 17:09:42 +09:00
explore: "Огляд"
2020-11-25 21:36:55 +09:00
messageRead: "Прочитано"
2020-11-14 14:32:53 +09:00
noMoreHistory: "Подальшої історії немає"
2020-11-25 21:36:55 +09:00
startMessaging: "Розпочати діалог"
nUsersRead: "Прочитали {n}"
agreeTo: "Я погоджуюсь з {0}"
tos: "Умови використання"
2020-11-07 12:32:27 +09:00
start: "Розпочати"
2020-11-14 14:32:53 +09:00
home: "Домівка"
2020-11-25 21:36:55 +09:00
remoteUserCaution: "Інформація може бути неповною, оскільки це віддалений користувач."
2020-11-08 17:09:42 +09:00
activity: "Активність"
2020-11-07 12:32:27 +09:00
images: "Зображення"
birthday: "День народження"
yearsOld: "{age} років"
2020-12-11 22:39:38 +09:00
registeredDate: "Приєднався(лась)"
2020-11-07 12:32:27 +09:00
location: "Локація"
theme: "Тема"
themeForLightMode: "Світла тема"
themeForDarkMode: "Темна тема"
light: "Світла"
dark: "Темна"
lightThemes: "Світлі теми"
darkThemes: "Темні теми"
2020-11-25 21:36:55 +09:00
syncDeviceDarkMode: "Синхронізувати темний режим із налаштуваннями вашого пристрою"
2020-11-07 12:32:27 +09:00
drive: "Диск"
fileName: "Ім'я файлу"
selectFile: "Вибрати файл"
selectFiles: "Вибрати файли"
selectFolder: "Вибрати теку"
selectFolders: "Вибрати теки"
renameFile: "Перейменувати файл"
folderName: "Ім'я теки"
createFolder: "Створити теку"
renameFolder: "Перейменувати теку"
deleteFolder: "Видалити теку"
addFile: "Додати файл"
2020-11-14 14:32:53 +09:00
emptyDrive: "Диск порожній"
emptyFolder: "Тека порожня"
unableToDelete: "Видалення неможливе"
inputNewFileName: "Введіть ім'я нового файлу"
2022-05-13 10:14:52 +09:00
inputNewDescription: "Введіть новий заголовок"
2020-11-14 14:32:53 +09:00
inputNewFolderName: "Введіть ім'я нової теки"
2020-11-25 21:36:55 +09:00
circularReferenceFolder: "Ви намагаєтесь перемістити папку в її підпапку."
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
hasChildFilesOrFolders: "Ця тека не порожня і не може бути видалена."
2020-11-07 12:32:27 +09:00
copyUrl: "Копіювати URL"
rename: "Перейменувати"
avatar: "Аватар"
banner: "Банер"
2020-11-02 17:27:42 +09:00
nsfw: "NSFW"
2020-11-25 21:36:55 +09:00
whenServerDisconnected: "Коли зв’язок із сервером втрачено"
disconnectedFromServer: "Зв’язок із сервером було перервано"
2020-11-07 12:32:27 +09:00
reload: "Оновити"
2020-11-14 14:32:53 +09:00
doNothing: "Нічого не робити"
reloadConfirm: "Перезавантажити стрічку?"
2020-11-07 12:32:27 +09:00
watch: "Стежити"
unwatch: "Не стежити"
2020-11-14 14:32:53 +09:00
accept: "Прийняти"
reject: "Відхилити"
2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
normal: "Нормальний"
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
instanceName: "Назва серверу"
instanceDescription: "Опис серверу"
2020-11-08 17:09:42 +09:00
maintainerName: "Ім'я адміністратора"
maintainerEmail: "Email адміністратора"
2020-11-14 14:32:53 +09:00
tosUrl: "URL умов використання"
2020-11-07 12:32:27 +09:00
thisYear: "Рік"
thisMonth: "Місяць"
today: "День"
2020-11-08 17:09:42 +09:00
dayX: "{day}"
monthX: "{month}"
yearX: "{year}"
2020-11-07 12:32:27 +09:00
pages: "Сторінки"
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
integration: "Інтеграції"
2022-05-13 10:14:52 +09:00
connectService: "Під’єднати"
disconnectService: "Відключитися"
2020-11-14 14:32:53 +09:00
enableLocalTimeline: "Увімкнути локальну стрічку"
enableGlobalTimeline: "Увімкнути глобальну стрічку"
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
disablingTimelinesInfo: "Адміністратори та модератори завжди мають доступ до всіх
стрічок, навіть якщо вони вимкнуті."
2020-11-14 14:32:53 +09:00
registration: "Реєстрація"
enableRegistration: "Дозволити реєстрацію"
2020-11-25 21:36:55 +09:00
invite: "Запросити"
driveCapacityPerLocalAccount: "Об'єм диска на одного локального користувача"
driveCapacityPerRemoteAccount: "Об'єм диска на одного віддаленого користувача"
inMb: "В мегабайтах"
2020-11-14 14:32:53 +09:00
iconUrl: "URL аватара"
bannerUrl: "URL банера"
2022-05-13 10:14:52 +09:00
backgroundImageUrl: "URL-адреса фонового зображення"
2020-11-14 14:32:53 +09:00
basicInfo: "Основна інформація"
pinnedUsers: "Закріплені користувачі"
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
pinnedUsersDescription: "Впишіть в список користувачів, яких хочете закріпити на сторінці
\"Знайти\", ім'я в стовпчик."
2020-11-25 21:36:55 +09:00
pinnedPages: "Закріплені сторінки"
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
pinnedPagesDescription: "Введіть шляхи сторінок, які ви бажаєте закріпити на головній
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
сторінці цього сервера, розділені новими рядками."
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
pinnedClipId: "Ідентифікатор закріпленої замітки"
pinnedNotes: "Закріплений запис"
2020-11-14 14:32:53 +09:00
hcaptcha: "hCaptcha"
enableHcaptcha: "Увімкнути hCaptcha"
hcaptchaSiteKey: "Ключ сайту"
hcaptchaSecretKey: "Секретний ключ"
recaptcha: "reCAPTCHA"
enableRecaptcha: "Увімкнути reCAPTCHA"
recaptchaSiteKey: "Ключ сайту"
recaptchaSecretKey: "Секретний ключ"
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
avoidMultiCaptchaConfirm: "Використання кількох систем Captcha може спричинити перешкоди
між ними. Бажаєте вимкнути інші активні системи Captcha? Якщо ви хочете, щоб вони
залишалися ввімкненими, натисніть «Скасувати»."
2020-11-14 14:32:53 +09:00
antennas: "Антени"
manageAntennas: "Налаштування антен"
name: "Ім'я"
antennaSource: "Джерело антени"
antennaKeywords: "Ключові слова антени"
antennaExcludeKeywords: "Винятки"
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
antennaKeywordsDescription: "Відокремте пробілами для умови \"І\" або перенесенням
до нового рядка для умови \"АБО\"."
notifyAntenna: "Сповіщати про нові записи"
withFileAntenna: "Тільки записи з вкладеними файлами"
2020-11-14 14:32:53 +09:00
enableServiceworker: "Ввімкнути ServiceWorker"
2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
antennaUsersDescription: "Список імя користувачів в стопчик"
2020-11-14 14:32:53 +09:00
caseSensitive: "З урахуванням регістру"
2020-11-25 21:36:55 +09:00
withReplies: "Включаючи відповіді"
connectedTo: "Наступні акаунти під'єднані"
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
notesAndReplies: "Записи та відповіді"
2020-11-25 21:36:55 +09:00
withFiles: "Файли"
2020-12-05 18:38:10 +09:00
silence: "Заглушити"
silenceConfirm: "Ви впевнені, що хочете заглушити цього користувача?"
unsilence: "Не глушити"
unsilenceConfirm: "Ви впевнені, що хочете скасувати глушіння цього користувача?"
2020-11-14 14:32:53 +09:00
popularUsers: "Популярні користувачі"
recentlyUpdatedUsers: "Нещодавно активні користувачі"
recentlyRegisteredUsers: "Нещодавно зареєстровані користувачі"
recentlyDiscoveredUsers: "Нещодавно знайдені користувачі"
2020-11-08 17:09:42 +09:00
exploreUsersCount: "{count} користувачів"
2020-11-14 14:32:53 +09:00
exploreFediverse: "Огляд федіверсу"
popularTags: "Популярні теги"
2020-11-02 17:27:42 +09:00
userList: "Списки"
2020-11-14 14:32:53 +09:00
about: "Інформація"
2023-05-16 20:59:54 -07:00
aboutMisskey: "Про Calckey"
2020-11-14 14:32:53 +09:00
administrator: "Адмін"
token: "Токен"
twoStepAuthentication: "Двохфакторна аутентифікація"
moderator: "Модератор"
2020-11-28 14:20:46 +09:00
nUsersMentioned: "Згадали: {n}"
2020-11-14 14:32:53 +09:00
securityKey: "Ключ захисту"
securityKeyName: "Назва ключа"
registerSecurityKey: "Зареєструвати ключ захисту"
lastUsed: "Востаннє використано"
unregister: "Скасувати реєстрацію"
passwordLessLogin: "Налаштувати вхід без пароля"
resetPassword: "Скинути пароль"
newPasswordIs: "Новий пароль: {password}"
2020-11-28 14:20:46 +09:00
reduceUiAnimation: "Зменшити анімацію інтерфейсу"
2020-11-14 14:32:53 +09:00
share: "Поділитись"
notFound: "Не знайдено"
2020-11-28 14:20:46 +09:00
notFoundDescription: "Сторінка за вказаною адресою не знайдена."
uploadFolder: "Місце для завантаження за замовчуванням"
2020-11-14 14:32:53 +09:00
cacheClear: "Очистити кеш"
2020-11-28 14:20:46 +09:00
markAsReadAllNotifications: "Позначити всі сповіщення як прочитані"
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
markAsReadAllUnreadNotes: "Позначити всі записи як прочитані"
2020-11-28 14:20:46 +09:00
markAsReadAllTalkMessages: "Позначити всі повідомлення як прочитані"
2020-11-14 14:32:53 +09:00
help: "Допомога"
inputMessageHere: "Введіть повідомлення тут"
close: "Закрити"
group: "Група"
groups: "Групи"
createGroup: "Створити групу"
ownedGroups: "Власні групи"
2020-11-28 14:20:46 +09:00
joinedGroups: "Членство в групах"
2020-11-25 21:36:55 +09:00
invites: "Запросити"
2020-11-14 14:32:53 +09:00
groupName: "Назва групи"
2020-11-28 14:20:46 +09:00
members: "Учасники"
2020-11-14 14:32:53 +09:00
transfer: "Передача"
messagingWithUser: "Чат з користувачами"
messagingWithGroup: "Чат з групою"
title: "Тема"
text: "Текст"
2020-11-28 14:20:46 +09:00
enable: "Увімкнути"
2020-11-14 14:32:53 +09:00
next: "Далі"
retype: "Введіть ще раз"
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
noteOf: "Запис {user}"
2020-11-14 14:32:53 +09:00
inviteToGroup: "Запрошення до групи"
quoteAttached: "Цитата"
quoteQuestion: "Ви хочете додати цитату?"
noMessagesYet: "Ще немає повідомлень"
newMessageExists: "Є нові повідомлення"
onlyOneFileCanBeAttached: "До повідомлення можна вкласти лише один файл"
signinRequired: "Будь ласка, авторизуйтесь"
invitations: "Запрошення"
invitationCode: "Код запрошення"
checking: "Перевірка…"
available: "Доступно"
unavailable: "Недоступно"
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
usernameInvalidFormat: "Ви можете використовувати великі та малі літери, цифри та
2020-11-14 14:32:53 +09:00
tooShort: "Занадто короткий"
tooLong: "Занадто довгий"
weakPassword: "Слабкий пароль"
2020-11-28 14:20:46 +09:00
normalPassword: "Достатній пароль"
2020-11-14 14:32:53 +09:00
strongPassword: "Міцний пароль"
passwordMatched: "Все вірно"
passwordNotMatched: "Паролі не співпадають"
signinWith: "Увійти за допомогою {x}"
2020-11-28 14:20:46 +09:00
signinFailed: "Не вдалося увійти. Введені ім’я користувача або пароль неправильнi."
tapSecurityKey: "Торкніться ключа безпеки"
or: "або"
2022-05-13 10:14:52 +09:00
language: "Мова"
2020-11-14 14:32:53 +09:00
uiLanguage: "Мова інтерфейсу"
2020-11-28 14:20:46 +09:00
groupInvited: "Запрошення до групи"
2020-11-14 14:32:53 +09:00
aboutX: "Про {x}"
useOsNativeEmojis: "Використовувати емодзі ОС"
2022-05-13 10:14:52 +09:00
disableDrawer: "Не використовувати висувні меню"
2020-11-14 14:32:53 +09:00
youHaveNoGroups: "Немає груп"
2020-12-05 18:38:10 +09:00
joinOrCreateGroup: "Отримуйте запрошення до груп або створюйте свої власні групи."
2020-11-14 14:32:53 +09:00
noHistory: "Історія порожня"
2020-11-28 14:20:46 +09:00
signinHistory: "Історія входів"
2020-11-14 14:32:53 +09:00
disableAnimatedMfm: "Відключити анімації MFM"
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
doing: "Виконується..."
2020-11-14 14:32:53 +09:00
category: "Категорія"
tags: "Теги"
docSource: "Джерело цього документа"
createAccount: "Створити акаунт"
2022-05-13 10:14:52 +09:00
existingAccount: "Існуючий обліковий запис"
2020-11-14 14:32:53 +09:00
regenerate: "Оновити"
fontSize: "Розмір шрифту"
noFollowRequests: "Немає запитів на підписку"
2020-11-28 14:20:46 +09:00
openImageInNewTab: "Відкрити зображення в новій вкладці"
2020-11-14 14:32:53 +09:00
dashboard: "Панель приладів"
local: "Локальні"
2020-11-18 12:40:40 +09:00
remote: "Віддалені"
2020-11-14 14:32:53 +09:00
total: "Всього"
2020-11-25 21:36:55 +09:00
weekOverWeekChanges: "Тиждень"
dayOverDayChanges: "Доба"
2020-11-14 14:32:53 +09:00
appearance: "Вигляд"
clientSettings: "Налаштування клієнта"
accountSettings: "Налаштування акаунта"
2020-11-25 21:36:55 +09:00
promotion: "Виділене"
promote: "Виділити"
2020-11-14 14:32:53 +09:00
numberOfDays: "Кількість днів"
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
hideThisNote: "Сховати цей запис"
showFeaturedNotesInTimeline: "Показувати популярні записи у стрічці"
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
objectStorage: "Сховище"
2020-12-05 18:38:10 +09:00
useObjectStorage: "Використовувати object storage"
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
objectStorageBaseUrl: "Базовий URL"
objectStorageBaseUrlDesc: "URL-адреса, що використовується як джерело. Вкажіть URL-адресу
вашого CDN або проксі-сервера, якщо ви їх використовуєте.\nДля S3 використовуйте
'https://<bucket>.s3.amazonaws.com', а для GCS або подібних сервісів - 'https://storage.googleapis.com/<bucket>',
objectStorageBucket: "Сховище (Bucket)"
2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
objectStorageBucketDesc: "Будь ласка вкажіть назву відра в налаштованому сервісі."
2020-11-15 13:49:38 +09:00
objectStoragePrefix: "Prefix"
2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
objectStoragePrefixDesc: "Файли будуть зберігатись у розташуванні з цим префіксом."
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
objectStorageEndpoint: "Кінцевий пункт"
objectStorageEndpointDesc: "Залиште пустим при використанні AWS S3. Інакше введіть
кінцевий пункт як '<host>' або '<host>:<port>' слідуючи інструкціям сервісу, який
2020-11-15 13:49:38 +09:00
objectStorageRegion: "Region"
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
objectStorageRegionDesc: "Введіть регіон у формі 'xx-east-1'. Залиште пустим, якщо
ваш сервіс не різниться відповідно до регіонів, або введіть 'us-east-1'."
2020-11-15 13:49:38 +09:00
objectStorageUseSSL: "Використовувати SSL"
2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
objectStorageUseSSLDesc: "Вимкніть коли не використовується HTTPS для з'єднання API"
2020-11-15 13:49:38 +09:00
objectStorageUseProxy: "Використовувати Proxy"
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
objectStorageUseProxyDesc: "Вимкніть коли проксі не використовується для з'єднання
2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
objectStorageSetPublicRead: "Встановіть 'публічне читання' при завантаженні"
2020-11-28 14:20:46 +09:00
serverLogs: "Журнал сервера"
2020-11-15 13:49:38 +09:00
deleteAll: "Видалити все"
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
showFixedPostForm: "Показати форму запису над стрічкою новин"
newNoteRecived: "Є нові записи"
2020-11-18 12:40:40 +09:00
sounds: "Звуки"
2020-11-15 13:49:38 +09:00
listen: "Слухати"
2020-11-18 12:40:40 +09:00
none: "Відсутній"
2020-11-07 12:32:27 +09:00
showInPage: "Показати на сторінці"
2020-11-25 21:36:55 +09:00
popout: "Від'єднати"
2020-11-15 13:49:38 +09:00
volume: "Гучність"
2020-11-28 14:20:46 +09:00
masterVolume: "Загальна гучність"
2020-11-18 12:40:40 +09:00
details: "Детальніше"
chooseEmoji: "Виберіть емодзі"
2020-11-28 14:20:46 +09:00
unableToProcess: "Не вдається завершити операцію"
2020-11-18 12:40:40 +09:00
recentUsed: "Нещодавні"
install: "Встановити"
2020-11-15 13:49:38 +09:00
uninstall: "Видалити"
2020-11-18 12:40:40 +09:00
installedApps: "Встановлені аплікації"
nothing: "Тут нічого немає"
installedDate: "Дата встановлення"
lastUsedDate: "Дата використання"
state: "Стан"
2020-11-14 14:32:53 +09:00
sort: "Сортування"
ascendingOrder: "За зростанням"
descendingOrder: "За спаданням"
2020-11-18 12:40:40 +09:00
scratchpad: "Чернетка"
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
scratchpadDescription: "Scratchpad надає середовище для експериментів з AiScript.
Ви можете писати, виконувати його і тестувати взаємодію з Calckey."
2020-11-18 12:40:40 +09:00
output: "Вихід"
2020-11-14 14:32:53 +09:00
script: "Скрипт"
2020-11-28 14:20:46 +09:00
disablePagesScript: "Вимкнути AiScript на Сторінках"
updateRemoteUser: "Оновити інформацію про віддаленого користувача"
2020-11-14 14:32:53 +09:00
deleteAllFiles: "Видалити всі файли"
deleteAllFilesConfirm: "Ви дійсно хочете видалити всі файли?"
2020-11-18 12:40:40 +09:00
removeAllFollowing: "Скасувати всі підписки"
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
removeAllFollowingDescription: "Скасувати підписку на всі акаунти з {host}. Будь ласка,
робіть це, якщо сервер більше не існує."
2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
userSuspended: "Обліковий запис заблокований."
userSilenced: "Обліковий запис приглушений."
2022-05-13 10:14:52 +09:00
yourAccountSuspendedTitle: "Цей обліковий запис заблоковано"
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
yourAccountSuspendedDescription: "Цей обліковий запис було заблоковано через порушення
умов надання послуг сервера. Зв'яжіться з адміністратором, якщо ви хочете дізнатися
докладнішу причину. Будь ласка, не створюйте новий обліковий запис."
2022-05-13 10:14:52 +09:00
menu: "Меню"
2020-11-28 14:20:46 +09:00
divider: "Розділювач"
2020-11-18 12:40:40 +09:00
addItem: "Додати елемент"
2020-11-14 14:32:53 +09:00
relays: "Ретранслятори"
addRelay: "Додати ретранслятор"
2020-11-28 14:20:46 +09:00
inboxUrl: "Inbox URL"
2020-11-18 12:40:40 +09:00
addedRelays: "Додані ретранслятори"
2020-11-28 14:20:46 +09:00
serviceworkerInfo: "Повинен бути ввімкнений для push-сповіщень."
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
deletedNote: "Видалений запис"
invisibleNote: "Прихований запис"
2020-11-28 14:20:46 +09:00
enableInfiniteScroll: "Увімкнути нескінченну прокрутку"
2020-11-18 12:40:40 +09:00
visibility: "Видимість"
poll: "Опитування"
2020-11-28 14:20:46 +09:00
useCw: "Приховати вміст"
enablePlayer: "Відкрити відеоплеєр"
disablePlayer: "Закрити відеоплеєр"
2020-11-18 12:40:40 +09:00
expandTweet: "Розгорнути твіт"
themeEditor: "Редактор тем"
description: "Опис"
2022-05-13 10:14:52 +09:00
describeFile: "Додати підпис"
enterFileDescription: "Введіть підпис"
2020-11-18 12:40:40 +09:00
author: "Автор"
2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
leaveConfirm: "Зміни не збережені. Ви дійсно хочете скасувати зміни?"
2020-11-18 12:40:40 +09:00
manage: "Управління"
plugins: "Плагіни"
2020-11-28 14:20:46 +09:00
deck: "Дек"
undeck: "Залишити Дек"
useBlurEffectForModal: "Ефект розмиття під модальними діалогами"
useFullReactionPicker: "Повнорозмірний селектор реакцій"
width: "Ширина"
height: "Висота"
2020-11-25 21:36:55 +09:00
large: "Крупний"
medium: "Середній"
small: "Маленький"
2020-11-18 12:40:40 +09:00
generateAccessToken: "Згенерувати токен доступу"
permission: "Права"
2020-11-28 14:20:46 +09:00
enableAll: "Увімкнути все"
2020-11-18 12:40:40 +09:00
disableAll: "Вимкнути все"
tokenRequested: "Надати доступ до акаунту"
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
pluginTokenRequestedDescription: "Цей плагін зможе використовувати дозволи які тут
2020-11-18 12:40:40 +09:00
notificationType: "Тип сповіщення"
edit: "Редагувати"
2022-05-13 10:14:52 +09:00
emailServer: "Сервер електронної пошти"
2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
enableEmail: "Увімкнути функцію доставки пошти"
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
emailConfigInfo: "Використовується для підтвердження електронної пошти під час реєстрації,
а також для відновлення паролю"
2020-12-05 18:38:10 +09:00
email: "E-mail"
emailAddress: "E-mail адреса"
2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
smtpConfig: "Налаштування сервера SMTP"
2020-11-07 12:32:27 +09:00
smtpHost: "Хост"
2020-11-18 12:40:40 +09:00
smtpPort: "Порт"
2020-11-02 17:27:42 +09:00
smtpUser: "Ім'я користувача"
smtpPass: "Пароль"
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
emptyToDisableSmtpAuth: "Залиште назву користувача і пароль пустими для вимкнення
підтвердження SMTP"
2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
smtpSecure: "Використовувати безумовне шифрування SSL/TLS для з'єднань SMTP"
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
smtpSecureInfo: "Вимкніть при використанні STARTTLS"
2020-11-18 12:40:40 +09:00
testEmail: "Тестовий email"
2020-12-05 18:38:10 +09:00
wordMute: "Блокування слів"
2022-05-13 10:14:52 +09:00
regexpError: "Помилка регулярного виразу"
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
regexpErrorDescription: "Сталася помилка в регулярному виразі в рядку {line} вашого
слова {tab} слова що ігноруються:"
instanceMute: "Приглушення серверів"
2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
userSaysSomething: "{name} щось сказав(ла)"
2020-11-25 21:36:55 +09:00
makeActive: "Активувати"
2020-12-05 18:38:10 +09:00
display: "Відображення"
2020-11-18 12:40:40 +09:00
copy: "Скопіювати"
metrics: "Показники"
2020-11-25 21:36:55 +09:00
overview: "Огляд"
logs: "Журнал"
delayed: "Затримка"
2020-11-18 12:40:40 +09:00
database: "База даних"
2020-11-25 21:36:55 +09:00
channel: "Канали"
create: "Створити"
notificationSetting: "Параметри сповіщень"
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
notificationSettingDesc: "Оберіть типи сповіщень для відображення."
2020-11-25 21:36:55 +09:00
useGlobalSetting: "Застосувати глобальнi параметри"
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
useGlobalSettingDesc: "Якщо увімкнено, то будуть використовуватись налаштування повідомлень
облікового запису, інакше можливо налаштувати індивідуально."
2020-11-25 21:36:55 +09:00
other: "Інше"
2020-11-14 14:32:53 +09:00
regenerateLoginToken: "Оновити Login Token"
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
regenerateLoginTokenDescription: "Регенерувати внутрішній ключ використовуваний під
час входу. Зазвичай цього не потрібно робити. При регенерації всі пристрої вийдуть
з системи."
2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
setMultipleBySeparatingWithSpace: "Можна вказати кілька значень, відділивши їх пробілом."
fileIdOrUrl: "Ідентифікатор файлу або посилання"
2020-12-03 22:54:00 +09:00
behavior: "Поведінка"
2020-11-25 21:36:55 +09:00
sample: "Приклад"
2020-12-03 22:54:00 +09:00
abuseReports: "Скарги"
2020-11-25 21:36:55 +09:00
reportAbuse: "Поскаржитись"
reportAbuseOf: "Поскаржитись на {name}"
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
fillAbuseReportDescription: "Будь ласка вкажіть подробиці скарги. Якщо скарга стосується
запису, вкажіть посилання на нього."
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
abuseReported: "Дякуємо. Ваш звіт було відправлено."
2022-05-13 10:14:52 +09:00
reporter: "Репортер"
reporteeOrigin: "Про кого повідомлено"
reporterOrigin: "Хто повідомив"
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
forwardReport: "Переслати звіт на віддалений сервер"
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
forwardReportIsAnonymous: "Замість вашого облікового запису, анонімний системний обліковий
запис буде відображатися як доповідач на віддаленому сервері."
2020-11-25 21:36:55 +09:00
send: "Відправити"
abuseMarkAsResolved: "Позначити скаргу як вирішену"
openInNewTab: "Відкрити в новій вкладці"
2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
openInSideView: "Відкрити збоку"
2020-12-05 18:38:10 +09:00
defaultNavigationBehaviour: "Поведінка навігації за замовчуванням"
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
editTheseSettingsMayBreakAccount: "Зміна цих параметрів може призвести до пошкодження
вашого акаунта."
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
instanceTicker: "Інформація про записи на сервері"
2020-11-25 21:36:55 +09:00
waitingFor: "Чекаємо на {x}"
random: "Випадковий"
system: "Система"
switchUi: "Інтерфейс"
desktop: "Десктоп"
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
clip: "Підбірка"
2020-11-29 12:40:21 +09:00
createNew: "Створити новий"
optional: "Необов'язково"
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
createNewClip: "Створити підбірку"
2020-11-25 21:36:55 +09:00
public: "Публічний"
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
i18nInfo: "Calckey перекладається на різні мови волонтерами. Ви можете допомогти за
посиланням: {link}."
2020-12-03 22:54:00 +09:00
manageAccessTokens: "Керування токенами доступу"
accountInfo: "Інформація про акаунт"
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
notesCount: "Кількість записів"
2020-12-03 22:54:00 +09:00
repliesCount: "Кількість надісланих відповідей"
renotesCount: "Кількість поширень"
repliedCount: "Кількість отриманих відповідей"
renotedCount: "Кількість отриманих поширень"
followingCount: "Кількість підписок"
followersCount: "Кількість підписників"
sentReactionsCount: "Кількість надісланих реакцій"
receivedReactionsCount: "Кількість отриманих реакцій"
pollVotesCount: "Кількість надісланих голосів"
pollVotedCount: "Кількість отриманих голосів"
yes: "Так"
no: "Ні"
driveFilesCount: "Кількість файлів на диску"
driveUsage: "Використання місця на диску"
noCrawle: "Заборонити індексацію"
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
noCrawleDescription: "Просити пошукові системи не індексувати ваш профіль, записи,
сторінки тощо."
lockedAccountInfo: "Якщо видимість вашого запису не встановлена як \"Тільки підписники\"\
, то кожен зможе побачити ваш запис, навіть якщо ви вимагаєте підтвердження підписок
alwaysMarkSensitive: "Позначати як NSFW за замовчуванням"
2020-12-03 22:54:00 +09:00
loadRawImages: "Відображати вкладені зображення повністю замість ескізів"
disableShowingAnimatedImages: "Не програвати анімовані зображення"
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
verificationEmailSent: "Електронний лист з підтвердженням відісланий. Будь ласка перейдіть
по посиланню в листі для підтвердження."
2020-12-03 22:54:00 +09:00
notSet: "Не налаштовано"
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
emailVerified: "Електронну пошту підтверджено"
noteFavoritesCount: "Кількість улюблених записів"
2020-12-03 22:54:00 +09:00
pageLikesCount: "Кількість отриманих вподобань сторінки"
pageLikedCount: "Кількість вподобаних сторінок"
contact: "Контакт"
useSystemFont: "Використовувати стандартний шрифт системи"
2020-11-29 12:40:21 +09:00
clips: "Добірка"
2020-12-03 22:54:00 +09:00
experimentalFeatures: "Експериментальні функції"
developer: "Розробник"
2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
makeExplorable: "Зробіть обліковий запис видимим у розділі \"Огляд\""
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
makeExplorableDescription: "Вимкніть, щоб обліковий запис не показувався у розділі
2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
showGapBetweenNotesInTimeline: "Показувати розрив між записами у стрічці новин"
duplicate: "Дублікат"
left: "Лівий"
center: "Центр"
wide: "Широкий"
narrow: "Вузький"
reloadToApplySetting: "Налаштування ввійде в дію при перезавантаженні. Перезавантажити?"
2022-05-13 10:14:52 +09:00
needReloadToApply: "Зміни набудуть чинності після перезавантаження сторінки."
2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
showTitlebar: "Показати титульний рядок"
2020-12-31 19:45:30 +09:00
clearCache: "Очистити кеш"
2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
onlineUsersCount: "{n} користувачів онлайн"
nUsers: "{n} Користувачів"
nNotes: "{n} Записів"
sendErrorReports: "Надіслати звіт про помилки"
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
sendErrorReportsDescription: "Якщо увімкнено, детальна інформація про помилки буде
передаватися до Calckey, коли виникає проблема, це допоможе покращити якість роботи
Calckey.\nЦе буде включати інформацію таку як: версія вашої ОС, який браузер ви
використовуєте, ваша активність в Calckey тощо."
2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
myTheme: "Моя тема"
backgroundColor: "Фон"
accentColor: "Акцент"
textColor: "Текст"
saveAs: "Зберегти як…"
advanced: "Розширені"
value: "Значення"
2022-05-13 10:14:52 +09:00
createdAt: "Створено"
2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
updatedAt: "Останнє оновлення"
saveConfirm: "Зберегти зміни?"
deleteConfirm: "Ви дійсно бажаєте це видалити?"
invalidValue: "Некоректне значення."
registry: "Реєстр"
closeAccount: "Закрити обліковий запис"
2022-05-13 10:14:52 +09:00
currentVersion: "Версія, що використовується"
latestVersion: "Сама свіжа версія"
youAreRunningUpToDateClient: "У вас найсвіжіша версія клієнта."
newVersionOfClientAvailable: "Доступніша свіжа версія клієнта."
usageAmount: "Використане"
capacity: "Ємність"
inUse: "Зайнято"
editCode: "Редагувати вихідний текст"
apply: "Застосувати"
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
receiveAnnouncementFromInstance: "Отримувати сповіщення з серверу"
2022-05-13 10:14:52 +09:00
emailNotification: "Сповіщення електронною поштою"
publish: "Опублікувати"
inChannelSearch: "Пошук за каналом"
useReactionPickerForContextMenu: "Відкривати палітру реакцій правою кнопкою"
typingUsers: "Стук клавіш. Це {users}…"
2021-04-18 00:23:38 +09:00
goBack: "Назад"
info: "Інформація"
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
user: "Користувач"
2021-04-24 22:56:15 +09:00
administration: "Управління"
2021-05-04 22:52:02 +09:00
expiration: "Опитування закінчується"
middle: "Середній"
2021-07-20 12:09:39 +09:00
global: "Глобальна"
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
sent: "Відправлене"
2021-08-07 19:25:54 +09:00
hashtags: "Хештеґ"
2021-12-12 22:36:24 +09:00
hide: "Сховати"
2022-03-12 19:34:43 +09:00
searchByGoogle: "Пошук"
2022-03-09 23:00:59 +09:00
indefinitely: "Ніколи"
2022-07-05 23:08:24 +09:00
file: "Файли"
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
reverse: "Переворот"
2022-07-13 21:59:08 +09:00
colored: "Кольоровий"
label: "Назва"
localOnly: "Локально"
2022-05-13 10:14:52 +09:00
public: "Опублікувати"
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
private: Приватні
followers: Доступно тільки для підписників
2021-05-11 14:39:08 +09:00
back: "Назад"
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
reduceFrequencyOfThisAd: Менше показувати цю рекламу
2021-04-24 22:56:15 +09:00
unlike: "Не вподобати"
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
liked: Вподобані записи
like: Подобається
my: Моя галерея
2021-02-19 21:42:22 +09:00
title: "Новий підписник"
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
title: Ви отримали запит на підписку
2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
key: "Ключ"
keys: "Ключі"
domain: "Домен"
createKey: "Створити ключ"
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
scope: Область
2023-04-17 15:37:05 -07:00
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
about: "Misskey - це програмне забезпечення з відкритим кодом, яке розробляє syuilo
з 2014 року."
2020-12-03 22:54:00 +09:00
contributors: "Головні помічники"
allContributors: "Всі помічники"
source: "Вихідний код"
2023-05-16 20:59:54 -07:00
translation: "Перекладати Calckey"
donate: "Пожертвувати Calckey"
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
morePatrons: "Ми дуже цінуємо підтримку багатьох інших помічників, не перелічених
тут. Дякуємо! 🥰"
2020-12-03 22:54:00 +09:00
patrons: "Підтримали"
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
patronsList: Перераховані в хронологічному порядку, а не за розміром пожертви. Зробіть
внесок за посиланням вище, щоб ваше ім'я було тут!
donateTitle: Сподобався Calckey?
pleaseDonateToCalckey: Будь ласка, підтримайте розробку Calckey.
pleaseDonateToHost: Також не забудьте підтримати ваш домашній сервер {host}, щоб
допомогти з його операційними витратами.
donateHost: Зробити внесок на рахунок {host}
sponsors: Спонсори Calckey
2020-12-03 22:54:00 +09:00
respect: "Приховувати NSFW медіа"
ignore: "Не приховувати NSFW медіа"
force: "Приховувати всі медіа файли"
2020-11-08 17:09:42 +09:00
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
cheatSheet: "Довідка MFM"
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
intro: "MFM це ексклюзивна мова розмітки тексту в Calckey, яку можна використовувати
в багатьох місцях. Тут ви можете переглянути приклади її синтаксису."
2023-05-16 20:59:54 -07:00
dummy: "Calckey розширює світ Федіверсу"
2020-11-08 17:09:42 +09:00
mention: "Згадка"
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
mentionDescription: "За допомогою знака \"@\" перед ім'ям можна згадати конкретного
2020-11-25 21:36:55 +09:00
hashtag: "Хештеґ"
2020-12-05 18:38:10 +09:00
hashtagDescription: "За допомогою знака \"решітка\" перед словом задається хештег."
2020-11-25 21:36:55 +09:00
url: "URL"
2020-12-05 18:38:10 +09:00
urlDescription: "Відображаються URL-адреси."
2020-11-25 21:36:55 +09:00
link: "Посилання"
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
linkDescription: "Окремі частини тексту можуть містити посилання."
2020-11-25 21:36:55 +09:00
bold: "Жирний шрифт"
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
boldDescription: "Виділяє літери, роблячи їх товщими."
2020-11-25 21:36:55 +09:00
small: "Дрібний шрифт"
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
smallDescription: "Робить текст маленьким і тонким."
2020-11-25 21:36:55 +09:00
center: "По центру"
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
centerDescription: "Показує вміст у центрі."
2020-11-25 21:36:55 +09:00
inlineCode: "Код (у рядку)"
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
inlineCodeDescription: "Відображає підсвічування синтаксису для коду (програми)."
2020-11-25 21:36:55 +09:00
blockCode: "Код (блок)"
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
blockCodeDescription: "Відображає підсвічування синтаксису для багаторядкового (програмного)
коду в блоці."
2020-11-25 21:36:55 +09:00
inlineMath: "Формула (у рядку)"
2020-12-03 22:54:00 +09:00
inlineMathDescription: "Відображення математичних формул (KaTeX) у рядку"
2020-11-25 21:36:55 +09:00
blockMath: "Формули (блок)"
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
blockMathDescription: "Відображати математичні формули (KaTeX) блоками"
2020-11-08 17:09:42 +09:00
quote: "Цитата"
2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
quoteDescription: "Відображає зміст як цитату."
2020-11-08 17:09:42 +09:00
emoji: "Кастомні емоджі"
2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
emojiDescription: "Щоб показати нетиповий емоджі, потрібно ввести його назву в двокрапках."
2020-11-08 17:09:42 +09:00
search: "Пошук"
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
searchDescription: "Відображає вікно пошуку з попередньо введеним текстом."
2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
flip: "Перевернути"
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
flipDescription: "Віддзеркалює вміст по горизонталі або вертикалі."
2020-11-25 21:36:55 +09:00
jelly: "Анімація (желе)"
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
jellyDescription: "Створює желеподібну анімацію."
2020-11-25 21:36:55 +09:00
tada: "Анімація (Тада!)"
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
tadaDescription: "Створює анімацію з відчуттям \"Тада!\"."
2020-11-25 21:36:55 +09:00
jump: "Анімація (стрибки)"
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
jumpDescription: "Надає вмісту стрибучу анімацію."
2020-11-25 21:36:55 +09:00
bounce: "Анімація (пружина)"
shake: "Анімація (Shake)"
twitch: "Анімація (Twitch)"
spin: "Анімація (Spin)"
2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
x2: "Великий"
x2Description: "Показує контент збільшеним."
x3: "Дуже великий"
x3Description: "Показує контент ще більшим."
x4: "Надзвичайно великий"
x4Description: "Показує контент надзвичайно великим."
blur: "Розмиття"
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
blurDescription: "Цей ефект зробить контент розмитим. Контент можна зробити чітким,
якщо навести на нього вказівник миші."
2020-12-31 19:45:30 +09:00
font: "Шрифт"
2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
fontDescription: "Встановлює шрифт для контенту."
2021-12-03 14:14:58 +09:00
rotate: "Обертати"
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
play: Відтворити MFM
alwaysPlay: Завжди автозапускати всі анімовані MFM
twitchDescription: Надає контенту анімацію, що сильно сіпається.
spinDescription: Надає контенту анімацію обертання.
sparkle: Блиск
sparkleDescription: Надає вмісту ефект мерехтливого блиску.
fade: Згасання
fadeDescription: Зменшує та збільшує видимість контенту.
crop: Обрізати
cropDescription: Обрізати вміст.
scale: Масштабувати
positionDescription: Перемістити вміст на вказане значення.
scaleDescription: Масштабувати вміст на вказану величину.
background: Фоновий колір
foreground: Колір переднього плану
foregroundDescription: Змінити колір тексту на передньому плані.
bounceDescription: Надає контенту пружної анімації.
shakeDescription: Надає контенту тремтливої анімації.
rainbowDescription: Робить вміст веселковим.
rotateDescription: Повертає вміст на вказаний кут.
advancedDescription: Якщо вимкнено, дозволяє лише базову розмітку, якщо не відтворюється
анімований MFM
plainDescription: Вимикає ефекти всіх MFM, що містяться в цьому MFM-ефекті.
stop: Зупинити MFM
plain: Звичайний текст
advanced: Розширені MFM
warn: MFM може містити швидко-рухому або яскраву анімацію
position: Розташування
rainbow: Веселка
backgroundDescription: Змінити колір фону тексту.
2020-11-25 21:36:55 +09:00
none: "Не відображати"
remote: "Відображати для віддалених користувачів"
always: "Відображати завжди"
reload: "Автоматично перезавантажити"
dialog: "Показати діалогове вікно"
quiet: "Показати ненав’язливе попередження"
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
nothing: Нічого не робити
2020-11-25 21:36:55 +09:00
create: "Створити канал"
edit: "Редагувати канал"
setBanner: "Встановити банер"
removeBanner: "Видалити банер"
featured: "Тренди"
2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
following: "Підписки"
2020-12-05 18:38:10 +09:00
usersCount: "{n} учасників"
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
notesCount: "{n} записів"
nameOnly: Тільки назва
nameAndDescription: Назва та опис
owned: Власні
2021-07-20 12:09:39 +09:00
2020-12-05 18:38:10 +09:00
hide: "Сховати"
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
sideFull: Збоку
sideIcon: Збоку (тільки іконки)
top: Верх
2020-12-05 18:38:10 +09:00
2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
muteWords: "Заглушені слова"
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
muteWordsDescription: "Відокремліть ключові слова пробілами для умови \"І\" або
з нового рядку для умови \"АБО\"."
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
muteWordsDescription2: "Для використання RegEx, ключові слова потрібно вписати поміж
слешів \"/\"."
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
softDescription: "Приховати записи які відповідають критеріям зі стрічки."
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
hardDescription: "Приховати записи які відповідають критеріям зі стрічки подій.
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
Також приховані записи не будуть додані до стрічки навіть якщо критерії буде змінено."
2020-12-05 18:38:10 +09:00
soft: "М'яко"
hard: "Жорстко"
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
mutedNotes: "Ігноровані записи"
2020-11-02 17:27:42 +09:00
2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
explore: "Оглянути теми"
install: "Встановити тему"
manage: "Керування темами"
code: "Код теми"
2021-04-18 00:23:38 +09:00
description: "Опис"
2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
installed: "Тему {name} встановлено"
installedThemes: "Встановлені теми"
builtinThemes: "Вбудоваі теми"
alreadyInstalled: "Тему вже встановлено"
invalid: "Неправильний формат теми"
make: "Створити тему"
base: "Основа"
2020-12-11 22:39:38 +09:00
defaultValue: "Значення за замовчуванням"
func: "Функції"
2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
lighten: "Яскравість"
inputConstantName: "Введіть назву константи"
importInfo: "Вставляючи сюди код теми, ви можете добавити її до редактору тем"
deleteConstantConfirm: "Ви дійсно бажаєте видалити константу \"{const}\"?"
2020-11-02 17:27:42 +09:00
2020-11-25 21:36:55 +09:00
accent: "Акцент"
bg: "Фон"
fg: "Текст"
focus: "Фокус"
indicator: "Індикатор"
panel: "Панель"
shadow: "Тінь"
header: "Заголовок"
navBg: "Фон бокової панелі"
navFg: "Текст бокової панелі"
navHoverFg: "Текст бокової панелі (під курсором)"
navActive: "Текст бокової панелі (активне)"
navIndicator: "Індикатор бокової панелі"
link: "Посилання"
hashtag: "Хештеґ"
2020-11-02 17:27:42 +09:00
mention: "Згадка"
2020-11-25 21:36:55 +09:00
mentionMe: "Згадки (мене)"
2020-11-03 22:08:29 +09:00
renote: "Поширити"
2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
modalBg: "Модальний фон"
2020-11-28 14:20:46 +09:00
divider: "Розділювач"
2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
scrollbarHandle: "Ручка смуги прокрутки"
scrollbarHandleHover: "Ручка смуги прокрутки (при наведенні)"
dateLabelFg: "Текст позначок дати"
infoBg: "Фон інформації"
infoFg: "Текст інформації"
infoWarnBg: "Фон попередження"
infoWarnFg: "Текст попередження"
cwBg: "Фон чутливого змісту"
cwFg: "Текст чутливого змісту"
cwHoverBg: "Фон чутливого змісту (при наведенні)"
toastBg: "Фон повідомлення"
toastFg: "Текст повідомлення"
buttonBg: "Фон кнопки"
buttonHoverBg: "Фон кнопки (при наведенні)"
inputBorder: "Край поля вводу"
listItemHoverBg: "Фон елементу в списку (при наведенні)"
driveFolderBg: "Фон папки на диску"
wallpaperOverlay: "Накладання шпалер"
badge: "Значок"
messageBg: "Фон переписки"
accentDarken: "Акцент (Затемлений)"
accentLighten: "Акцент (Освітлений)"
fgHighlighted: "Виділений текст"
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
color: Колір
refProp: Посилання на властивість
alpha: Прозорість
constant: Стала
refConst: Посилання на сталу
key: Ключ
funcKind: Тип функції
darken: Затемнення
argument: Аргумент
basedProp: Початкова властивість
addConstant: Додати сталу
2020-11-02 17:27:42 +09:00
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
note: "Новий запис"
noteMy: "Мої записи"
2020-11-02 17:27:42 +09:00
notification: "Сповіщення"
2020-11-07 12:32:27 +09:00
chat: "Чати"
New Crowdin updates (#6964)
* New translations theme.md (Arabic)
* New translations timelines.md (Arabic)
* New translations aiscript.md (Czech)
* New translations api.md (Czech)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Czech)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (Czech)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (Spanish)
* New translations stream.md (Spanish)
* New translations pages.md (Czech)
* New translations theme.md (French)
* New translations api.md (French)
* New translations create-plugin.md (French)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (French)
* New translations follow.md (French)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (French)
* New translations mute.md (French)
* New translations pages.md (French)
* New translations reaction.md (French)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (French)
* New translations stream.md (French)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Dutch)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Spanish)
* New translations aiscript.md (Spanish)
* New translations api.md (Spanish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Spanish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Spanish)
* New translations follow.md (Spanish)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Spanish)
* New translations mute.md (Spanish)
* New translations pages.md (Spanish)
* New translations reaction.md (Spanish)
* New translations mute.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (French)
* New translations reaction.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (Korean)
* New translations reaction.md (German)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (German)
* New translations stream.md (German)
* New translations theme.md (German)
* New translations timelines.md (German)
* New translations aiscript.md (Korean)
* New translations api.md (Korean)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Korean)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Korean)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Korean)
* New translations mute.md (German)
* New translations mute.md (Korean)
* New translations pages.md (Korean)
* New translations reaction.md (Korean)
* New translations stream.md (Korean)
* New translations theme.md (Korean)
* New translations timelines.md (Korean)
* New translations aiscript.md (Dutch)
* New translations api.md (Dutch)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Czech)
* New translations pages.md (German)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Korean)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (German)
* New translations mute.md (Danish)
* New translations stream.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (German)
* New translations theme.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (Czech)
* New translations api.md (Danish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Danish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Danish)
* New translations follow.md (Danish)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Danish)
* New translations aiscript.md (Danish)
* New translations pages.md (Danish)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (German)
* New translations reaction.md (Danish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (German)
* New translations api.md (German)
* New translations aiscript.md (German)
* New translations timelines.md (Danish)
* New translations theme.md (Danish)
* New translations stream.md (Danish)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Danish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (German)
* New translations follow.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Kabyle)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Kabyle)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Kabyle)
* New translations api.md (Kabyle)
* New translations aiscript.md (Kabyle)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Kannada)
* New translations timelines.md (Kannada)
* New translations theme.md (Kannada)
* New translations stream.md (Kannada)
* New translations reaction.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Kannada)
* New translations mute.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Kannada)
* New translations mute.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reaction.md (Kabyle)
* New translations follow.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Kannada)
* New translations theme.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations stream.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reaction.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations pages.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations mute.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Kabyle)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations api.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations aiscript.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations timelines.md (Kabyle)
* New translations theme.md (Kabyle)
* New translations stream.md (Kabyle)
* New translations follow.md (Kannada)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (English)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Kannada)
* New translations aiscript.md (English)
* New translations reaction.md (English)
* New translations pages.md (English)
* New translations mute.md (English)
* New translations follow.md (English)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (English)
* New translations create-plugin.md (English)
* New translations api.md (English)
* New translations stream.md (English)
* New translations timelines.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations theme.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reaction.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations pages.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mute.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (English)
* New translations theme.md (English)
* New translations api.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Uyghur)
* New translations aiscript.md (Kannada)
* New translations timelines.md (Uyghur)
* New translations theme.md (Uyghur)
* New translations stream.md (Uyghur)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Uyghur)
* New translations reaction.md (Uyghur)
* New translations mute.md (Uyghur)
* New translations timelines.md (English)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Uyghur)
* New translations follow.md (Uyghur)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Uyghur)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Uyghur)
* New translations api.md (Uyghur)
* New translations aiscript.md (Uyghur)
* New translations timelines.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (French)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (English)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Russian)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Ukrainian)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Spanish)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (German)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mfm.md (Ukrainian)
* New translations mfm.md (Korean)
* New translations deck.md (Dutch)
* New translations mfm.md (Dutch)
* New translations deck.md (Norwegian)
* New translations mfm.md (Norwegian)
* New translations deck.md (Polish)
* New translations mfm.md (Polish)
* New translations deck.md (Portuguese)
* New translations mfm.md (Portuguese)
* New translations deck.md (Russian)
* New translations mfm.md (Russian)
* New translations deck.md (Ukrainian)
* New translations deck.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations mfm.md (German)
* New translations mfm.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations deck.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mfm.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations deck.md (English)
* New translations mfm.md (English)
* New translations deck.md (Uyghur)
* New translations mfm.md (Uyghur)
* New translations deck.md (Kannada)
* New translations mfm.md (Kannada)
* New translations deck.md (Kabyle)
* New translations mfm.md (Kabyle)
* New translations deck.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations deck.md (Korean)
* New translations deck.md (German)
* New translations mfm.md (Danish)
* New translations deck.md (French)
* New translations mfm.md (French)
* New translations deck.md (Spanish)
* New translations mfm.md (Spanish)
* New translations deck.md (Arabic)
* New translations mfm.md (Arabic)
* New translations deck.md (Czech)
* New translations mfm.md (Czech)
* New translations deck.md (Danish)
* New translations mfm.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations timelines.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations follow.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations follow.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
2020-12-28 21:45:08 +09:00
chatBg: "Чати (фон)"
2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
antenna: "Прийом антени"
channel: "Повідомлення каналу"
2020-11-25 21:36:55 +09:00
future: "Майбутнє"
justNow: "Щойно"
secondsAgo: "{n}с тому"
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
minutesAgo: "{n}хв тому"
2020-11-25 21:36:55 +09:00
hoursAgo: "{n}г тому"
daysAgo: "{n}д тому"
weeksAgo: "{n} тиж. тому"
monthsAgo: "{n} міс. тому"
yearsAgo: "{n} р. тому"
second: "с"
minute: "х"
hour: "г"
day: "д"
2022-11-11 10:55:03 -08:00
title: "Як використовувати Calckey"
2020-11-25 21:36:55 +09:00
step1_1: "Ласкаво просимо!"
2022-11-11 10:55:03 -08:00
step1_2: "Давайте налаштуємо вас. Ви будете працювати в найкоротші терміни!"
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
step2_1: "Спочатку, будь ласка, заповніть свій профіль."
step2_2: "Після надання інформації про себе, іншим людям буде легше зрозуміти, чи
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
хочуть вони бачити ваші записи або стежити за вами."
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
step3_1: "Тепер настав час на когось підписатися!"
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
step3_2: "Ваша домашня і соціальна стрічки ґрунтуються на тому, за ким ви стежите,
тому для початку спробуйте стежити за кількома акаунтами.\nНатисніть на гурток
із плюсом у правому верхньому кутку профілю, щоб стежити за ним."
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
step4_1: "Давайте вийдемо на вас."
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
step4_2: "Для свого першого повідомлення деякі люди люблять робити {introduction}
повідомлення або просте \"Hello world!\""
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
step5_1: "Стрічки, скрізь одні стрічки!"
step5_2: "У вашому сервері включені {timelines} різні стрічки."
step5_3: "Головна {icon} стрічка - це стрічка, де ви можете бачити записи тих, на
кого ви підписалися."
step5_4: "Місцева {icon} стрічка - це стрічка, де ви можете бачити записи всіх інших
користувачів даного серверу."
step5_5: "Стрічка рекомендованих {icon} - це комбінація домашньої та місцевої стрічок."
step5_6: "На стрічці Рекомендованих {icon} ви можете бачити записи з серверів, які
рекомендують адміністратори."
step5_7: "Глобальна {icon} стрічка - це місце, де ви можете бачити записи від усіх
інших приєднаних серверів."
2022-11-11 10:55:03 -08:00
step6_1: "Отже, що це за місце?"
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
step6_2: "Ну, ви не просто приєдналися до Calckey. Ви увійшли в Fediverse, взаємопов'язану
мережу з тисяч серверів."
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
step6_3: "Кожен сервер працює по-своєму, і не на всіх серверах працює Calckey. Але
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
цей працює! Це трохи складно, але ви швидко розберетеся."
2022-11-11 10:55:03 -08:00
step6_4: "Тепер ідіть, вивчайте і розважайтеся!"
2020-12-03 22:54:00 +09:00
2023-06-15 16:12:32 -07:00
registerSecurityKey: "Зареєструвати новий ключ безпеки"
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
registerTOTP: Зареєструйте новий пристрій
tapSecurityKey: Будь ласка, дотримуйтесь інструкцій вашого браузера, щоб зареєструвати
апаратний ключ безпеки або ключ-пароль
securityKeyName: Введіть назву ключа
chromePasskeyNotSupported: Паролі Chrome наразі не підтримуються.
renewTOTPOk: Переналаштувати
removeKey: Видалити ключ безпеки
alreadyRegistered: 2FA вже налаштовано.
step2Click: Натиснувши на цей QR-код, ви зможете зареєструвати 2FA у вашому ключі
безпеки або додатку-автентифікаторі для телефону.
step3Title: Введіть код автентифікації
step1: По-перше, встановіть програму 2FA (наприклад, {a} або {b}) на свій пристрій.
securityKeyNotSupported: Ваш браузер не підтримує ключі безпеки.
step4: Відтепер при наступних спробах входу в систему буде запитуватися такий токен.
securityKeyInfo: Окрім автентифікації за відбитком пальця або PIN-кодом, ви також
можете налаштувати автентифікацію за допомогою апаратних ключів безпеки, які підтримують
FIDO2, щоб додатково захистити свій обліковий запис.
removeKeyConfirm: Дійсно видалити ключ {name}?
whyTOTPOnlyRenew: Додаток автентифікатора не можна видалити, доки зареєстровано
ключ безпеки.
renewTOTP: Переналаштувати додаток-автентифікатор
renewTOTPCancel: Скасувати
renewTOTPConfirm: Це призведе до того, що коди підтвердження з попереднього додатку
перестануть працювати
token: 2FA Токен
registerTOTPBeforeKey: Будь ласка, налаштуйте додаток-автентифікатор, щоб зареєструвати
ключ безпеки або пароль.
step2Url: 'Також, ви можете ввести цю URL-адресу, якщо використовуєте десктопну
step3: Введіть токен, наданий вашим додатком, щоб завершити налаштування.
step2: Потім відскануйте QR-код, що відображається на цьому екрані.
2020-12-03 22:54:00 +09:00
New Crowdin updates (#6964)
* New translations theme.md (Arabic)
* New translations timelines.md (Arabic)
* New translations aiscript.md (Czech)
* New translations api.md (Czech)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Czech)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (Czech)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (Spanish)
* New translations stream.md (Spanish)
* New translations pages.md (Czech)
* New translations theme.md (French)
* New translations api.md (French)
* New translations create-plugin.md (French)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (French)
* New translations follow.md (French)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (French)
* New translations mute.md (French)
* New translations pages.md (French)
* New translations reaction.md (French)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (French)
* New translations stream.md (French)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Dutch)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Spanish)
* New translations aiscript.md (Spanish)
* New translations api.md (Spanish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Spanish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Spanish)
* New translations follow.md (Spanish)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Spanish)
* New translations mute.md (Spanish)
* New translations pages.md (Spanish)
* New translations reaction.md (Spanish)
* New translations mute.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (French)
* New translations reaction.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (Korean)
* New translations reaction.md (German)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (German)
* New translations stream.md (German)
* New translations theme.md (German)
* New translations timelines.md (German)
* New translations aiscript.md (Korean)
* New translations api.md (Korean)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Korean)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Korean)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Korean)
* New translations mute.md (German)
* New translations mute.md (Korean)
* New translations pages.md (Korean)
* New translations reaction.md (Korean)
* New translations stream.md (Korean)
* New translations theme.md (Korean)
* New translations timelines.md (Korean)
* New translations aiscript.md (Dutch)
* New translations api.md (Dutch)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Czech)
* New translations pages.md (German)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Korean)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (German)
* New translations mute.md (Danish)
* New translations stream.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (German)
* New translations theme.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (Czech)
* New translations api.md (Danish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Danish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Danish)
* New translations follow.md (Danish)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Danish)
* New translations aiscript.md (Danish)
* New translations pages.md (Danish)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (German)
* New translations reaction.md (Danish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (German)
* New translations api.md (German)
* New translations aiscript.md (German)
* New translations timelines.md (Danish)
* New translations theme.md (Danish)
* New translations stream.md (Danish)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Danish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (German)
* New translations follow.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Kabyle)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Kabyle)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Kabyle)
* New translations api.md (Kabyle)
* New translations aiscript.md (Kabyle)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Kannada)
* New translations timelines.md (Kannada)
* New translations theme.md (Kannada)
* New translations stream.md (Kannada)
* New translations reaction.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Kannada)
* New translations mute.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Kannada)
* New translations mute.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reaction.md (Kabyle)
* New translations follow.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Kannada)
* New translations theme.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations stream.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reaction.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations pages.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations mute.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Kabyle)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations api.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations aiscript.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations timelines.md (Kabyle)
* New translations theme.md (Kabyle)
* New translations stream.md (Kabyle)
* New translations follow.md (Kannada)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (English)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Kannada)
* New translations aiscript.md (English)
* New translations reaction.md (English)
* New translations pages.md (English)
* New translations mute.md (English)
* New translations follow.md (English)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (English)
* New translations create-plugin.md (English)
* New translations api.md (English)
* New translations stream.md (English)
* New translations timelines.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations theme.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reaction.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations pages.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mute.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (English)
* New translations theme.md (English)
* New translations api.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Uyghur)
* New translations aiscript.md (Kannada)
* New translations timelines.md (Uyghur)
* New translations theme.md (Uyghur)
* New translations stream.md (Uyghur)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Uyghur)
* New translations reaction.md (Uyghur)
* New translations mute.md (Uyghur)
* New translations timelines.md (English)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Uyghur)
* New translations follow.md (Uyghur)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Uyghur)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Uyghur)
* New translations api.md (Uyghur)
* New translations aiscript.md (Uyghur)
* New translations timelines.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (French)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (English)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Russian)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Ukrainian)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Spanish)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (German)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mfm.md (Ukrainian)
* New translations mfm.md (Korean)
* New translations deck.md (Dutch)
* New translations mfm.md (Dutch)
* New translations deck.md (Norwegian)
* New translations mfm.md (Norwegian)
* New translations deck.md (Polish)
* New translations mfm.md (Polish)
* New translations deck.md (Portuguese)
* New translations mfm.md (Portuguese)
* New translations deck.md (Russian)
* New translations mfm.md (Russian)
* New translations deck.md (Ukrainian)
* New translations deck.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations mfm.md (German)
* New translations mfm.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations deck.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mfm.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations deck.md (English)
* New translations mfm.md (English)
* New translations deck.md (Uyghur)
* New translations mfm.md (Uyghur)
* New translations deck.md (Kannada)
* New translations mfm.md (Kannada)
* New translations deck.md (Kabyle)
* New translations mfm.md (Kabyle)
* New translations deck.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations deck.md (Korean)
* New translations deck.md (German)
* New translations mfm.md (Danish)
* New translations deck.md (French)
* New translations mfm.md (French)
* New translations deck.md (Spanish)
* New translations mfm.md (Spanish)
* New translations deck.md (Arabic)
* New translations mfm.md (Arabic)
* New translations deck.md (Czech)
* New translations mfm.md (Czech)
* New translations deck.md (Danish)
* New translations mfm.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations timelines.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations follow.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations follow.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
2020-12-28 21:45:08 +09:00
"read:account": "Переглядати дані профілю"
2020-12-03 22:54:00 +09:00
"write:account": "Змінити дані акаунту"
"read:blocks": "Переглянути список заблокованих"
"write:blocks": "Редагувати список заблокованих"
"read:drive": "Переглянути вміст Диска"
New Crowdin updates (#6964)
* New translations theme.md (Arabic)
* New translations timelines.md (Arabic)
* New translations aiscript.md (Czech)
* New translations api.md (Czech)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Czech)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (Czech)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (Spanish)
* New translations stream.md (Spanish)
* New translations pages.md (Czech)
* New translations theme.md (French)
* New translations api.md (French)
* New translations create-plugin.md (French)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (French)
* New translations follow.md (French)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (French)
* New translations mute.md (French)
* New translations pages.md (French)
* New translations reaction.md (French)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (French)
* New translations stream.md (French)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Dutch)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Spanish)
* New translations aiscript.md (Spanish)
* New translations api.md (Spanish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Spanish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Spanish)
* New translations follow.md (Spanish)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Spanish)
* New translations mute.md (Spanish)
* New translations pages.md (Spanish)
* New translations reaction.md (Spanish)
* New translations mute.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (French)
* New translations reaction.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (Korean)
* New translations reaction.md (German)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (German)
* New translations stream.md (German)
* New translations theme.md (German)
* New translations timelines.md (German)
* New translations aiscript.md (Korean)
* New translations api.md (Korean)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Korean)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Korean)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Korean)
* New translations mute.md (German)
* New translations mute.md (Korean)
* New translations pages.md (Korean)
* New translations reaction.md (Korean)
* New translations stream.md (Korean)
* New translations theme.md (Korean)
* New translations timelines.md (Korean)
* New translations aiscript.md (Dutch)
* New translations api.md (Dutch)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Czech)
* New translations pages.md (German)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Korean)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (German)
* New translations mute.md (Danish)
* New translations stream.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (German)
* New translations theme.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (Czech)
* New translations api.md (Danish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Danish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Danish)
* New translations follow.md (Danish)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Danish)
* New translations aiscript.md (Danish)
* New translations pages.md (Danish)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (German)
* New translations reaction.md (Danish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (German)
* New translations api.md (German)
* New translations aiscript.md (German)
* New translations timelines.md (Danish)
* New translations theme.md (Danish)
* New translations stream.md (Danish)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Danish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (German)
* New translations follow.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Kabyle)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Kabyle)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Kabyle)
* New translations api.md (Kabyle)
* New translations aiscript.md (Kabyle)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Kannada)
* New translations timelines.md (Kannada)
* New translations theme.md (Kannada)
* New translations stream.md (Kannada)
* New translations reaction.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Kannada)
* New translations mute.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Kannada)
* New translations mute.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reaction.md (Kabyle)
* New translations follow.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Kannada)
* New translations theme.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations stream.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reaction.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations pages.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations mute.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Kabyle)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations api.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations aiscript.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations timelines.md (Kabyle)
* New translations theme.md (Kabyle)
* New translations stream.md (Kabyle)
* New translations follow.md (Kannada)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (English)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Kannada)
* New translations aiscript.md (English)
* New translations reaction.md (English)
* New translations pages.md (English)
* New translations mute.md (English)
* New translations follow.md (English)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (English)
* New translations create-plugin.md (English)
* New translations api.md (English)
* New translations stream.md (English)
* New translations timelines.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations theme.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reaction.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations pages.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mute.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (English)
* New translations theme.md (English)
* New translations api.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Uyghur)
* New translations aiscript.md (Kannada)
* New translations timelines.md (Uyghur)
* New translations theme.md (Uyghur)
* New translations stream.md (Uyghur)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Uyghur)
* New translations reaction.md (Uyghur)
* New translations mute.md (Uyghur)
* New translations timelines.md (English)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Uyghur)
* New translations follow.md (Uyghur)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Uyghur)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Uyghur)
* New translations api.md (Uyghur)
* New translations aiscript.md (Uyghur)
* New translations timelines.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (French)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (English)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Russian)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Ukrainian)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Spanish)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (German)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mfm.md (Ukrainian)
* New translations mfm.md (Korean)
* New translations deck.md (Dutch)
* New translations mfm.md (Dutch)
* New translations deck.md (Norwegian)
* New translations mfm.md (Norwegian)
* New translations deck.md (Polish)
* New translations mfm.md (Polish)
* New translations deck.md (Portuguese)
* New translations mfm.md (Portuguese)
* New translations deck.md (Russian)
* New translations mfm.md (Russian)
* New translations deck.md (Ukrainian)
* New translations deck.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations mfm.md (German)
* New translations mfm.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations deck.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mfm.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations deck.md (English)
* New translations mfm.md (English)
* New translations deck.md (Uyghur)
* New translations mfm.md (Uyghur)
* New translations deck.md (Kannada)
* New translations mfm.md (Kannada)
* New translations deck.md (Kabyle)
* New translations mfm.md (Kabyle)
* New translations deck.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations deck.md (Korean)
* New translations deck.md (German)
* New translations mfm.md (Danish)
* New translations deck.md (French)
* New translations mfm.md (French)
* New translations deck.md (Spanish)
* New translations mfm.md (Spanish)
* New translations deck.md (Arabic)
* New translations mfm.md (Arabic)
* New translations deck.md (Czech)
* New translations mfm.md (Czech)
* New translations deck.md (Danish)
* New translations mfm.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations timelines.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations follow.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations follow.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
2020-12-28 21:45:08 +09:00
"write:drive": "Змінювати вміст Диска"
"read:favorites": "Переглядати обране"
"write:favorites": "Змінювати обране"
"read:following": "Переглядати підписки"
"write:following": "Змінювати підписки"
"read:messaging": "Переглядати повідомлення"
"write:messaging": "Створювати та видаляти повідомлення"
"read:mutes": "Переглядати список ігнорованих"
"write:mutes": "Змінювати список ігнорованих"
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
"write:notes": "Створення та видалення записів"
New Crowdin updates (#6964)
* New translations theme.md (Arabic)
* New translations timelines.md (Arabic)
* New translations aiscript.md (Czech)
* New translations api.md (Czech)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Czech)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (Czech)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (Spanish)
* New translations stream.md (Spanish)
* New translations pages.md (Czech)
* New translations theme.md (French)
* New translations api.md (French)
* New translations create-plugin.md (French)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (French)
* New translations follow.md (French)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (French)
* New translations mute.md (French)
* New translations pages.md (French)
* New translations reaction.md (French)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (French)
* New translations stream.md (French)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Dutch)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Spanish)
* New translations aiscript.md (Spanish)
* New translations api.md (Spanish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Spanish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Spanish)
* New translations follow.md (Spanish)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Spanish)
* New translations mute.md (Spanish)
* New translations pages.md (Spanish)
* New translations reaction.md (Spanish)
* New translations mute.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (French)
* New translations reaction.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (Korean)
* New translations reaction.md (German)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (German)
* New translations stream.md (German)
* New translations theme.md (German)
* New translations timelines.md (German)
* New translations aiscript.md (Korean)
* New translations api.md (Korean)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Korean)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Korean)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Korean)
* New translations mute.md (German)
* New translations mute.md (Korean)
* New translations pages.md (Korean)
* New translations reaction.md (Korean)
* New translations stream.md (Korean)
* New translations theme.md (Korean)
* New translations timelines.md (Korean)
* New translations aiscript.md (Dutch)
* New translations api.md (Dutch)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Czech)
* New translations pages.md (German)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Korean)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (German)
* New translations mute.md (Danish)
* New translations stream.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (German)
* New translations theme.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (Czech)
* New translations api.md (Danish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Danish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Danish)
* New translations follow.md (Danish)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Danish)
* New translations aiscript.md (Danish)
* New translations pages.md (Danish)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (German)
* New translations reaction.md (Danish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (German)
* New translations api.md (German)
* New translations aiscript.md (German)
* New translations timelines.md (Danish)
* New translations theme.md (Danish)
* New translations stream.md (Danish)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Danish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (German)
* New translations follow.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Kabyle)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Kabyle)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Kabyle)
* New translations api.md (Kabyle)
* New translations aiscript.md (Kabyle)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Kannada)
* New translations timelines.md (Kannada)
* New translations theme.md (Kannada)
* New translations stream.md (Kannada)
* New translations reaction.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Kannada)
* New translations mute.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Kannada)
* New translations mute.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reaction.md (Kabyle)
* New translations follow.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Kannada)
* New translations theme.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations stream.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reaction.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations pages.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations mute.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Kabyle)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations api.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations aiscript.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations timelines.md (Kabyle)
* New translations theme.md (Kabyle)
* New translations stream.md (Kabyle)
* New translations follow.md (Kannada)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (English)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Kannada)
* New translations aiscript.md (English)
* New translations reaction.md (English)
* New translations pages.md (English)
* New translations mute.md (English)
* New translations follow.md (English)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (English)
* New translations create-plugin.md (English)
* New translations api.md (English)
* New translations stream.md (English)
* New translations timelines.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations theme.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reaction.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations pages.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mute.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (English)
* New translations theme.md (English)
* New translations api.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Uyghur)
* New translations aiscript.md (Kannada)
* New translations timelines.md (Uyghur)
* New translations theme.md (Uyghur)
* New translations stream.md (Uyghur)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Uyghur)
* New translations reaction.md (Uyghur)
* New translations mute.md (Uyghur)
* New translations timelines.md (English)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Uyghur)
* New translations follow.md (Uyghur)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Uyghur)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Uyghur)
* New translations api.md (Uyghur)
* New translations aiscript.md (Uyghur)
* New translations timelines.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (French)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (English)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Russian)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Ukrainian)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Spanish)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (German)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mfm.md (Ukrainian)
* New translations mfm.md (Korean)
* New translations deck.md (Dutch)
* New translations mfm.md (Dutch)
* New translations deck.md (Norwegian)
* New translations mfm.md (Norwegian)
* New translations deck.md (Polish)
* New translations mfm.md (Polish)
* New translations deck.md (Portuguese)
* New translations mfm.md (Portuguese)
* New translations deck.md (Russian)
* New translations mfm.md (Russian)
* New translations deck.md (Ukrainian)
* New translations deck.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations mfm.md (German)
* New translations mfm.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations deck.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mfm.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations deck.md (English)
* New translations mfm.md (English)
* New translations deck.md (Uyghur)
* New translations mfm.md (Uyghur)
* New translations deck.md (Kannada)
* New translations mfm.md (Kannada)
* New translations deck.md (Kabyle)
* New translations mfm.md (Kabyle)
* New translations deck.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations deck.md (Korean)
* New translations deck.md (German)
* New translations mfm.md (Danish)
* New translations deck.md (French)
* New translations mfm.md (French)
* New translations deck.md (Spanish)
* New translations mfm.md (Spanish)
* New translations deck.md (Arabic)
* New translations mfm.md (Arabic)
* New translations deck.md (Czech)
* New translations mfm.md (Czech)
* New translations deck.md (Danish)
* New translations mfm.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations timelines.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations follow.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations follow.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
2020-12-28 21:45:08 +09:00
"read:notifications": "Переглядати сповіщення"
"read:reactions": "Переглядати реакції"
"write:reactions": "Змінювати реакції"
"write:votes": "Голосувати в опитуваннях"
"read:pages": "Переглядати сторінки"
"write:pages": "Змінювати і видаляти сторінки"
"read:page-likes": "Переглядати вподобання сторінок"
"write:page-likes": "Змінювати вподобання сторінок"
"read:user-groups": "Переглядати групи користувача"
"write:user-groups": "Змінювати групи користувача"
"read:channels": "Переглядати канали"
"write:channels": "Змінювати канали"
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
"read:gallery": Переглянути галерею
"write:gallery": Редагування галереї
"read:gallery-likes": Переглянути список вподобаних записів галереї
"write:notifications": Керування сповіщеннями
"write:gallery-likes": Редагувати список вподобаних записів галереї
New Crowdin updates (#6964)
* New translations theme.md (Arabic)
* New translations timelines.md (Arabic)
* New translations aiscript.md (Czech)
* New translations api.md (Czech)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Czech)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (Czech)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (Spanish)
* New translations stream.md (Spanish)
* New translations pages.md (Czech)
* New translations theme.md (French)
* New translations api.md (French)
* New translations create-plugin.md (French)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (French)
* New translations follow.md (French)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (French)
* New translations mute.md (French)
* New translations pages.md (French)
* New translations reaction.md (French)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (French)
* New translations stream.md (French)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Dutch)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Spanish)
* New translations aiscript.md (Spanish)
* New translations api.md (Spanish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Spanish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Spanish)
* New translations follow.md (Spanish)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Spanish)
* New translations mute.md (Spanish)
* New translations pages.md (Spanish)
* New translations reaction.md (Spanish)
* New translations mute.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (French)
* New translations reaction.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (Korean)
* New translations reaction.md (German)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (German)
* New translations stream.md (German)
* New translations theme.md (German)
* New translations timelines.md (German)
* New translations aiscript.md (Korean)
* New translations api.md (Korean)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Korean)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Korean)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Korean)
* New translations mute.md (German)
* New translations mute.md (Korean)
* New translations pages.md (Korean)
* New translations reaction.md (Korean)
* New translations stream.md (Korean)
* New translations theme.md (Korean)
* New translations timelines.md (Korean)
* New translations aiscript.md (Dutch)
* New translations api.md (Dutch)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Czech)
* New translations pages.md (German)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Korean)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (German)
* New translations mute.md (Danish)
* New translations stream.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (German)
* New translations theme.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (Czech)
* New translations api.md (Danish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Danish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Danish)
* New translations follow.md (Danish)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Danish)
* New translations aiscript.md (Danish)
* New translations pages.md (Danish)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (German)
* New translations reaction.md (Danish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (German)
* New translations api.md (German)
* New translations aiscript.md (German)
* New translations timelines.md (Danish)
* New translations theme.md (Danish)
* New translations stream.md (Danish)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Danish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (German)
* New translations follow.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Kabyle)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Kabyle)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Kabyle)
* New translations api.md (Kabyle)
* New translations aiscript.md (Kabyle)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Kannada)
* New translations timelines.md (Kannada)
* New translations theme.md (Kannada)
* New translations stream.md (Kannada)
* New translations reaction.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Kannada)
* New translations mute.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Kannada)
* New translations mute.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reaction.md (Kabyle)
* New translations follow.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Kannada)
* New translations theme.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations stream.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reaction.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations pages.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations mute.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Kabyle)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations api.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations aiscript.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations timelines.md (Kabyle)
* New translations theme.md (Kabyle)
* New translations stream.md (Kabyle)
* New translations follow.md (Kannada)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (English)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Kannada)
* New translations aiscript.md (English)
* New translations reaction.md (English)
* New translations pages.md (English)
* New translations mute.md (English)
* New translations follow.md (English)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (English)
* New translations create-plugin.md (English)
* New translations api.md (English)
* New translations stream.md (English)
* New translations timelines.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations theme.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reaction.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations pages.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mute.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (English)
* New translations theme.md (English)
* New translations api.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Uyghur)
* New translations aiscript.md (Kannada)
* New translations timelines.md (Uyghur)
* New translations theme.md (Uyghur)
* New translations stream.md (Uyghur)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Uyghur)
* New translations reaction.md (Uyghur)
* New translations mute.md (Uyghur)
* New translations timelines.md (English)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Uyghur)
* New translations follow.md (Uyghur)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Uyghur)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Uyghur)
* New translations api.md (Uyghur)
* New translations aiscript.md (Uyghur)
* New translations timelines.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (French)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (English)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Russian)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Ukrainian)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Spanish)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (German)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mfm.md (Ukrainian)
* New translations mfm.md (Korean)
* New translations deck.md (Dutch)
* New translations mfm.md (Dutch)
* New translations deck.md (Norwegian)
* New translations mfm.md (Norwegian)
* New translations deck.md (Polish)
* New translations mfm.md (Polish)
* New translations deck.md (Portuguese)
* New translations mfm.md (Portuguese)
* New translations deck.md (Russian)
* New translations mfm.md (Russian)
* New translations deck.md (Ukrainian)
* New translations deck.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations mfm.md (German)
* New translations mfm.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations deck.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mfm.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations deck.md (English)
* New translations mfm.md (English)
* New translations deck.md (Uyghur)
* New translations mfm.md (Uyghur)
* New translations deck.md (Kannada)
* New translations mfm.md (Kannada)
* New translations deck.md (Kabyle)
* New translations mfm.md (Kabyle)
* New translations deck.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations deck.md (Korean)
* New translations deck.md (German)
* New translations mfm.md (Danish)
* New translations deck.md (French)
* New translations mfm.md (French)
* New translations deck.md (Spanish)
* New translations mfm.md (Spanish)
* New translations deck.md (Arabic)
* New translations mfm.md (Arabic)
* New translations deck.md (Czech)
* New translations mfm.md (Czech)
* New translations deck.md (Danish)
* New translations mfm.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations timelines.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations follow.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations follow.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
2020-12-28 21:45:08 +09:00
shareAccess: "Ви хочете надати \"{name}\" доступ до цього акаунту?"
shareAccessAsk: "Ви впевнені, що хочете надати цій програмі доступ до вашого акаунту?"
denied: "У доступі відмовлено"
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
allPermissions: Повний доступ до облікового запису
permissionAsk: 'Цей додаток запитує наступні дозволи:'
copyAsk: 'Будь ласка, вставте наступний код авторизації в додаток:'
pleaseGoBack: Будь ласка, поверніться до додатку
callback: Повернення до додатку
2020-11-08 17:09:42 +09:00
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
all: "Усі записи"
homeTimeline: "Записи тих, на кого ви підписані"
instances: Записи від усіх користувачів на сервері
userGroup: Записи від користувачів у вказаній групі
users: Записи обраних користувачів
userList: Дописи користувачів із вказаного списку
New Crowdin updates (#6964)
* New translations theme.md (Arabic)
* New translations timelines.md (Arabic)
* New translations aiscript.md (Czech)
* New translations api.md (Czech)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Czech)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (Czech)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (Spanish)
* New translations stream.md (Spanish)
* New translations pages.md (Czech)
* New translations theme.md (French)
* New translations api.md (French)
* New translations create-plugin.md (French)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (French)
* New translations follow.md (French)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (French)
* New translations mute.md (French)
* New translations pages.md (French)
* New translations reaction.md (French)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (French)
* New translations stream.md (French)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Dutch)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Spanish)
* New translations aiscript.md (Spanish)
* New translations api.md (Spanish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Spanish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Spanish)
* New translations follow.md (Spanish)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Spanish)
* New translations mute.md (Spanish)
* New translations pages.md (Spanish)
* New translations reaction.md (Spanish)
* New translations mute.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (French)
* New translations reaction.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (Korean)
* New translations reaction.md (German)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (German)
* New translations stream.md (German)
* New translations theme.md (German)
* New translations timelines.md (German)
* New translations aiscript.md (Korean)
* New translations api.md (Korean)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Korean)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Korean)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Korean)
* New translations mute.md (German)
* New translations mute.md (Korean)
* New translations pages.md (Korean)
* New translations reaction.md (Korean)
* New translations stream.md (Korean)
* New translations theme.md (Korean)
* New translations timelines.md (Korean)
* New translations aiscript.md (Dutch)
* New translations api.md (Dutch)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Czech)
* New translations pages.md (German)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Korean)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (German)
* New translations mute.md (Danish)
* New translations stream.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (German)
* New translations theme.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (Czech)
* New translations api.md (Danish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Danish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Danish)
* New translations follow.md (Danish)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Danish)
* New translations aiscript.md (Danish)
* New translations pages.md (Danish)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (German)
* New translations reaction.md (Danish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (German)
* New translations api.md (German)
* New translations aiscript.md (German)
* New translations timelines.md (Danish)
* New translations theme.md (Danish)
* New translations stream.md (Danish)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Danish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (German)
* New translations follow.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Kabyle)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Kabyle)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Kabyle)
* New translations api.md (Kabyle)
* New translations aiscript.md (Kabyle)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Kannada)
* New translations timelines.md (Kannada)
* New translations theme.md (Kannada)
* New translations stream.md (Kannada)
* New translations reaction.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Kannada)
* New translations mute.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Kannada)
* New translations mute.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reaction.md (Kabyle)
* New translations follow.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Kannada)
* New translations theme.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations stream.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reaction.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations pages.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations mute.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Kabyle)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations api.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations aiscript.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations timelines.md (Kabyle)
* New translations theme.md (Kabyle)
* New translations stream.md (Kabyle)
* New translations follow.md (Kannada)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (English)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Kannada)
* New translations aiscript.md (English)
* New translations reaction.md (English)
* New translations pages.md (English)
* New translations mute.md (English)
* New translations follow.md (English)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (English)
* New translations create-plugin.md (English)
* New translations api.md (English)
* New translations stream.md (English)
* New translations timelines.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations theme.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reaction.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations pages.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mute.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (English)
* New translations theme.md (English)
* New translations api.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Uyghur)
* New translations aiscript.md (Kannada)
* New translations timelines.md (Uyghur)
* New translations theme.md (Uyghur)
* New translations stream.md (Uyghur)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Uyghur)
* New translations reaction.md (Uyghur)
* New translations mute.md (Uyghur)
* New translations timelines.md (English)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Uyghur)
* New translations follow.md (Uyghur)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Uyghur)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Uyghur)
* New translations api.md (Uyghur)
* New translations aiscript.md (Uyghur)
* New translations timelines.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (French)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (English)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Russian)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Ukrainian)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Spanish)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (German)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mfm.md (Ukrainian)
* New translations mfm.md (Korean)
* New translations deck.md (Dutch)
* New translations mfm.md (Dutch)
* New translations deck.md (Norwegian)
* New translations mfm.md (Norwegian)
* New translations deck.md (Polish)
* New translations mfm.md (Polish)
* New translations deck.md (Portuguese)
* New translations mfm.md (Portuguese)
* New translations deck.md (Russian)
* New translations mfm.md (Russian)
* New translations deck.md (Ukrainian)
* New translations deck.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations mfm.md (German)
* New translations mfm.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations deck.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mfm.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations deck.md (English)
* New translations mfm.md (English)
* New translations deck.md (Uyghur)
* New translations mfm.md (Uyghur)
* New translations deck.md (Kannada)
* New translations mfm.md (Kannada)
* New translations deck.md (Kabyle)
* New translations mfm.md (Kabyle)
* New translations deck.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations deck.md (Korean)
* New translations deck.md (German)
* New translations mfm.md (Danish)
* New translations deck.md (French)
* New translations mfm.md (French)
* New translations deck.md (Spanish)
* New translations mfm.md (Spanish)
* New translations deck.md (Arabic)
* New translations mfm.md (Arabic)
* New translations deck.md (Czech)
* New translations mfm.md (Czech)
* New translations deck.md (Danish)
* New translations mfm.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations timelines.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations follow.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations follow.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
2020-12-28 21:45:08 +09:00
sunday: "Неділя"
monday: "Понеділок"
tuesday: "Вівторок"
wednesday: "Середа"
thursday: "Четвер"
friday: "П'ятниця"
saturday: "Субота"
2020-11-02 17:27:42 +09:00
2021-02-19 21:42:22 +09:00
memo: "Нагадування"
2020-11-02 17:27:42 +09:00
notifications: "Сповіщення"
timeline: "Стрічка"
New Crowdin updates (#6964)
* New translations theme.md (Arabic)
* New translations timelines.md (Arabic)
* New translations aiscript.md (Czech)
* New translations api.md (Czech)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Czech)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (Czech)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (Spanish)
* New translations stream.md (Spanish)
* New translations pages.md (Czech)
* New translations theme.md (French)
* New translations api.md (French)
* New translations create-plugin.md (French)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (French)
* New translations follow.md (French)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (French)
* New translations mute.md (French)
* New translations pages.md (French)
* New translations reaction.md (French)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (French)
* New translations stream.md (French)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Dutch)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Spanish)
* New translations aiscript.md (Spanish)
* New translations api.md (Spanish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Spanish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Spanish)
* New translations follow.md (Spanish)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Spanish)
* New translations mute.md (Spanish)
* New translations pages.md (Spanish)
* New translations reaction.md (Spanish)
* New translations mute.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (French)
* New translations reaction.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (Korean)
* New translations reaction.md (German)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (German)
* New translations stream.md (German)
* New translations theme.md (German)
* New translations timelines.md (German)
* New translations aiscript.md (Korean)
* New translations api.md (Korean)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Korean)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Korean)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Korean)
* New translations mute.md (German)
* New translations mute.md (Korean)
* New translations pages.md (Korean)
* New translations reaction.md (Korean)
* New translations stream.md (Korean)
* New translations theme.md (Korean)
* New translations timelines.md (Korean)
* New translations aiscript.md (Dutch)
* New translations api.md (Dutch)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Czech)
* New translations pages.md (German)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Korean)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (German)
* New translations mute.md (Danish)
* New translations stream.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (German)
* New translations theme.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (Czech)
* New translations api.md (Danish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Danish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Danish)
* New translations follow.md (Danish)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Danish)
* New translations aiscript.md (Danish)
* New translations pages.md (Danish)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (German)
* New translations reaction.md (Danish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (German)
* New translations api.md (German)
* New translations aiscript.md (German)
* New translations timelines.md (Danish)
* New translations theme.md (Danish)
* New translations stream.md (Danish)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Danish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (German)
* New translations follow.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Kabyle)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Kabyle)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Kabyle)
* New translations api.md (Kabyle)
* New translations aiscript.md (Kabyle)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Kannada)
* New translations timelines.md (Kannada)
* New translations theme.md (Kannada)
* New translations stream.md (Kannada)
* New translations reaction.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Kannada)
* New translations mute.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Kannada)
* New translations mute.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reaction.md (Kabyle)
* New translations follow.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Kannada)
* New translations theme.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations stream.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reaction.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations pages.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations mute.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Kabyle)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations api.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations aiscript.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations timelines.md (Kabyle)
* New translations theme.md (Kabyle)
* New translations stream.md (Kabyle)
* New translations follow.md (Kannada)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (English)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Kannada)
* New translations aiscript.md (English)
* New translations reaction.md (English)
* New translations pages.md (English)
* New translations mute.md (English)
* New translations follow.md (English)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (English)
* New translations create-plugin.md (English)
* New translations api.md (English)
* New translations stream.md (English)
* New translations timelines.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations theme.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reaction.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations pages.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mute.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (English)
* New translations theme.md (English)
* New translations api.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Uyghur)
* New translations aiscript.md (Kannada)
* New translations timelines.md (Uyghur)
* New translations theme.md (Uyghur)
* New translations stream.md (Uyghur)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Uyghur)
* New translations reaction.md (Uyghur)
* New translations mute.md (Uyghur)
* New translations timelines.md (English)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Uyghur)
* New translations follow.md (Uyghur)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Uyghur)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Uyghur)
* New translations api.md (Uyghur)
* New translations aiscript.md (Uyghur)
* New translations timelines.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (French)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (English)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Russian)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Ukrainian)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Spanish)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (German)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mfm.md (Ukrainian)
* New translations mfm.md (Korean)
* New translations deck.md (Dutch)
* New translations mfm.md (Dutch)
* New translations deck.md (Norwegian)
* New translations mfm.md (Norwegian)
* New translations deck.md (Polish)
* New translations mfm.md (Polish)
* New translations deck.md (Portuguese)
* New translations mfm.md (Portuguese)
* New translations deck.md (Russian)
* New translations mfm.md (Russian)
* New translations deck.md (Ukrainian)
* New translations deck.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations mfm.md (German)
* New translations mfm.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations deck.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mfm.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations deck.md (English)
* New translations mfm.md (English)
* New translations deck.md (Uyghur)
* New translations mfm.md (Uyghur)
* New translations deck.md (Kannada)
* New translations mfm.md (Kannada)
* New translations deck.md (Kabyle)
* New translations mfm.md (Kabyle)
* New translations deck.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations deck.md (Korean)
* New translations deck.md (German)
* New translations mfm.md (Danish)
* New translations deck.md (French)
* New translations mfm.md (French)
* New translations deck.md (Spanish)
* New translations mfm.md (Spanish)
* New translations deck.md (Arabic)
* New translations mfm.md (Arabic)
* New translations deck.md (Czech)
* New translations mfm.md (Czech)
* New translations deck.md (Danish)
* New translations mfm.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations timelines.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations follow.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations follow.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
2020-12-28 21:45:08 +09:00
calendar: "Календар"
trends: "Тенденції"
clock: "Годинник"
rss: "RSS-читач"
2020-11-08 17:09:42 +09:00
activity: "Активність"
New Crowdin updates (#6964)
* New translations theme.md (Arabic)
* New translations timelines.md (Arabic)
* New translations aiscript.md (Czech)
* New translations api.md (Czech)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Czech)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (Czech)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (Spanish)
* New translations stream.md (Spanish)
* New translations pages.md (Czech)
* New translations theme.md (French)
* New translations api.md (French)
* New translations create-plugin.md (French)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (French)
* New translations follow.md (French)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (French)
* New translations mute.md (French)
* New translations pages.md (French)
* New translations reaction.md (French)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (French)
* New translations stream.md (French)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Dutch)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Spanish)
* New translations aiscript.md (Spanish)
* New translations api.md (Spanish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Spanish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Spanish)
* New translations follow.md (Spanish)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Spanish)
* New translations mute.md (Spanish)
* New translations pages.md (Spanish)
* New translations reaction.md (Spanish)
* New translations mute.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (French)
* New translations reaction.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (Korean)
* New translations reaction.md (German)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (German)
* New translations stream.md (German)
* New translations theme.md (German)
* New translations timelines.md (German)
* New translations aiscript.md (Korean)
* New translations api.md (Korean)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Korean)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Korean)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Korean)
* New translations mute.md (German)
* New translations mute.md (Korean)
* New translations pages.md (Korean)
* New translations reaction.md (Korean)
* New translations stream.md (Korean)
* New translations theme.md (Korean)
* New translations timelines.md (Korean)
* New translations aiscript.md (Dutch)
* New translations api.md (Dutch)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Czech)
* New translations pages.md (German)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Korean)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (German)
* New translations mute.md (Danish)
* New translations stream.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (German)
* New translations theme.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (Czech)
* New translations api.md (Danish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Danish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Danish)
* New translations follow.md (Danish)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Danish)
* New translations aiscript.md (Danish)
* New translations pages.md (Danish)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (German)
* New translations reaction.md (Danish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (German)
* New translations api.md (German)
* New translations aiscript.md (German)
* New translations timelines.md (Danish)
* New translations theme.md (Danish)
* New translations stream.md (Danish)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Danish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (German)
* New translations follow.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Kabyle)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Kabyle)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Kabyle)
* New translations api.md (Kabyle)
* New translations aiscript.md (Kabyle)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Kannada)
* New translations timelines.md (Kannada)
* New translations theme.md (Kannada)
* New translations stream.md (Kannada)
* New translations reaction.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Kannada)
* New translations mute.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Kannada)
* New translations mute.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reaction.md (Kabyle)
* New translations follow.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Kannada)
* New translations theme.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations stream.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reaction.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations pages.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations mute.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Kabyle)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations api.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations aiscript.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations timelines.md (Kabyle)
* New translations theme.md (Kabyle)
* New translations stream.md (Kabyle)
* New translations follow.md (Kannada)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (English)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Kannada)
* New translations aiscript.md (English)
* New translations reaction.md (English)
* New translations pages.md (English)
* New translations mute.md (English)
* New translations follow.md (English)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (English)
* New translations create-plugin.md (English)
* New translations api.md (English)
* New translations stream.md (English)
* New translations timelines.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations theme.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reaction.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations pages.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mute.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (English)
* New translations theme.md (English)
* New translations api.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Uyghur)
* New translations aiscript.md (Kannada)
* New translations timelines.md (Uyghur)
* New translations theme.md (Uyghur)
* New translations stream.md (Uyghur)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Uyghur)
* New translations reaction.md (Uyghur)
* New translations mute.md (Uyghur)
* New translations timelines.md (English)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Uyghur)
* New translations follow.md (Uyghur)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Uyghur)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Uyghur)
* New translations api.md (Uyghur)
* New translations aiscript.md (Uyghur)
* New translations timelines.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (French)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (English)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Russian)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Ukrainian)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Spanish)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (German)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mfm.md (Ukrainian)
* New translations mfm.md (Korean)
* New translations deck.md (Dutch)
* New translations mfm.md (Dutch)
* New translations deck.md (Norwegian)
* New translations mfm.md (Norwegian)
* New translations deck.md (Polish)
* New translations mfm.md (Polish)
* New translations deck.md (Portuguese)
* New translations mfm.md (Portuguese)
* New translations deck.md (Russian)
* New translations mfm.md (Russian)
* New translations deck.md (Ukrainian)
* New translations deck.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations mfm.md (German)
* New translations mfm.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations deck.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mfm.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations deck.md (English)
* New translations mfm.md (English)
* New translations deck.md (Uyghur)
* New translations mfm.md (Uyghur)
* New translations deck.md (Kannada)
* New translations mfm.md (Kannada)
* New translations deck.md (Kabyle)
* New translations mfm.md (Kabyle)
* New translations deck.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations deck.md (Korean)
* New translations deck.md (German)
* New translations mfm.md (Danish)
* New translations deck.md (French)
* New translations mfm.md (French)
* New translations deck.md (Spanish)
* New translations mfm.md (Spanish)
* New translations deck.md (Arabic)
* New translations mfm.md (Arabic)
* New translations deck.md (Czech)
* New translations mfm.md (Czech)
* New translations deck.md (Danish)
* New translations mfm.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations timelines.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations follow.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations follow.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
2020-12-28 21:45:08 +09:00
photos: "Фото"
digitalClock: "Цифровий годинник"
2020-11-07 12:32:27 +09:00
federation: "Федіверс"
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
postForm: "Створення запису"
New Crowdin updates (#6964)
* New translations theme.md (Arabic)
* New translations timelines.md (Arabic)
* New translations aiscript.md (Czech)
* New translations api.md (Czech)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Czech)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (Czech)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (Spanish)
* New translations stream.md (Spanish)
* New translations pages.md (Czech)
* New translations theme.md (French)
* New translations api.md (French)
* New translations create-plugin.md (French)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (French)
* New translations follow.md (French)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (French)
* New translations mute.md (French)
* New translations pages.md (French)
* New translations reaction.md (French)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (French)
* New translations stream.md (French)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Dutch)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Spanish)
* New translations aiscript.md (Spanish)
* New translations api.md (Spanish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Spanish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Spanish)
* New translations follow.md (Spanish)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Spanish)
* New translations mute.md (Spanish)
* New translations pages.md (Spanish)
* New translations reaction.md (Spanish)
* New translations mute.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (French)
* New translations reaction.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (Korean)
* New translations reaction.md (German)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (German)
* New translations stream.md (German)
* New translations theme.md (German)
* New translations timelines.md (German)
* New translations aiscript.md (Korean)
* New translations api.md (Korean)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Korean)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Korean)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Korean)
* New translations mute.md (German)
* New translations mute.md (Korean)
* New translations pages.md (Korean)
* New translations reaction.md (Korean)
* New translations stream.md (Korean)
* New translations theme.md (Korean)
* New translations timelines.md (Korean)
* New translations aiscript.md (Dutch)
* New translations api.md (Dutch)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Czech)
* New translations pages.md (German)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Korean)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (German)
* New translations mute.md (Danish)
* New translations stream.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (German)
* New translations theme.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (Czech)
* New translations api.md (Danish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Danish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Danish)
* New translations follow.md (Danish)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Danish)
* New translations aiscript.md (Danish)
* New translations pages.md (Danish)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (German)
* New translations reaction.md (Danish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (German)
* New translations api.md (German)
* New translations aiscript.md (German)
* New translations timelines.md (Danish)
* New translations theme.md (Danish)
* New translations stream.md (Danish)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Danish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (German)
* New translations follow.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Kabyle)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Kabyle)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Kabyle)
* New translations api.md (Kabyle)
* New translations aiscript.md (Kabyle)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Kannada)
* New translations timelines.md (Kannada)
* New translations theme.md (Kannada)
* New translations stream.md (Kannada)
* New translations reaction.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Kannada)
* New translations mute.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Kannada)
* New translations mute.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reaction.md (Kabyle)
* New translations follow.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Kannada)
* New translations theme.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations stream.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reaction.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations pages.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations mute.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Kabyle)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations api.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations aiscript.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations timelines.md (Kabyle)
* New translations theme.md (Kabyle)
* New translations stream.md (Kabyle)
* New translations follow.md (Kannada)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (English)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Kannada)
* New translations aiscript.md (English)
* New translations reaction.md (English)
* New translations pages.md (English)
* New translations mute.md (English)
* New translations follow.md (English)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (English)
* New translations create-plugin.md (English)
* New translations api.md (English)
* New translations stream.md (English)
* New translations timelines.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations theme.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reaction.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations pages.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mute.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (English)
* New translations theme.md (English)
* New translations api.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Uyghur)
* New translations aiscript.md (Kannada)
* New translations timelines.md (Uyghur)
* New translations theme.md (Uyghur)
* New translations stream.md (Uyghur)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Uyghur)
* New translations reaction.md (Uyghur)
* New translations mute.md (Uyghur)
* New translations timelines.md (English)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Uyghur)
* New translations follow.md (Uyghur)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Uyghur)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Uyghur)
* New translations api.md (Uyghur)
* New translations aiscript.md (Uyghur)
* New translations timelines.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (French)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (English)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Russian)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Ukrainian)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Spanish)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (German)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mfm.md (Ukrainian)
* New translations mfm.md (Korean)
* New translations deck.md (Dutch)
* New translations mfm.md (Dutch)
* New translations deck.md (Norwegian)
* New translations mfm.md (Norwegian)
* New translations deck.md (Polish)
* New translations mfm.md (Polish)
* New translations deck.md (Portuguese)
* New translations mfm.md (Portuguese)
* New translations deck.md (Russian)
* New translations mfm.md (Russian)
* New translations deck.md (Ukrainian)
* New translations deck.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations mfm.md (German)
* New translations mfm.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations deck.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mfm.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations deck.md (English)
* New translations mfm.md (English)
* New translations deck.md (Uyghur)
* New translations mfm.md (Uyghur)
* New translations deck.md (Kannada)
* New translations mfm.md (Kannada)
* New translations deck.md (Kabyle)
* New translations mfm.md (Kabyle)
* New translations deck.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations deck.md (Korean)
* New translations deck.md (German)
* New translations mfm.md (Danish)
* New translations deck.md (French)
* New translations mfm.md (French)
* New translations deck.md (Spanish)
* New translations mfm.md (Spanish)
* New translations deck.md (Arabic)
* New translations mfm.md (Arabic)
* New translations deck.md (Czech)
* New translations mfm.md (Czech)
* New translations deck.md (Danish)
* New translations mfm.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations timelines.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations follow.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations follow.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
2020-12-28 21:45:08 +09:00
slideshow: "Слайд-шоу"
button: "Кнопка"
2021-02-19 21:42:22 +09:00
onlineUsers: "Користувачі онлайн"
2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
jobQueue: "Черга завдань"
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
serverMetric: "Показники сервера"
2021-02-19 21:42:22 +09:00
aiscript: "Консоль AiScript"
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
chooseList: Оберіть список
meiliStatus: Стан сервера
meiliSize: Розмір індексу
rssTicker: RSS-тікер
instanceCloud: Хмара серверів
unixClock: Годинник UNIX
userList: Список користувачів
serverInfo: Інформація про сервер
meiliIndexCount: Індексовані записи
2020-11-02 17:27:42 +09:00
New Crowdin updates (#6964)
* New translations theme.md (Arabic)
* New translations timelines.md (Arabic)
* New translations aiscript.md (Czech)
* New translations api.md (Czech)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Czech)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (Czech)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (Spanish)
* New translations stream.md (Spanish)
* New translations pages.md (Czech)
* New translations theme.md (French)
* New translations api.md (French)
* New translations create-plugin.md (French)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (French)
* New translations follow.md (French)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (French)
* New translations mute.md (French)
* New translations pages.md (French)
* New translations reaction.md (French)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (French)
* New translations stream.md (French)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Dutch)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Spanish)
* New translations aiscript.md (Spanish)
* New translations api.md (Spanish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Spanish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Spanish)
* New translations follow.md (Spanish)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Spanish)
* New translations mute.md (Spanish)
* New translations pages.md (Spanish)
* New translations reaction.md (Spanish)
* New translations mute.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (French)
* New translations reaction.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (Korean)
* New translations reaction.md (German)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (German)
* New translations stream.md (German)
* New translations theme.md (German)
* New translations timelines.md (German)
* New translations aiscript.md (Korean)
* New translations api.md (Korean)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Korean)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Korean)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Korean)
* New translations mute.md (German)
* New translations mute.md (Korean)
* New translations pages.md (Korean)
* New translations reaction.md (Korean)
* New translations stream.md (Korean)
* New translations theme.md (Korean)
* New translations timelines.md (Korean)
* New translations aiscript.md (Dutch)
* New translations api.md (Dutch)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Czech)
* New translations pages.md (German)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Korean)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (German)
* New translations mute.md (Danish)
* New translations stream.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (German)
* New translations theme.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (Czech)
* New translations api.md (Danish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Danish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Danish)
* New translations follow.md (Danish)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Danish)
* New translations aiscript.md (Danish)
* New translations pages.md (Danish)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (German)
* New translations reaction.md (Danish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (German)
* New translations api.md (German)
* New translations aiscript.md (German)
* New translations timelines.md (Danish)
* New translations theme.md (Danish)
* New translations stream.md (Danish)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Danish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (German)
* New translations follow.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Kabyle)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Kabyle)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Kabyle)
* New translations api.md (Kabyle)
* New translations aiscript.md (Kabyle)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Kannada)
* New translations timelines.md (Kannada)
* New translations theme.md (Kannada)
* New translations stream.md (Kannada)
* New translations reaction.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Kannada)
* New translations mute.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Kannada)
* New translations mute.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reaction.md (Kabyle)
* New translations follow.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Kannada)
* New translations theme.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations stream.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reaction.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations pages.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations mute.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Kabyle)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations api.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations aiscript.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations timelines.md (Kabyle)
* New translations theme.md (Kabyle)
* New translations stream.md (Kabyle)
* New translations follow.md (Kannada)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (English)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Kannada)
* New translations aiscript.md (English)
* New translations reaction.md (English)
* New translations pages.md (English)
* New translations mute.md (English)
* New translations follow.md (English)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (English)
* New translations create-plugin.md (English)
* New translations api.md (English)
* New translations stream.md (English)
* New translations timelines.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations theme.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reaction.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations pages.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mute.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (English)
* New translations theme.md (English)
* New translations api.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Uyghur)
* New translations aiscript.md (Kannada)
* New translations timelines.md (Uyghur)
* New translations theme.md (Uyghur)
* New translations stream.md (Uyghur)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Uyghur)
* New translations reaction.md (Uyghur)
* New translations mute.md (Uyghur)
* New translations timelines.md (English)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Uyghur)
* New translations follow.md (Uyghur)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Uyghur)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Uyghur)
* New translations api.md (Uyghur)
* New translations aiscript.md (Uyghur)
* New translations timelines.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (French)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (English)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Russian)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Ukrainian)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Spanish)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (German)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mfm.md (Ukrainian)
* New translations mfm.md (Korean)
* New translations deck.md (Dutch)
* New translations mfm.md (Dutch)
* New translations deck.md (Norwegian)
* New translations mfm.md (Norwegian)
* New translations deck.md (Polish)
* New translations mfm.md (Polish)
* New translations deck.md (Portuguese)
* New translations mfm.md (Portuguese)
* New translations deck.md (Russian)
* New translations mfm.md (Russian)
* New translations deck.md (Ukrainian)
* New translations deck.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations mfm.md (German)
* New translations mfm.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations deck.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mfm.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations deck.md (English)
* New translations mfm.md (English)
* New translations deck.md (Uyghur)
* New translations mfm.md (Uyghur)
* New translations deck.md (Kannada)
* New translations mfm.md (Kannada)
* New translations deck.md (Kabyle)
* New translations mfm.md (Kabyle)
* New translations deck.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations deck.md (Korean)
* New translations deck.md (German)
* New translations mfm.md (Danish)
* New translations deck.md (French)
* New translations mfm.md (French)
* New translations deck.md (Spanish)
* New translations mfm.md (Spanish)
* New translations deck.md (Arabic)
* New translations mfm.md (Arabic)
* New translations deck.md (Czech)
* New translations mfm.md (Czech)
* New translations deck.md (Danish)
* New translations mfm.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations timelines.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations follow.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations follow.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
2020-12-28 21:45:08 +09:00
hide: "Сховати"
2020-11-02 17:27:42 +09:00
show: "Показати більше"
New Crowdin updates (#6964)
* New translations theme.md (Arabic)
* New translations timelines.md (Arabic)
* New translations aiscript.md (Czech)
* New translations api.md (Czech)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Czech)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (Czech)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (Spanish)
* New translations stream.md (Spanish)
* New translations pages.md (Czech)
* New translations theme.md (French)
* New translations api.md (French)
* New translations create-plugin.md (French)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (French)
* New translations follow.md (French)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (French)
* New translations mute.md (French)
* New translations pages.md (French)
* New translations reaction.md (French)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (French)
* New translations stream.md (French)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Dutch)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Spanish)
* New translations aiscript.md (Spanish)
* New translations api.md (Spanish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Spanish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Spanish)
* New translations follow.md (Spanish)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Spanish)
* New translations mute.md (Spanish)
* New translations pages.md (Spanish)
* New translations reaction.md (Spanish)
* New translations mute.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (French)
* New translations reaction.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (Korean)
* New translations reaction.md (German)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (German)
* New translations stream.md (German)
* New translations theme.md (German)
* New translations timelines.md (German)
* New translations aiscript.md (Korean)
* New translations api.md (Korean)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Korean)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Korean)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Korean)
* New translations mute.md (German)
* New translations mute.md (Korean)
* New translations pages.md (Korean)
* New translations reaction.md (Korean)
* New translations stream.md (Korean)
* New translations theme.md (Korean)
* New translations timelines.md (Korean)
* New translations aiscript.md (Dutch)
* New translations api.md (Dutch)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Czech)
* New translations pages.md (German)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Korean)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (German)
* New translations mute.md (Danish)
* New translations stream.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (German)
* New translations theme.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (Czech)
* New translations api.md (Danish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Danish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Danish)
* New translations follow.md (Danish)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Danish)
* New translations aiscript.md (Danish)
* New translations pages.md (Danish)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (German)
* New translations reaction.md (Danish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (German)
* New translations api.md (German)
* New translations aiscript.md (German)
* New translations timelines.md (Danish)
* New translations theme.md (Danish)
* New translations stream.md (Danish)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Danish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (German)
* New translations follow.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Kabyle)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Kabyle)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Kabyle)
* New translations api.md (Kabyle)
* New translations aiscript.md (Kabyle)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Kannada)
* New translations timelines.md (Kannada)
* New translations theme.md (Kannada)
* New translations stream.md (Kannada)
* New translations reaction.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Kannada)
* New translations mute.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Kannada)
* New translations mute.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reaction.md (Kabyle)
* New translations follow.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Kannada)
* New translations theme.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations stream.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reaction.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations pages.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations mute.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Kabyle)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations api.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations aiscript.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations timelines.md (Kabyle)
* New translations theme.md (Kabyle)
* New translations stream.md (Kabyle)
* New translations follow.md (Kannada)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (English)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Kannada)
* New translations aiscript.md (English)
* New translations reaction.md (English)
* New translations pages.md (English)
* New translations mute.md (English)
* New translations follow.md (English)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (English)
* New translations create-plugin.md (English)
* New translations api.md (English)
* New translations stream.md (English)
* New translations timelines.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations theme.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reaction.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations pages.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mute.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (English)
* New translations theme.md (English)
* New translations api.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Uyghur)
* New translations aiscript.md (Kannada)
* New translations timelines.md (Uyghur)
* New translations theme.md (Uyghur)
* New translations stream.md (Uyghur)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Uyghur)
* New translations reaction.md (Uyghur)
* New translations mute.md (Uyghur)
* New translations timelines.md (English)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Uyghur)
* New translations follow.md (Uyghur)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Uyghur)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Uyghur)
* New translations api.md (Uyghur)
* New translations aiscript.md (Uyghur)
* New translations timelines.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (French)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (English)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Russian)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Ukrainian)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Spanish)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (German)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mfm.md (Ukrainian)
* New translations mfm.md (Korean)
* New translations deck.md (Dutch)
* New translations mfm.md (Dutch)
* New translations deck.md (Norwegian)
* New translations mfm.md (Norwegian)
* New translations deck.md (Polish)
* New translations mfm.md (Polish)
* New translations deck.md (Portuguese)
* New translations mfm.md (Portuguese)
* New translations deck.md (Russian)
* New translations mfm.md (Russian)
* New translations deck.md (Ukrainian)
* New translations deck.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations mfm.md (German)
* New translations mfm.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations deck.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mfm.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations deck.md (English)
* New translations mfm.md (English)
* New translations deck.md (Uyghur)
* New translations mfm.md (Uyghur)
* New translations deck.md (Kannada)
* New translations mfm.md (Kannada)
* New translations deck.md (Kabyle)
* New translations mfm.md (Kabyle)
* New translations deck.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations deck.md (Korean)
* New translations deck.md (German)
* New translations mfm.md (Danish)
* New translations deck.md (French)
* New translations mfm.md (French)
* New translations deck.md (Spanish)
* New translations mfm.md (Spanish)
* New translations deck.md (Arabic)
* New translations mfm.md (Arabic)
* New translations deck.md (Czech)
* New translations mfm.md (Czech)
* New translations deck.md (Danish)
* New translations mfm.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations timelines.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations follow.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations follow.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
2020-12-28 21:45:08 +09:00
chars: "{count} символів"
files: "{count} файлів"
2020-11-25 21:36:55 +09:00
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
noOnlyOneChoice: "Потрібні принаймні два варіанти"
2021-02-19 21:42:22 +09:00
choiceN: "Варіант {n}"
New Crowdin updates (#6964)
* New translations theme.md (Arabic)
* New translations timelines.md (Arabic)
* New translations aiscript.md (Czech)
* New translations api.md (Czech)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Czech)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (Czech)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (Spanish)
* New translations stream.md (Spanish)
* New translations pages.md (Czech)
* New translations theme.md (French)
* New translations api.md (French)
* New translations create-plugin.md (French)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (French)
* New translations follow.md (French)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (French)
* New translations mute.md (French)
* New translations pages.md (French)
* New translations reaction.md (French)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (French)
* New translations stream.md (French)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Dutch)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Spanish)
* New translations aiscript.md (Spanish)
* New translations api.md (Spanish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Spanish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Spanish)
* New translations follow.md (Spanish)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Spanish)
* New translations mute.md (Spanish)
* New translations pages.md (Spanish)
* New translations reaction.md (Spanish)
* New translations mute.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (French)
* New translations reaction.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (Korean)
* New translations reaction.md (German)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (German)
* New translations stream.md (German)
* New translations theme.md (German)
* New translations timelines.md (German)
* New translations aiscript.md (Korean)
* New translations api.md (Korean)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Korean)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Korean)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Korean)
* New translations mute.md (German)
* New translations mute.md (Korean)
* New translations pages.md (Korean)
* New translations reaction.md (Korean)
* New translations stream.md (Korean)
* New translations theme.md (Korean)
* New translations timelines.md (Korean)
* New translations aiscript.md (Dutch)
* New translations api.md (Dutch)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Czech)
* New translations pages.md (German)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Korean)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (German)
* New translations mute.md (Danish)
* New translations stream.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (German)
* New translations theme.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (Czech)
* New translations api.md (Danish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Danish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Danish)
* New translations follow.md (Danish)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Danish)
* New translations aiscript.md (Danish)
* New translations pages.md (Danish)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (German)
* New translations reaction.md (Danish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (German)
* New translations api.md (German)
* New translations aiscript.md (German)
* New translations timelines.md (Danish)
* New translations theme.md (Danish)
* New translations stream.md (Danish)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Danish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (German)
* New translations follow.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Kabyle)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Kabyle)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Kabyle)
* New translations api.md (Kabyle)
* New translations aiscript.md (Kabyle)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Kannada)
* New translations timelines.md (Kannada)
* New translations theme.md (Kannada)
* New translations stream.md (Kannada)
* New translations reaction.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Kannada)
* New translations mute.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Kannada)
* New translations mute.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reaction.md (Kabyle)
* New translations follow.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Kannada)
* New translations theme.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations stream.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reaction.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations pages.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations mute.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Kabyle)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations api.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations aiscript.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations timelines.md (Kabyle)
* New translations theme.md (Kabyle)
* New translations stream.md (Kabyle)
* New translations follow.md (Kannada)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (English)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Kannada)
* New translations aiscript.md (English)
* New translations reaction.md (English)
* New translations pages.md (English)
* New translations mute.md (English)
* New translations follow.md (English)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (English)
* New translations create-plugin.md (English)
* New translations api.md (English)
* New translations stream.md (English)
* New translations timelines.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations theme.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reaction.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations pages.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mute.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (English)
* New translations theme.md (English)
* New translations api.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Uyghur)
* New translations aiscript.md (Kannada)
* New translations timelines.md (Uyghur)
* New translations theme.md (Uyghur)
* New translations stream.md (Uyghur)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Uyghur)
* New translations reaction.md (Uyghur)
* New translations mute.md (Uyghur)
* New translations timelines.md (English)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Uyghur)
* New translations follow.md (Uyghur)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Uyghur)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Uyghur)
* New translations api.md (Uyghur)
* New translations aiscript.md (Uyghur)
* New translations timelines.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (French)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (English)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Russian)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Ukrainian)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Spanish)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (German)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mfm.md (Ukrainian)
* New translations mfm.md (Korean)
* New translations deck.md (Dutch)
* New translations mfm.md (Dutch)
* New translations deck.md (Norwegian)
* New translations mfm.md (Norwegian)
* New translations deck.md (Polish)
* New translations mfm.md (Polish)
* New translations deck.md (Portuguese)
* New translations mfm.md (Portuguese)
* New translations deck.md (Russian)
* New translations mfm.md (Russian)
* New translations deck.md (Ukrainian)
* New translations deck.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations mfm.md (German)
* New translations mfm.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations deck.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mfm.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations deck.md (English)
* New translations mfm.md (English)
* New translations deck.md (Uyghur)
* New translations mfm.md (Uyghur)
* New translations deck.md (Kannada)
* New translations mfm.md (Kannada)
* New translations deck.md (Kabyle)
* New translations mfm.md (Kabyle)
* New translations deck.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations deck.md (Korean)
* New translations deck.md (German)
* New translations mfm.md (Danish)
* New translations deck.md (French)
* New translations mfm.md (French)
* New translations deck.md (Spanish)
* New translations mfm.md (Spanish)
* New translations deck.md (Arabic)
* New translations mfm.md (Arabic)
* New translations deck.md (Czech)
* New translations mfm.md (Czech)
* New translations deck.md (Danish)
* New translations mfm.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations timelines.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations follow.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations follow.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
2020-12-28 21:45:08 +09:00
noMore: "Більше варіантів додати не можна"
canMultipleVote: "Можна вибрати кілька варіантів"
expiration: "Опитування закінчується"
infinite: "Ніколи"
2021-02-19 21:42:22 +09:00
at: "На даті..."
after: "Через..."
New Crowdin updates (#6964)
* New translations theme.md (Arabic)
* New translations timelines.md (Arabic)
* New translations aiscript.md (Czech)
* New translations api.md (Czech)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Czech)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (Czech)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (Spanish)
* New translations stream.md (Spanish)
* New translations pages.md (Czech)
* New translations theme.md (French)
* New translations api.md (French)
* New translations create-plugin.md (French)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (French)
* New translations follow.md (French)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (French)
* New translations mute.md (French)
* New translations pages.md (French)
* New translations reaction.md (French)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (French)
* New translations stream.md (French)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Dutch)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Spanish)
* New translations aiscript.md (Spanish)
* New translations api.md (Spanish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Spanish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Spanish)
* New translations follow.md (Spanish)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Spanish)
* New translations mute.md (Spanish)
* New translations pages.md (Spanish)
* New translations reaction.md (Spanish)
* New translations mute.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (French)
* New translations reaction.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (Korean)
* New translations reaction.md (German)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (German)
* New translations stream.md (German)
* New translations theme.md (German)
* New translations timelines.md (German)
* New translations aiscript.md (Korean)
* New translations api.md (Korean)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Korean)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Korean)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Korean)
* New translations mute.md (German)
* New translations mute.md (Korean)
* New translations pages.md (Korean)
* New translations reaction.md (Korean)
* New translations stream.md (Korean)
* New translations theme.md (Korean)
* New translations timelines.md (Korean)
* New translations aiscript.md (Dutch)
* New translations api.md (Dutch)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Czech)
* New translations pages.md (German)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Korean)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (German)
* New translations mute.md (Danish)
* New translations stream.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (German)
* New translations theme.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (Czech)
* New translations api.md (Danish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Danish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Danish)
* New translations follow.md (Danish)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Danish)
* New translations aiscript.md (Danish)
* New translations pages.md (Danish)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (German)
* New translations reaction.md (Danish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (German)
* New translations api.md (German)
* New translations aiscript.md (German)
* New translations timelines.md (Danish)
* New translations theme.md (Danish)
* New translations stream.md (Danish)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Danish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (German)
* New translations follow.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Kabyle)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Kabyle)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Kabyle)
* New translations api.md (Kabyle)
* New translations aiscript.md (Kabyle)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Kannada)
* New translations timelines.md (Kannada)
* New translations theme.md (Kannada)
* New translations stream.md (Kannada)
* New translations reaction.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Kannada)
* New translations mute.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Kannada)
* New translations mute.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reaction.md (Kabyle)
* New translations follow.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Kannada)
* New translations theme.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations stream.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reaction.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations pages.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations mute.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Kabyle)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations api.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations aiscript.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations timelines.md (Kabyle)
* New translations theme.md (Kabyle)
* New translations stream.md (Kabyle)
* New translations follow.md (Kannada)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (English)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Kannada)
* New translations aiscript.md (English)
* New translations reaction.md (English)
* New translations pages.md (English)
* New translations mute.md (English)
* New translations follow.md (English)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (English)
* New translations create-plugin.md (English)
* New translations api.md (English)
* New translations stream.md (English)
* New translations timelines.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations theme.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reaction.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations pages.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mute.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (English)
* New translations theme.md (English)
* New translations api.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Uyghur)
* New translations aiscript.md (Kannada)
* New translations timelines.md (Uyghur)
* New translations theme.md (Uyghur)
* New translations stream.md (Uyghur)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Uyghur)
* New translations reaction.md (Uyghur)
* New translations mute.md (Uyghur)
* New translations timelines.md (English)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Uyghur)
* New translations follow.md (Uyghur)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Uyghur)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Uyghur)
* New translations api.md (Uyghur)
* New translations aiscript.md (Uyghur)
* New translations timelines.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (French)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (English)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Russian)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Ukrainian)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Spanish)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (German)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mfm.md (Ukrainian)
* New translations mfm.md (Korean)
* New translations deck.md (Dutch)
* New translations mfm.md (Dutch)
* New translations deck.md (Norwegian)
* New translations mfm.md (Norwegian)
* New translations deck.md (Polish)
* New translations mfm.md (Polish)
* New translations deck.md (Portuguese)
* New translations mfm.md (Portuguese)
* New translations deck.md (Russian)
* New translations mfm.md (Russian)
* New translations deck.md (Ukrainian)
* New translations deck.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations mfm.md (German)
* New translations mfm.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations deck.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mfm.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations deck.md (English)
* New translations mfm.md (English)
* New translations deck.md (Uyghur)
* New translations mfm.md (Uyghur)
* New translations deck.md (Kannada)
* New translations mfm.md (Kannada)
* New translations deck.md (Kabyle)
* New translations mfm.md (Kabyle)
* New translations deck.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations deck.md (Korean)
* New translations deck.md (German)
* New translations mfm.md (Danish)
* New translations deck.md (French)
* New translations mfm.md (French)
* New translations deck.md (Spanish)
* New translations mfm.md (Spanish)
* New translations deck.md (Arabic)
* New translations mfm.md (Arabic)
* New translations deck.md (Czech)
* New translations mfm.md (Czech)
* New translations deck.md (Danish)
* New translations mfm.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations timelines.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations follow.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations follow.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
2020-12-28 21:45:08 +09:00
deadlineDate: "Дата закінчення"
2020-11-25 21:36:55 +09:00
deadlineTime: "г"
New Crowdin updates (#6964)
* New translations theme.md (Arabic)
* New translations timelines.md (Arabic)
* New translations aiscript.md (Czech)
* New translations api.md (Czech)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Czech)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (Czech)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (Spanish)
* New translations stream.md (Spanish)
* New translations pages.md (Czech)
* New translations theme.md (French)
* New translations api.md (French)
* New translations create-plugin.md (French)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (French)
* New translations follow.md (French)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (French)
* New translations mute.md (French)
* New translations pages.md (French)
* New translations reaction.md (French)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (French)
* New translations stream.md (French)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Dutch)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Spanish)
* New translations aiscript.md (Spanish)
* New translations api.md (Spanish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Spanish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Spanish)
* New translations follow.md (Spanish)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Spanish)
* New translations mute.md (Spanish)
* New translations pages.md (Spanish)
* New translations reaction.md (Spanish)
* New translations mute.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (French)
* New translations reaction.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (Korean)
* New translations reaction.md (German)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (German)
* New translations stream.md (German)
* New translations theme.md (German)
* New translations timelines.md (German)
* New translations aiscript.md (Korean)
* New translations api.md (Korean)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Korean)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Korean)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Korean)
* New translations mute.md (German)
* New translations mute.md (Korean)
* New translations pages.md (Korean)
* New translations reaction.md (Korean)
* New translations stream.md (Korean)
* New translations theme.md (Korean)
* New translations timelines.md (Korean)
* New translations aiscript.md (Dutch)
* New translations api.md (Dutch)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Czech)
* New translations pages.md (German)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Korean)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (German)
* New translations mute.md (Danish)
* New translations stream.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (German)
* New translations theme.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (Czech)
* New translations api.md (Danish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Danish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Danish)
* New translations follow.md (Danish)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Danish)
* New translations aiscript.md (Danish)
* New translations pages.md (Danish)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (German)
* New translations reaction.md (Danish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (German)
* New translations api.md (German)
* New translations aiscript.md (German)
* New translations timelines.md (Danish)
* New translations theme.md (Danish)
* New translations stream.md (Danish)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Danish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (German)
* New translations follow.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Kabyle)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Kabyle)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Kabyle)
* New translations api.md (Kabyle)
* New translations aiscript.md (Kabyle)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Kannada)
* New translations timelines.md (Kannada)
* New translations theme.md (Kannada)
* New translations stream.md (Kannada)
* New translations reaction.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Kannada)
* New translations mute.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Kannada)
* New translations mute.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reaction.md (Kabyle)
* New translations follow.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Kannada)
* New translations theme.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations stream.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reaction.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations pages.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations mute.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Kabyle)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations api.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations aiscript.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations timelines.md (Kabyle)
* New translations theme.md (Kabyle)
* New translations stream.md (Kabyle)
* New translations follow.md (Kannada)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (English)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Kannada)
* New translations aiscript.md (English)
* New translations reaction.md (English)
* New translations pages.md (English)
* New translations mute.md (English)
* New translations follow.md (English)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (English)
* New translations create-plugin.md (English)
* New translations api.md (English)
* New translations stream.md (English)
* New translations timelines.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations theme.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reaction.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations pages.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mute.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (English)
* New translations theme.md (English)
* New translations api.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Uyghur)
* New translations aiscript.md (Kannada)
* New translations timelines.md (Uyghur)
* New translations theme.md (Uyghur)
* New translations stream.md (Uyghur)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Uyghur)
* New translations reaction.md (Uyghur)
* New translations mute.md (Uyghur)
* New translations timelines.md (English)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Uyghur)
* New translations follow.md (Uyghur)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Uyghur)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Uyghur)
* New translations api.md (Uyghur)
* New translations aiscript.md (Uyghur)
* New translations timelines.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (French)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (English)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Russian)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Ukrainian)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Spanish)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (German)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mfm.md (Ukrainian)
* New translations mfm.md (Korean)
* New translations deck.md (Dutch)
* New translations mfm.md (Dutch)
* New translations deck.md (Norwegian)
* New translations mfm.md (Norwegian)
* New translations deck.md (Polish)
* New translations mfm.md (Polish)
* New translations deck.md (Portuguese)
* New translations mfm.md (Portuguese)
* New translations deck.md (Russian)
* New translations mfm.md (Russian)
* New translations deck.md (Ukrainian)
* New translations deck.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations mfm.md (German)
* New translations mfm.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations deck.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mfm.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations deck.md (English)
* New translations mfm.md (English)
* New translations deck.md (Uyghur)
* New translations mfm.md (Uyghur)
* New translations deck.md (Kannada)
* New translations mfm.md (Kannada)
* New translations deck.md (Kabyle)
* New translations mfm.md (Kabyle)
* New translations deck.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations deck.md (Korean)
* New translations deck.md (German)
* New translations mfm.md (Danish)
* New translations deck.md (French)
* New translations mfm.md (French)
* New translations deck.md (Spanish)
* New translations mfm.md (Spanish)
* New translations deck.md (Arabic)
* New translations mfm.md (Arabic)
* New translations deck.md (Czech)
* New translations mfm.md (Czech)
* New translations deck.md (Danish)
* New translations mfm.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations timelines.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations follow.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations follow.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
2020-12-28 21:45:08 +09:00
duration: "Тривалість"
votesCount: "{n} голосів"
totalVotes: "Всього {n} голосів"
vote: "Голосувати"
showResult: "Переглянути результати"
voted: "Проголосовано"
closed: "Завершено"
remainingDays: "Залишилось {d} днів {h} годин"
remainingHours: "Залишилось {h} годин {m} хвилин"
remainingMinutes: "Залишилось {m} хвилин {s} секунд"
remainingSeconds: "Залишилось {s} секунд"
2020-11-02 17:27:42 +09:00
New Crowdin updates (#6964)
* New translations theme.md (Arabic)
* New translations timelines.md (Arabic)
* New translations aiscript.md (Czech)
* New translations api.md (Czech)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Czech)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (Czech)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (Spanish)
* New translations stream.md (Spanish)
* New translations pages.md (Czech)
* New translations theme.md (French)
* New translations api.md (French)
* New translations create-plugin.md (French)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (French)
* New translations follow.md (French)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (French)
* New translations mute.md (French)
* New translations pages.md (French)
* New translations reaction.md (French)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (French)
* New translations stream.md (French)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Dutch)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Spanish)
* New translations aiscript.md (Spanish)
* New translations api.md (Spanish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Spanish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Spanish)
* New translations follow.md (Spanish)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Spanish)
* New translations mute.md (Spanish)
* New translations pages.md (Spanish)
* New translations reaction.md (Spanish)
* New translations mute.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (French)
* New translations reaction.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (Korean)
* New translations reaction.md (German)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (German)
* New translations stream.md (German)
* New translations theme.md (German)
* New translations timelines.md (German)
* New translations aiscript.md (Korean)
* New translations api.md (Korean)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Korean)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Korean)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Korean)
* New translations mute.md (German)
* New translations mute.md (Korean)
* New translations pages.md (Korean)
* New translations reaction.md (Korean)
* New translations stream.md (Korean)
* New translations theme.md (Korean)
* New translations timelines.md (Korean)
* New translations aiscript.md (Dutch)
* New translations api.md (Dutch)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Czech)
* New translations pages.md (German)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Korean)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (German)
* New translations mute.md (Danish)
* New translations stream.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (German)
* New translations theme.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (Czech)
* New translations api.md (Danish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Danish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Danish)
* New translations follow.md (Danish)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Danish)
* New translations aiscript.md (Danish)
* New translations pages.md (Danish)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (German)
* New translations reaction.md (Danish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (German)
* New translations api.md (German)
* New translations aiscript.md (German)
* New translations timelines.md (Danish)
* New translations theme.md (Danish)
* New translations stream.md (Danish)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Danish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (German)
* New translations follow.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Kabyle)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Kabyle)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Kabyle)
* New translations api.md (Kabyle)
* New translations aiscript.md (Kabyle)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Kannada)
* New translations timelines.md (Kannada)
* New translations theme.md (Kannada)
* New translations stream.md (Kannada)
* New translations reaction.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Kannada)
* New translations mute.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Kannada)
* New translations mute.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reaction.md (Kabyle)
* New translations follow.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Kannada)
* New translations theme.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations stream.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reaction.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations pages.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations mute.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Kabyle)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations api.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations aiscript.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations timelines.md (Kabyle)
* New translations theme.md (Kabyle)
* New translations stream.md (Kabyle)
* New translations follow.md (Kannada)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (English)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Kannada)
* New translations aiscript.md (English)
* New translations reaction.md (English)
* New translations pages.md (English)
* New translations mute.md (English)
* New translations follow.md (English)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (English)
* New translations create-plugin.md (English)
* New translations api.md (English)
* New translations stream.md (English)
* New translations timelines.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations theme.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reaction.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations pages.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mute.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (English)
* New translations theme.md (English)
* New translations api.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Uyghur)
* New translations aiscript.md (Kannada)
* New translations timelines.md (Uyghur)
* New translations theme.md (Uyghur)
* New translations stream.md (Uyghur)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Uyghur)
* New translations reaction.md (Uyghur)
* New translations mute.md (Uyghur)
* New translations timelines.md (English)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Uyghur)
* New translations follow.md (Uyghur)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Uyghur)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Uyghur)
* New translations api.md (Uyghur)
* New translations aiscript.md (Uyghur)
* New translations timelines.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (French)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (English)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Russian)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Ukrainian)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Spanish)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (German)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mfm.md (Ukrainian)
* New translations mfm.md (Korean)
* New translations deck.md (Dutch)
* New translations mfm.md (Dutch)
* New translations deck.md (Norwegian)
* New translations mfm.md (Norwegian)
* New translations deck.md (Polish)
* New translations mfm.md (Polish)
* New translations deck.md (Portuguese)
* New translations mfm.md (Portuguese)
* New translations deck.md (Russian)
* New translations mfm.md (Russian)
* New translations deck.md (Ukrainian)
* New translations deck.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations mfm.md (German)
* New translations mfm.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations deck.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mfm.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations deck.md (English)
* New translations mfm.md (English)
* New translations deck.md (Uyghur)
* New translations mfm.md (Uyghur)
* New translations deck.md (Kannada)
* New translations mfm.md (Kannada)
* New translations deck.md (Kabyle)
* New translations mfm.md (Kabyle)
* New translations deck.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations deck.md (Korean)
* New translations deck.md (German)
* New translations mfm.md (Danish)
* New translations deck.md (French)
* New translations mfm.md (French)
* New translations deck.md (Spanish)
* New translations mfm.md (Spanish)
* New translations deck.md (Arabic)
* New translations mfm.md (Arabic)
* New translations deck.md (Czech)
* New translations mfm.md (Czech)
* New translations deck.md (Danish)
* New translations mfm.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations timelines.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations follow.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations follow.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
2020-12-28 21:45:08 +09:00
public: "Публічний"
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
publicDescription: "Ваш запис буде видно в усіх публічних стрічках"
home: "Скритий"
New Crowdin updates (#6964)
* New translations theme.md (Arabic)
* New translations timelines.md (Arabic)
* New translations aiscript.md (Czech)
* New translations api.md (Czech)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Czech)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (Czech)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (Spanish)
* New translations stream.md (Spanish)
* New translations pages.md (Czech)
* New translations theme.md (French)
* New translations api.md (French)
* New translations create-plugin.md (French)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (French)
* New translations follow.md (French)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (French)
* New translations mute.md (French)
* New translations pages.md (French)
* New translations reaction.md (French)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (French)
* New translations stream.md (French)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Dutch)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Spanish)
* New translations aiscript.md (Spanish)
* New translations api.md (Spanish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Spanish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Spanish)
* New translations follow.md (Spanish)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Spanish)
* New translations mute.md (Spanish)
* New translations pages.md (Spanish)
* New translations reaction.md (Spanish)
* New translations mute.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (French)
* New translations reaction.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (Korean)
* New translations reaction.md (German)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (German)
* New translations stream.md (German)
* New translations theme.md (German)
* New translations timelines.md (German)
* New translations aiscript.md (Korean)
* New translations api.md (Korean)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Korean)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Korean)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Korean)
* New translations mute.md (German)
* New translations mute.md (Korean)
* New translations pages.md (Korean)
* New translations reaction.md (Korean)
* New translations stream.md (Korean)
* New translations theme.md (Korean)
* New translations timelines.md (Korean)
* New translations aiscript.md (Dutch)
* New translations api.md (Dutch)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Czech)
* New translations pages.md (German)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Korean)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (German)
* New translations mute.md (Danish)
* New translations stream.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (German)
* New translations theme.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (Czech)
* New translations api.md (Danish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Danish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Danish)
* New translations follow.md (Danish)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Danish)
* New translations aiscript.md (Danish)
* New translations pages.md (Danish)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (German)
* New translations reaction.md (Danish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (German)
* New translations api.md (German)
* New translations aiscript.md (German)
* New translations timelines.md (Danish)
* New translations theme.md (Danish)
* New translations stream.md (Danish)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Danish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (German)
* New translations follow.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Kabyle)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Kabyle)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Kabyle)
* New translations api.md (Kabyle)
* New translations aiscript.md (Kabyle)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Kannada)
* New translations timelines.md (Kannada)
* New translations theme.md (Kannada)
* New translations stream.md (Kannada)
* New translations reaction.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Kannada)
* New translations mute.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Kannada)
* New translations mute.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reaction.md (Kabyle)
* New translations follow.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Kannada)
* New translations theme.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations stream.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reaction.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations pages.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations mute.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Kabyle)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations api.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations aiscript.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations timelines.md (Kabyle)
* New translations theme.md (Kabyle)
* New translations stream.md (Kabyle)
* New translations follow.md (Kannada)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (English)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Kannada)
* New translations aiscript.md (English)
* New translations reaction.md (English)
* New translations pages.md (English)
* New translations mute.md (English)
* New translations follow.md (English)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (English)
* New translations create-plugin.md (English)
* New translations api.md (English)
* New translations stream.md (English)
* New translations timelines.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations theme.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reaction.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations pages.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mute.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (English)
* New translations theme.md (English)
* New translations api.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Uyghur)
* New translations aiscript.md (Kannada)
* New translations timelines.md (Uyghur)
* New translations theme.md (Uyghur)
* New translations stream.md (Uyghur)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Uyghur)
* New translations reaction.md (Uyghur)
* New translations mute.md (Uyghur)
* New translations timelines.md (English)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Uyghur)
* New translations follow.md (Uyghur)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Uyghur)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Uyghur)
* New translations api.md (Uyghur)
* New translations aiscript.md (Uyghur)
* New translations timelines.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (French)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (English)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Russian)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Ukrainian)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Spanish)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (German)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mfm.md (Ukrainian)
* New translations mfm.md (Korean)
* New translations deck.md (Dutch)
* New translations mfm.md (Dutch)
* New translations deck.md (Norwegian)
* New translations mfm.md (Norwegian)
* New translations deck.md (Polish)
* New translations mfm.md (Polish)
* New translations deck.md (Portuguese)
* New translations mfm.md (Portuguese)
* New translations deck.md (Russian)
* New translations mfm.md (Russian)
* New translations deck.md (Ukrainian)
* New translations deck.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations mfm.md (German)
* New translations mfm.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations deck.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mfm.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations deck.md (English)
* New translations mfm.md (English)
* New translations deck.md (Uyghur)
* New translations mfm.md (Uyghur)
* New translations deck.md (Kannada)
* New translations mfm.md (Kannada)
* New translations deck.md (Kabyle)
* New translations mfm.md (Kabyle)
* New translations deck.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations deck.md (Korean)
* New translations deck.md (German)
* New translations mfm.md (Danish)
* New translations deck.md (French)
* New translations mfm.md (French)
* New translations deck.md (Spanish)
* New translations mfm.md (Spanish)
* New translations deck.md (Arabic)
* New translations mfm.md (Arabic)
* New translations deck.md (Czech)
* New translations mfm.md (Czech)
* New translations deck.md (Danish)
* New translations mfm.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations timelines.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations follow.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations follow.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
2020-12-28 21:45:08 +09:00
homeDescription: "Лише на домашній стрічці"
2020-11-02 17:27:42 +09:00
followers: "Підписники"
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
followersDescription: "Зробити видимим тільки для ваших підписників і згаданих користувачів"
New Crowdin updates (#6964)
* New translations theme.md (Arabic)
* New translations timelines.md (Arabic)
* New translations aiscript.md (Czech)
* New translations api.md (Czech)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Czech)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (Czech)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (Spanish)
* New translations stream.md (Spanish)
* New translations pages.md (Czech)
* New translations theme.md (French)
* New translations api.md (French)
* New translations create-plugin.md (French)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (French)
* New translations follow.md (French)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (French)
* New translations mute.md (French)
* New translations pages.md (French)
* New translations reaction.md (French)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (French)
* New translations stream.md (French)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Dutch)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Spanish)
* New translations aiscript.md (Spanish)
* New translations api.md (Spanish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Spanish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Spanish)
* New translations follow.md (Spanish)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Spanish)
* New translations mute.md (Spanish)
* New translations pages.md (Spanish)
* New translations reaction.md (Spanish)
* New translations mute.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (French)
* New translations reaction.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (Korean)
* New translations reaction.md (German)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (German)
* New translations stream.md (German)
* New translations theme.md (German)
* New translations timelines.md (German)
* New translations aiscript.md (Korean)
* New translations api.md (Korean)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Korean)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Korean)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Korean)
* New translations mute.md (German)
* New translations mute.md (Korean)
* New translations pages.md (Korean)
* New translations reaction.md (Korean)
* New translations stream.md (Korean)
* New translations theme.md (Korean)
* New translations timelines.md (Korean)
* New translations aiscript.md (Dutch)
* New translations api.md (Dutch)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Czech)
* New translations pages.md (German)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Korean)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (German)
* New translations mute.md (Danish)
* New translations stream.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (German)
* New translations theme.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (Czech)
* New translations api.md (Danish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Danish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Danish)
* New translations follow.md (Danish)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Danish)
* New translations aiscript.md (Danish)
* New translations pages.md (Danish)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (German)
* New translations reaction.md (Danish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (German)
* New translations api.md (German)
* New translations aiscript.md (German)
* New translations timelines.md (Danish)
* New translations theme.md (Danish)
* New translations stream.md (Danish)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Danish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (German)
* New translations follow.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Kabyle)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Kabyle)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Kabyle)
* New translations api.md (Kabyle)
* New translations aiscript.md (Kabyle)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Kannada)
* New translations timelines.md (Kannada)
* New translations theme.md (Kannada)
* New translations stream.md (Kannada)
* New translations reaction.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Kannada)
* New translations mute.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Kannada)
* New translations mute.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reaction.md (Kabyle)
* New translations follow.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Kannada)
* New translations theme.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations stream.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reaction.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations pages.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations mute.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Kabyle)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations api.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations aiscript.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations timelines.md (Kabyle)
* New translations theme.md (Kabyle)
* New translations stream.md (Kabyle)
* New translations follow.md (Kannada)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (English)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Kannada)
* New translations aiscript.md (English)
* New translations reaction.md (English)
* New translations pages.md (English)
* New translations mute.md (English)
* New translations follow.md (English)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (English)
* New translations create-plugin.md (English)
* New translations api.md (English)
* New translations stream.md (English)
* New translations timelines.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations theme.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reaction.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations pages.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mute.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (English)
* New translations theme.md (English)
* New translations api.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Uyghur)
* New translations aiscript.md (Kannada)
* New translations timelines.md (Uyghur)
* New translations theme.md (Uyghur)
* New translations stream.md (Uyghur)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Uyghur)
* New translations reaction.md (Uyghur)
* New translations mute.md (Uyghur)
* New translations timelines.md (English)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Uyghur)
* New translations follow.md (Uyghur)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Uyghur)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Uyghur)
* New translations api.md (Uyghur)
* New translations aiscript.md (Uyghur)
* New translations timelines.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (French)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (English)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Russian)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Ukrainian)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Spanish)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (German)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mfm.md (Ukrainian)
* New translations mfm.md (Korean)
* New translations deck.md (Dutch)
* New translations mfm.md (Dutch)
* New translations deck.md (Norwegian)
* New translations mfm.md (Norwegian)
* New translations deck.md (Polish)
* New translations mfm.md (Polish)
* New translations deck.md (Portuguese)
* New translations mfm.md (Portuguese)
* New translations deck.md (Russian)
* New translations mfm.md (Russian)
* New translations deck.md (Ukrainian)
* New translations deck.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations mfm.md (German)
* New translations mfm.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations deck.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mfm.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations deck.md (English)
* New translations mfm.md (English)
* New translations deck.md (Uyghur)
* New translations mfm.md (Uyghur)
* New translations deck.md (Kannada)
* New translations mfm.md (Kannada)
* New translations deck.md (Kabyle)
* New translations mfm.md (Kabyle)
* New translations deck.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations deck.md (Korean)
* New translations deck.md (German)
* New translations mfm.md (Danish)
* New translations deck.md (French)
* New translations mfm.md (French)
* New translations deck.md (Spanish)
* New translations mfm.md (Spanish)
* New translations deck.md (Arabic)
* New translations mfm.md (Arabic)
* New translations deck.md (Czech)
* New translations mfm.md (Czech)
* New translations deck.md (Danish)
* New translations mfm.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations timelines.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations follow.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations follow.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
2020-12-28 21:45:08 +09:00
specified: "Особисто"
specifiedDescription: "Лише для певних користувачів"
localOnly: "Локально"
localOnlyDescription: "Приховано для віддалених користувачів"
2020-11-02 17:27:42 +09:00
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
replyPlaceholder: "Відповідь на цей запис..."
quotePlaceholder: "Прокоментуйте цей запис..."
channelPlaceholder: "Опублікувати в каналі..."
New Crowdin updates (#6964)
* New translations theme.md (Arabic)
* New translations timelines.md (Arabic)
* New translations aiscript.md (Czech)
* New translations api.md (Czech)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Czech)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (Czech)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (Spanish)
* New translations stream.md (Spanish)
* New translations pages.md (Czech)
* New translations theme.md (French)
* New translations api.md (French)
* New translations create-plugin.md (French)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (French)
* New translations follow.md (French)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (French)
* New translations mute.md (French)
* New translations pages.md (French)
* New translations reaction.md (French)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (French)
* New translations stream.md (French)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Dutch)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Spanish)
* New translations aiscript.md (Spanish)
* New translations api.md (Spanish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Spanish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Spanish)
* New translations follow.md (Spanish)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Spanish)
* New translations mute.md (Spanish)
* New translations pages.md (Spanish)
* New translations reaction.md (Spanish)
* New translations mute.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (French)
* New translations reaction.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (Korean)
* New translations reaction.md (German)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (German)
* New translations stream.md (German)
* New translations theme.md (German)
* New translations timelines.md (German)
* New translations aiscript.md (Korean)
* New translations api.md (Korean)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Korean)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Korean)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Korean)
* New translations mute.md (German)
* New translations mute.md (Korean)
* New translations pages.md (Korean)
* New translations reaction.md (Korean)
* New translations stream.md (Korean)
* New translations theme.md (Korean)
* New translations timelines.md (Korean)
* New translations aiscript.md (Dutch)
* New translations api.md (Dutch)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Czech)
* New translations pages.md (German)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Korean)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (German)
* New translations mute.md (Danish)
* New translations stream.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (German)
* New translations theme.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (Czech)
* New translations api.md (Danish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Danish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Danish)
* New translations follow.md (Danish)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Danish)
* New translations aiscript.md (Danish)
* New translations pages.md (Danish)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (German)
* New translations reaction.md (Danish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (German)
* New translations api.md (German)
* New translations aiscript.md (German)
* New translations timelines.md (Danish)
* New translations theme.md (Danish)
* New translations stream.md (Danish)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Danish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (German)
* New translations follow.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Kabyle)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Kabyle)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Kabyle)
* New translations api.md (Kabyle)
* New translations aiscript.md (Kabyle)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Kannada)
* New translations timelines.md (Kannada)
* New translations theme.md (Kannada)
* New translations stream.md (Kannada)
* New translations reaction.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Kannada)
* New translations mute.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Kannada)
* New translations mute.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reaction.md (Kabyle)
* New translations follow.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Kannada)
* New translations theme.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations stream.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reaction.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations pages.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations mute.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Kabyle)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations api.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations aiscript.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations timelines.md (Kabyle)
* New translations theme.md (Kabyle)
* New translations stream.md (Kabyle)
* New translations follow.md (Kannada)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (English)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Kannada)
* New translations aiscript.md (English)
* New translations reaction.md (English)
* New translations pages.md (English)
* New translations mute.md (English)
* New translations follow.md (English)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (English)
* New translations create-plugin.md (English)
* New translations api.md (English)
* New translations stream.md (English)
* New translations timelines.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations theme.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reaction.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations pages.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mute.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (English)
* New translations theme.md (English)
* New translations api.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Uyghur)
* New translations aiscript.md (Kannada)
* New translations timelines.md (Uyghur)
* New translations theme.md (Uyghur)
* New translations stream.md (Uyghur)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Uyghur)
* New translations reaction.md (Uyghur)
* New translations mute.md (Uyghur)
* New translations timelines.md (English)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Uyghur)
* New translations follow.md (Uyghur)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Uyghur)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Uyghur)
* New translations api.md (Uyghur)
* New translations aiscript.md (Uyghur)
* New translations timelines.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (French)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (English)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Russian)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Ukrainian)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Spanish)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (German)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mfm.md (Ukrainian)
* New translations mfm.md (Korean)
* New translations deck.md (Dutch)
* New translations mfm.md (Dutch)
* New translations deck.md (Norwegian)
* New translations mfm.md (Norwegian)
* New translations deck.md (Polish)
* New translations mfm.md (Polish)
* New translations deck.md (Portuguese)
* New translations mfm.md (Portuguese)
* New translations deck.md (Russian)
* New translations mfm.md (Russian)
* New translations deck.md (Ukrainian)
* New translations deck.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations mfm.md (German)
* New translations mfm.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations deck.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mfm.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations deck.md (English)
* New translations mfm.md (English)
* New translations deck.md (Uyghur)
* New translations mfm.md (Uyghur)
* New translations deck.md (Kannada)
* New translations mfm.md (Kannada)
* New translations deck.md (Kabyle)
* New translations mfm.md (Kabyle)
* New translations deck.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations deck.md (Korean)
* New translations deck.md (German)
* New translations mfm.md (Danish)
* New translations deck.md (French)
* New translations mfm.md (French)
* New translations deck.md (Spanish)
* New translations mfm.md (Spanish)
* New translations deck.md (Arabic)
* New translations mfm.md (Arabic)
* New translations deck.md (Czech)
* New translations mfm.md (Czech)
* New translations deck.md (Danish)
* New translations mfm.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations timelines.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations follow.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations follow.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
2020-12-28 21:45:08 +09:00
a: "Чим займаєтесь?"
b: "Що відбувається навколо вас?"
c: "Що у вас на думці?"
d: "Що ви хочете висловити?"
e: "Напишіть тут, будь ласка..."
f: "Чекаю коли ви напишете..."
2020-11-02 17:27:42 +09:00
2020-11-14 14:32:53 +09:00
name: "Ім'я"
2020-11-02 17:27:42 +09:00
username: "Ім'я користувача"
New Crowdin updates (#6964)
* New translations theme.md (Arabic)
* New translations timelines.md (Arabic)
* New translations aiscript.md (Czech)
* New translations api.md (Czech)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Czech)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (Czech)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (Spanish)
* New translations stream.md (Spanish)
* New translations pages.md (Czech)
* New translations theme.md (French)
* New translations api.md (French)
* New translations create-plugin.md (French)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (French)
* New translations follow.md (French)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (French)
* New translations mute.md (French)
* New translations pages.md (French)
* New translations reaction.md (French)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (French)
* New translations stream.md (French)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Dutch)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Spanish)
* New translations aiscript.md (Spanish)
* New translations api.md (Spanish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Spanish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Spanish)
* New translations follow.md (Spanish)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Spanish)
* New translations mute.md (Spanish)
* New translations pages.md (Spanish)
* New translations reaction.md (Spanish)
* New translations mute.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (French)
* New translations reaction.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (Korean)
* New translations reaction.md (German)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (German)
* New translations stream.md (German)
* New translations theme.md (German)
* New translations timelines.md (German)
* New translations aiscript.md (Korean)
* New translations api.md (Korean)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Korean)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Korean)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Korean)
* New translations mute.md (German)
* New translations mute.md (Korean)
* New translations pages.md (Korean)
* New translations reaction.md (Korean)
* New translations stream.md (Korean)
* New translations theme.md (Korean)
* New translations timelines.md (Korean)
* New translations aiscript.md (Dutch)
* New translations api.md (Dutch)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Czech)
* New translations pages.md (German)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Korean)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (German)
* New translations mute.md (Danish)
* New translations stream.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (German)
* New translations theme.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (Czech)
* New translations api.md (Danish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Danish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Danish)
* New translations follow.md (Danish)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Danish)
* New translations aiscript.md (Danish)
* New translations pages.md (Danish)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (German)
* New translations reaction.md (Danish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (German)
* New translations api.md (German)
* New translations aiscript.md (German)
* New translations timelines.md (Danish)
* New translations theme.md (Danish)
* New translations stream.md (Danish)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Danish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (German)
* New translations follow.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Kabyle)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Kabyle)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Kabyle)
* New translations api.md (Kabyle)
* New translations aiscript.md (Kabyle)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Kannada)
* New translations timelines.md (Kannada)
* New translations theme.md (Kannada)
* New translations stream.md (Kannada)
* New translations reaction.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Kannada)
* New translations mute.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Kannada)
* New translations mute.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reaction.md (Kabyle)
* New translations follow.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Kannada)
* New translations theme.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations stream.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reaction.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations pages.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations mute.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Kabyle)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations api.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations aiscript.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations timelines.md (Kabyle)
* New translations theme.md (Kabyle)
* New translations stream.md (Kabyle)
* New translations follow.md (Kannada)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (English)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Kannada)
* New translations aiscript.md (English)
* New translations reaction.md (English)
* New translations pages.md (English)
* New translations mute.md (English)
* New translations follow.md (English)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (English)
* New translations create-plugin.md (English)
* New translations api.md (English)
* New translations stream.md (English)
* New translations timelines.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations theme.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reaction.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations pages.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mute.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (English)
* New translations theme.md (English)
* New translations api.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Uyghur)
* New translations aiscript.md (Kannada)
* New translations timelines.md (Uyghur)
* New translations theme.md (Uyghur)
* New translations stream.md (Uyghur)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Uyghur)
* New translations reaction.md (Uyghur)
* New translations mute.md (Uyghur)
* New translations timelines.md (English)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Uyghur)
* New translations follow.md (Uyghur)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Uyghur)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Uyghur)
* New translations api.md (Uyghur)
* New translations aiscript.md (Uyghur)
* New translations timelines.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (French)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (English)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Russian)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Ukrainian)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Spanish)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (German)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mfm.md (Ukrainian)
* New translations mfm.md (Korean)
* New translations deck.md (Dutch)
* New translations mfm.md (Dutch)
* New translations deck.md (Norwegian)
* New translations mfm.md (Norwegian)
* New translations deck.md (Polish)
* New translations mfm.md (Polish)
* New translations deck.md (Portuguese)
* New translations mfm.md (Portuguese)
* New translations deck.md (Russian)
* New translations mfm.md (Russian)
* New translations deck.md (Ukrainian)
* New translations deck.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations mfm.md (German)
* New translations mfm.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations deck.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mfm.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations deck.md (English)
* New translations mfm.md (English)
* New translations deck.md (Uyghur)
* New translations mfm.md (Uyghur)
* New translations deck.md (Kannada)
* New translations mfm.md (Kannada)
* New translations deck.md (Kabyle)
* New translations mfm.md (Kabyle)
* New translations deck.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations deck.md (Korean)
* New translations deck.md (German)
* New translations mfm.md (Danish)
* New translations deck.md (French)
* New translations mfm.md (French)
* New translations deck.md (Spanish)
* New translations mfm.md (Spanish)
* New translations deck.md (Arabic)
* New translations mfm.md (Arabic)
* New translations deck.md (Czech)
* New translations mfm.md (Czech)
* New translations deck.md (Danish)
* New translations mfm.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations timelines.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations follow.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations follow.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
2020-12-28 21:45:08 +09:00
description: "Про себе"
youCanIncludeHashtags: "Ви також можете включити хештеги у свій опис."
metadata: "Додаткова інформація"
metadataEdit: "Редагувати додаткову інформацію"
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
metadataDescription: "Ви можете вказати до чотирьох пунктів додаткової інформації
у своєму профілі."
New Crowdin updates (#6964)
* New translations theme.md (Arabic)
* New translations timelines.md (Arabic)
* New translations aiscript.md (Czech)
* New translations api.md (Czech)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Czech)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (Czech)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (Spanish)
* New translations stream.md (Spanish)
* New translations pages.md (Czech)
* New translations theme.md (French)
* New translations api.md (French)
* New translations create-plugin.md (French)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (French)
* New translations follow.md (French)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (French)
* New translations mute.md (French)
* New translations pages.md (French)
* New translations reaction.md (French)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (French)
* New translations stream.md (French)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Dutch)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Spanish)
* New translations aiscript.md (Spanish)
* New translations api.md (Spanish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Spanish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Spanish)
* New translations follow.md (Spanish)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Spanish)
* New translations mute.md (Spanish)
* New translations pages.md (Spanish)
* New translations reaction.md (Spanish)
* New translations mute.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (French)
* New translations reaction.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (Korean)
* New translations reaction.md (German)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (German)
* New translations stream.md (German)
* New translations theme.md (German)
* New translations timelines.md (German)
* New translations aiscript.md (Korean)
* New translations api.md (Korean)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Korean)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Korean)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Korean)
* New translations mute.md (German)
* New translations mute.md (Korean)
* New translations pages.md (Korean)
* New translations reaction.md (Korean)
* New translations stream.md (Korean)
* New translations theme.md (Korean)
* New translations timelines.md (Korean)
* New translations aiscript.md (Dutch)
* New translations api.md (Dutch)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Czech)
* New translations pages.md (German)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Korean)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (German)
* New translations mute.md (Danish)
* New translations stream.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (German)
* New translations theme.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (Czech)
* New translations api.md (Danish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Danish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Danish)
* New translations follow.md (Danish)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Danish)
* New translations aiscript.md (Danish)
* New translations pages.md (Danish)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (German)
* New translations reaction.md (Danish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (German)
* New translations api.md (German)
* New translations aiscript.md (German)
* New translations timelines.md (Danish)
* New translations theme.md (Danish)
* New translations stream.md (Danish)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Danish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (German)
* New translations follow.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Kabyle)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Kabyle)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Kabyle)
* New translations api.md (Kabyle)
* New translations aiscript.md (Kabyle)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Kannada)
* New translations timelines.md (Kannada)
* New translations theme.md (Kannada)
* New translations stream.md (Kannada)
* New translations reaction.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Kannada)
* New translations mute.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Kannada)
* New translations mute.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reaction.md (Kabyle)
* New translations follow.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Kannada)
* New translations theme.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations stream.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reaction.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations pages.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations mute.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Kabyle)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations api.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations aiscript.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations timelines.md (Kabyle)
* New translations theme.md (Kabyle)
* New translations stream.md (Kabyle)
* New translations follow.md (Kannada)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (English)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Kannada)
* New translations aiscript.md (English)
* New translations reaction.md (English)
* New translations pages.md (English)
* New translations mute.md (English)
* New translations follow.md (English)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (English)
* New translations create-plugin.md (English)
* New translations api.md (English)
* New translations stream.md (English)
* New translations timelines.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations theme.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reaction.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations pages.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mute.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (English)
* New translations theme.md (English)
* New translations api.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Uyghur)
* New translations aiscript.md (Kannada)
* New translations timelines.md (Uyghur)
* New translations theme.md (Uyghur)
* New translations stream.md (Uyghur)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Uyghur)
* New translations reaction.md (Uyghur)
* New translations mute.md (Uyghur)
* New translations timelines.md (English)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Uyghur)
* New translations follow.md (Uyghur)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Uyghur)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Uyghur)
* New translations api.md (Uyghur)
* New translations aiscript.md (Uyghur)
* New translations timelines.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (French)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (English)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Russian)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Ukrainian)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Spanish)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (German)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mfm.md (Ukrainian)
* New translations mfm.md (Korean)
* New translations deck.md (Dutch)
* New translations mfm.md (Dutch)
* New translations deck.md (Norwegian)
* New translations mfm.md (Norwegian)
* New translations deck.md (Polish)
* New translations mfm.md (Polish)
* New translations deck.md (Portuguese)
* New translations mfm.md (Portuguese)
* New translations deck.md (Russian)
* New translations mfm.md (Russian)
* New translations deck.md (Ukrainian)
* New translations deck.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations mfm.md (German)
* New translations mfm.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations deck.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mfm.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations deck.md (English)
* New translations mfm.md (English)
* New translations deck.md (Uyghur)
* New translations mfm.md (Uyghur)
* New translations deck.md (Kannada)
* New translations mfm.md (Kannada)
* New translations deck.md (Kabyle)
* New translations mfm.md (Kabyle)
* New translations deck.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations deck.md (Korean)
* New translations deck.md (German)
* New translations mfm.md (Danish)
* New translations deck.md (French)
* New translations mfm.md (French)
* New translations deck.md (Spanish)
* New translations mfm.md (Spanish)
* New translations deck.md (Arabic)
* New translations mfm.md (Arabic)
* New translations deck.md (Czech)
* New translations mfm.md (Czech)
* New translations deck.md (Danish)
* New translations mfm.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations timelines.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations follow.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations follow.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
2020-12-28 21:45:08 +09:00
metadataLabel: "Назва"
metadataContent: "Вміст"
changeAvatar: "Змінити аватар"
changeBanner: "Змінити банер"
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
locationDescription: Якщо ви спочатку введете своє місто, іншим користувачам буде
показано ваш місцевий час.
2020-11-02 17:27:42 +09:00
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
allNotes: "Всі записи"
2020-11-02 17:27:42 +09:00
followingList: "Підписки"
muteList: "Ігнорувати"
blockingList: "Заблокувати"
userLists: "Списки"
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
excludeInactiveUsers: Вилучити неактивних користувачів
excludeMutingUsers: Вилучити заглушених користувачів
New Crowdin updates (#6964)
* New translations theme.md (Arabic)
* New translations timelines.md (Arabic)
* New translations aiscript.md (Czech)
* New translations api.md (Czech)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Czech)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (Czech)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (Spanish)
* New translations stream.md (Spanish)
* New translations pages.md (Czech)
* New translations theme.md (French)
* New translations api.md (French)
* New translations create-plugin.md (French)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (French)
* New translations follow.md (French)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (French)
* New translations mute.md (French)
* New translations pages.md (French)
* New translations reaction.md (French)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (French)
* New translations stream.md (French)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Dutch)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Spanish)
* New translations aiscript.md (Spanish)
* New translations api.md (Spanish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Spanish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Spanish)
* New translations follow.md (Spanish)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Spanish)
* New translations mute.md (Spanish)
* New translations pages.md (Spanish)
* New translations reaction.md (Spanish)
* New translations mute.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (French)
* New translations reaction.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (Korean)
* New translations reaction.md (German)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (German)
* New translations stream.md (German)
* New translations theme.md (German)
* New translations timelines.md (German)
* New translations aiscript.md (Korean)
* New translations api.md (Korean)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Korean)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Korean)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Korean)
* New translations mute.md (German)
* New translations mute.md (Korean)
* New translations pages.md (Korean)
* New translations reaction.md (Korean)
* New translations stream.md (Korean)
* New translations theme.md (Korean)
* New translations timelines.md (Korean)
* New translations aiscript.md (Dutch)
* New translations api.md (Dutch)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Czech)
* New translations pages.md (German)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Korean)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (German)
* New translations mute.md (Danish)
* New translations stream.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (German)
* New translations theme.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (Czech)
* New translations api.md (Danish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Danish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Danish)
* New translations follow.md (Danish)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Danish)
* New translations aiscript.md (Danish)
* New translations pages.md (Danish)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (German)
* New translations reaction.md (Danish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (German)
* New translations api.md (German)
* New translations aiscript.md (German)
* New translations timelines.md (Danish)
* New translations theme.md (Danish)
* New translations stream.md (Danish)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Danish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (German)
* New translations follow.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Kabyle)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Kabyle)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Kabyle)
* New translations api.md (Kabyle)
* New translations aiscript.md (Kabyle)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Kannada)
* New translations timelines.md (Kannada)
* New translations theme.md (Kannada)
* New translations stream.md (Kannada)
* New translations reaction.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Kannada)
* New translations mute.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Kannada)
* New translations mute.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reaction.md (Kabyle)
* New translations follow.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Kannada)
* New translations theme.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations stream.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reaction.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations pages.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations mute.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Kabyle)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations api.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations aiscript.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations timelines.md (Kabyle)
* New translations theme.md (Kabyle)
* New translations stream.md (Kabyle)
* New translations follow.md (Kannada)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (English)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Kannada)
* New translations aiscript.md (English)
* New translations reaction.md (English)
* New translations pages.md (English)
* New translations mute.md (English)
* New translations follow.md (English)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (English)
* New translations create-plugin.md (English)
* New translations api.md (English)
* New translations stream.md (English)
* New translations timelines.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations theme.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reaction.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations pages.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mute.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (English)
* New translations theme.md (English)
* New translations api.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Uyghur)
* New translations aiscript.md (Kannada)
* New translations timelines.md (Uyghur)
* New translations theme.md (Uyghur)
* New translations stream.md (Uyghur)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Uyghur)
* New translations reaction.md (Uyghur)
* New translations mute.md (Uyghur)
* New translations timelines.md (English)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Uyghur)
* New translations follow.md (Uyghur)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Uyghur)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Uyghur)
* New translations api.md (Uyghur)
* New translations aiscript.md (Uyghur)
* New translations timelines.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (French)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (English)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Russian)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Ukrainian)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Spanish)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (German)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mfm.md (Ukrainian)
* New translations mfm.md (Korean)
* New translations deck.md (Dutch)
* New translations mfm.md (Dutch)
* New translations deck.md (Norwegian)
* New translations mfm.md (Norwegian)
* New translations deck.md (Polish)
* New translations mfm.md (Polish)
* New translations deck.md (Portuguese)
* New translations mfm.md (Portuguese)
* New translations deck.md (Russian)
* New translations mfm.md (Russian)
* New translations deck.md (Ukrainian)
* New translations deck.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations mfm.md (German)
* New translations mfm.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations deck.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mfm.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations deck.md (English)
* New translations mfm.md (English)
* New translations deck.md (Uyghur)
* New translations mfm.md (Uyghur)
* New translations deck.md (Kannada)
* New translations mfm.md (Kannada)
* New translations deck.md (Kabyle)
* New translations mfm.md (Kabyle)
* New translations deck.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations deck.md (Korean)
* New translations deck.md (German)
* New translations mfm.md (Danish)
* New translations deck.md (French)
* New translations mfm.md (French)
* New translations deck.md (Spanish)
* New translations mfm.md (Spanish)
* New translations deck.md (Arabic)
* New translations mfm.md (Arabic)
* New translations deck.md (Czech)
* New translations mfm.md (Czech)
* New translations deck.md (Danish)
* New translations mfm.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations timelines.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations follow.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations follow.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
2020-12-28 21:45:08 +09:00
2022-02-09 14:47:23 +09:00
federation: "Федіверс"
apRequest: "Запити"
New Crowdin updates (#6964)
* New translations theme.md (Arabic)
* New translations timelines.md (Arabic)
* New translations aiscript.md (Czech)
* New translations api.md (Czech)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Czech)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (Czech)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (Spanish)
* New translations stream.md (Spanish)
* New translations pages.md (Czech)
* New translations theme.md (French)
* New translations api.md (French)
* New translations create-plugin.md (French)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (French)
* New translations follow.md (French)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (French)
* New translations mute.md (French)
* New translations pages.md (French)
* New translations reaction.md (French)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (French)
* New translations stream.md (French)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Dutch)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Spanish)
* New translations aiscript.md (Spanish)
* New translations api.md (Spanish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Spanish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Spanish)
* New translations follow.md (Spanish)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Spanish)
* New translations mute.md (Spanish)
* New translations pages.md (Spanish)
* New translations reaction.md (Spanish)
* New translations mute.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (French)
* New translations reaction.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (Korean)
* New translations reaction.md (German)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (German)
* New translations stream.md (German)
* New translations theme.md (German)
* New translations timelines.md (German)
* New translations aiscript.md (Korean)
* New translations api.md (Korean)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Korean)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Korean)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Korean)
* New translations mute.md (German)
* New translations mute.md (Korean)
* New translations pages.md (Korean)
* New translations reaction.md (Korean)
* New translations stream.md (Korean)
* New translations theme.md (Korean)
* New translations timelines.md (Korean)
* New translations aiscript.md (Dutch)
* New translations api.md (Dutch)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Czech)
* New translations pages.md (German)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Korean)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (German)
* New translations mute.md (Danish)
* New translations stream.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (German)
* New translations theme.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (Czech)
* New translations api.md (Danish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Danish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Danish)
* New translations follow.md (Danish)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Danish)
* New translations aiscript.md (Danish)
* New translations pages.md (Danish)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (German)
* New translations reaction.md (Danish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (German)
* New translations api.md (German)
* New translations aiscript.md (German)
* New translations timelines.md (Danish)
* New translations theme.md (Danish)
* New translations stream.md (Danish)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Danish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (German)
* New translations follow.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Kabyle)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Kabyle)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Kabyle)
* New translations api.md (Kabyle)
* New translations aiscript.md (Kabyle)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Kannada)
* New translations timelines.md (Kannada)
* New translations theme.md (Kannada)
* New translations stream.md (Kannada)
* New translations reaction.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Kannada)
* New translations mute.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Kannada)
* New translations mute.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reaction.md (Kabyle)
* New translations follow.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Kannada)
* New translations theme.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations stream.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reaction.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations pages.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations mute.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Kabyle)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations api.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations aiscript.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations timelines.md (Kabyle)
* New translations theme.md (Kabyle)
* New translations stream.md (Kabyle)
* New translations follow.md (Kannada)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (English)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Kannada)
* New translations aiscript.md (English)
* New translations reaction.md (English)
* New translations pages.md (English)
* New translations mute.md (English)
* New translations follow.md (English)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (English)
* New translations create-plugin.md (English)
* New translations api.md (English)
* New translations stream.md (English)
* New translations timelines.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations theme.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reaction.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations pages.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mute.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (English)
* New translations theme.md (English)
* New translations api.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Uyghur)
* New translations aiscript.md (Kannada)
* New translations timelines.md (Uyghur)
* New translations theme.md (Uyghur)
* New translations stream.md (Uyghur)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Uyghur)
* New translations reaction.md (Uyghur)
* New translations mute.md (Uyghur)
* New translations timelines.md (English)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Uyghur)
* New translations follow.md (Uyghur)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Uyghur)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Uyghur)
* New translations api.md (Uyghur)
* New translations aiscript.md (Uyghur)
* New translations timelines.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (French)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (English)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Russian)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Ukrainian)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Spanish)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (German)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mfm.md (Ukrainian)
* New translations mfm.md (Korean)
* New translations deck.md (Dutch)
* New translations mfm.md (Dutch)
* New translations deck.md (Norwegian)
* New translations mfm.md (Norwegian)
* New translations deck.md (Polish)
* New translations mfm.md (Polish)
* New translations deck.md (Portuguese)
* New translations mfm.md (Portuguese)
* New translations deck.md (Russian)
* New translations mfm.md (Russian)
* New translations deck.md (Ukrainian)
* New translations deck.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations mfm.md (German)
* New translations mfm.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations deck.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mfm.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations deck.md (English)
* New translations mfm.md (English)
* New translations deck.md (Uyghur)
* New translations mfm.md (Uyghur)
* New translations deck.md (Kannada)
* New translations mfm.md (Kannada)
* New translations deck.md (Kabyle)
* New translations mfm.md (Kabyle)
* New translations deck.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations deck.md (Korean)
* New translations deck.md (German)
* New translations mfm.md (Danish)
* New translations deck.md (French)
* New translations mfm.md (French)
* New translations deck.md (Spanish)
* New translations mfm.md (Spanish)
* New translations deck.md (Arabic)
* New translations mfm.md (Arabic)
* New translations deck.md (Czech)
* New translations mfm.md (Czech)
* New translations deck.md (Danish)
* New translations mfm.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations timelines.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations follow.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations follow.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
2020-12-28 21:45:08 +09:00
usersTotal: "Загальна кількість користувачів"
activeUsers: "Активні користувачі"
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
notesTotal: "Загальна кількість записів"
New Crowdin updates (#6964)
* New translations theme.md (Arabic)
* New translations timelines.md (Arabic)
* New translations aiscript.md (Czech)
* New translations api.md (Czech)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Czech)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (Czech)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (Spanish)
* New translations stream.md (Spanish)
* New translations pages.md (Czech)
* New translations theme.md (French)
* New translations api.md (French)
* New translations create-plugin.md (French)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (French)
* New translations follow.md (French)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (French)
* New translations mute.md (French)
* New translations pages.md (French)
* New translations reaction.md (French)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (French)
* New translations stream.md (French)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Dutch)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Spanish)
* New translations aiscript.md (Spanish)
* New translations api.md (Spanish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Spanish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Spanish)
* New translations follow.md (Spanish)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Spanish)
* New translations mute.md (Spanish)
* New translations pages.md (Spanish)
* New translations reaction.md (Spanish)
* New translations mute.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (French)
* New translations reaction.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (Korean)
* New translations reaction.md (German)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (German)
* New translations stream.md (German)
* New translations theme.md (German)
* New translations timelines.md (German)
* New translations aiscript.md (Korean)
* New translations api.md (Korean)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Korean)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Korean)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Korean)
* New translations mute.md (German)
* New translations mute.md (Korean)
* New translations pages.md (Korean)
* New translations reaction.md (Korean)
* New translations stream.md (Korean)
* New translations theme.md (Korean)
* New translations timelines.md (Korean)
* New translations aiscript.md (Dutch)
* New translations api.md (Dutch)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Czech)
* New translations pages.md (German)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Korean)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (German)
* New translations mute.md (Danish)
* New translations stream.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (German)
* New translations theme.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (Czech)
* New translations api.md (Danish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Danish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Danish)
* New translations follow.md (Danish)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Danish)
* New translations aiscript.md (Danish)
* New translations pages.md (Danish)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (German)
* New translations reaction.md (Danish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (German)
* New translations api.md (German)
* New translations aiscript.md (German)
* New translations timelines.md (Danish)
* New translations theme.md (Danish)
* New translations stream.md (Danish)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Danish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (German)
* New translations follow.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Kabyle)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Kabyle)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Kabyle)
* New translations api.md (Kabyle)
* New translations aiscript.md (Kabyle)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Kannada)
* New translations timelines.md (Kannada)
* New translations theme.md (Kannada)
* New translations stream.md (Kannada)
* New translations reaction.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Kannada)
* New translations mute.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Kannada)
* New translations mute.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reaction.md (Kabyle)
* New translations follow.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Kannada)
* New translations theme.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations stream.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reaction.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations pages.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations mute.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Kabyle)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations api.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations aiscript.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations timelines.md (Kabyle)
* New translations theme.md (Kabyle)
* New translations stream.md (Kabyle)
* New translations follow.md (Kannada)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (English)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Kannada)
* New translations aiscript.md (English)
* New translations reaction.md (English)
* New translations pages.md (English)
* New translations mute.md (English)
* New translations follow.md (English)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (English)
* New translations create-plugin.md (English)
* New translations api.md (English)
* New translations stream.md (English)
* New translations timelines.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations theme.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reaction.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations pages.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mute.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (English)
* New translations theme.md (English)
* New translations api.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Uyghur)
* New translations aiscript.md (Kannada)
* New translations timelines.md (Uyghur)
* New translations theme.md (Uyghur)
* New translations stream.md (Uyghur)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Uyghur)
* New translations reaction.md (Uyghur)
* New translations mute.md (Uyghur)
* New translations timelines.md (English)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Uyghur)
* New translations follow.md (Uyghur)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Uyghur)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Uyghur)
* New translations api.md (Uyghur)
* New translations aiscript.md (Uyghur)
* New translations timelines.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (French)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (English)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Russian)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Ukrainian)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Spanish)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (German)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mfm.md (Ukrainian)
* New translations mfm.md (Korean)
* New translations deck.md (Dutch)
* New translations mfm.md (Dutch)
* New translations deck.md (Norwegian)
* New translations mfm.md (Norwegian)
* New translations deck.md (Polish)
* New translations mfm.md (Polish)
* New translations deck.md (Portuguese)
* New translations mfm.md (Portuguese)
* New translations deck.md (Russian)
* New translations mfm.md (Russian)
* New translations deck.md (Ukrainian)
* New translations deck.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations mfm.md (German)
* New translations mfm.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations deck.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mfm.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations deck.md (English)
* New translations mfm.md (English)
* New translations deck.md (Uyghur)
* New translations mfm.md (Uyghur)
* New translations deck.md (Kannada)
* New translations mfm.md (Kannada)
* New translations deck.md (Kabyle)
* New translations mfm.md (Kabyle)
* New translations deck.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations deck.md (Korean)
* New translations deck.md (German)
* New translations mfm.md (Danish)
* New translations deck.md (French)
* New translations mfm.md (French)
* New translations deck.md (Spanish)
* New translations mfm.md (Spanish)
* New translations deck.md (Arabic)
* New translations mfm.md (Arabic)
* New translations deck.md (Czech)
* New translations mfm.md (Czech)
* New translations deck.md (Danish)
* New translations mfm.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations timelines.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations follow.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations follow.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
2020-12-28 21:45:08 +09:00
filesIncDec: "Зміни кількості файлів"
filesTotal: "Загальна кількість файлів"
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
storageUsageIncDec: Різниця в використанні ємності диску
remoteNotesIncDec: Різниця в кількості віддалених записів
notesIncDec: Різниця в кількості записів
localNotesIncDec: Різниця в кількості локальних записів
storageUsageTotal: Загальне використання пам'яті
usersIncDec: Різниця в кількості користувачів
New Crowdin updates (#6964)
* New translations theme.md (Arabic)
* New translations timelines.md (Arabic)
* New translations aiscript.md (Czech)
* New translations api.md (Czech)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Czech)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (Czech)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (Spanish)
* New translations stream.md (Spanish)
* New translations pages.md (Czech)
* New translations theme.md (French)
* New translations api.md (French)
* New translations create-plugin.md (French)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (French)
* New translations follow.md (French)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (French)
* New translations mute.md (French)
* New translations pages.md (French)
* New translations reaction.md (French)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (French)
* New translations stream.md (French)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Dutch)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Spanish)
* New translations aiscript.md (Spanish)
* New translations api.md (Spanish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Spanish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Spanish)
* New translations follow.md (Spanish)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Spanish)
* New translations mute.md (Spanish)
* New translations pages.md (Spanish)
* New translations reaction.md (Spanish)
* New translations mute.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (French)
* New translations reaction.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (Korean)
* New translations reaction.md (German)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (German)
* New translations stream.md (German)
* New translations theme.md (German)
* New translations timelines.md (German)
* New translations aiscript.md (Korean)
* New translations api.md (Korean)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Korean)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Korean)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Korean)
* New translations mute.md (German)
* New translations mute.md (Korean)
* New translations pages.md (Korean)
* New translations reaction.md (Korean)
* New translations stream.md (Korean)
* New translations theme.md (Korean)
* New translations timelines.md (Korean)
* New translations aiscript.md (Dutch)
* New translations api.md (Dutch)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Czech)
* New translations pages.md (German)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Korean)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (German)
* New translations mute.md (Danish)
* New translations stream.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (German)
* New translations theme.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (Czech)
* New translations api.md (Danish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Danish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Danish)
* New translations follow.md (Danish)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Danish)
* New translations aiscript.md (Danish)
* New translations pages.md (Danish)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (German)
* New translations reaction.md (Danish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (German)
* New translations api.md (German)
* New translations aiscript.md (German)
* New translations timelines.md (Danish)
* New translations theme.md (Danish)
* New translations stream.md (Danish)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Danish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (German)
* New translations follow.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Kabyle)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Kabyle)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Kabyle)
* New translations api.md (Kabyle)
* New translations aiscript.md (Kabyle)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Kannada)
* New translations timelines.md (Kannada)
* New translations theme.md (Kannada)
* New translations stream.md (Kannada)
* New translations reaction.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Kannada)
* New translations mute.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Kannada)
* New translations mute.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reaction.md (Kabyle)
* New translations follow.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Kannada)
* New translations theme.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations stream.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reaction.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations pages.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations mute.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Kabyle)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations api.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations aiscript.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations timelines.md (Kabyle)
* New translations theme.md (Kabyle)
* New translations stream.md (Kabyle)
* New translations follow.md (Kannada)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (English)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Kannada)
* New translations aiscript.md (English)
* New translations reaction.md (English)
* New translations pages.md (English)
* New translations mute.md (English)
* New translations follow.md (English)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (English)
* New translations create-plugin.md (English)
* New translations api.md (English)
* New translations stream.md (English)
* New translations timelines.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations theme.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reaction.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations pages.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mute.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (English)
* New translations theme.md (English)
* New translations api.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Uyghur)
* New translations aiscript.md (Kannada)
* New translations timelines.md (Uyghur)
* New translations theme.md (Uyghur)
* New translations stream.md (Uyghur)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Uyghur)
* New translations reaction.md (Uyghur)
* New translations mute.md (Uyghur)
* New translations timelines.md (English)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Uyghur)
* New translations follow.md (Uyghur)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Uyghur)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Uyghur)
* New translations api.md (Uyghur)
* New translations aiscript.md (Uyghur)
* New translations timelines.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (French)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (English)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Russian)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Ukrainian)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Spanish)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (German)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mfm.md (Ukrainian)
* New translations mfm.md (Korean)
* New translations deck.md (Dutch)
* New translations mfm.md (Dutch)
* New translations deck.md (Norwegian)
* New translations mfm.md (Norwegian)
* New translations deck.md (Polish)
* New translations mfm.md (Polish)
* New translations deck.md (Portuguese)
* New translations mfm.md (Portuguese)
* New translations deck.md (Russian)
* New translations mfm.md (Russian)
* New translations deck.md (Ukrainian)
* New translations deck.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations mfm.md (German)
* New translations mfm.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations deck.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mfm.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations deck.md (English)
* New translations mfm.md (English)
* New translations deck.md (Uyghur)
* New translations mfm.md (Uyghur)
* New translations deck.md (Kannada)
* New translations mfm.md (Kannada)
* New translations deck.md (Kabyle)
* New translations mfm.md (Kabyle)
* New translations deck.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations deck.md (Korean)
* New translations deck.md (German)
* New translations mfm.md (Danish)
* New translations deck.md (French)
* New translations mfm.md (French)
* New translations deck.md (Spanish)
* New translations mfm.md (Spanish)
* New translations deck.md (Arabic)
* New translations mfm.md (Arabic)
* New translations deck.md (Czech)
* New translations mfm.md (Czech)
* New translations deck.md (Danish)
* New translations mfm.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations timelines.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations follow.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations follow.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
2020-12-28 21:45:08 +09:00
requests: "Запити"
usersTotal: "Сумарна кількість користувачів"
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
notes: "Різниця в кількості зроблених записів"
notesTotal: "Сумарна кількість записів"
ff: "Різниця кількості підписників "
2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
ffTotal: "Кількість підписників"
New Crowdin updates (#6964)
* New translations theme.md (Arabic)
* New translations timelines.md (Arabic)
* New translations aiscript.md (Czech)
* New translations api.md (Czech)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Czech)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (Czech)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (Spanish)
* New translations stream.md (Spanish)
* New translations pages.md (Czech)
* New translations theme.md (French)
* New translations api.md (French)
* New translations create-plugin.md (French)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (French)
* New translations follow.md (French)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (French)
* New translations mute.md (French)
* New translations pages.md (French)
* New translations reaction.md (French)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (French)
* New translations stream.md (French)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Dutch)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Spanish)
* New translations aiscript.md (Spanish)
* New translations api.md (Spanish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Spanish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Spanish)
* New translations follow.md (Spanish)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Spanish)
* New translations mute.md (Spanish)
* New translations pages.md (Spanish)
* New translations reaction.md (Spanish)
* New translations mute.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (French)
* New translations reaction.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (Korean)
* New translations reaction.md (German)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (German)
* New translations stream.md (German)
* New translations theme.md (German)
* New translations timelines.md (German)
* New translations aiscript.md (Korean)
* New translations api.md (Korean)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Korean)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Korean)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Korean)
* New translations mute.md (German)
* New translations mute.md (Korean)
* New translations pages.md (Korean)
* New translations reaction.md (Korean)
* New translations stream.md (Korean)
* New translations theme.md (Korean)
* New translations timelines.md (Korean)
* New translations aiscript.md (Dutch)
* New translations api.md (Dutch)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Czech)
* New translations pages.md (German)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Korean)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (German)
* New translations mute.md (Danish)
* New translations stream.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (German)
* New translations theme.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (Czech)
* New translations api.md (Danish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Danish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Danish)
* New translations follow.md (Danish)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Danish)
* New translations aiscript.md (Danish)
* New translations pages.md (Danish)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (German)
* New translations reaction.md (Danish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (German)
* New translations api.md (German)
* New translations aiscript.md (German)
* New translations timelines.md (Danish)
* New translations theme.md (Danish)
* New translations stream.md (Danish)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Danish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (German)
* New translations follow.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Kabyle)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Kabyle)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Kabyle)
* New translations api.md (Kabyle)
* New translations aiscript.md (Kabyle)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Kannada)
* New translations timelines.md (Kannada)
* New translations theme.md (Kannada)
* New translations stream.md (Kannada)
* New translations reaction.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Kannada)
* New translations mute.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Kannada)
* New translations mute.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reaction.md (Kabyle)
* New translations follow.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Kannada)
* New translations theme.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations stream.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reaction.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations pages.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations mute.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Kabyle)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations api.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations aiscript.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations timelines.md (Kabyle)
* New translations theme.md (Kabyle)
* New translations stream.md (Kabyle)
* New translations follow.md (Kannada)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (English)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Kannada)
* New translations aiscript.md (English)
* New translations reaction.md (English)
* New translations pages.md (English)
* New translations mute.md (English)
* New translations follow.md (English)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (English)
* New translations create-plugin.md (English)
* New translations api.md (English)
* New translations stream.md (English)
* New translations timelines.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations theme.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reaction.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations pages.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mute.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (English)
* New translations theme.md (English)
* New translations api.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Uyghur)
* New translations aiscript.md (Kannada)
* New translations timelines.md (Uyghur)
* New translations theme.md (Uyghur)
* New translations stream.md (Uyghur)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Uyghur)
* New translations reaction.md (Uyghur)
* New translations mute.md (Uyghur)
* New translations timelines.md (English)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Uyghur)
* New translations follow.md (Uyghur)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Uyghur)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Uyghur)
* New translations api.md (Uyghur)
* New translations aiscript.md (Uyghur)
* New translations timelines.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (French)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (English)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Russian)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Ukrainian)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Spanish)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (German)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mfm.md (Ukrainian)
* New translations mfm.md (Korean)
* New translations deck.md (Dutch)
* New translations mfm.md (Dutch)
* New translations deck.md (Norwegian)
* New translations mfm.md (Norwegian)
* New translations deck.md (Polish)
* New translations mfm.md (Polish)
* New translations deck.md (Portuguese)
* New translations mfm.md (Portuguese)
* New translations deck.md (Russian)
* New translations mfm.md (Russian)
* New translations deck.md (Ukrainian)
* New translations deck.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations mfm.md (German)
* New translations mfm.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations deck.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mfm.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations deck.md (English)
* New translations mfm.md (English)
* New translations deck.md (Uyghur)
* New translations mfm.md (Uyghur)
* New translations deck.md (Kannada)
* New translations mfm.md (Kannada)
* New translations deck.md (Kabyle)
* New translations mfm.md (Kabyle)
* New translations deck.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations deck.md (Korean)
* New translations deck.md (German)
* New translations mfm.md (Danish)
* New translations deck.md (French)
* New translations mfm.md (French)
* New translations deck.md (Spanish)
* New translations mfm.md (Spanish)
* New translations deck.md (Arabic)
* New translations mfm.md (Arabic)
* New translations deck.md (Czech)
* New translations mfm.md (Czech)
* New translations deck.md (Danish)
* New translations mfm.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations timelines.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations follow.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations follow.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
2020-12-28 21:45:08 +09:00
cacheSizeTotal: "Сумарний розмір кешу"
2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
files: "Різниця в кількості файлів"
New Crowdin updates (#6964)
* New translations theme.md (Arabic)
* New translations timelines.md (Arabic)
* New translations aiscript.md (Czech)
* New translations api.md (Czech)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Czech)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (Czech)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (Spanish)
* New translations stream.md (Spanish)
* New translations pages.md (Czech)
* New translations theme.md (French)
* New translations api.md (French)
* New translations create-plugin.md (French)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (French)
* New translations follow.md (French)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (French)
* New translations mute.md (French)
* New translations pages.md (French)
* New translations reaction.md (French)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (French)
* New translations stream.md (French)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Dutch)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Spanish)
* New translations aiscript.md (Spanish)
* New translations api.md (Spanish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Spanish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Spanish)
* New translations follow.md (Spanish)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Spanish)
* New translations mute.md (Spanish)
* New translations pages.md (Spanish)
* New translations reaction.md (Spanish)
* New translations mute.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (French)
* New translations reaction.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (Korean)
* New translations reaction.md (German)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (German)
* New translations stream.md (German)
* New translations theme.md (German)
* New translations timelines.md (German)
* New translations aiscript.md (Korean)
* New translations api.md (Korean)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Korean)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Korean)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Korean)
* New translations mute.md (German)
* New translations mute.md (Korean)
* New translations pages.md (Korean)
* New translations reaction.md (Korean)
* New translations stream.md (Korean)
* New translations theme.md (Korean)
* New translations timelines.md (Korean)
* New translations aiscript.md (Dutch)
* New translations api.md (Dutch)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Czech)
* New translations pages.md (German)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Korean)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (German)
* New translations mute.md (Danish)
* New translations stream.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (German)
* New translations theme.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (Czech)
* New translations api.md (Danish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Danish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Danish)
* New translations follow.md (Danish)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Danish)
* New translations aiscript.md (Danish)
* New translations pages.md (Danish)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (German)
* New translations reaction.md (Danish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (German)
* New translations api.md (German)
* New translations aiscript.md (German)
* New translations timelines.md (Danish)
* New translations theme.md (Danish)
* New translations stream.md (Danish)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Danish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (German)
* New translations follow.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Kabyle)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Kabyle)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Kabyle)
* New translations api.md (Kabyle)
* New translations aiscript.md (Kabyle)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Kannada)
* New translations timelines.md (Kannada)
* New translations theme.md (Kannada)
* New translations stream.md (Kannada)
* New translations reaction.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Kannada)
* New translations mute.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Kannada)
* New translations mute.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reaction.md (Kabyle)
* New translations follow.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Kannada)
* New translations theme.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations stream.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reaction.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations pages.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations mute.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Kabyle)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations api.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations aiscript.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations timelines.md (Kabyle)
* New translations theme.md (Kabyle)
* New translations stream.md (Kabyle)
* New translations follow.md (Kannada)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (English)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Kannada)
* New translations aiscript.md (English)
* New translations reaction.md (English)
* New translations pages.md (English)
* New translations mute.md (English)
* New translations follow.md (English)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (English)
* New translations create-plugin.md (English)
* New translations api.md (English)
* New translations stream.md (English)
* New translations timelines.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations theme.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reaction.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations pages.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mute.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (English)
* New translations theme.md (English)
* New translations api.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Uyghur)
* New translations aiscript.md (Kannada)
* New translations timelines.md (Uyghur)
* New translations theme.md (Uyghur)
* New translations stream.md (Uyghur)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Uyghur)
* New translations reaction.md (Uyghur)
* New translations mute.md (Uyghur)
* New translations timelines.md (English)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Uyghur)
* New translations follow.md (Uyghur)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Uyghur)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Uyghur)
* New translations api.md (Uyghur)
* New translations aiscript.md (Uyghur)
* New translations timelines.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (French)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (English)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Russian)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Ukrainian)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Spanish)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (German)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mfm.md (Ukrainian)
* New translations mfm.md (Korean)
* New translations deck.md (Dutch)
* New translations mfm.md (Dutch)
* New translations deck.md (Norwegian)
* New translations mfm.md (Norwegian)
* New translations deck.md (Polish)
* New translations mfm.md (Polish)
* New translations deck.md (Portuguese)
* New translations mfm.md (Portuguese)
* New translations deck.md (Russian)
* New translations mfm.md (Russian)
* New translations deck.md (Ukrainian)
* New translations deck.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations mfm.md (German)
* New translations mfm.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations deck.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mfm.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations deck.md (English)
* New translations mfm.md (English)
* New translations deck.md (Uyghur)
* New translations mfm.md (Uyghur)
* New translations deck.md (Kannada)
* New translations mfm.md (Kannada)
* New translations deck.md (Kabyle)
* New translations mfm.md (Kabyle)
* New translations deck.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations deck.md (Korean)
* New translations deck.md (German)
* New translations mfm.md (Danish)
* New translations deck.md (French)
* New translations mfm.md (French)
* New translations deck.md (Spanish)
* New translations mfm.md (Spanish)
* New translations deck.md (Arabic)
* New translations mfm.md (Arabic)
* New translations deck.md (Czech)
* New translations mfm.md (Czech)
* New translations deck.md (Danish)
* New translations mfm.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations timelines.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations follow.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations follow.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
2020-12-28 21:45:08 +09:00
filesTotal: "Сумарна кількість файлів"
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
users: Різниця в кількості користувачів
cacheSize: Різниця в розмірі кешу
2020-11-14 14:32:53 +09:00
home: "Домівка"
New Crowdin updates (#6964)
* New translations theme.md (Arabic)
* New translations timelines.md (Arabic)
* New translations aiscript.md (Czech)
* New translations api.md (Czech)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Czech)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (Czech)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (Spanish)
* New translations stream.md (Spanish)
* New translations pages.md (Czech)
* New translations theme.md (French)
* New translations api.md (French)
* New translations create-plugin.md (French)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (French)
* New translations follow.md (French)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (French)
* New translations mute.md (French)
* New translations pages.md (French)
* New translations reaction.md (French)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (French)
* New translations stream.md (French)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Dutch)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Spanish)
* New translations aiscript.md (Spanish)
* New translations api.md (Spanish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Spanish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Spanish)
* New translations follow.md (Spanish)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Spanish)
* New translations mute.md (Spanish)
* New translations pages.md (Spanish)
* New translations reaction.md (Spanish)
* New translations mute.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (French)
* New translations reaction.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (Korean)
* New translations reaction.md (German)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (German)
* New translations stream.md (German)
* New translations theme.md (German)
* New translations timelines.md (German)
* New translations aiscript.md (Korean)
* New translations api.md (Korean)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Korean)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Korean)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Korean)
* New translations mute.md (German)
* New translations mute.md (Korean)
* New translations pages.md (Korean)
* New translations reaction.md (Korean)
* New translations stream.md (Korean)
* New translations theme.md (Korean)
* New translations timelines.md (Korean)
* New translations aiscript.md (Dutch)
* New translations api.md (Dutch)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Czech)
* New translations pages.md (German)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Korean)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (German)
* New translations mute.md (Danish)
* New translations stream.md (Czech)
* New translations follow.md (German)
* New translations theme.md (Czech)
* New translations timelines.md (Czech)
* New translations api.md (Danish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Danish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Danish)
* New translations follow.md (Danish)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Danish)
* New translations aiscript.md (Danish)
* New translations pages.md (Danish)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (German)
* New translations reaction.md (Danish)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (German)
* New translations api.md (German)
* New translations aiscript.md (German)
* New translations timelines.md (Danish)
* New translations theme.md (Danish)
* New translations stream.md (Danish)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Danish)
* New translations create-plugin.md (German)
* New translations follow.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Kabyle)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Kabyle)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Kabyle)
* New translations api.md (Kabyle)
* New translations aiscript.md (Kabyle)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Kannada)
* New translations timelines.md (Kannada)
* New translations theme.md (Kannada)
* New translations stream.md (Kannada)
* New translations reaction.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Kannada)
* New translations mute.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Kannada)
* New translations mute.md (Kabyle)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reaction.md (Kabyle)
* New translations follow.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Kannada)
* New translations theme.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations stream.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reaction.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations pages.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations mute.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Kabyle)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations api.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations aiscript.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations timelines.md (Kabyle)
* New translations theme.md (Kabyle)
* New translations stream.md (Kabyle)
* New translations follow.md (Kannada)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (English)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Kannada)
* New translations aiscript.md (English)
* New translations reaction.md (English)
* New translations pages.md (English)
* New translations mute.md (English)
* New translations follow.md (English)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (English)
* New translations create-plugin.md (English)
* New translations api.md (English)
* New translations stream.md (English)
* New translations timelines.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations theme.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reaction.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations pages.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mute.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (English)
* New translations theme.md (English)
* New translations api.md (Kannada)
* New translations pages.md (Uyghur)
* New translations aiscript.md (Kannada)
* New translations timelines.md (Uyghur)
* New translations theme.md (Uyghur)
* New translations stream.md (Uyghur)
* New translations reversi-bot.md (Uyghur)
* New translations reaction.md (Uyghur)
* New translations mute.md (Uyghur)
* New translations timelines.md (English)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Uyghur)
* New translations follow.md (Uyghur)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Uyghur)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Uyghur)
* New translations api.md (Uyghur)
* New translations aiscript.md (Uyghur)
* New translations timelines.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (French)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (English)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Russian)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Ukrainian)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Spanish)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (German)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mfm.md (Ukrainian)
* New translations mfm.md (Korean)
* New translations deck.md (Dutch)
* New translations mfm.md (Dutch)
* New translations deck.md (Norwegian)
* New translations mfm.md (Norwegian)
* New translations deck.md (Polish)
* New translations mfm.md (Polish)
* New translations deck.md (Portuguese)
* New translations mfm.md (Portuguese)
* New translations deck.md (Russian)
* New translations mfm.md (Russian)
* New translations deck.md (Ukrainian)
* New translations deck.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations mfm.md (German)
* New translations mfm.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations deck.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations mfm.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations deck.md (English)
* New translations mfm.md (English)
* New translations deck.md (Uyghur)
* New translations mfm.md (Uyghur)
* New translations deck.md (Kannada)
* New translations mfm.md (Kannada)
* New translations deck.md (Kabyle)
* New translations mfm.md (Kabyle)
* New translations deck.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations deck.md (Korean)
* New translations deck.md (German)
* New translations mfm.md (Danish)
* New translations deck.md (French)
* New translations mfm.md (French)
* New translations deck.md (Spanish)
* New translations mfm.md (Spanish)
* New translations deck.md (Arabic)
* New translations mfm.md (Arabic)
* New translations deck.md (Czech)
* New translations mfm.md (Czech)
* New translations deck.md (Danish)
* New translations mfm.md (Japanese, Kansai)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations timelines.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations api.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations stream.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations keyboard-shortcut.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations aiscript.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations follow.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations follow.md (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations create-plugin.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations custom-emoji.md (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Traditional)
2020-12-28 21:45:08 +09:00
local: "Локальна"
social: "Соціальна"
global: "Глобальна"
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
recommended: Рекомендована
2020-11-02 17:27:42 +09:00
2020-12-11 22:39:38 +09:00
newPage: "Створити сторінку"
editPage: "Редагувати сторінку"
readPage: "Перегляд вихідного коду"
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
created: "Сторінка успішно створена"
updated: "Сторінка успішно оновлена"
2020-12-11 22:39:38 +09:00
deleted: "Сторінку видалено"
pageSetting: "Налаштування сторінки"
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
nameAlreadyExists: "Вказана адреса сторінки вже існує"
invalidNameTitle: "Вказана адреса сторінки неприпустима"
invalidNameText: "Переконайтеся, що поле заголовка сторінки не порожнє"
2020-12-11 22:39:38 +09:00
editThisPage: "Редагувати цю сторінку"
viewSource: "Переглянути вихідний код"
viewPage: "Переглянути свої сторінки"
like: "Вподобати"
unlike: "Не вподобати"
my: "Мої сторінки"
liked: "Вподобані сторінки"
2020-11-25 21:36:55 +09:00
featured: "Популярні"
2020-12-11 22:39:38 +09:00
inspector: "Інспектор"
contents: "Вміст"
2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
content: "Блок сторінки"
2020-12-11 22:39:38 +09:00
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url: "URL сторінки"
summary: "Короткий зміст"
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2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
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2020-12-11 22:39:38 +09:00
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2020-11-07 12:32:27 +09:00
2020-12-11 22:39:38 +09:00
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2020-11-07 12:32:27 +09:00
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2020-12-11 22:39:38 +09:00
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2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
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2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
attachCanvasImage: Прикріпити зображення полотна
2020-12-11 22:39:38 +09:00
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2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
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2020-12-11 22:39:38 +09:00
2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
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2020-12-11 22:39:38 +09:00
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2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
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2020-12-11 22:39:38 +09:00
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
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2020-12-11 22:39:38 +09:00
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2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
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2020-12-11 22:39:38 +09:00
2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
dialog: "Показати повідомлення"
2020-12-11 22:39:38 +09:00
content: "Вміст"
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values: "Варіанти, розділені розривами рядків"
default: "Значення за замовчуванням"
2020-11-02 17:27:42 +09:00
2020-12-11 22:39:38 +09:00
flow: "Керування потоком"
logical: "Логічні операції"
operation: "Обчислення"
comparison: "Порівняння"
random: "Випадковість"
value: "Значення"
fn: "Функції"
text: "Дії з текстом"
convert: "Перетворення"
2020-11-02 17:27:42 +09:00
list: "Списки"
2020-12-11 22:39:38 +09:00
text: "Текст"
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textList: "Текстовий список"
2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
info: "Використовувати новий рядок як роздільник для вводу"
2020-12-11 22:39:38 +09:00
strLen: "Довжина тексту"
arg1: "Текст"
2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
strPick: "Вибрати символ"
2020-12-11 22:39:38 +09:00
arg1: "Текст"
2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
arg2: "Розташування символу"
2020-12-11 22:39:38 +09:00
strReplace: "Заміна тексту"
arg1: "Текст"
arg2: "Текст, який потрібно замінити"
arg3: "Заміняти на"
strReverse: "Перевернути текст"
arg1: "Текст"
join: "Конкатенація тексту"
2020-11-02 17:27:42 +09:00
arg1: "Списки"
2020-12-11 22:39:38 +09:00
arg2: "Розділювач"
add: "Додати"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
subtract: "Відняти"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
multiply: "Помножити"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
divide: "Поділити"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
mod: "Остача"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
round: "Десяткове округлення"
arg1: "Число"
eq: "A дорівнює B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
notEq: "A не дорівнює B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
and: "А І Б"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
or: "A АБО B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
lt: "< A менше, ніж B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
gt: "> A більше, ніж B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
ltEq: "<= A менше або дорівнює B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
gtEq: ">= A більше або дорівнює B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
if: "Умова"
arg1: "Якщо"
arg2: "Якщо так"
arg3: "Якщо ні"
not: "НЕ"
arg1: "НЕ"
random: "Випадково"
arg1: "Імовірність"
rannum: "Випадкове число"
arg1: "Мінімальне значення"
arg2: "Максимальне значення"
randomPick: "Випадковий вибір зі списку"
2020-11-02 17:27:42 +09:00
arg1: "Списки"
2020-12-11 22:39:38 +09:00
dailyRandom: "Випадково (триває добу)"
arg1: "Імовірність"
dailyRannum: "Випадкове число (триває добу)"
arg1: "Мінімальне значення"
arg2: "Максимальне значення"
dailyRandomPick: "Випадково вибрати зі списку (триває добу)"
2020-11-02 17:27:42 +09:00
arg1: "Списки"
2020-12-11 22:39:38 +09:00
seedRandom: "Випадковість (з насінням)"
arg1: "Насіння"
arg2: "Імовірність"
seedRannum: "Випадкове число (з насінням)"
arg1: "Насіння"
arg2: "Мінімальне значення"
arg3: "Максимальне значення"
seedRandomPick: "Випадково вибрати зі списку (з насінням)"
2020-11-02 17:27:42 +09:00
2020-12-11 22:39:38 +09:00
arg1: "Насіння"
2020-11-02 17:27:42 +09:00
arg2: "Списки"
2020-12-11 22:39:38 +09:00
DRPWPM: "Випадково вибрати зі зваженого списку (триває добу)"
arg1: "Текстовий список"
pick: "Вибір зі списку"
2020-11-02 17:27:42 +09:00
arg1: "Списки"
2020-12-06 12:52:27 +09:00
arg2: "Позиція"
listLen: "Отримати довжину списку"
2020-11-02 17:27:42 +09:00
arg1: "Списки"
2020-12-06 12:52:27 +09:00
number: "Число"
stringToNumber: "Текст на число"
arg1: "Текст"
numberToString: "Число на текст"
arg1: "Число"
splitStrByLine: "Розбиття тексту на рядки"
arg1: "Текст"
ref: "Змінні"
aiScriptVar: "Змінна AiScript"
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
fn: "Функція"
2020-11-18 12:40:40 +09:00
2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
slots: "Паз"
slots-info: "Використовувати нову лінію як роздільник пазів"
2020-12-06 12:52:27 +09:00
arg1: "Вивід"
for: "Повторення"
arg1: "Кількість повторень"
arg2: "Дія"
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
typeError: "Паз {slot} приймає \"{expect}\" тип, але надана змінна має тип \"\
2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
thereIsEmptySlot: "Паз {slot} пустий!"
2020-11-02 17:27:42 +09:00
2020-12-06 12:52:27 +09:00
string: "Текст"
number: "Число"
boolean: "Прапорець"
2020-11-02 17:27:42 +09:00
array: "Списки"
2020-12-11 22:39:38 +09:00
stringArray: "Текстовий список"
2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
emptySlot: "Пустий паз"
enviromentVariables: "Змінні середовища"
pageVariables: "Елемент сторінки"
argVariables: "Стрічка вводу"
2020-11-18 12:40:40 +09:00
requesting: "Очікує затвердження"
accepted: "Затверджено"
rejected: "Відхилено"
2020-11-02 17:27:42 +09:00
2020-12-06 12:52:27 +09:00
fileUploaded: "Файл успішно завантажено"
youGotMention: "{name} згадує вас"
youGotReply: "{name} відповідає"
2020-12-05 18:38:10 +09:00
youGotQuote: "{name} цитує вас"
youRenoted: "{name} поширює"
2020-12-06 12:52:27 +09:00
youGotPoll: "{name} бере участь в опитуванні"
2020-12-05 18:38:10 +09:00
youGotMessagingMessageFromUser: "Повідомлення від {name}"
youGotMessagingMessageFromGroup: "Нове повідомлення в групі {name}"
2020-11-18 12:40:40 +09:00
youWereFollowed: "Новий підписник"
2020-12-06 12:52:27 +09:00
youReceivedFollowRequest: "Ви отримали запит на підписку"
yourFollowRequestAccepted: "Запит на підписку прийнято"
2020-11-28 14:20:46 +09:00
youWereInvitedToGroup: "Запрошення до групи"
2020-11-02 17:27:42 +09:00
2020-12-06 12:52:27 +09:00
all: "Все"
2020-11-02 17:27:42 +09:00
follow: "Підписки"
mention: "Згадка"
2020-12-06 12:52:27 +09:00
reply: "Відповіді"
renote: "Поширення"
quote: "Цитування"
2020-11-02 17:27:42 +09:00
reaction: "Реакції"
2020-12-05 18:38:10 +09:00
pollVote: "Опитування"
2020-12-06 12:52:27 +09:00
receiveFollowRequest: "Запити на підписку"
followRequestAccepted: "Прийняті підписки"
2020-12-05 18:38:10 +09:00
groupInvited: "Запрошення до груп"
app: "Сповіщення від додатків"
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
pollEnded: Опитування закінчено
2022-05-13 10:14:52 +09:00
reply: "Відповісти"
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
renote: "Поширення"
followBack: також підписався на вас
emptyPushNotificationMessage: Push-сповіщення були оновлені
voted: проголосував на вашому опитуванні
renoted: поширив ваш запис
reacted: відреагував на ваш запис
pollEnded: Стали доступні результати опитування
2020-11-02 17:27:42 +09:00
2020-12-05 18:38:10 +09:00
alwaysShowMainColumn: "Завжди показувати головну колонку"
columnAlign: "Вирівняти стовпці"
addColumn: "Додати стовпець"
swapLeft: "Пересунути ліворуч"
swapRight: "Пересунути праворуч"
swapUp: "Пересунути вгору"
swapDown: "Пересунути вниз"
stackLeft: "У стовпчик вліво"
popRight: "Витягнути вправо"
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
profile: "Простір"
2020-11-02 17:27:42 +09:00
2021-01-15 23:19:28 +09:00
main: "Головна"
2020-12-03 22:54:00 +09:00
widgets: "Віджети"
2020-11-02 17:27:42 +09:00
notifications: "Сповіщення"
tl: "Стрічка"
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
antenna: "Антена"
2020-11-02 17:27:42 +09:00
list: "Списки"
mentions: "Згадки"
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
direct: "Особисті повідомлення"
channel: Канал
newProfile: Новий простір
introduction2: Натисніть на + у правій частині екрана, щоб додавати нові стовпці
по бажанню.
configureColumn: Налаштування стовпців
introduction: Створіть ідеальний інтерфейс для себе, вільно розташовуючи стовпці!
widgetsIntroduction: Будь ласка, виберіть "Редагувати віджети" в меню колонки і
додайте віджет.
renameProfile: Перейменувати простір
deleteProfile: Видалити простір
nameAlreadyExists: Простір із такою назвою вже існує.
2023-07-14 14:21:56 +00:00
removeReaction: Видалити вашу реакцію
renoteMute: Ігнорувати поширення
renoteUnmute: Показувати поширення
flagSpeakAsCat: Говорити як кішка
accessibility: Доступність
priority: Пріорітет
high: Високий
customCss: Користувацькі CSS
itsOn: Увімкнено
showingPastTimeline: Наразі відображається стара стрічка
enabled: Увімкнено
noMaintainerInformationWarning: Інформація про супровідника не налаштована.
recommended: Рекомендоване
resolved: Вирішено
itsOff: Вимкнено
emailRequiredForSignup: Вимагати адресу електронної пошти для реєстрації
moderation: Модерація
selectInstance: Оберіть сервер
instanceSecurity: Безпека сервера
searchPlaceholder: Шукати в Calckey
editNote: Відредагувати запис
enableEmojiReactions: Ввімкнути реакції емодзі
low: Низький
emailNotConfiguredWarning: Адрес електронної пошти не встановлено.
unresolved: Не вирішено
offline: Не в мережі
disabled: Вимкнено
configure: Налаштувати
popularPosts: Популярні сторінки
silenced: Ігнорується
manageGroups: Керування групами
active: Активний
whatIsNew: Показати зміни
deleted: Видалено
selectChannel: Виберіть канал
flagSpeakAsCatDescription: Ваші записи будуть няніфіковані у режимі кота
userSaysSomethingReason: '{name} сказав(ла) {reason}'
clear: Очистити
userInfo: Інформація про користувача
selectAccount: Оберіть обліковий запис
switchAccount: Змінити обліковий запис
accounts: Облікові записи
switch: Змінити
noBotProtectionWarning: Захист від ботів не налаштовано.
gallery: Галерея
recentPosts: Недавні сторінки
privateModeInfo: Якщо увімкнено, лише сервери з білого списку можуть федеруватися
з вашим сервером. Всі повідомлення будуть приховані від публіки.
troubleshooting: Вирішення проблем
customCssWarn: Цей параметр слід використовувати лише тоді, коли ви знаєте, що він
робить. Введення неправильних значень може призвести до того, що клієнт перестане
нормально функціонувати.
newer: новіші
older: старіші
addDescription: Додати опис
notSpecifiedMentionWarning: У цьому записі згадуються користувачі, яких не було включено
до списку одержувачів
markAllAsRead: Позначити все як прочитане
userPagePinTip: Ви можете відображати записи тут, вибравши "Прикріпити до профілю"
в меню окремих записів.
unknown: Невідомо
onlineStatus: Онлайн-статус
hideOnlineStatus: Приховати онлайн-статус
online: В мережі
breakFollow: Видалити підписника
translate: Перекласти
translatedFrom: Перекладено з {x}
userSaysSomethingReasonQuote: '{name} цитував запис з {reason}'
userSaysSomethingReasonRenote: '{name} поширив запис з {reason}'
notRecommended: Не рекомендується
botProtection: Захист від ботів
instanceBlocking: Керування Федерацією
privateMode: Приватний режим
allowedInstances: Сервери у білому списку
previewNoteText: Показати прев'ю
antennaInstancesDescription: Введіть по одному хосту сервера на рядок
breakFollowConfirm: Ви дійсно бажаєте видалити підписника?
ads: Реклама
cw: Попередження про вміст
hiddenTags: Приховані хештеги
noInstances: Немає серверів
misskeyUpdated: Calckey оновлено!
received: Отримане
xl: Надвеликий
searchResult: Результати пошуку
useBlurEffect: Використовувати ефекти розмиття в інтерфейсі
learnMore: Дізнатися більше
usernameInfo: Ім'я, яке ідентифікує ваш обліковий запис серед інших на цьому сервері. Ви
можете використовувати алфавіт (a~z, A~Z), цифри (0~9) або знаки підкреслення (_).
Ім'я користувача не може бути змінено пізніше.
noThankYou: Ні, дякую
keepCw: Зберігати попередження про вміст
2023-07-15 17:32:11 +00:00
showEmojisInReactionNotifications: Показувати емодзі у сповіщеннях про реакції
accountMoved: 'Користувач переїхав до нового облікового запису:'
expandOnNoteClickDesc: Якщо цю опцію вимкнено, ви все одно зможете відкривати дописи
в меню, клацнувши правою кнопкою миші або натиснувши на мітку часу.
deleteAccountConfirm: Це призведе до незворотного видалення вашого облікового запису.
unread: Непрочитане
filter: Фільтри
useDrawerReactionPickerForMobile: Відображати вибирач реакцій як шухляду на мобільному
leaveGroupConfirm: Ви впевнені, що хочете залишити "{name}"?
clickToFinishEmailVerification: Будь ласка, натисніть [{ok}], щоб завершити перевірку
електронної пошти.
welcomeBackWithName: Ласкаво просимо назад, {name}
overridedDeviceKind: Тип пристрою
themeColor: Колір теми серверу
oneDay: Один день
instanceDefaultLightTheme: Світла тема за замовчуванням для сервера
oneWeek: Одна неділя
instanceDefaultDarkTheme: Темна тема за замовчуванням для сервера
video: Відео
audio: Аудіо
rateLimitExceeded: Перевищено ліміт
numberOfPageCacheDescription: Збільшення цієї величини покращить зручність для користувачів,
але призведе до збільшення навантаження на сервер та використання більшої кількості
lastActiveDate: Останній раз використовувався у
statusbar: Панель статусу
speed: Швидкість
sensitiveMediaDetection: Виявлення NSFW медіа
cannotUploadBecauseNoFreeSpace: Завантаження не вдалося через брак місця на Диску.
cannotUploadBecauseExceedsFileSizeLimit: Цей файл не може бути завантажений, оскільки
він перевищує максимально дозволений розмір.
account: Обліковий запис
move: Перемістити
pushNotification: Push-сповіщення
subscribePushNotification: Увімкнути push-сповіщення
unsubscribePushNotification: Вимкнути push-сповіщення
pushNotificationAlreadySubscribed: Push-сповіщення вже увімкнено
enterSendsMessage: Натисніть Enter у повідомленнях, щоб надіслати повідомлення (якщо
вимкнено, то Ctrl + Enter)
showAds: Показувати рекламу
customMOTD: Користувацькі MOTD (повідомлення на заставці)
customSplashIcons: Користувацькі іконки заставки (URL)
splash: Заставка
adminCustomCssWarn: Цей параметр слід використовувати, тільки якщо ви знаєте, що він
робить. Введення неправильних значень може призвести до того, що ВСІ клієнти перестануть
нормально працювати. Будь ласка, переконайтеся, що ваш CSS працює належним чином,
протестувавши його в налаштуваннях користувача.
followersOnly: Тільки підписники
fromUser: Від користувача
notesBefore: Записи до
withFile: З файлом
fromDomain: З домену
notesAfter: Записи після
followingOnly: Тільки підписки
sendModMail: Надіслати повідомлення про модерацію
enableServerMachineStats: Увімкнути статистику серверного обладнання
enableIdenticonGeneration: Увімкнути генерацію Identicon
analyzeVideosDescription: Аналізує відео так само як і зображення. Це трохи збільшить
навантаження на сервер.
description: Зменшує навантаження на серверну модерацію завдяки автоматичному розпізнаванню
NSFW медіа за допомогою машинного навчання. Це трохи збільшить навантаження на
sensitivity: Чутливість виявлення
sensitivityDescription: Зменшення чутливості призведе до зменшення кількості хибних
спрацьовувань, тоді як збільшення чутливості призведе до зменшення кількості пропущених
setSensitiveFlagAutomatically: Позначити як NSFW
setSensitiveFlagAutomaticallyDescription: Результати внутрішнього виявлення будуть
збережені, навіть якщо цю опцію вимкнено.
analyzeVideos: Ввімкнути аналіз відео
used: Ця електронна пошта вже використовується
format: Формат цієї адреси електронної пошти є неправильним
mx: Цей сервер електронної пошти є недійсним
disposable: Використовувати одноразові адреси електронної пошти заборонено
smtp: Цей поштовий сервер не відповідає
dms: Приватні
groups: Групи
instanceMuteDescription: Це приховає всі записи/поширення із вказаних серверів,
включно з відповідями користувачам заглушеного серверу.
title: Приховує записи з перелічених серверів.
instanceMuteDescription2: Розділити новими рядками
heading: Список серверів для заглушення
enablePostImports: Ввімкнути імпорт записів
title: Експерименти
postImportsCaption: Дозволяє користувачам імпортувати свої публікації з минулих
облікових записів Calckey, Misskey, Mastodon, Akkoma і Pleroma. Це може спричинити
зниження швидкості під час завантаження, якщо ваша черга перевантажена.
charactersExceeded: 'Перевищено максимальну кількість символів! Обмеження: {current}/{max}'
charactersBelow: 'Недостатньо символів! Обмеження: {current}/{min}'
jumpToSpecifiedDate: Перейти до конкретної дати
quitFullView: Закрити повний вигляд
ffVisibility: Видимість підписок/підписників
numberOfColumn: Кількість стовпців
failedToFetchAccountInformation: Не вдалося отримати інформацію про обліковий запис
reflectMayTakeTime: Може пройти деякий час, перш ніж зміни набудуть чинності.
recentNHours: Останні {n} годин
logoutConfirm: Ви впевнені, що хочете вийти?
enableRecommendedTimeline: Увімкнути рекомендовану стрічку
requestAccountDelete: Запросити видалення облікового запису
accountDelete: Видалити обліковий запис
mayTakeTime: Оскільки видалення облікового запису є ресурсоємним процесом, він може
зайняти деякий час, залежно від того, скільки контенту ви створили та скільки
файлів завантажили.
sendEmail: Коли ваш обліковий запис буде видалено, ми повідомимо на вказану вами
електронну пошту.
started: Процес видалення розпочався.
inProgress: Наразі триває видалення
deleteConfirm: Видалити резервну копію {name}?
applyConfirm: Ви дійсно хочете застосувати резервну копію "{name}" до цього пристрою?
Існуючі налаштування цього пристрою буде замінено.
saveConfirm: Зберегти резервну копію як {name}?
saveNew: Зберегти нову резервну копію
save: Зберегти зміни
inputName: Будь ласка, введіть назву для цієї резервної копії
loadFile: Завантажити з файлу
updatedAt: 'Оновлено: {date} {time}'
invalidFile: Неправильний формат файлу
apply: Застосувати до цього пристрою
list: Створені резервні копії
cannotSave: Збереження невдале
nameAlreadyExists: Резервна копія з назвою "{name}" вже існує. Будь ласка, введіть
іншу назву.
renameConfirm: Перейменувати цю резервну копію з "{old}" на "{new}"?
noBackups: Резервних копій немає. Ви можете створити резервну копію налаштувань
клієнта на цьому сервері за допомогою "Створити нову резервну копію".
createdAt: 'Створено: {date} {time}'
cannotLoad: Не вдалося завантажити
beta: Бета
customMOTDDescription: Користувацькі повідомлення для MOTD (заставки), розділені новими
рядками, які будуть показуватися випадковим чином щоразу, коли користувач завантажує/перезавантажує
replayTutorial: Перезапустити туторіал
ifNoEmail: Якщо ви не використовували електронну пошту під час реєстрації, зверніться
до адміністратора серверу.
enterEmail: Введіть адресу електронної пошти, яку ви використовували для реєстрації.
На неї буде надіслано посилання, за яким ви зможете скинути пароль.
contactAdmin: Цей сервер не підтримує використання адрес електронної пошти, будь
ласка, зверніться до адміністратора сервера, щоб скинути пароль.
reactionPickerSkinTone: Бажаний колір шкіри емодзі
addInstance: Додати сервер
jumpToPrevious: Перейти до попереднього
listsDesc: Списки дозволяють створювати стрічки із вказаними користувачами. Доступ
до них можна отримати на сторінці стрічок.
channelFederationWarn: Канали наразі федеруються з іншими серверами
lastCommunication: Останнє повідомлення
edited: Відредаговано {date} о {time}
confirmToUnclipAlreadyClippedNote: Цей запис уже в підбірці "{name}". Чи бажаєте ви
натомість видалити пост із підбірки?
quickAction: Швидкі дії
remoteOnly: Тільки віддалені
failedToUpload: Помилка завантаження
moveFrom: Мігрувати на цей обліковий запис зі старого облікового запису
preventAiLearning: Захист від скрепінгу ШІ-ботів
moveAccountDescription: Цей процес є незворотнім. Переконайтеся, що ви створили псевдонім
для цього акаунта в новому акаунті перед переїздом. Будь ласка, введіть тег акаунта
у форматі @person@server.com
almostThere: Майже готово
emailAddressInfo: Будь ласка, введіть свою адресу електронної пошти. Вона не буде
emailSent: На вашу електронну адресу ({email}) було надіслано лист із підтвердженням.
Будь ласка, перейдіть за посиланням, щоб завершити створення облікового запису.
defaultValueIs: 'За замовчуванням: {value}'
shareWithNote: Поділитися з записом
classic: Відцентрований
size: Розмір
slow: Повільно
alt: ALT
auto: Автоматично
oneHour: Одна година
instanceDefaultThemeDescription: Введіть код теми в об'єктному форматі.
cropImageAsk: Чи бажаєте ви обрізати це зображення?
noEmailServerWarning: Поштовий сервер не налаштовано.
thereIsUnresolvedAbuseReportWarning: Є не розглянуті звіти.
image: Зображення
check: Перевірити
isSystemAccount: Цей акаунт створений і автоматично управляється системою. Будь ласка,
не модеруйте, не редагуйте, не видаляйте та не втручайтеся в цей акаунт будь-яким
іншим чином, інакше це може призвести до поломки вашого серверу.
document: Документація
driveCapOverrideCaption: Ви можете скинути ємність до значення за замовчуванням, ввівши
значення 0 або менше.
numberOfPageCache: Кількість кешованих сторінок
pleaseSelect: Оберіть варіант
refreshInterval: 'Інтервал оновлення '
enableAutoSensitive: Автоматичне маркування NSFW
cannotUploadBecauseInappropriate: Цей файл не може бути завантажений тому що його
частини були виявлені як потенційне NSFW.
sendPushNotificationReadMessageCaption: На короткий час буде показано сповіщення з
текстом "{emptyPushNotificationMessage}". Це може призвести до збільшення споживання
заряду акумулятора вашого пристрою, якщо це можливо.
pushNotificationNotSupported: Ваш браузер або сервер не підтримує push-сповіщення
showUpdates: Показувати спливаюче вікно при оновленні Calckey
updateAvailable: Можливо, є доступне оновлення!
recommendedInstancesDescription: Рекомендовані сервери відокремлюються переведенням
рядка, щоб з'явитися на стрічці рекомендацій.
caption: Автоматичний підпис
showAdminUpdates: Вказати, що доступна нова версія Calckey (тільки для адміністратора)
defaultReaction: Емодзі реакція за замовчуванням для вихідних і вхідних записів
license: Ліцензія
indexPosts: Індексувати пости
indexFrom: Індексувати записи з ID
indexFromDescription: Залиште порожнім, щоб індексувати кожен запис
indexNotice: Зараз відбувається індексація. Це, ймовірно, займе деякий час, будь ласка,
не перезавантажуйте сервер принаймні годину.
signupsDisabled: Реєстрація на цьому сервері наразі відключена, але ви завжди можете
зареєструватися на іншому сервері! Якщо у вас є код запрошення на цей сервер, будь
ласка, введіть його нижче.
findOtherInstance: Знайти інший сервер
customKaTeXMacro: Користувацькі макроси KaTeX
enableCustomKaTeXMacro: Увімкнути користувацькі макроси KaTeX
apps: Додатки
isModerator: Модератор
isAdmin: Адміністратор
isPatron: Патрон Calckey
swipeOnMobile: Дозволити гортання між сторінками
migration: Міграція
swipeOnDesktop: Дозволити свайп у мобільному стилі на десктопі
logoImageUrl: URL-адреса зображення логотипу
moveTo: Перенести поточний обліковий запис на новий
moveFromDescription: Це встановить псевдонім вашого старого облікового запису, щоб
ви могли перейти зі старого облікового запису до цього поточного. Зробіть це ДО
переходу зі старого акаунта. Будь ласка, введіть тег акаунта у форматі @person@server.com
moveToLabel: 'Обліковий запис, на який ви мігруєте:'
moveAccount: Перемістити обліковий запис!
moveFromLabel: 'Обліковий запис, з якого ви мігруєте:'
install: Встановлення плагінів
manage: Керування плагінами
installWarn: Будь ласка, не встановлюйте ненадійні плагіни.
yellow: Жовтий
mediumLight: Помірно-світлий
medium: Помірний
mediumDark: Помірно-темний
dark: Темний
light: Світлий
tenMinutes: 10 хвилин
expandOnNoteClick: Відкрити запис кліком
preferencesBackups: Резервне копіювання
unlikeConfirm: Дійсно видалити вподобайку?
fullView: Повний вигляд
postToGallery: Опублікувати в галереї
memo: Нотатки
allowedInstancesDescription: Хости серверів, які будуть допущені до федерації, кожен
з яких відокремлюється новим рядком (стосується лише приватного режиму).
squareAvatars: Квадратні аватарки
aiChanMode: Режим ШІ
controlPanel: Панель керування
manageAccounts: Керування обліковими записами
incorrectPassword: Неправильний пароль.
voteConfirm: Підтвердити свій голос за "{choice}"?
leaveGroup: Залишити групу
smartphone: Смартфон
mutePeriod: Тривалість глушіння
requireAdminForView: Ви маєте увійти з облікового запису адміністратора, щоб переглянути
fast: Швидко
isBot: Цей обліковий запис є ботом
isLocked: Цей обліковий запис має схвалення запитів на підписку
silenceThisInstance: Ігнорувати цей сервер
hideOnlineStatusDescription: Приховування вашого онлайн-статусу знижує зручність деяких
функцій, таких як пошук.
accountDeletionInProgress: Наразі триває видалення облікового запису
makeReactionsPublic: Зробити історію реакцій публічною
continueThread: Показати наступні відповіді
unmuteThread: Скасувати глушіння гілки
ffVisibilityDescription: Дозволяє налаштувати, хто може бачити, на кого ви підписані
і хто підписаний на вас.
tablet: Планшет
cropImage: Обрізати зображення
recentNDays: Останні {n} днів
navbar: Панель навігації
noGraze: Будь ласка, вимкніть розширення браузера "Graze для Mastodon", оскільки воно
заважає роботі Calckey.
preventAiLearningDescription: Попросити сторонні мовні моделі ШІ не вивчати вміст,
який ви завантажуєте, наприклад, записи та зображення.
userSaysSomethingReasonReply: '{name} відповів на пост з {reason}'
secureMode: Безпечний режим (Authorized Fetch)
seperateRenoteQuote: Розділити кнопки поширення та цитати
makeReactionsPublicDescription: Це зробить список усіх ваших минулих реакцій публічно
muteThread: Заглушити гілку
sendPushNotificationReadMessage: Видаляти push-сповіщення після того, як відповідні
сповіщення або повідомлення будуть прочитані
unclip: Видалити з підбірки
silencedInstances: Ігноровані сервери
typeToConfirm: Введіть {x} щоб підтвердити
silencedWarning: Ця сторінка відображається тому, що ці користувачі з серверів, які
ваш адміністратор заглушив, тому вони потенційно можуть бути спамом.
shuffle: Перетасувати
ratio: Співвідношення
secureModeInfo: У разі запитів з інших серверів не надсилати непідтверджену відповідь.
pubSub: Облікові записи Pub/Sub
driveCapOverrideLabel: Змінити ємність диску для цього користувача
deleteAccount: Видалити обліковий запис
type: Тип
enableAutoSensitiveDescription: Дозволяє автоматично виявляти та позначати медіафайли
NSFW за допомогою машинного навчання, де це можливо. Навіть якщо цю опцію вимкнено,
вона може бути увімкнена на всьому сервері.
recommendedInstances: Рекомендовані сервери
noteId: Ідентифікатор запису
showPopup: Сповіщати користувачів спливаючим вікном
showWithSparkles: Показати з блиском
youHaveUnreadAnnouncements: У вас є непрочитані оголошення
donationLink: Посилання на сторінку для внесків
neverShow: Не показувати знову
remindMeLater: Можливо пізніше
removeQuote: Видалити цитату
removeRecipient: Видалити одержувача
removeMember: Видалити члена
silencedInstancesDescription: Вкажіть імена хостів серверів, які ви хочете ігнорувати.
Облікові записи на перелічених серверах вважаються "Ігнорованими", можуть робити
лише запити на підписку і не можуть згадувати локальні облікові записи, якщо на
них не підписалися. Це не вплине на заблоковані сервери.
hiddenTagsDescription: 'Перелічіть хештеги (без #), які ви хочете приховати з трендів
і дослідження. Приховані хештеги все одно можна знайти іншими способами.'
antennasDesc: "Антени показують нові дописи, що відповідають встановленим вами критеріям!\n
Доступ до них можна отримати зі сторінки стрічок."
clipsDesc: Підбірки схожі на категоризовані закладки, до яких можна надавати спільний
доступ. Ви можете створювати підбірки з меню окремих записів.
migrationConfirm: "Ви точно впевнені, що хочете перенести свій обліковий запис на
{account}? Якщо ви це зробите, ви не зможете скасувати цю операцію і не зможете
користуватися своїм обліковим записом як раніше.\nТакож, будь ласка, переконайтеся,
що ви вибрали цей поточний обліковий запис як обліковий запис, з якого ви переходите."
customKaTeXMacroDescription: 'Налаштуйте макроси, щоб легко писати математичні вирази!
Позначення відповідає визначенню команд LaTeX і записується у вигляді \newcommand{\
name}{content} або \newcommand{\name}[number of arguments]{content}. Наприклад,
\newcommand{\add}[2]{#1 + #2} розширить \add{3}{foo} to 3 + foo. Фігурні дужки навколо
назви макросу можна змінити на круглі або квадратні. Це вплине на дужки, що використовуються
для аргументів. В одному рядку можна визначити один (і тільки один) макрос, і жоден
рядок не можна розривати посередині визначення. Неправильні рядки просто ігноруються.
Підтримуються лише прості функції заміни рядків; розширений синтаксис, такий як
умовне розгалуження, не може бути використаний тут.'
activeEmailValidationDescription: Вмикає більш сувору перевірку адрес електронної
пошти, яка включає перевірку на наявність одноразових адрес і перевірку того, чи
дійсно з нею можна зв'язатися. Якщо цей прапорець знято, перевіряється лише формат
електронної пошти.
customSplashIconsDescription: URL-адреси іконок для заставки, розділені новими рядками,
які будуть показуватися випадковим чином щоразу, коли користувач завантажує/перезавантажує
сторінку. Будь ласка, переконайтеся, що зображення знаходяться на статичній URL-адресі,
бажано, щоб вони були змінені до розміру 192x192.