diff --git a/config/config.exs b/config/config.exs
index 6a7bb9e06..4bf31f3fc 100644
--- a/config/config.exs
+++ b/config/config.exs
@@ -407,6 +407,13 @@ config :pleroma, :media_proxy,
whitelist: []
+config :pleroma, Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation.Http,
+ method: :purge,
+ headers: [],
+ options: []
+config :pleroma, Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation.Script, script_path: nil
config :pleroma, :chat, enabled: true
config :phoenix, :format_encoders, json: Jason
diff --git a/config/description.exs b/config/description.exs
index b21d7840c..f9523936a 100644
--- a/config/description.exs
+++ b/config/description.exs
@@ -1650,6 +1650,31 @@ config :pleroma, :config_description, [
"The base URL to access a user-uploaded file. Useful when you want to proxy the media files via another host/CDN fronts.",
suggestions: ["https://example.com"]
+ %{
+ key: :invalidation,
+ type: :keyword,
+ descpiption: "",
+ suggestions: [
+ enabled: true,
+ provider: Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation.Script
+ ],
+ children: [
+ %{
+ key: :enabled,
+ type: :boolean,
+ description: "Enables invalidate media cache"
+ },
+ %{
+ key: :provider,
+ type: :module,
+ description: "Module which will be used to cache purge.",
+ suggestions: [
+ Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation.Script,
+ Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation.Http
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
key: :proxy_opts,
type: :keyword,
@@ -1722,6 +1747,45 @@ config :pleroma, :config_description, [
+ %{
+ group: :pleroma,
+ key: Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation.Http,
+ type: :group,
+ description: "HTTP invalidate settings",
+ children: [
+ %{
+ key: :method,
+ type: :atom,
+ description: "HTTP method of request. Default: :purge"
+ },
+ %{
+ key: :headers,
+ type: {:list, :tuple},
+ description: "HTTP headers of request.",
+ suggestions: [{"x-refresh", 1}]
+ },
+ %{
+ key: :options,
+ type: :keyword,
+ description: "Request options.",
+ suggestions: [params: %{ts: "xxx"}]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ %{
+ group: :pleroma,
+ key: Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation.Script,
+ type: :group,
+ description: "Script invalidate settings",
+ children: [
+ %{
+ key: :script_path,
+ type: :string,
+ description: "Path to shell script. Which will run purge cache.",
+ suggestions: ["./installation/nginx-cache-purge.sh.example"]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
group: :pleroma,
key: :gopher,
diff --git a/docs/API/admin_api.md b/docs/API/admin_api.md
index 92816baf9..c7f56cf5f 100644
--- a/docs/API/admin_api.md
+++ b/docs/API/admin_api.md
@@ -1224,4 +1224,66 @@ Loads json generated from `config/descriptions.exs`.
- Response:
- On success: `204`, empty response
- On failure:
- - 400 Bad Request `"Invalid parameters"` when `status` is missing
\ No newline at end of file
+ - 400 Bad Request `"Invalid parameters"` when `status` is missing
+## `GET /api/pleroma/admin/media_proxy_caches`
+### Get a list of all banned MediaProxy URLs in Cachex
+- Authentication: required
+- Params:
+- *optional* `page`: **integer** page number
+- *optional* `page_size`: **integer** number of log entries per page (default is `50`)
+- Response:
+``` json
+ "urls": [
+ "http://example.com/media/a688346.jpg",
+ "http://example.com/media/fb1f4d.jpg"
+ ]
+## `POST /api/pleroma/admin/media_proxy_caches/delete`
+### Remove a banned MediaProxy URL from Cachex
+- Authentication: required
+- Params:
+ - `urls` (array)
+- Response:
+``` json
+ "urls": [
+ "http://example.com/media/a688346.jpg",
+ "http://example.com/media/fb1f4d.jpg"
+ ]
+## `POST /api/pleroma/admin/media_proxy_caches/purge`
+### Purge a MediaProxy URL
+- Authentication: required
+- Params:
+ - `urls` (array)
+ - `ban` (boolean)
+- Response:
+``` json
+ "urls": [
+ "http://example.com/media/a688346.jpg",
+ "http://example.com/media/fb1f4d.jpg"
+ ]
diff --git a/docs/configuration/cheatsheet.md b/docs/configuration/cheatsheet.md
index fad67fc4d..6ebdab546 100644
--- a/docs/configuration/cheatsheet.md
+++ b/docs/configuration/cheatsheet.md
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ This section describe PWA manifest instance-specific values. Currently this opti
#### Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation.Script
-This strategy allow perform external bash script to purge cache.
+This strategy allow perform external shell script to purge cache.
Urls of attachments pass to script as arguments.
* `script_path`: path to external script.
@@ -284,8 +284,8 @@ config :pleroma, Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation.Script,
This strategy allow perform custom http request to purge cache.
* `method`: http method. default is `purge`
-* `headers`: http headers. default is empty
-* `options`: request options. default is empty
+* `headers`: http headers.
+* `options`: request options.
diff --git a/installation/nginx-cache-purge.sh.example b/installation/nginx-cache-purge.sh.example
index b2915321c..5f6cbb128 100755
--- a/installation/nginx-cache-purge.sh.example
+++ b/installation/nginx-cache-purge.sh.example
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ CACHE_DIRECTORY="/tmp/pleroma-media-cache"
## $3 - (optional) the number of parallel processes to run for grep.
get_cache_files() {
local max_parallel=${3-16}
- find $2 -maxdepth 2 -type d | xargs -P $max_parallel -n 1 grep -E Rl "^KEY:.*$1" | sort -u
+ find $2 -maxdepth 2 -type d | xargs -P $max_parallel -n 1 grep -E -Rl "^KEY:.*$1" | sort -u
## Removes an item from the given cache zone.
@@ -37,4 +37,4 @@ purge() {
-purge $1
+purge $@
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/application.ex b/lib/pleroma/application.ex
index 9d3d92b38..4a21bf138 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/application.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/application.ex
@@ -148,7 +148,8 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Application do
build_cachex("idempotency", expiration: idempotency_expiration(), limit: 2500),
build_cachex("web_resp", limit: 2500),
build_cachex("emoji_packs", expiration: emoji_packs_expiration(), limit: 10),
- build_cachex("failed_proxy_url", limit: 2500)
+ build_cachex("failed_proxy_url", limit: 2500),
+ build_cachex("banned_urls", default_ttl: :timer.hours(24 * 30), limit: 5_000)
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/plugs/uploaded_media.ex b/lib/pleroma/plugs/uploaded_media.ex
index 94147e0c4..40984cfc0 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/plugs/uploaded_media.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/plugs/uploaded_media.ex
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Plugs.UploadedMedia do
import Pleroma.Web.Gettext
require Logger
+ alias Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy
@behaviour Plug
# no slashes
@path "media"
@@ -35,8 +37,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Plugs.UploadedMedia do
%{query_params: %{"name" => name}} = conn ->
name = String.replace(name, "\"", "\\\"")
- conn
- |> put_resp_header("content-disposition", "filename=\"#{name}\"")
+ put_resp_header(conn, "content-disposition", "filename=\"#{name}\"")
conn ->
@@ -47,7 +48,8 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Plugs.UploadedMedia do
with uploader <- Keyword.fetch!(config, :uploader),
proxy_remote = Keyword.get(config, :proxy_remote, false),
- {:ok, get_method} <- uploader.get_file(file) do
+ {:ok, get_method} <- uploader.get_file(file),
+ false <- media_is_banned(conn, get_method) do
get_media(conn, get_method, proxy_remote, opts)
_ ->
@@ -59,6 +61,14 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Plugs.UploadedMedia do
def call(conn, _opts), do: conn
+ defp media_is_banned(%{request_path: path} = _conn, {:static_dir, _}) do
+ MediaProxy.in_banned_urls(Pleroma.Web.base_url() <> path)
+ end
+ defp media_is_banned(_, {:url, url}), do: MediaProxy.in_banned_urls(url)
+ defp media_is_banned(_, _), do: false
defp get_media(conn, {:static_dir, directory}, _, opts) do
static_opts =
Map.get(opts, :static_plug_opts)
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/web/admin_api/controllers/media_proxy_cache_controller.ex b/lib/pleroma/web/admin_api/controllers/media_proxy_cache_controller.ex
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e2759d59f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/pleroma/web/admin_api/controllers/media_proxy_cache_controller.ex
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server
+# Copyright © 2017-2020 Pleroma Authors
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
+defmodule Pleroma.Web.AdminAPI.MediaProxyCacheController do
+ use Pleroma.Web, :controller
+ alias Pleroma.Plugs.OAuthScopesPlug
+ alias Pleroma.Web.ApiSpec.Admin, as: Spec
+ alias Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy
+ plug(Pleroma.Web.ApiSpec.CastAndValidate)
+ plug(
+ OAuthScopesPlug,
+ %{scopes: ["read:media_proxy_caches"], admin: true} when action in [:index]
+ )
+ plug(
+ OAuthScopesPlug,
+ %{scopes: ["write:media_proxy_caches"], admin: true} when action in [:purge, :delete]
+ )
+ action_fallback(Pleroma.Web.AdminAPI.FallbackController)
+ defdelegate open_api_operation(action), to: Spec.MediaProxyCacheOperation
+ def index(%{assigns: %{user: _}} = conn, params) do
+ cursor =
+ :banned_urls_cache
+ |> :ets.table([{:traverse, {:select, Cachex.Query.create(true, :key)}}])
+ |> :qlc.cursor()
+ urls =
+ case params.page do
+ 1 ->
+ :qlc.next_answers(cursor, params.page_size)
+ _ ->
+ :qlc.next_answers(cursor, (params.page - 1) * params.page_size)
+ :qlc.next_answers(cursor, params.page_size)
+ end
+ :qlc.delete_cursor(cursor)
+ render(conn, "index.json", urls: urls)
+ end
+ def delete(%{assigns: %{user: _}, body_params: %{urls: urls}} = conn, _) do
+ MediaProxy.remove_from_banned_urls(urls)
+ render(conn, "index.json", urls: urls)
+ end
+ def purge(%{assigns: %{user: _}, body_params: %{urls: urls, ban: ban}} = conn, _) do
+ MediaProxy.Invalidation.purge(urls)
+ if ban do
+ MediaProxy.put_in_banned_urls(urls)
+ end
+ render(conn, "index.json", urls: urls)
+ end
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/web/admin_api/views/media_proxy_cache_view.ex b/lib/pleroma/web/admin_api/views/media_proxy_cache_view.ex
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c97400beb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/pleroma/web/admin_api/views/media_proxy_cache_view.ex
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server
+# Copyright © 2017-2020 Pleroma Authors
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
+defmodule Pleroma.Web.AdminAPI.MediaProxyCacheView do
+ use Pleroma.Web, :view
+ def render("index.json", %{urls: urls}) do
+ %{urls: urls}
+ end
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/operations/admin/media_proxy_cache_operation.ex b/lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/operations/admin/media_proxy_cache_operation.ex
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0358cfbad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/pleroma/web/api_spec/operations/admin/media_proxy_cache_operation.ex
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server
+# Copyright © 2017-2020 Pleroma Authors
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
+defmodule Pleroma.Web.ApiSpec.Admin.MediaProxyCacheOperation do
+ alias OpenApiSpex.Operation
+ alias OpenApiSpex.Schema
+ alias Pleroma.Web.ApiSpec.Schemas.ApiError
+ import Pleroma.Web.ApiSpec.Helpers
+ def open_api_operation(action) do
+ operation = String.to_existing_atom("#{action}_operation")
+ apply(__MODULE__, operation, [])
+ end
+ def index_operation do
+ %Operation{
+ tags: ["Admin", "MediaProxyCache"],
+ summary: "Fetch a paginated list of all banned MediaProxy URLs in Cachex",
+ operationId: "AdminAPI.MediaProxyCacheController.index",
+ security: [%{"oAuth" => ["read:media_proxy_caches"]}],
+ parameters: [
+ Operation.parameter(
+ :page,
+ :query,
+ %Schema{type: :integer, default: 1},
+ "Page"
+ ),
+ Operation.parameter(
+ :page_size,
+ :query,
+ %Schema{type: :integer, default: 50},
+ "Number of statuses to return"
+ )
+ ],
+ responses: %{
+ 200 => success_response()
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ def delete_operation do
+ %Operation{
+ tags: ["Admin", "MediaProxyCache"],
+ summary: "Remove a banned MediaProxy URL from Cachex",
+ operationId: "AdminAPI.MediaProxyCacheController.delete",
+ security: [%{"oAuth" => ["write:media_proxy_caches"]}],
+ requestBody:
+ request_body(
+ "Parameters",
+ %Schema{
+ type: :object,
+ required: [:urls],
+ properties: %{
+ urls: %Schema{type: :array, items: %Schema{type: :string, format: :uri}}
+ }
+ },
+ required: true
+ ),
+ responses: %{
+ 200 => success_response(),
+ 400 => Operation.response("Error", "application/json", ApiError)
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ def purge_operation do
+ %Operation{
+ tags: ["Admin", "MediaProxyCache"],
+ summary: "Purge and optionally ban a MediaProxy URL",
+ operationId: "AdminAPI.MediaProxyCacheController.purge",
+ security: [%{"oAuth" => ["write:media_proxy_caches"]}],
+ requestBody:
+ request_body(
+ "Parameters",
+ %Schema{
+ type: :object,
+ required: [:urls],
+ properties: %{
+ urls: %Schema{type: :array, items: %Schema{type: :string, format: :uri}},
+ ban: %Schema{type: :boolean, default: true}
+ }
+ },
+ required: true
+ ),
+ responses: %{
+ 200 => success_response(),
+ 400 => Operation.response("Error", "application/json", ApiError)
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ defp success_response do
+ Operation.response("Array of banned MediaProxy URLs in Cachex", "application/json", %Schema{
+ type: :object,
+ properties: %{
+ urls: %Schema{
+ type: :array,
+ items: %Schema{
+ type: :string,
+ format: :uri,
+ description: "MediaProxy URLs"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ end
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/web/media_proxy/invalidation.ex b/lib/pleroma/web/media_proxy/invalidation.ex
index c037ff13e..5808861e6 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/web/media_proxy/invalidation.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/web/media_proxy/invalidation.ex
@@ -5,22 +5,34 @@
defmodule Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation do
@moduledoc false
- @callback purge(list(String.t()), map()) :: {:ok, String.t()} | {:error, String.t()}
+ @callback purge(list(String.t()), Keyword.t()) :: {:ok, list(String.t())} | {:error, String.t()}
alias Pleroma.Config
+ alias Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy
- @spec purge(list(String.t())) :: {:ok, String.t()} | {:error, String.t()}
+ @spec enabled?() :: boolean()
+ def enabled?, do: Config.get([:media_proxy, :invalidation, :enabled])
+ @spec purge(list(String.t()) | String.t()) :: {:ok, list(String.t())} | {:error, String.t()}
def purge(urls) do
- [:media_proxy, :invalidation, :enabled]
- |> Config.get()
- |> do_purge(urls)
+ prepared_urls = prepare_urls(urls)
+ if enabled?() do
+ do_purge(prepared_urls)
+ else
+ {:ok, prepared_urls}
+ end
- defp do_purge(true, urls) do
+ defp do_purge(urls) do
provider = Config.get([:media_proxy, :invalidation, :provider])
options = Config.get(provider)
provider.purge(urls, options)
- defp do_purge(_, _), do: :ok
+ def prepare_urls(urls) do
+ urls
+ |> List.wrap()
+ |> Enum.map(&MediaProxy.url/1)
+ end
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/web/media_proxy/invalidations/http.ex b/lib/pleroma/web/media_proxy/invalidations/http.ex
index 07248df6e..bb81d8888 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/web/media_proxy/invalidations/http.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/web/media_proxy/invalidations/http.ex
@@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation.Http do
require Logger
@impl Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation
- def purge(urls, opts) do
- method = Map.get(opts, :method, :purge)
- headers = Map.get(opts, :headers, [])
- options = Map.get(opts, :options, [])
+ def purge(urls, opts \\ []) do
+ method = Keyword.get(opts, :method, :purge)
+ headers = Keyword.get(opts, :headers, [])
+ options = Keyword.get(opts, :options, [])
Logger.debug("Running cache purge: #{inspect(urls)}")
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation.Http do
- {:ok, "success"}
+ {:ok, urls}
defp do_purge(method, url, headers, options) do
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/web/media_proxy/invalidations/script.ex b/lib/pleroma/web/media_proxy/invalidations/script.ex
index 6be782132..d32ffc50b 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/web/media_proxy/invalidations/script.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/web/media_proxy/invalidations/script.ex
@@ -10,32 +10,34 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation.Script do
require Logger
@impl Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation
- def purge(urls, %{script_path: script_path} = _options) do
+ def purge(urls, opts \\ []) do
args =
|> List.wrap()
|> Enum.uniq()
|> Enum.join(" ")
- path = Path.expand(script_path)
- Logger.debug("Running cache purge: #{inspect(urls)}, #{path}")
- case do_purge(path, [args]) do
- {result, exit_status} when exit_status > 0 ->
- Logger.error("Error while cache purge: #{inspect(result)}")
- {:error, inspect(result)}
- _ ->
- {:ok, "success"}
- end
+ opts
+ |> Keyword.get(:script_path)
+ |> do_purge([args])
+ |> handle_result(urls)
- def purge(_, _), do: {:error, "not found script path"}
- defp do_purge(path, args) do
+ defp do_purge(script_path, args) when is_binary(script_path) do
+ path = Path.expand(script_path)
+ Logger.debug("Running cache purge: #{inspect(args)}, #{inspect(path)}")
System.cmd(path, args)
- error -> {inspect(error), 1}
+ error -> error
+ end
+ defp do_purge(_, _), do: {:error, "not found script path"}
+ defp handle_result({_result, 0}, urls), do: {:ok, urls}
+ defp handle_result({:error, error}, urls), do: handle_result(error, urls)
+ defp handle_result(error, _) do
+ Logger.error("Error while cache purge: #{inspect(error)}")
+ {:error, inspect(error)}
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/web/media_proxy/media_proxy.ex b/lib/pleroma/web/media_proxy/media_proxy.ex
index b2b524524..077fabe47 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/web/media_proxy/media_proxy.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/web/media_proxy/media_proxy.ex
@@ -6,20 +6,53 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy do
alias Pleroma.Config
alias Pleroma.Upload
alias Pleroma.Web
+ alias Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation
@base64_opts [padding: false]
+ @spec in_banned_urls(String.t()) :: boolean()
+ def in_banned_urls(url), do: elem(Cachex.exists?(:banned_urls_cache, url(url)), 1)
+ def remove_from_banned_urls(urls) when is_list(urls) do
+ Cachex.execute!(:banned_urls_cache, fn cache ->
+ Enum.each(Invalidation.prepare_urls(urls), &Cachex.del(cache, &1))
+ end)
+ end
+ def remove_from_banned_urls(url) when is_binary(url) do
+ Cachex.del(:banned_urls_cache, url(url))
+ end
+ def put_in_banned_urls(urls) when is_list(urls) do
+ Cachex.execute!(:banned_urls_cache, fn cache ->
+ Enum.each(Invalidation.prepare_urls(urls), &Cachex.put(cache, &1, true))
+ end)
+ end
+ def put_in_banned_urls(url) when is_binary(url) do
+ Cachex.put(:banned_urls_cache, url(url), true)
+ end
def url(url) when is_nil(url) or url == "", do: nil
def url("/" <> _ = url), do: url
def url(url) do
- if disabled?() or local?(url) or whitelisted?(url) do
+ if disabled?() or not url_proxiable?(url) do
+ @spec url_proxiable?(String.t()) :: boolean()
+ def url_proxiable?(url) do
+ if local?(url) or whitelisted?(url) do
+ false
+ else
+ true
+ end
+ end
defp disabled?, do: !Config.get([:media_proxy, :enabled], false)
defp local?(url), do: String.starts_with?(url, Pleroma.Web.base_url())
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/web/media_proxy/media_proxy_controller.ex b/lib/pleroma/web/media_proxy/media_proxy_controller.ex
index 4657a4383..9a64b0ef3 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/web/media_proxy/media_proxy_controller.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/web/media_proxy/media_proxy_controller.ex
@@ -14,10 +14,11 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.MediaProxyController do
with config <- Pleroma.Config.get([:media_proxy], []),
true <- Keyword.get(config, :enabled, false),
{:ok, url} <- MediaProxy.decode_url(sig64, url64),
+ {_, false} <- {:in_banned_urls, MediaProxy.in_banned_urls(url)},
:ok <- filename_matches(params, conn.request_path, url) do
ReverseProxy.call(conn, url, Keyword.get(config, :proxy_opts, @default_proxy_opts))
- false ->
+ error when error in [false, {:in_banned_urls, true}] ->
send_resp(conn, 404, Plug.Conn.Status.reason_phrase(404))
{:error, :invalid_signature} ->
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/web/router.ex b/lib/pleroma/web/router.ex
index 57570b672..eda74a171 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/web/router.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/web/router.ex
@@ -209,6 +209,10 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.Router do
post("/oauth_app", OAuthAppController, :create)
patch("/oauth_app/:id", OAuthAppController, :update)
delete("/oauth_app/:id", OAuthAppController, :delete)
+ get("/media_proxy_caches", MediaProxyCacheController, :index)
+ post("/media_proxy_caches/delete", MediaProxyCacheController, :delete)
+ post("/media_proxy_caches/purge", MediaProxyCacheController, :purge)
scope "/api/pleroma/emoji", Pleroma.Web.PleromaAPI do
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/workers/attachments_cleanup_worker.ex b/lib/pleroma/workers/attachments_cleanup_worker.ex
index 49352db2a..8deeabda0 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/workers/attachments_cleanup_worker.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/workers/attachments_cleanup_worker.ex
@@ -18,13 +18,19 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Workers.AttachmentsCleanupWorker do
) do
- hrefs =
- Enum.flat_map(attachments, fn attachment ->
- Enum.map(attachment["url"], & &1["href"])
- end)
+ attachments
+ |> Enum.flat_map(fn item -> Enum.map(item["url"], & &1["href"]) end)
+ |> fetch_objects
+ |> prepare_objects(actor, Enum.map(attachments, & &1["name"]))
+ |> filter_objects
+ |> do_clean
- names = Enum.map(attachments, & &1["name"])
+ {:ok, :success}
+ end
+ def perform(%{"op" => "cleanup_attachments", "object" => _object}, _job), do: {:ok, :skip}
+ defp do_clean({object_ids, attachment_urls}) do
uploader = Pleroma.Config.get([Pleroma.Upload, :uploader])
prefix =
@@ -39,68 +45,70 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Workers.AttachmentsCleanupWorker do
- # find all objects for copies of the attachments, name and actor doesn't matter here
- object_ids_and_hrefs =
- from(o in Object,
- where:
- fragment(
- "to_jsonb(array(select jsonb_array_elements((?)#>'{url}') ->> 'href' where jsonb_typeof((?)#>'{url}') = 'array'))::jsonb \\?| (?)",
- o.data,
- o.data,
- ^hrefs
- )
- )
- # The query above can be time consumptive on large instances until we
- # refactor how uploads are stored
- |> Repo.all(timeout: :infinity)
- # we should delete 1 object for any given attachment, but don't delete
- # files if there are more than 1 object for it
- |> Enum.reduce(%{}, fn %{
- id: id,
- data: %{
- "url" => [%{"href" => href}],
- "actor" => obj_actor,
- "name" => name
- }
- },
- acc ->
- Map.update(acc, href, %{id: id, count: 1}, fn val ->
- case obj_actor == actor and name in names do
- true ->
- # set id of the actor's object that will be deleted
- %{val | id: id, count: val.count + 1}
+ Enum.each(attachment_urls, fn href ->
+ href
+ |> String.trim_leading("#{base_url}/#{prefix}")
+ |> uploader.delete_file()
+ end)
- false ->
- # another actor's object, just increase count to not delete file
- %{val | count: val.count + 1}
- end
- end)
- end)
- |> Enum.map(fn {href, %{id: id, count: count}} ->
- # only delete files that have single instance
- with 1 <- count do
- href
- |> String.trim_leading("#{base_url}/#{prefix}")
- |> uploader.delete_file()
- {id, href}
- else
- _ -> {id, nil}
- end
- end)
- object_ids = Enum.map(object_ids_and_hrefs, fn {id, _} -> id end)
- from(o in Object, where: o.id in ^object_ids)
- |> Repo.delete_all()
- object_ids_and_hrefs
- |> Enum.filter(fn {_, href} -> not is_nil(href) end)
- |> Enum.map(&elem(&1, 1))
- |> Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation.purge()
- {:ok, :success}
+ delete_objects(object_ids)
- def perform(%{"op" => "cleanup_attachments", "object" => _object}, _job), do: {:ok, :skip}
+ defp delete_objects([_ | _] = object_ids) do
+ Repo.delete_all(from(o in Object, where: o.id in ^object_ids))
+ end
+ defp delete_objects(_), do: :ok
+ # we should delete 1 object for any given attachment, but don't delete
+ # files if there are more than 1 object for it
+ defp filter_objects(objects) do
+ Enum.reduce(objects, {[], []}, fn {href, %{id: id, count: count}}, {ids, hrefs} ->
+ with 1 <- count do
+ {ids ++ [id], hrefs ++ [href]}
+ else
+ _ -> {ids ++ [id], hrefs}
+ end
+ end)
+ end
+ defp prepare_objects(objects, actor, names) do
+ objects
+ |> Enum.reduce(%{}, fn %{
+ id: id,
+ data: %{
+ "url" => [%{"href" => href}],
+ "actor" => obj_actor,
+ "name" => name
+ }
+ },
+ acc ->
+ Map.update(acc, href, %{id: id, count: 1}, fn val ->
+ case obj_actor == actor and name in names do
+ true ->
+ # set id of the actor's object that will be deleted
+ %{val | id: id, count: val.count + 1}
+ false ->
+ # another actor's object, just increase count to not delete file
+ %{val | count: val.count + 1}
+ end
+ end)
+ end)
+ end
+ defp fetch_objects(hrefs) do
+ from(o in Object,
+ where:
+ fragment(
+ "to_jsonb(array(select jsonb_array_elements((?)#>'{url}') ->> 'href' where jsonb_typeof((?)#>'{url}') = 'array'))::jsonb \\?| (?)",
+ o.data,
+ o.data,
+ ^hrefs
+ )
+ )
+ # The query above can be time consumptive on large instances until we
+ # refactor how uploads are stored
+ |> Repo.all(timeout: :infinity)
+ end
diff --git a/test/web/admin_api/controllers/media_proxy_cache_controller_test.exs b/test/web/admin_api/controllers/media_proxy_cache_controller_test.exs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5ab6cb78a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/web/admin_api/controllers/media_proxy_cache_controller_test.exs
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server
+# Copyright © 2017-2020 Pleroma Authors
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
+defmodule Pleroma.Web.AdminAPI.MediaProxyCacheControllerTest do
+ use Pleroma.Web.ConnCase
+ import Pleroma.Factory
+ import Mock
+ alias Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy
+ setup do: clear_config([:media_proxy])
+ setup do
+ on_exit(fn -> Cachex.clear(:banned_urls_cache) end)
+ end
+ setup do
+ admin = insert(:user, is_admin: true)
+ token = insert(:oauth_admin_token, user: admin)
+ conn =
+ build_conn()
+ |> assign(:user, admin)
+ |> assign(:token, token)
+ Config.put([:media_proxy, :enabled], true)
+ Config.put([:media_proxy, :invalidation, :enabled], true)
+ Config.put([:media_proxy, :invalidation, :provider], MediaProxy.Invalidation.Script)
+ {:ok, %{admin: admin, token: token, conn: conn}}
+ end
+ describe "GET /api/pleroma/admin/media_proxy_caches" do
+ test "shows banned MediaProxy URLs", %{conn: conn} do
+ MediaProxy.put_in_banned_urls([
+ "http://localhost:4001/media/a688346.jpg",
+ "http://localhost:4001/media/fb1f4d.jpg"
+ ])
+ MediaProxy.put_in_banned_urls("http://localhost:4001/media/gb1f44.jpg")
+ MediaProxy.put_in_banned_urls("http://localhost:4001/media/tb13f47.jpg")
+ MediaProxy.put_in_banned_urls("http://localhost:4001/media/wb1f46.jpg")
+ response =
+ conn
+ |> get("/api/pleroma/admin/media_proxy_caches?page_size=2")
+ |> json_response_and_validate_schema(200)
+ assert response["urls"] == [
+ "http://localhost:4001/media/fb1f4d.jpg",
+ "http://localhost:4001/media/a688346.jpg"
+ ]
+ response =
+ conn
+ |> get("/api/pleroma/admin/media_proxy_caches?page_size=2&page=2")
+ |> json_response_and_validate_schema(200)
+ assert response["urls"] == [
+ "http://localhost:4001/media/gb1f44.jpg",
+ "http://localhost:4001/media/tb13f47.jpg"
+ ]
+ response =
+ conn
+ |> get("/api/pleroma/admin/media_proxy_caches?page_size=2&page=3")
+ |> json_response_and_validate_schema(200)
+ assert response["urls"] == ["http://localhost:4001/media/wb1f46.jpg"]
+ end
+ end
+ describe "POST /api/pleroma/admin/media_proxy_caches/delete" do
+ test "deleted MediaProxy URLs from banned", %{conn: conn} do
+ MediaProxy.put_in_banned_urls([
+ "http://localhost:4001/media/a688346.jpg",
+ "http://localhost:4001/media/fb1f4d.jpg"
+ ])
+ response =
+ conn
+ |> put_req_header("content-type", "application/json")
+ |> post("/api/pleroma/admin/media_proxy_caches/delete", %{
+ urls: ["http://localhost:4001/media/a688346.jpg"]
+ })
+ |> json_response_and_validate_schema(200)
+ assert response["urls"] == ["http://localhost:4001/media/a688346.jpg"]
+ refute MediaProxy.in_banned_urls("http://localhost:4001/media/a688346.jpg")
+ assert MediaProxy.in_banned_urls("http://localhost:4001/media/fb1f4d.jpg")
+ end
+ end
+ describe "POST /api/pleroma/admin/media_proxy_caches/purge" do
+ test "perform invalidates cache of MediaProxy", %{conn: conn} do
+ urls = [
+ "http://example.com/media/a688346.jpg",
+ "http://example.com/media/fb1f4d.jpg"
+ ]
+ with_mocks [
+ {MediaProxy.Invalidation.Script, [],
+ [
+ purge: fn _, _ -> {"ok", 0} end
+ ]}
+ ] do
+ response =
+ conn
+ |> put_req_header("content-type", "application/json")
+ |> post("/api/pleroma/admin/media_proxy_caches/purge", %{urls: urls, ban: false})
+ |> json_response_and_validate_schema(200)
+ assert response["urls"] == urls
+ refute MediaProxy.in_banned_urls("http://example.com/media/a688346.jpg")
+ refute MediaProxy.in_banned_urls("http://example.com/media/fb1f4d.jpg")
+ end
+ end
+ test "perform invalidates cache of MediaProxy and adds url to banned", %{conn: conn} do
+ urls = [
+ "http://example.com/media/a688346.jpg",
+ "http://example.com/media/fb1f4d.jpg"
+ ]
+ with_mocks [{MediaProxy.Invalidation.Script, [], [purge: fn _, _ -> {"ok", 0} end]}] do
+ response =
+ conn
+ |> put_req_header("content-type", "application/json")
+ |> post("/api/pleroma/admin/media_proxy_caches/purge", %{
+ urls: urls,
+ ban: true
+ })
+ |> json_response_and_validate_schema(200)
+ assert response["urls"] == urls
+ assert MediaProxy.in_banned_urls("http://example.com/media/a688346.jpg")
+ assert MediaProxy.in_banned_urls("http://example.com/media/fb1f4d.jpg")
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/test/web/media_proxy/invalidation_test.exs b/test/web/media_proxy/invalidation_test.exs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..926ae74ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/web/media_proxy/invalidation_test.exs
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+defmodule Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.InvalidationTest do
+ use ExUnit.Case
+ use Pleroma.Tests.Helpers
+ alias Pleroma.Config
+ alias Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation
+ import ExUnit.CaptureLog
+ import Mock
+ import Tesla.Mock
+ setup do: clear_config([:media_proxy])
+ setup do
+ on_exit(fn -> Cachex.clear(:banned_urls_cache) end)
+ end
+ describe "Invalidation.Http" do
+ test "perform request to clear cache" do
+ Config.put([:media_proxy, :enabled], false)
+ Config.put([:media_proxy, :invalidation, :enabled], true)
+ Config.put([:media_proxy, :invalidation, :provider], Invalidation.Http)
+ Config.put([Invalidation.Http], method: :purge, headers: [{"x-refresh", 1}])
+ image_url = "http://example.com/media/example.jpg"
+ Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.put_in_banned_urls(image_url)
+ mock(fn
+ %{
+ method: :purge,
+ url: "http://example.com/media/example.jpg",
+ headers: [{"x-refresh", 1}]
+ } ->
+ %Tesla.Env{status: 200}
+ end)
+ assert capture_log(fn ->
+ assert Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.in_banned_urls(image_url)
+ assert Invalidation.purge([image_url]) == {:ok, [image_url]}
+ assert Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.in_banned_urls(image_url)
+ end) =~ "Running cache purge: [\"#{image_url}\"]"
+ end
+ end
+ describe "Invalidation.Script" do
+ test "run script to clear cache" do
+ Config.put([:media_proxy, :enabled], false)
+ Config.put([:media_proxy, :invalidation, :enabled], true)
+ Config.put([:media_proxy, :invalidation, :provider], Invalidation.Script)
+ Config.put([Invalidation.Script], script_path: "purge-nginx")
+ image_url = "http://example.com/media/example.jpg"
+ Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.put_in_banned_urls(image_url)
+ with_mocks [{System, [], [cmd: fn _, _ -> {"ok", 0} end]}] do
+ assert capture_log(fn ->
+ assert Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.in_banned_urls(image_url)
+ assert Invalidation.purge([image_url]) == {:ok, [image_url]}
+ assert Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.in_banned_urls(image_url)
+ end) =~ "Running cache purge: [\"#{image_url}\"]"
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/test/web/media_proxy/invalidations/http_test.exs b/test/web/media_proxy/invalidations/http_test.exs
index 8a3b4141c..a1bef5237 100644
--- a/test/web/media_proxy/invalidations/http_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/media_proxy/invalidations/http_test.exs
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation.HttpTest do
import ExUnit.CaptureLog
import Tesla.Mock
+ setup do
+ on_exit(fn -> Cachex.clear(:banned_urls_cache) end)
+ end
test "logs hasn't error message when request is valid" do
%{method: :purge, url: "http://example.com/media/example.jpg"} ->
@@ -14,8 +18,8 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation.HttpTest do
refute capture_log(fn ->
assert Invalidation.Http.purge(
- %{}
- ) == {:ok, "success"}
+ []
+ ) == {:ok, ["http://example.com/media/example.jpg"]}
end) =~ "Error while cache purge"
@@ -28,8 +32,8 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation.HttpTest do
assert capture_log(fn ->
assert Invalidation.Http.purge(
- %{}
- ) == {:ok, "success"}
+ []
+ ) == {:ok, ["http://example.com/media/example1.jpg"]}
end) =~ "Error while cache purge: url - http://example.com/media/example1.jpg"
diff --git a/test/web/media_proxy/invalidations/script_test.exs b/test/web/media_proxy/invalidations/script_test.exs
index 1358963ab..51833ab18 100644
--- a/test/web/media_proxy/invalidations/script_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/media_proxy/invalidations/script_test.exs
@@ -4,17 +4,23 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation.ScriptTest do
import ExUnit.CaptureLog
+ setup do
+ on_exit(fn -> Cachex.clear(:banned_urls_cache) end)
+ end
test "it logger error when script not found" do
assert capture_log(fn ->
assert Invalidation.Script.purge(
- %{script_path: "./example"}
- ) == {:error, "\"%ErlangError{original: :enoent}\""}
- end) =~ "Error while cache purge: \"%ErlangError{original: :enoent}\""
+ script_path: "./example"
+ ) == {:error, "%ErlangError{original: :enoent}"}
+ end) =~ "Error while cache purge: %ErlangError{original: :enoent}"
- assert Invalidation.Script.purge(
- ["http://example.com/media/example.jpg"],
- %{}
- ) == {:error, "not found script path"}
+ capture_log(fn ->
+ assert Invalidation.Script.purge(
+ ["http://example.com/media/example.jpg"],
+ []
+ ) == {:error, "\"not found script path\""}
+ end)
diff --git a/test/web/media_proxy/media_proxy_controller_test.exs b/test/web/media_proxy/media_proxy_controller_test.exs
index da79d38a5..d61cef83b 100644
--- a/test/web/media_proxy/media_proxy_controller_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/media_proxy/media_proxy_controller_test.exs
@@ -10,6 +10,10 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.MediaProxyControllerTest do
setup do: clear_config(:media_proxy)
setup do: clear_config([Pleroma.Web.Endpoint, :secret_key_base])
+ setup do
+ on_exit(fn -> Cachex.clear(:banned_urls_cache) end)
+ end
test "it returns 404 when MediaProxy disabled", %{conn: conn} do
Config.put([:media_proxy, :enabled], false)
@@ -66,4 +70,16 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.MediaProxyControllerTest do
assert %Plug.Conn{status: :success} = get(conn, url)
+ test "it returns 404 when url contains in banned_urls cache", %{conn: conn} do
+ Config.put([:media_proxy, :enabled], true)
+ Config.put([Pleroma.Web.Endpoint, :secret_key_base], "00000000000")
+ url = Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.encode_url("https://google.fn/test.png")
+ Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.put_in_banned_urls("https://google.fn/test.png")
+ with_mock Pleroma.ReverseProxy,
+ call: fn _conn, _url, _opts -> %Plug.Conn{status: :success} end do
+ assert %Plug.Conn{status: 404, resp_body: "Not Found"} = get(conn, url)
+ end
+ end